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Monster Master RPG

Join our Discord community for Monster Master RPG: Join the Monster Master RPG Discord Server!
Monster Master development was taken over by Thorlar and Browning.
You can reach out to them via Discord.


  • -Increases experience gain by 50% for all players at or under level 5.
    -Changed the init text.

  • -Fixed a critical bug that only player 1 can buy items.
    -Fixed a bug that the starting items did not belong to the right player.
This is just a small bugfix version with some critical bug fixes!
So its important to play this version!


  • -Added a new icon for Wisp King.

  • -The gates in Dungeon #13 now just respawn if you completely reenter the dungeon.
    -Added a new way to get Iraculus. (2 methods now!)
    -Now monsters learn stages 4 spells with FL 30 or more instead of 40.
    -New Multiboard state: "Tut" while you are watching the cinematic tutorial.
    -Increased the hp of the dungeon #13 gates by 150%.
    -The abilities in the treasure were swapped - fixed.
    -Increase duration of the boss gold texttag. (+2 sec)

  • -Hopefully fixed the hotkey problem with Mega Ball [R].
    -Fixed an exploit where you were able to give someone else items from your court monsters.
    -Fixed an exploit where you were able to give purchased items to other players.
    -Fixed a bug that monsters did not need to have FL to wear FL required items.
    -Fixed text of Fusion Scroll #45. (Unholy -> Demon)
    -Fixed a bug that Fusion Scroll #39 did not drop.
    -Spellname: "Stufe" instead of "Stage" in tooltip: Chain Lightning, Healing Wave
    -Fixed the bug that monsters in the court at lvl 1 will get a level up.
    -Fixed the buff of the Lightning Boots movementspeed-aura.
    -Fixed a calculation bug in the master protect system.
    -Fixed the tooltip of the Fusion Scroll for Serpentia.
    -Fixed a disorder of the fusionscrolls variables.
    -Fixed the error message of the "-tut" command outside of the town.
This is just a small bugfix version.
But if you always want the newest version its recomended to play this one. ;-)


  • -Added a huge cinematic tutorial.
    -Improved the command: "-mi" -> you now can use "-mix" where x is the number of an other player.
    -If you now take monsters from the court you wont get spammed by text messages.
    -Made Monster Master a little bit smaller.
    -Improved the Afk-Sys message.
    -Improved the Leaver message.
    -Added a specific buff to all potion effects.
    -Changed the icon of Chaos Orc.
    -Changed the soundset of Wicked Draenei.
    -Bosses now drop Fusion Scrolls with a chance depending on the boss' strength.
    -Made the monster effects of the court illusions of other players much smaller.
    -Slightly improved the coding of the single-player-detection.

  • -Fixed a bug that caused Yamata fusion to malfunction.
    -Fixed a multiboard bug which caused green icons after a player left the game.
    -Fixed a bug that no illusion was spawned in the court if you catched a monster with a full team.
    -Fixed a bug that monsters at lvl 1 which were loaded in the court got a level up when restoring.
    -Fixed a bug that monsters weren't invulnerable when entering the Healing Zone.
    -Fixed a bug that AntiUnitControl Sys does not work.
    -Fixed a bug that caused a different Ankh value in the market and for sale with the item management system.
    -Fixed a hotkey of Manashield stage 4 with 'W'.
    -Fixed the Manashield buff tooltip.

  • -Increased the Slow duration from 4 to 7 seconds.
    -Balanced Dagger.
This is just a small bugfix version.
But if you always want the newest version its recomended to play this one. ;-)


  • -Fixed a bug that the kill-boss-message was displayed as often as there are players in the same dungeon.
    -Fixed the multiboard bug with the eyes.
    -Fixed the camera bug with dungeon #13.
    -Fixed a bug with Item Info ability which showed the wrong item owner.
    -You weren't able to start the PvP fight - fixed.
    -Fixed a bug that Pipe of Insight need lvl 5 instead of lvl 4.
    -Fixed a bug that the Leave trigger will not activate when a player leaves the game.
    -Warmace gives wrong boni - fixed.
    -Medallion of the Brave gives wrong boni - fixed.
    -Fixed a bug that all players were informed when a unit in the PvC arena dropped an item.
This is just a small bugfix version.
But if you always want the newest version its recomended to play this one. ;-)

New Kontent:

  • -A completely new Dungeon. (#13)
    -7 new T4 monsters.
    -4 new ?-monsters.
    -11 new Fusionscrolls.
    -new PvC fights up to rank 31.
    -2 new basic items.
    -new item models for potions and food.
    -converted all boss items into ultimate items.
    -3 new ultimate items.
    -now all bosses have got their own personal boss items.
    -10 new normal items. (lvl 2 - 29)

  • -Recoded and highly improved the Save Load System. (code resett!)
    -Greatly improved the initial monster choose system.
    -If you now store monsters in the court there will be illusions which help you.
    -Added a system which decreased damage taken to your Master if he got monsters on his side.
    -Bosses in Dungeon #12 or higher now got stage 4 spells.
    -When PvC enemy monsters revive they now attack a random unit instead of the master all the time.
    -Chain Lightning: added information about how often the strike jumps.
    -If you store a monster now it will get unselected.
    -Item drop messages now only goes to the players in the same dungeon where the item has dropped.
    -Added new command: "-afk"
    -Added new command: "-ping"

  • -Fixed a camera bug after a lost PvC fight.
    -Tauren boss monster was lvl 28 instead of lvl 25.
    -Fixed Rain of Fire tooltip for the damage over time value.
    -Fixed a bug that the item sell special effect and texttag wasnt on the right position sometimes.
    -Added pathing blockers to the dungeon portal of dungeon #12.
    -Fixed a bug that Poison Attack's duration was undefined long and did not kill creeps at stage 4.
    -Fixed Dragonhead Naga soundset.
    -Fixed a bug that Evilbird was a strength hero.
    -Fixed a bug that Arakkoa was a strength hero.
    -Fixed the attributegain of Wildekin.
    -Fixed a bug that you were not able to sell fusionscrolls in a shop.
    -Fixed many other minor bugs due to the complete recoding of the map.

  • -Decreased cooldown of all net-effects from 3 to 1 second.
    -Increased cooldown of Entangling from 10 to 12 seconds.
    -Improved Curse from 2/4/6/8 to 4/8/12/16.
    -Improved Manashield from 3/2/5/2/1.5 to 3/2.25/1.5/0.75.
    -Balanced some lvl 2 - 29 items.
    -Made all bosses from Dungeon #12 or higher stronger.
    -Balanced Heal from 5/10/25/50 to 10/20/35/55.
    -Balanced Damage Aura and Fear Aura. (1/3/6/10) and (-1/-3/-6/-10).
    -Improved True Sight.
    -Improved mana- and lifedrain at stage 4 from 50 to 60 points per second.
    -Added mana cost to Reincarnation.
    -Gave Draelokk another third ability. (Splash -> Pulverize)
    -Draelokk now gains less intelligence and more agility.
    -Set Ankh gold price from 2000 to 1250.
    -Set Teleport gold prive from 200 to 600.
    -Improved Gold Ring.
    -Improved Ring of Life.
    -Berserk balanced from 20/40/60/80% to 25/50/75/100%.
    -Increased Multipower duration from 12 to 15 seconds.
    -Imrpoved Critical Strike from 10/15/20/25% chance to 15/20/25/30% chance.
    -Chimaera now gains more intelligence. (- other stats)
    -Mandraga now gains less intelligence. (+ other stats)
Coding & Mapping:

  • -Recoded everything into vJass.
    -Improved the PvC init function.
    -Coded a teleport system for Dungeon #13.
    -Changed imported Icon Paths.

  • -Made all bosses in the map bigger.
    -New Item coloring:
    ->Basic: Grey
    ->Normal: White
    ->Boss: Red
    ->Ultimate: Teal
    -Gave Black Wolf a new model.
    -Gave Raven a new Icon.
    -Added a chaos effect to Duros and removed the fire effect.
    -Changed the icon of Rune Lobster.
Other Things:

  • -Credits: Dan van Ohllus (Raven Icon & Triclyde)
    -Credits: Misha (Naga Sorceror)
    -Credits: Air Elemental (alfredx_sotn)
    -Credits: Ocubeam (Beta Tester)
This is a very huge update of the map.
As you can see there is much new kontent but you also need to start new because of the recoding.
I hope you can understand that and will still enjoy the game.


  • -fixed a bug that you were able to deactivate the enemy Ki with gHost.
    -fixed a bug where it could happen that your monsters will stay in the PvC arena after you lost a fight there.
General Changes:

  • -changed the seconds spell from Balamoth: (Defensive Attitude -> Rain of Fire)
    -now dead monsters will revive when you start a PvC fight.

  • -Improved Armor-Train Aura. (+0.1/lvl)
    -Improved Mana-reg-Train Aura slighty. (+0.05/lvl)

  • -fixed an interface bug with Hydro Water.
    -fixed a bug that Tuskarr and Wildekin had no icons in the multiboard.
    -fixed many typos in some tooltips (special thx to Tails Clock @ TheHiveWorkshop)
    -added a playercolor to the boss itemdrop message.
This is just a small bugfix version.
But if you always want the newest version its recomended to play this one. ;-)
The most bug fixes and changes are positive for players.
Special thx to Tails Clock @ TheHiveWorkshop!


  • -Now monsters etc get unselect when MM enters or leave a room.
    -MANY new Monster Master names. (26 in total! One for every alphabetic character!)
    -The Boss from Dungeon #8, #9, #10 are stronger now.
    -Improved the F9-Log from "Items" and "Fusion-Help".
    -Now ALL T4 monsters with a sub fusion with a ?-monster needs a min FL by 10!
    -PvC Monster Master now level their Aura abilities dependent on their level.
    -After all players left a dungeon all monsters there are completely reset - also the food boni!
    -Increased the FL-increase from +5 to +6 when fusing two monsters at lvl 30.
    -Deactivated a blizzard feature to make the whole map visible.
    -Added a new sortie for the Portal Room, because many players disliked the long way out.
    -Now PvC enemy monster can have a FL.
    -Now feeded monsters have got a visual effect so that you know which one you feeded.
    -Added a new Multiboard State: "PvC" while fighting in the PvC-Arena.
    -Added a new Multiboard State: "PvP" while fighting in the PvP-Arena.
    -Recoded all PvP Triggers and konverted the last Gui triggers into Jass and vJass - also fixed bugs.
    -Monster Masters in a PvP fight are now invulnerable as long as they got monster on the arena field.
    -Added a new Dungeon: #11 - "Dream World"
    -Added a new Dungeon: #12 - "Elemental Islands"
    -Changed how FusionLevel improves the monster: 1/6 = +Damage - 5/6 = +Stats (max: +50stats/+10dmg)
    -Changed the calculation of the chance to get a boss item.
    -Recoded the Ability Learn Systems for a much better performance.
    -Added full fusion bonus to all monsters for a better ingame performance.
    -Added a new Master-Databank for all ingame Monster which substituted some other Databanks. (Hashtables)
    -Every Player now has got an Itembox in the town in which he can store items.
    -Recoded the whole MonsterManagement System. (better performance)
    -Increased the "item-give-range" from 150 to 300.
    -Added the ItemManagement System to the Monster Master of every player.
    -PvC-Arena: The enemy Monster Master now recall his monster a few seconds after they died.
    -8 new PvC fights in total!
    -Remade/Rebalanced the min req rank points for the dungeons.
    -Made creep gold also dependent on the creep's FL. (for example: creeps in dungeon #10 now give 35 gold)
    -MonsterView in the Multiboard now shows if a monster is dead or alive.
    -Greatly Improved Init. (Performance)
    -Reduced revive time from the Monster Master from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

  • -Cmd: FusionLevel was displayed wrong in some situations.
    -Fusionscroll: fixed the name of the "Balamoth" fusionscroll.
    -Sound: fixed the SnowOwl soundset.
    -Fixed a bug that a monster did not have any FL damage boni after restoring it from the court.
    -Fixed a bug that all T4 air monsters belonged to the unholy class.
    -Fixed a bug that you were able to catch enemy monster's and the monster masters in the PvC-Arena.
    -Fixed a bug that Bird Talker had a melee attack instead of ranged.
    -Fixed a bug that sometimes you got teleported to a wrong dungeon or something like that.
    -It was possible to catch and feed enemy summons - fixed.
    -It was possible to target the own monsters with feed.
    -It was possible to target the Monster Master with feed and nets.
    -Fixed a buggy event from the Court Store feature.
    -Snow Owl and Frost Treant had the same abilities - no bug, but many players disliked that.
    -Hopefully fixed the bug that Taunt did not work correctly.
    -Fixed a bug that respawned monster in dungeons always lose their FL.
    -Fixed a bug that players were able to move their units into the PvP-Arena castle.
    -Fixed a bug that players were able to share purchased items - now they are binded.
    -Fixed the itemdrop system textes and added a playercolor to them.
    -Fixed the tooltip of Rejuvintation.
    -Fixed a bug that creeps in dungeon didn't get increased damage due to their FL.
    -Fixed a bug that PvC monsters did not remove when the player left the game while fighting in the PvC-Arena.
    -Soundset: Fixed the soundset from Raven. (Bearvoice 0.o)

  • -Illusion now deals the same damage on every level.
    -Balanced Sneak. (made it better [+])
    -Balanced Koma. (made it weaker [-])
    -Balanced Fire Rain. [-]
    -Balanced Megaball Ability. [+]
    -Balanced Blizzard. [-]
    -Balanced Mega Magic. [+/-]
    -Balanced Summon Earth Elemental [-]
    -Rebalanced PvC-Arena fight cost to: "15x²"
    -Balanced Special Missiles. [-]
    -Balanced Healing Wave. [+]
    -Balanced Rejuvintation. [-]

  • -F9-Log: "WarlordsMaster" was written wrong.
    -F9-Log: fixed a writing bug with my email adress "[email protected]"
    -Name: fixed the typebug where "Toxic Liquid" was written "Poison Liquid".
    -General minor interface improvements.
    -Fixed a bug that Evil Armor got no projetile when he attacks.
    -Fixed a typebug "stroed" -> "stored" in the MonsterManagement.
    -Fixed a minor typebug "actived" -> "activated" while map init.
    -Teleport: The Monster Master now face to you after teleporting.
    -Added a minor grafical effect to the meres in dungeon #10.
    -Added a big pier on the bottom end of the town.
    -Added "Robbepop @ Northrend" to make sure on which server you have to search me. ;-)
    -Added peq to the credits for his small, passive hashtable tutorial.
    -Added Kricz to the credits for his awesome icons for the Monster- and ItemManagement System.
    -Added PipeDream, Vexorian, PitzerMike and MindWorX to the credits for the JNGP and vJass.
    -Added a fire visual effect to Duros.
    -Added the Partnership with "clan Gnet" and "God-Network" to the Loadscreen text.
    -Made some minor terrain cosmetics in a few dungeons.
    -Added new import icons to the MonsterManagement System.
    -Added new import icons to the ItemManagement System.
    -Added Headlessone to the credits for his beta testings.
This is a very huge update for MM RPG.
Nearly all missing Gui triggers are converted into Jass and i also use vJass elements.
The game is getting into his last steps bevor the first non-beta version is starting the development.
I did not change anything but the performance on the Save/Load system,
so your codes will still work. ;-)
This version is only stable to v1.24 and not to any earlier versions of wc3!

New Monster Master Names:

  • A - Avaldo
    B - Baldir
    C - Celvin
    D - Doros
    E - Evio
    F - Faras
    G - Gantor
    H - Helgaris
    I - Ionas
    J - Jaquaire
    K - Keeve, Krucz
    L - Lorgomir
    M - Malgabis
    N - Normanus
    O - Olavius
    P - Peokles
    Q - Quezal
    R - Rokhan
    S - Silvan
    T - Temeras
    U - Urio
    V - Valnar
    W - Wamberan
    X - Xantis
    Y - Yizz
    Z - Zoltan


  • -Fixed a bug which causes monsters in dungeons to despawn when a player left the region.
    -The monster in the sub fusion field will no longer lose it's items.
    -Some of the new monsters caused bugs in the savesystem - fixed.
    -When a player left while fighting in the PvP arena, the others couldn't finish the fight - hopefully fixed.
    -When a player left and revived afterwards, his state in the multiboard was 'alive' instead of 'left'.
    -Hell Walker had a melee attack - fixed.
    -Moonwood Walker had a melee attack - fixed.
    -Beast Talker had a wrong soundset - fixed.
    -Fixed some spellbutton positions.
    -Fixed a typeing bug with Scroll of Fusion #16.
    -Improved the damagelost of cripple.
    -Recoded the player left trigger. (Gui -> Jass)
    -Increased effect duration from Multi Power from 10 to 12 seconds and fixed typing bugs.
    -Dark Dorem has now got a new passiv ability. (Lifesteal -> Evasion)
    -It was possible to catch the PvC monster master which causes bugs - fixed.
    -The tree eating ability could make shortcuts in dungeon #8.
    -Hopefully fixed the hotkey bug with Megaball.
This is a fix version like v0.37b.
I hope there wont be any greater bugs in MM RPG now,
so that i can start developing the v0.4b versions.


  • -Fixed a bug, that you got "Drac Lord" instead of "Balamoth"
    -Typefix in F9-Log: "speedygonsales" -> "SpEeDyGonsales"
    -Some fusions for new monsters did not work - fixed.
    -Pardise Bird in Dungeon #10 had no items - fixed.
    -Textbug in the box on top right.
This is just a small fix version, but it's still importn to play this one instead of
v0.36b because the bugs were huge and everything but funny.


  • -Fixed the Staff of Lightning bug by changing how the spell is working.
    -Fixed a bug in the AntiAfkSys and recoded it a lil bit.
    -Fixed a bug, that sometimes enemies massed in dungeons. (for example in front of a gate)
    -Monster Master was able to equip some "only monsters" items - fixed.
    -Fixed a bug, that players lost gold when they got killed in the PvP arena.
    -Cloud Fog didn't cause enemies to miss on their attacks.
    -Monsters with Reincarnation wont get removed from the game now, when they die while reincarnation isn't ready.
    -Critical Strikes from items never triggered - fixed.
    -Megamagic was able to destroy trees, which could cause other bugs - fixed.
    -PvC Enemys often didn't attack your monster master - fixed.
    -Fixed a huge bug in the Fusionsystem, where a wrong monster was removed instead of the fused one in fusions with 2 different players.
    -Fixed a bug, that monster had no abilities, when they were caught above level 1.
    -Earth Guardian was shown as T2, but it was T3.
    -Fixed a tooltipbug from Poison Strike.
    -Added manacost to teleporter. (staff)
    -Wisp had a melee attack, but should be ranged - fixed.
    -Fixed a bug, where the Itemdropmessage said that a fusionscroll dropped, when a specialitem dropped instead.
    -Increased the distance from a portal when you enter a new dungeon.
    -It was possible to go through the closed PvC-Arena door - fixed.
    -Mega Drac had no projectile - fixed.
    -Added an error message, when loading with an old code. (also some Errors didn't worked right)
    -Added some error messages for "-new"; for example when you try to repick while fighting in the arena.
    -Fixed some bugstates.
    -Fixed a tooltipbug in the "Drac Lord" fusionscroll.
    -Fixed a bug that True Sight did not have any level conditions.
    -Fixed a bug that Corruption Aura did not have any level conditions.

  • -Decreased Loadingtime and improved game performance a bit by changing how the ability learn system works for enemy creeps.
    -Recoded the whole teleport triggers and added a few features to them. (GUI -> JASS)
    -Recoded the Fusionsystem a bit - now items from "parents" will go into the inventory of the result monster on will be layn down to its feet.
    -Recoded some other Triggers from GUI to Jass.
    -Added a max loadcount: Players now have got 5 tries to load their heroes.

  • -Increased size of dungeon #6 a bit.
    -Increased size of dungeon #7 a bit.
    -Imrproved the portalrooms "terrain" a bit and made the missing numbers for the next dungeons.
    -Remade a few interface options.
    -Added a new imported icon to Burning Treant. (selfmade)
    -Added a new imported icon to Frost Treant. (selfmade)
    -F9-Log completly remade.

  • -Added 4 brand new ?-monsters.
    -Added 7 brand new T4 monsters.
    -Added a new Multiboard, which give a great overview about the players and their teams.
    -Monsters now learn their stage 4 abilities with a min fusionlevel of 40 instead of 50. (they also need to be lvl 30)
    -Greater bosses now give more gold, when you kill them.
    -2 neu Dungeons! (#9 and #10)
    -New PvC-Arena fights. (20 total)
    -A new command: "-swapxy" which allows the player to swap the monster data with the data from a court slot.
    -Remade the fusionlevel requirements for T4 and ?-Monsters.
    -Increased the attack damage from monsters with higher tiers. (+2 dmg / tier)
    -Monsters in higher tiers get a hp and mana bonus now.
    -The command "-mi" now also shows the Fl of all monsters.
    -Monstermaster now revive after 30 seconds instead of 45 seconds.
    -Now, only players, who are in the Dungeon get the gold and the message, when a boss is killed.
    -Added a new Ability: Stomp

  • -Balanced the price of some staffs.
    -All mana potions now cost 5 mana to cast.
    -Increased the bonus damage from Inner Fire.
    -Increased the bonus damage from Damage Aura and made the value non-%.
    -Rebalanced the price of some Monster Master items.
    -Rebalanced heal value of Spell: "Healing Wave"
    -Flying Dutchman now has got new abilities.
    -Greatly improved True Sight.

  • -Made the 7 missing Fusionscrolls for the ?-monster t4 fusions.
    -Added 12 brand new Fusionscrolls for the new monsters.
I had a huge data lost. So the work for the new version took longer and i had to recreate much stuff.
Please report all bugs to me, so that we can make MM RPG an awesome and bugfree game! :D


  • -Added 11 new Boss Items
    -Added Fusionscrolls
    -Added new and different Nets
    -Added Ankh of Reincarnation
    -Added Teleport
    -Added Staffs for Monster Master.

  • -Balanced some abilities
    -Added a few new abilites
    -Now every ability has got a new ultimate level 4 for lvl 30 monsters.

  • -Reset of savecodes because of SLS recodings
    -New Revive System
    -Fixed all reported bugs
    -Recoded nearly all Systems

  • -Added about 60 brand new monsters. (119 monsters total!)
    -Fixed some animation bugs of many monsters.

  • -Changed the Fusionrules so that it is now easier to understand for noobs.

  • -Remade the whole terrain.
Because of the great terrain changes, the gameplay was influenced
and is now more like the real Dragon Quest Monsters or Dragon
Warrior Monsters games. The way you have to find new monsters could
be difficult for newbs, but i think, when someone like the gameplay
he will find it out. ;-)


Persons, who know and liked the Dragon Quest Monsters
or the Dragon Warrior Quest games,
will sure love this! :D

And now the description:

You play the role of a Monster Master in a town of a volk which live
close to the nature. There you get the mission to train your own team
of Monsters to help them cleaning the country from the Darkness.

To get a better Monster Master and to get permission
to enter the greater areas, you have to fight
and win competitions in the PvC arena.

To get better Monsters,
you have to fusion them.
The stronger the parents,
the stronger will be the fusioned monster!
There are 141 Monsters in total in v0.55b.

As the Monster Master you can decide,
when your Monsters fight,
what Abilities they use and what Weapons and Armors they wear.
Every Monster has got 2 Item Slots.
The Monster Master can't wear equip items,
but he can carry potions,
or nets to catch new Monsters
or other useful stuff for the team to survive in the wilderness.

You can make matches versus your friends
in the PvP arena or play together as a team in the hostile dungeons
in the world of the monsters.


There are many features.
It's the best to find them out by simply playing the game. =)
It could be that the game isn't beginnerfriendly,
because in the beginning it is hard to
understand how everything works,
but finally it's fun, when you understood! ;-)


And now a few Screens of the Game for you!

Basic Monsters:

Tier2 Monsters:

Tier3 Monsters:

Tier4 Monsters:


A Fusionscroll for twinfusions:

A Fusionscroll for normal fusions:

General improvements:

The new monster court:

Perspektive 1

Perspektive 2

The King

New shopping area:

View from the Town over the World of MM RPG:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part Boss

Part 1

Part 2

Part Boss

Part 1

Part 2

Part Boss

Part 1

Part 2

Part Boss

The whole Dungeon

  • -You will get a wrong savecode when you save with more than 200k gold


HF & GL by playing my game!

Credits are given ingame F9-log. ;-)

Monster, Master, Monster Master, RPG, ORPG, DQM , DWQ, Dragon, Quest, Warrior, Monsters, Role, save, load, Robbepop, beta

Monster Master RPG v0.59s (Map)

18:57, 21st Aug 2009, Rui(#322): While original, the essence of this RPG differs little from that of most of the others. Read my review for details. Approved and rated 3/5 (Acceptable).
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

after 6 days and over 430 kilometers on my bike
im back and ready to read your whole bugreports and list them up on my bugreport-list for v0.38b. ;-)

v0.38b will also be a fix version like v0.37b.
--> nothing new, but many fixes. =)

and when i find time,
i can start the development for v0.4b - the last beta. :D



Last edited:
Level 1
Jun 24, 2009
I downloaded 0.38 version...Thank you very much.
However, I would like to talk about other bugs...
Some monsters have wrong elements. Phoenix, golden harpy and arakkoa are
considered as unholy group instead of real their group, birds when they are used in
fusion. Please check them. Have a nice day.
Level 1
Jun 13, 2006

I played your map. I liked it. Contorolling 3 units and the fusion where the things that makes this map different and that made me play it. They were nice new things to see in an rpg map. These are things that i didnt like with suggestions for improvment:

1. The no damage increase is awful. Why have you done it? I'd love to see my monsters deal more dmg as they progress through out the game. at least let the dmg increase every multiple increases in main stat or by a small amount per main stat increase like 0.25/stat or something.

2. I saw many of the tier1, tier2, tier3 monsters and made many fusions and I saw that mainy of the skills just keeps repeating for the different monsters. I also saw some skills that where useless for some monsters especially taunt ability on an agi monster. Why an put a Taunt skill on an monster with agi as primary stat? (Is he a tanker?). I'm not saying that a trie2 monster (for ex.) can't have a skill which is in any of the two monsters in which it was fused form or in any other monster but better if more and diffrent variety of skills where present and the useless skills replaced with better skills. In addition, as we move from lower tier to hifher tier the stats of the monsters should be increased (not sure if it there or not) and i think that the skills/abilites of the monsters should get better or they should have more abilites. Else whats the real benefit or the fun in fusing 2 Monsters? The different abilites and/or the slight increase in stat/dmg doesnt make it worth much.

3. Always we are fighting against monsters whom we can catch and these monsters keep repeating themselves for the whole region (maybe with higher lvl but they are still the same). Even some of them can be seen in other region. I do not like much to fight against units which i can fight with and its quite boring because of the repeation of monsters. But i have a suggestion which can make your map even better and more playable. After each multiple increase in rank (like each 2 or 3 increases in rank) you are allowed to enter a special or bonus region. It has different and special monsters/units (obviously you cannot catch these types of monsters). These units/monsters can be harder than normal ones and when killed they give you more gold/xp/items or even a chance to drop special items. You can enter this region only once, which means that its only one-chance bonus (you either get it or lose it). I think this will make the game nicer and more enjoable for a longer period and less boring. Whats your response on it?

I really liked the idea of this map. I hope that you improve on the map, make it more playable, more enjoyable and consider our suggestions for future versions. Thanks for the map and keep up the good work!
Level 3
Jun 27, 2009
i love this and i remember your GoH rpg also ^^ i suggest don't make the portals too far to walk the the stairs, it take minutes to walk from portal 10 to stairs... oh ya, it is looked strange because after the pvp arena, the road just end there, put something there so it looks better ^^ 999/5 for your rpgs, i love it =)
Level 1
Jun 28, 2009
Well, I am playing the game currently, and actually enjoying it. Played a 7 hour 6 hour 4 hour and 3 hour games so far. Pretty neat. So I will post suggestions here or there ideas for future possible use. One that I just got off the top of my head was possible stores in later portals? Or maybe even add some in existing areas? It would be a great way to spend unused money imo. Also I noticed a typo "-Don't increases attack damage" that is the stats thing, bugs me every time I see it lol :p So yeah, I will come and post with an idea here or there, hopefully it helps!
Level 1
Jun 24, 2009
I think it's bug...
1. Vampire don't get bonus damage from fusion bonus.
2. Berserk (located E) have a fast word B
Level 2
Apr 19, 2006
How do i go up in rank? i need higher rank to go to harder dungeon, i read the whole introduction in (f9) and nothing tells me about how to gain ranks. Plz help.


I played your map. I liked it. Contorolling 3 units and the fusion where the things that makes this map different and that made me play it. They were nice new things to see in an rpg map. These are things that i didnt like with suggestions for improvment:

1. The no damage increase is awful. Why have you done it? I'd love to see my monsters deal more dmg as they progress through out the game. at least let the dmg increase every multiple increases in main stat or by a small amount per main stat increase like 0.25/stat or something.

2. I saw many of the tier1, tier2, tier3 monsters and made many fusions and I saw that mainy of the skills just keeps repeating for the different monsters. I also saw some skills that where useless for some monsters especially taunt ability on an agi monster. Why an put a Taunt skill on an monster with agi as primary stat? (Is he a tanker?). I'm not saying that a trie2 monster (for ex.) can't have a skill which is in any of the two monsters in which it was fused form or in any other monster but better if more and diffrent variety of skills where present and the useless skills replaced with better skills. In addition, as we move from lower tier to hifher tier the stats of the monsters should be increased (not sure if it there or not) and i think that the skills/abilites of the monsters should get better or they should have more abilites. Else whats the real benefit or the fun in fusing 2 Monsters? The different abilites and/or the slight increase in stat/dmg doesnt make it worth much.

3. Always we are fighting against monsters whom we can catch and these monsters keep repeating themselves for the whole region (maybe with higher lvl but they are still the same). Even some of them can be seen in other region. I do not like much to fight against units which i can fight with and its quite boring because of the repeation of monsters. But i have a suggestion which can make your map even better and more playable. After each multiple increase in rank (like each 2 or 3 increases in rank) you are allowed to enter a special or bonus region. It has different and special monsters/units (obviously you cannot catch these types of monsters). These units/monsters can be harder than normal ones and when killed they give you more gold/xp/items or even a chance to drop special items. You can enter this region only once, which means that its only one-chance bonus (you either get it or lose it). I think this will make the game nicer and more enjoable for a longer period and less boring. Whats your response on it?

I really liked the idea of this map. I hope that you improve on the map, make it more playable, more enjoyable and consider our suggestions for future versions. Thanks for the map and keep up the good work!

Yes, i agree with all those suggestions.

{EDIT 2}
Nvm i figured it out! Sorry

{EDIT 3}
Plz explain the "fusion bonus" and how it works. I figured that if you fuse "stronger parents", they offspring will be stronger. Does that mean that they get more fusion bonus?
Also, I think it would be really helpful if you give a list of all the monsters at each tier. Well I dont mean "giving" it to the players because it would take the fun out of the game and all the surprises. My idea is that once a player has cleared certain stages and moved on to the stages with higher tier monsters (say for example tier 2,3) that player should be able to get his hands on say a scroll or a list containing all the monsters in the lower tier (tier1). Again, make a list for all the monsters in tier 2 available once players have moved to a higher tier 3 stages and so on. These are just a few suggestion i have came up with.
I really enjoy your map, keep up the good work i ll try to comment as much as possible.
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Level 1
Jun 25, 2009
Well I spent 3 hours playing this and had 3 tier 3s and my friend had 3 tier 3s. Then we tried fusing them together and we got entirely diffrent tier 3s at level one again... Why?
Also... Dragon knight is a strength hero and has wayyyy too little health to be useful and Mega Drag is a huge tank with over 900 hp but is ranged so its hard to use him to tank >_<.
Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
Well I spent 3 hours playing this and had 3 tier 3s and my friend had 3 tier 3s. Then we tried fusing them together and we got entirely diffrent tier 3s at level one again... Why?
Also... Dragon knight is a strength hero and has wayyyy too little health to be useful and Mega Drag is a huge tank with over 900 hp but is ranged so its hard to use him to tank >_<.

As I (fatmandown) informed you in that game that u need certain t3s at a certain Fuse Level to obtain a tier 4 or ???. That answers your first question.

Second, u cant always go by the main, each monster is special and doesnt have to have Tank hp just cuz its STR.

I hope this was of help to you.
Level 2
May 25, 2009
GREAT MAP! found a typo in one of the master's skill description. "store monster 1".
and at the start of the game "save load actived" shouldn't it be activated?
It's a great game rly luv it, but some of the 'advancement tests' are a bit too easy, when i first started off my team was rly weak and i couldn't get anywhere deep inside the second area but in those tests i could actually win so many that i was allowed into the fourth area :grin: maybe disable putting the Monsters into the healing area while fighting? it's cos of bieng able to do that, that i managed to win the fights.

p.s. After so many days of me nonestop serching i still can't find any ?-monsters, are they like ment to reprisent a monster but it doen't tell you it's type?

EDIT: Oh i also noticed that sumtimes when u come out of a dungeon u come out of the wrong portal lol it's only a little bug tho nothing big. and whwen i whent into portal 3 it sayd i entered portal 1 this might just be me being lazy and not telling the differance between the 2 numbers cos i'm not watching or there is actually a bug there xD prob me being lazy and sleepy :D
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Level 1
Jun 13, 2006

u get bonus damage and stats from fuse level, not tier =)

TomiTomo, you said this replying to someone who has just agreed on all the suggestions that i have said. Why didnt you just quote what i said? Well you didnt get what i meant. fuse level depends on the levels of the 2 monsters before fusing. That was a nice thing to see because when you use higher level monsters it means that you have waited more before fusing and made your monsters stronger. You had to do more effort in this so the results of the fusion should be better and it is which is the increase in stats and/or damage. What i meant is that on the other hand, the monsters regardless of their tires should have their damage increased as they progress through the game, even if slightly increased per level. Why make it such that a monster's overall stats incease per lvl except his damage. This is not reasonable. Either one of two things should be done:

1. Neither the damage nor the other stats be increased per level and the increase in stats and damage comes only from fusing.

2. Damage increases per main stats increase per level. Then it wont matter much the damage bonus from fusing or maybe for fusing 2 high lvl monsters as it takes along time to get there. As the stats are increased from fusing and dmg is increased per main stat increase, the damage will be increased.

I agree more on the 2nd choice as you level up monsters throught the game the overall performace of the monster should be increased and this should also mean increase in the monster's damage. Normally, you fuse two monsters to get a monster with a higher tire than the previous two monsters and higher tire monsters should have higher stats than its desendents with the same lvl which means further increase in damage. Else I do not know why the damage of the monster is not increased per level while its other stats are increased. How this was intended? Was this in a original game or something? This means that at the present time in order to get a high increase in damage one must keep fusing high level monsters which will consume alot of time!
Level 3
Jun 27, 2009

TomiTomo, you said this replying to someone who has just agreed on all the suggestions that i have said. Why didnt you just quote what i said? Well you didnt get what i meant. fuse level depends on the levels of the 2 monsters before fusing. That was a nice thing to see because when you use higher level monsters it means that you have waited more before fusing and made your monsters stronger. You had to do more effort in this so the results of the fusion should be better and it is which is the increase in stats and/or damage. What i meant is that on the other hand, the monsters regardless of their tires should have their damage increased as they progress through the game, even if slightly increased per level. Why make it such that a monster's overall stats incease per lvl except his damage. This is not reasonable. Either one of two things should be done:

1. Neither the damage nor the other stats be increased per level and the increase in stats and damage comes only from fusing.

2. Damage increases per main stats increase per level. Then it wont matter much the damage bonus from fusing or maybe for fusing 2 high lvl monsters as it takes along time to get there. As the stats are increased from fusing and dmg is increased per main stat increase, the damage will be increased.

I agree more on the 2nd choice as you level up monsters throught the game the overall performace of the monster should be increased and this should also mean increase in the monster's damage. Normally, you fuse two monsters to get a monster with a higher tire than the previous two monsters and higher tire monsters should have higher stats than its desendents with the same lvl which means further increase in damage. Else I do not know why the damage of the monster is not increased per level while its other stats are increased. How this was intended? Was this in a original game or something? This means that at the present time in order to get a high increase in damage one must keep fusing high level monsters which will consume alot of time!

oops sorry i quote wrong reply... sorry :sad:
Level 1
Jun 28, 2009
Hey, this is a great game, I have been playing it a bit quite a bit lately and really enjoying it. I have been hosting a lot for you, getting people to download and play, and now I have a few playing buddies which is really good for this game :D So anyway I am excited for when .4 comes out, and I was thinking of some things that might be nice. Here is a couple of ideas:

-More shops, like in later worlds, I think it would be great to spend some of your unused money on things like scrolls, equipment, and stuff of that genre.

-Monster Master holding onto monster items... There have been countless times where something has dropped and I want it so bad for later use, but I can't hold it, and would have to give up a good item or pass it because it wasn't worth it to drop one of my monsters good items for a future monsters great item.

-Maybe a possibility to let like a t4, ???, item, or achievement give a or all of your monsters an extra item slot. I think it would be good for like really hard levels and bosses, plus you would just be so cool with your sick monster :D

-Saving items in your Monster Master's inventory? I haven't had much of a problem with this but I have seen people that do. And I could understand, but just a minor suggestion :p

-(Not knowing if it is possible) Changing the difficulty of the game according to how many people are involved, or just changing the difficulty of a portal according to the people. This would be really great in my opinion.

Now these are just a few ideas I have, I hope you look over them and use some or all of them some day. I hope you enjoyed my feedback! I will constantly be checking up on this forum to keep myself and you updated. I will post my ideas and thoughts as I continually play and try to get more people involved. Great map, keep up the good work!
Level 1
Jun 26, 2009

thanks ^^

what i forgot...
this is a test map, but all the important final systems work very well. =)
-load code
-ability learn system
-arena fight system
-etc... ^^


i like your maps alot but you say there is an ability lern sysem but they all have set skills. and i can't find a command to learn them. But many bugs have been fixed. but still when a player leaves or dies in a zone other players are left there with nothing to fight except the boss. while this is all fine and dandy. the last 2 days i have had people camp the boss and just wait for other to join that dongeon in both cases #6 and then all monster disapear. and so the other players would leave and comeback just to have the asses do it again. both times i have to vck kick them and ban them cuz they kept trying to rejoin. build be nice if when boss dies you aotomaticaly get teli to town after 30 secs or so, so you can pick up your item.

ty so much for your time and effort :cool:
Level 1
Jun 11, 2009
MM v0.38 Report

Hi there, first of all congratulations for this great map and great job!! :grin:
well this is the best way that i could find to help you keeping the things as great as it does :thumbs_up:
ill be looking forward for the next version and keep sending you these reports eventually so keep it coming :grin:
PD... Sorry for my english it isn't polished good enough (Spanish speaker :hohum:)

Bird Talker (Nature+Air T2) have a melee attack range should be ranged
7-7 dmg/Skill Ranged
Evil Armor (Demon T4) is ranged and doesn't show a projectile
The hotkeys for Doomed Ent (Nature+Unholy T3) skills E/R doesn't works
(i guess its the megaball issue)
Sometimes the heal staff spell don't bound from unit to another (what
could it be?)

Everytime you cast the skill Thunderclap cause mini lag on the game makin
lose some synchro on bnet/lan (especially on bnet and critical on boss

The image of the portrait for the Void Walker (Demon+Water T3) is all
The critical chance items (Flaming Saber/Voodoo Doll) should show the
critical blow multiplier (x2 i guess!?)
I think the size of some monsters should be changed increasing gradually
from tier to tier especially at T3
and above where you expect bigger and greater things
There's no image for the slot on monster count box on top right

The feed items can be used on the monster master and your own mosters
you can mistake using it when
trying to catch wild ones and it lowers the chance greatly
Snow Bird (Air+Water T2) and Frost Treant (Nature+Water T2) both are
ranged and have the same skillset
(i think should be different for diversity purposes)
Sometimes when passing through the portals 2-10 you appear at the
entrance of the basic forest and the
same happens when you leave from 2-10, you appear at the entrance of
the level 1

I think the skill sneak should be improved doing a fixed damage when you
break the invisibility or something like that, if not its pretty useless (my
humble opinion)
I think the skill curse should be improved increasing the amount of armor
lost cause when facing opponents with defense items its not that efficient
(especially boss battles)
I think the skill megaball/poison strike should be improved changing the
effect/debuff, cause losing mov speed it not that useful at all (again its
only my opinion)
Level 2
Feb 9, 2008
-Maybe a possibility to let like a t4, ???, item, or achievement give a or all of your monsters an extra item slot. I think it would be good for like really hard levels and bosses, plus you would just be so cool with your sick monster :D

-Saving items in your Monster Master's inventory? I haven't had much of a problem with this but I have seen people that do. And I could understand, but just a minor suggestion :p
These both will increase the load code and I don't think anyone wants a longer load code for just 1 slot on a monster or save-able items in your Monster Master.
Level 1
Jun 28, 2009
These both will increase the load code and I don't think anyone wants a longer load code for just 1 slot on a monster or save-able items in your Monster Master.

Ahh, I see, I didn't know that :p well now I do. But how much would it increase it by?
Level 3
Mar 15, 2009
I'm new to this game

but I already like Robbepop's game

Guild Of Hyppos was Very Interesting
and this game is very interesting i think

I just want to ask :
- How to make Tier 3

and some problem here, maybe already said...

- Exp, So long to me to get lvl 10 need 1 hour to reach it
- Mana, I think The Monster master don't need to have mana
- Monster, The monster spawn is too near, I already hit by 2 or 3 monster at the moment

and i think it must have
- Quest for Fast Leveling
- More City
and another

just it then good luck with your map
Level 1
Jun 28, 2009
I'm new to this game

but I already like Robbepop's game

Guild Of Hyppos was Very Interesting
and this game is very interesting i think

I just want to ask :
- How to make Tier 3

and some problem here, maybe already said...

- Exp, So long to me to get lvl 10 need 1 hour to reach it
- Mana, I think The Monster master don't need to have mana
- Monster, The monster spawn is too near, I already hit by 2 or 3 monster at the moment

and i think it must have
- Quest for Fast Leveling
- More City
and another

just it then good luck with your map

You will eventually get t3's by fusion, I wouldn't try to catch them if I were you, costs a lot of money and luck. Play in pub games with high levels, people will be nice enough to take you through levels and it will be really easy, and if you can't or don't want to play pub, then eventually after enough fusion and stuff, you will go through things faster. The monster master needs mana to summon and store his monsters, not to mention use items like staffs as well. And to go along with the monsters spawning too near, like I said before, you and your monsters will get better and you will wipe them out in seconds. I think quests are a good idea, along with quest rewards.

So just what I recommend is you play in pubs, if you can't host add me to your friends list, I host it here or there, my in game name is Rhyan007 I am on a bit but constantly am logging on and off because of being a listchecker host. Well good luck.
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

well many posts here.
i read them all! :D

i finally have to report,
that i started working on v0.4b today.^^

well it will be a huge update like the v0.3b version. =)
the codes will NOT reset.

dependent on, when the v1.24 wc3 patch will come out,
the new version is just playable for that version!

and now,...
host MM RPG as often as you just can,
explain the game to noobs and then we can make MM RPG the most popular wc3 rpg in b.net.^^

Level 1
Jan 24, 2009
1st of all i enjoy playing this map. a great job on the fusioning system you have done so far. anyways, last night my friends and i were playing Monster Master , we made a discussion on how we can improve MM rpg by adding a few things below :

1. it'll be interesting to see a few quests added to the map itself maybe even add a short storyline to it at the end.

2. another thing we think it will be challenging for high level players is that changing the difficulty levels of the dungeon according to how many people are involved inside.

3. more item drops for all the bosses. divide all the boss item drops evenly into every high level dungeon starting from 6 so that each dungeon boss will get hunted evenly for certain boss drops.

4. we notice that each dungeon you have had some sorta theme attach to them so we decided to add a few interesting elements into it. dungeons from 1-3 can stay the same but starting from dungeon 4+ things start to changed.

- dungeon 4 : the water world , once you've enter the dungeon we thought we could add something like a whirlpool that moves around dungeon 4. when that whirlpool hits one of the player(s) it'll have 60% chance to warp back the player to beginning of the dungeon. the other 40% will drown players around it disabling their movements for 10sec and doing DoT (dmg over time) to the surroundings.

- dungeon 5 : the endless mountain , we figure that since is a mountain after all, something should be added into it too. one thing we came up with is that boulders spawning at certain spot(s) that will push the master/monster back so it actually feels like climbing up the mountain. of course it'll also do some dmg to the player if they touch it.

- dungeon 6 : the toxic wasteland , once u enter the dungeon poisonous fog will invade players around the dungeon doing DoT to everywhere around the dungeon. this will force players to use actually use healing wards or they'll die. also there are the poisonous mushrooms that will be randomly spawning and it will detonated when players are nearby them.

- dungeon 7 , the ice cave , similar to #6 but this time the DoT is only for the master. in addition , ice pillars will randomly fall down doing damage to monsters. if the ice pillars hits the master it will do extra damage to him.

- dungeon 8 , the underworld , also similar to #6 and #7. not only doing burn damage to everything inside the dungeon but also volcanic meteorite will be falling down doing splash damage to the surroundings. if the meteorite hits the master it will do extra damage to him too.

- dungeon 9 , the desert wasteland , similar to #5. this dungeon will do massive DoT with its built in sandstorm once you enter the dungeon. this sandstorm will appears every 1-2 minute. in addition, when this storm is active boulder of rocks will randomly fall on the ground doing some deadly damage to players.

- dungeon 10 , magical forest , this one i like the most out of all the ideas , it involves with puzzles. somewhere on this dungeon will have 2-3 levers that could possibly activate traps / spawning 'rigged' T4 monsters that will attack you from all directions / teleport players back to the beginning. the traps could be spikes from the forest ground or poisonous fog. if the player fail to get the correct combination to the puzzle it will automatically reset itself.

the reason we thought of these new elements added into the dungeons is that not having the Master auto-follows your monsters and it would force players to stay focus to their master from the nearby surroundings.

5. unlockables : have more hidden secrets within the rpg. these unlocks will requires the master to be at certain level in order to unlock these new secrets.

- unlockable : re-enabling the PVC after max ranking with certain level on the master. this new PVC will have 'rigged' monsters ( maybe a team of T4s and ???s) and a few additional conditions to it. the player can only have 1-2 monsters summon to the battlefield and it also require a fee ( say 6k+ to enter the new PVC each time). also , add something like a simply forge system that drop materials in the PVC only. these materials can be forge to create legendary items for your monsters.

- unlockable secrets for forging item quest would be nice also

- have ??? or higher tier monsters able to 'learn' or 'level up' their new abilities

i know some of these ideas will be hard to do with triggering but is hard to come by a great map such as this one.keep up the good work and we are looking forward for another great MMrpg in the future. thanks for reading.
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Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

thx for your suggestions. =)
well some of the ideas i already planned for later versions of MM RPG.
but the most of those ideas are very difficult to code,
due to the problem, that i use connected systems nearly everywhere in the map.

well let's see. :D
such improval suggestions are good for later versions.
for example for v1.0,
which will come after the next version v0.4b. =)

Level 3
Aug 23, 2008
Another map of yours which is addictive as hell, that pretty much says it all. Good to hear that you're working on the last beta (IMO it's way too good for a beta already)
However, I hope there won't be a code reset for 1.0, unless the changes aren't worth it ;)
Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
idc if the codes get reset cuz ive practically done all there is to do, i got all the ??? FAIRLY(which is more than i can say for some, robbepop knows what i mean). And infact i find the early lvls starting out are a hell of a lot funner than when u can basically kill everything with ease.

Btw, i had one of my codes stolen when i was playing on .37 the other day. Idk if it was fixed in .38 but i loaded in ALL chat for once(on accident i usualy load in observer chat) & like 10min later this dude that downloaded typed out my load code & BAM! Had my guys. I though load codes were name protected???

And the Eagle Warrior Model is a tad buggy at times
Level 1
Jul 8, 2009
i like uy map..i played with my brother all the time!!!! xD

but i have some to ask you:
- why i cant fuse the the tier4 monster such as flame harpy(as main) and frost harpy(as sub) it supossed to be a golden harpy...but isn't working at least im just got a same flame harpy?? and i'l try fuse condor and condor...it supossed to be an eagle warrior...but i got s condor?? ???
Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
Becuase you need a Fuse Level of 15 to get those monster. You can find your current fuse level by looking at the icon that (i think) is the undead summoning icon. It tells the fuse lvl. & u get fuse lvl from fusing monsters lvl 15+
Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
ok so some suggestions for the game!
first off as i get higher, I get, i feel that after lvl 25, it is not worth lvl-ing to 30 when the exp nerf is so high. it is a long time of grinding to get from 29-30, not worth it if you are leveling your fusion levels. Also I think the monsters in storage should be allowed to be saved along with the 3 we have on hand.

second, the scrolls that we find should be allowed to be stored in our "Library" of knowledge. they are kind of rare and only drop in the higher instances, so also remembering them is hard after a week or two.

third, I try to make my dps monsters dps and my tank monsters tanking, but if i make my old tree pure tank so that he can tank the mobs, none of the mobs attack him but attack my gigush every time he attacks, makes him useless with out all the armor and then he is not really a tank. just think monsters with the defensive shield or abilities should have higher priority then the dps.

fourth people avoid lvl 7 because of the aoe damage, i dont think the masters should be vunerable unless all monsters are dead. i mean you have them follow and kill but you are constantly trying to dodge the spells doing 80 damage a second. the masters only have 400 life. defeats the purpose to have them even follow the monsters for the aura.

I love the game but these are the main draw backs to playing it.
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Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
just a thought but are you adding more ??? monsters? i mean as it stand you should only get a few of the teir 4 monsters so that you can get ??? monsters. plus this is just a thought but as the monsters get stronger, their synergies should get stronger. seems like the abilities should be better, i mean a teir 2 dragon with immobilization and my infernal have the same ability. seem like fusing them only gives them more stats and slight damage increase. would be nice if the rank of spells increased as they lvl. more reason to lvl. also teir 2 demon/dragon is a great tank and then teir 3 demon/dragon is a dps that takes increase damage. It would be nice to see a theme as you level from teir to teir.

the item system is nice but the drop rate on the bosses are low. very low. and it is very hard with out the rare items to solo anything above lvl 8. also was thinking for the bosses. like in tbr, if we kill a boss we get an item, well that would not work for this game that well but if we hit the % chance for the dropped an item, we all have a chance to get that item, instead of the person that last hit it. gets annoying if you did all the tanking/healing and lower lvls nuke last minute and get the goods. rods ftw

also, was thinking that maybe teir 5 or ??? monsters should get a passive aura? you are about to open world 11,12,13,14 which must be harder. would not be a bad buff.
Level 4
Mar 16, 2008
hi very cool map im like it but i think you can change the experince rate^^ its to hard to lvl your monsters^^ and 1 question i had a lvl 10 baby hidra t2 (water dragon) and a aqua spirit lvl 10 t2 (water ait) and i have fuised them and a t2 baby hidra was what i have then o_O :(
Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
ok hand you fused two water main monsters together, so you get what ever you but in as your main. you normally do this to get fusion lvls when they are higher then 15, and the exp rate is fine, just get your rank up and go into higher instances.
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

i read everything you wrote
and made notes for the changelog in v0.4b.^^

some nice suggestions.

well i had not much time left these weeks,
but now hollidays are close
and i already worked very hard for MM RPG.

there will be 2 new dungeons in v0.4b,
many new features, balances and also some bugfixes. =)

all in all a huge update.
the bosses from dungeon #8, 9 and 10 will be much harder now,
and i also made the creeps from dungeon 10 harder.

dungeon 11 will be a "Dream World" with Energy Monster.
im nearly done with the dungeon.
the only thing missing is that i just have to give the monsters there some items. =)

now i began to terrain dungeon #12.
it will be an elemental island complex.
dungeon #12 will be VERY specific.
it has got over 20 DIFFERENT monstertypes in it,
4 sub bosses and one real boss. =)
and also the terrain is very specific,
because there are 5 small islands
where every island has got another terrain. =)
one forest island, then a desert, afterwards a lava, then frost and finally the unholy one. =)

im sure you will love both new dungeons as well as the 6 new coming PvC fights.^^

Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
Wow, sounds great, one last suggestion. dungeon 8 will sometimes have units from the other side of the instance come over, mainly because the trees dont provide FoW and so you get like 10 monsters all at once if you dont pull them back.
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

i think thats fixed in v0.4b,
but it's always hard to fix such ki-bugs
without changing too much on the terrain. :-/

well im now nearly half done with the 12. dungeon.^^

atm im thinking of a cinematic tutorial implemented in the map,
which every player can activate on his own with "-tutorial" or something like that.
you can watch it as often as you wish in a game and you can break it with "esc",
when you are bored or whatever. xD
it should show the basics, tell you a lil bit about the story and will show you a few dungeons, which you will see when you will actively play MM RPG. =)
well everything in my brain.
it will be a huge and a hard code,
but i think, that i will implement it in v1.0. :D

what do you think about that?


here a first beta pic of the new coming dungeon #12. =)

Last edited:
Level 1
Jul 17, 2009

i read everything you wrote
and made notes for the changelog in v0.4b.^^

some nice suggestions.

well i had not much time left these weeks,
but now hollidays are close
and i already worked very hard for MM RPG.

there will be 2 new dungeons in v0.4b,
many new features, balances and also some bugfixes. =)

all in all a huge update.
the bosses from dungeon #8, 9 and 10 will be much harder now,
and i also made the creeps from dungeon 10 harder.

dungeon 11 will be a "Dream World" with Energy Monster.
im nearly done with the dungeon.
the only thing missing is that i just have to give the monsters there some items. =)

now i began to terrain dungeon #12.
it will be an elemental island complex.
dungeon #12 will be VERY specific.
it has got over 20 DIFFERENT monstertypes in it,
4 sub bosses and one real boss. =)
and also the terrain is very specific,
because there are 5 small islands
where every island has got another terrain. =)
one forest island, then a desert, afterwards a lava, then frost and finally the unholy one. =)

im sure you will love both new dungeons as well as the 6 new coming PvC fights.^^


dude did u fixed the fusion scrolls? cuz they r messed up and cuz of that me and my friend quit D:
Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
well, you dont have to do a video, you could pull them off to a "Box" room and go over the basics of summoning and untill they summon, they dont get the next part of the tutorial, so hit V to open your summoning options, and then when they hit V they get the next step. although that would take more code, and longer to do. but since it is more intereactive, they would not get bored as fast, I know that cardcraft does that kind of tutorial, it was informative and helped me out alot first time playing.
either way, have something to explain it and also show the basics and the need to pvc. I think is a must.

fyi, dungeon 12 looks like alot fun! really excited.
but if you need help with a tutorial, i know i could make the gui for it, you would have to put the camera adjustments in and change the units/items back, but atleast you will have all the typing out of the way. =P

and just a thought, for dungeon 8, the middle path going from south to north, you could move the harpy closer to the middle. because it is if someone attacks that unit and all units that are with in range and in line of sight will run to help. so maybe move there spawn points alittle over, just a quick fix if you want.

and thanks again for all the feedback and updates. this game is alot of fun.
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

what is messed up with the fusion scrolls !? 0.o

ehm,... well your idea with the "do-it-yourself-tutorial" sounds nice,
but also sounds like much work. xD
i think that a box-room for the beginners is impossible,
because after i made dungeon #14 there wont be much space left. :p

Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
well you could use the pvc/pvp fields, and ya the tutorial is not as much work as the cameras, like i said, i dont mind typing that out and making it jass, you can read though it and trash it if you want. just a simple if,then with casting abilities and using items. then display message. I dont think it will be that much, although you would have to add the camera and when they can or cant use tutorial, like only in town.
Level 1
Jul 26, 2009
hi ^^

I did not read all subject, but have noticed 1 bug, can about him wrote...

When send monster in store and after his back, he damamge of fl do not work

Whether and will be new type of monster? and new tiers after tier5?

With the best regards SeerOfBlood
Level 1
Jul 28, 2009
This map was really ez to learn, dont waste time and space do-it-yourself-tutorial

Just focus on more monsters and maybe an item to rase fusion lvls
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

the new version is nearly done!
there are just a few balancings, features, new PvC fights aswell as new abilities missing until the new version is ready for the public version.^^

the bug is already fixed in the new version. =)
thx anyways! ;-)
There wont be new monsters in v0.4b.
130 different monsters should be enough for the first time.^^
i will add new ones in v1.0, which will be the next version after v0.4b.

i think a tutorial will be nice.
sure that a cheater has no problems with the beginning of a game,
but the tutorial shell help normal players. =)

Level 1
Jul 28, 2009
loading fail :(

hi, i made my way up to lvl 16 and left and got the code in a screenshot.. the code is DkadDW-DffBii-DjDlel-a05Q4-DraY03.. it wount work :( and i put alot of time into that master :( some suggestions ?

thx, great map

nvm found out! :) the porblem was the BIG J looked like something else... :) my monsters are so weak, how do i get them stronger?? and fast.. ive had lvl 19 monsters, but they stil suck. even agains 4 lvl 2's :( do i have to fusion all the time? and where do i find those "fusion scrolls" u guys talk about? and the shop with weapons for my monster only seell that starting crap all the time ?


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Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

you can make your monsters stronger
with new items, which can only be found in higher dungeons. =)
the stronger the enemy creep, the better the item it could drop. :p

well the other way to make your monsters stronger, is to fuse them.
every monster got a fusionlevel, which increases when you fuse monsters with an average level of 15 or higher.
the higher your average level, the bigger is the fusionlevel increase. =)
for example: average of lvl 15 is +1 fusionlevel, but an average level of 30 is +5 fusionlevel for the resulting monster.^^

btw: nice playingtime of more than 13 hours. xD

Level 1
Jul 28, 2009

if i fuse high lvl monsters that i cought with my tier3 monsters the fusion level of my ordinary tier3 monster will get higher depending on the level of the monster im fusioning it with:) ?? helps alot, but its hard to play single player :p :D
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

yeah its much better/easier/faster to play in multiplayer.
if you want T4 or T5 monsters, you have to find fusionscrolls,
which gives you hints which monsters you have to combine for these monsters. =)
you can find them by killing lvl 30 creeps in dungeons like dungeon #8.

Level 1
Jul 28, 2009
its so hard in single player :(

im having problems even killing level fourth boss. the only thing that is found out thats good is the "attack" spell every monster have.. ah well. insane map:D im going to play it single player even though.. :)