most pathetic game you ever played

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Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
The Elders Scroll III: Morrowind (And all expansion shit)

Looked like a fun game, was also pretty exited when i played it for the first time but.

I didn't get it, and don't wanna get it. HOW TO KILL THOSE WORMS LOL!

Then a friend told me you had to use weapons that were assigned to your class or something.

Blegh, lucky for me i bought it as a budget game.

I have TES-Phobia now.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
The Elders Scroll III: Morrowind (And all expansion shit)

Looked like a fun game, was also pretty exited when i played it for the first time but.

I didn't get it, and don't wanna get it. HOW TO KILL THOSE WORMS LOL!

Then a friend told me you had to use weapons that were assigned to your class or something.

Blegh, lucky for me i bought it as a budget game.

I have TES-Phobia now.

Heresy, pure heresy.

My worst game was uh, forgot what one..
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Oh come on, it wasn't that great but there is certainly many other games that are plenty worse.
Nope. Far Cry 2 is one of the few games which I just can't play. It's boring driving around, fixing your car constantly (since a single bullet breaks the car's engine). The Guard Posts also constantly respawn and getting through them is just annoying as you can't exactly drive through since the gaurds will just come after you with their cars.

Also the "talking" with NPCs is just boring. I never get interested in what they have to say for me. The missions in the game are also almost always insanely boring, just go here and kill this.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
The Elders Scroll III: Morrowind (And all expansion shit)

Looked like a fun game, was also pretty exited when i played it for the first time but.

I didn't get it, and don't wanna get it. HOW TO KILL THOSE WORMS LOL!

Then a friend told me you had to use weapons that were assigned to your class or something.

Blegh, lucky for me i bought it as a budget game.

I have TES-Phobia now.

How dare you say that... Morrowind is full of win. Sure, it's not a PoS casual gamers RPG like Oblivion, but that doesn't mean it's crap.
Level 7
Mar 12, 2008
^^ Yeah! Morrowind is a great game, and it gave me years, yes years of enjoyment, especially because mods could make it even better.

The worst game for me was one of the Madden Football games my Dad bought. It was just terrible. The controls were okay, but hard to follow, and in the end it just got repetitive and boring.
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
How dare you say that... Morrowind is full of win. Sure, it's not a PoS casual gamers RPG like Oblivion, but that doesn't mean it's crap.

I was level 3 when i had explored like half the map >.<

It's just stupid to insert things that the player doesn't know and because he doesn't know its giving him a hard time playing it, as i said... it took me ages to kill those worms just because i appareantly had the wrong weapon equipped for my class or something :s
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
I was level 3 when i had explored like half the map >.<

It's just stupid to insert things that the player doesn't know and because he doesn't know its giving him a hard time playing it, as i said... it took me ages to kill those worms just because i appareantly had the wrong weapon equipped for my class or something :s

Well those are not enough reasons to make a game pathetic :D
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I was level 3 when i had explored like half the map >.<

It's just stupid to insert things that the player doesn't know and because he doesn't know its giving him a hard time playing it, as i said... it took me ages to kill those worms just because i appareantly had the wrong weapon equipped for my class or something :s

Well that's your fault you had the wrong weapon equipped. Don't call the game stupid because you can't figure out if you want to use a sword or a bow or whatever.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
For shits sake people. This isn't a thread to bash popular "overrated games". this is about the worst games. There is no way Oblivion, Far Cry 2, or Red Alert 3 are the worst games ever made. Have you seen Angry Video Game Nerd? None of the afore mentioned games come close to something like ET or Ghost Busters.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
For shits sake people. This isn't a thread to bash popular "overrated games". this is about the worst games. There is no way Oblivion, Far Cry 2, or Red Alert 3 are the worst games ever made. Have you seen Angry Video Game Nerd? None of the afore mentioned games come close to something like ET or Ghost Busters.

I stated the I had BOUGHT, in which case, red alert 3 is the worse one I've BOUGHT. You know, bought in a store.
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Well that's your fault you had the wrong weapon equipped. Don't call the game stupid because you can't figure out if you want to use a sword or a bow or whatever.

Not my fault, lack of explanation. Which i hate.

And next to that i think the whole TES themes are always phony.

And for the record you asked the most pathetic game I myself ever played that was the thread title and this is my opinion because that's like the only game i never rly got to play for long in my collection.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I stated the I had BOUGHT, in which case, red alert 3 is the worse one I've BOUGHT. You know, bought in a store.
The title doesn't say bought, but okay.

And for the record you asked the most pathetic game I myself ever played that was the thread title and this is my opinion because that's like the only game i never rly got to play for long in my collection.
You must not play many video games.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
As a game I'd say Spore however it got some funny editors so it's not the worse game I guess

however I've played an awful game called Dungeons and dragons - dragonshard.

It was a PC game.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
tbh, the most pathetic game i've ever played was called Broken Lands, if memory serves me correctly. it was a horrible parody of diablo... the most pathetic of it was the fact that it came in a box (and on a disc) of a wonderful Evil Islands.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
NES E.T is probably the worst game ever (or was it Atari? i cant remember, TY SO FREAKIN MUCH IRATE GAMER!) created, so much glitches & so annoying gameplay is so rarely found that its unique...

ET for life! /sarcasm!
The shitty E.T. game was released for the Atari 2600, not for the NES.

Well you can die. Each time you walk you loose a small amount of energy gets drained. But when you die, a small kid appears and ressurrects E.T.
I could swear there were limits of how many times you may die, and after that, the game resets.

But the whole gameplay made me totally confused and omgwtfbbq'ed. But I had that same reaction when I played Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde for the NES (at least in the Mr. Hyde mode).
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Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Call of Duty 3 - Campagin and Multiplayer.
The biggest fail of all FPS games.

CoD 1 and 2 (Plus EXP-Packs) was awesome, and when I saw CoD 3 I went "0MGZ! i H@$ t0 h@we tHi$!".

Got home, played the campaign, worst hours of my life...
Jumped in to Multiplayer, and WTF?! How can you even make a game like this?!
Grab a machine gun, run around like a retard, see a target, click "fire" and your "unit" hits the dirt in 0.1 seconds and you burst the bitch to death in 1 second, wow...

And alot more was bullshit in this game -.-

Worst game BOUGHT: Red Alert 3.

I agree, atleast the multiplayer -.-
It sucked bigtime....

Retard: OMG! I haz a army with 100000 men!

N00B: Haha! I haz a vacuum cleaner!!!111!!!!

and "zwo0p" and all your units are gone in 1 second and
the enemy can move in his units without a problem.

BTW, if you're Chines when this happens, you ARE fucked!
Nothing you can do about it.....
Level 4
Jan 25, 2009
the absolute, all-time worst, half-finished sorry-ass excuse for a game was Big Rigs Racing .... not worth my spit!!! if you truly want to see this horror of a game that looks like it was made by a 2-year-old you can find it here

Link Removed, Please do not link to Torrent sites.
<- aww no torrents :(:( ([whisper]google tpb[/whisper])

(downloading this is illegal, bla bla bla copyright violation bla bla, whatever... oh yes, you need BitTorrent or UTorrent or any other torrent to dl it)

just a few head-ups why this game is far worse than far cry 2, morrowind (which i love actually ;P), ninja or anything else: the modles have no collision what-so-ever... you just fly right through stuff; the race-tracks have no end! after you drive up a cliff (and driving up cliffs doesnt slow you down or anything) you go into the endless void of death!, e.g. nothing... another point is that this game is single player only, and there is no A.I... theres just another truck that just sits there..... going backwards accelerates you to an endless speed (by using handbrake -.- key: 'SPACE')... the models look like they were made by a bunch of kids that LOVE legos, and much much more horrific stuff.....

personal opinion: 0/10 - a bunch of headless zombie chickens could program this better!!! -.- worst game eva!!!!!!!!!!
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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
The worst game I've ever played (that wasn't free- I've played too many bad free games to even count...) has definitely got to be Oblivion...

Combat is lame, the engine is buggy, the game is terribly optimized (it runs terribly on my PC while UT3 runs at max settings insanely smoothly) without .INI tweaking...

Sure, there are numerous quests, but they are all LINEAR. As in, I can't be an evil villain unless I join the Dark Brotherhood, but even at the end of that questline, only the members of the Dark Brotherhood revere and fear me, while everyone else STILL asks for my help and treats me like dogmeat. What the hell?

And don't even get me started on the combat. Unlike Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Oblivion's combat lacks any sort of tactical elements. You just spam the left mouse-button as a fighter, assassinations aren't real assassinations (and the stealth system is totally broken), and magic is boring as hell, with spells that make me feel like a weakling, instead of an all-powerful badass.

Oh, and the traps are also broken... apparently, getting squished together by two stone walls doesn't turn you into a bunch of pulp, and it's impossible to actually be IMPALED by spikes.

The dialogue... oh, the dialogue... it's so bad that it's laughable. I'll admit, some characters are interesting and varied (like the Arena Blademaster), but for the most part, everyone sounds the same except for some key characters (notably the Emperor and Martin). And how come the old beggar that asks for money sounds like an old woman then starts speaking like she's 40 years younger? And what the hell happened with radiant AI? All I see are people standing around at shops or wandering the streets aimlessly, then going to the tavern to talk to eachother for an ingame hour or two, then going home to sleep. Where's the people talking about quests I can ask them about by ACTUALLY OVERHEARING them talk about the quest beforehand? Where are the NPC's with low morals stealing food from shops and other NPCs? Where are the NPC's hunting for food?

I rest my case.
I don't know if it is the worst game I have ever played, but this seems like a good place to rant about it. The Witcher fucking sucks. I played for less than an hour and gave up because I was ready to smash my keyboard through the monitor. It ran like shit on my com even though I max out games with far harsher requirements easily. The combat made me want to vomit, apparently your character knows how to swing his sword in a total of 3 different ways. Your character looks like a dumbfuck to begin with. The voice acting is laughable. The camera system is awful no matter what mode you put it in. Loading times are long and frequent and the whole game looks like it was made in less than 6 months. Made me want to cry when I felt it was so shitty after all the hype I heard about it.
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