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Modern Infection

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Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Marac continued to work for the next few days. Cases had become more and more serious recently and he had always walked home covered in blood. Gave Mrs Wilkins from across the road a shock - I will tell you now. She didn't take it well when Marac went over to see her new baby while having a lungers eye hanging out of his pocket. It wasn't his fault. He was forgetful.

He also spent the days waiting. Waiting for the letter that would say wether or not he would get the promotion to the institute. Finally he got an Email. It read: ''Your grandad has been taken to hospital'' - Damn! It wasn't them! He didn't care that he might have to move accomodation - most of the neighbours would be glad to see the back of him.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
OOC: Koicheen's race has been accepted.

IC: The next day a letter arrived, by an officer. He came by in a humvee and there were two others, one infront and one in the back. "Mr. Marac, you have been accepted into the secret instalation in the icy snow lands. We require you to pack your stuff quickly before to much attention is attracted." The soldier stood his guard and waited for Marac to get his stuff and get in the humvee so they could go.
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Despite his inner disbelief, Marac contained his emotional view on the subject to maintain a proffesional standing on the events. He quickly gathered his supplies - clothes, medical equipment and some food. If he needed anything else he would buy it once he got to his new job. Finally, a chance to get out of this iritating shop vac-esque suburb for good.

On his way out he saw the neighbours staring at him. He was glad he would never have to see any of them again. As a final sign of his hatred for all of them, he gave Mrs Wilkins cat a kick with his boots and threw a mummified lunger claw onto her prize rose bush - "To remember me by" was written on a note and attached to it. As he got into the van that would take him to his new life, he felt a great sense of pride. Especially when he heard Little Bobby Wilkins scream.

Ha Ha Ha
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
The soldier only smirked as he got into the humvee. The door closed and they started to drive through the streets. Soon they reached a fourway interesction. Just as the first humvee was about to cross a tanker slammed itself into it, tipping it over. The driver in the car marac was in looked scared. "Keep driving." Said the marine. The driver nodded and kept driving, marac could see the tanker tear open the bottom of the humvee and slaughter the soldiers. Soon they exited the city and were on a road in the woods that lead to the ocean. They were to get on a transport ship and get to the icelands without hesitation.
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Marac sat impatiently in the back of the humvee, which was suprisingly large inside despite it's compact exteral appearance. The marines didn't talk very much at all, the only sound that didn't come from the engine was Marac rustling a packet of cheese and onion crisps to get the last few crumbs from the bottom of the bag.

Suddenly, the trees parted and a long coastline strutted into view. It wasn't an ideal holiday destination - the sand was thick and had hidden pieces of glass and rubble buried under it's surface. Awaiting Marac and the Marine, who had yet to give Marac his name, was a transport ship. It looked fairly big, it would be good to have some space and get out of the stuffy humvee.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
Soon the humvee rolled over the beach and onto the transport ship. The other one entered as well. The door to the ship closed and they were let out as the ship was leaving to go to ice lands. After hours of travel it started to get colder, soon ice could be seen in the ocean. They were getting closer to the icelands. Finaly they were there, at the shore of the icelands. The ship landed and people were let out with their coats on and they told marac to follow close as they headed into the snow and toward the secret base in the mountain.

OOC: I hope we get more characters cause soon Im gonna let the infected loose. You guys wouldnt want to get caught in the middle of a gaint battle and get merced by thousands of infected.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2009
OOC: Right, her it goes.

Name: Nebrius Dezda
Race: Planet-touched.
Class: Many-stared cloak.
Description: Tall, long blond hair, white eyes (like his entire race :p).
Abilities and skills:A member of the Many-stared cloak special forces, meaning he can use magic. He only uses "defensive" magic, tho. He can protect himself his ally's minds from psychic attacks, as well as their bodies from magical and physical attacks. Is good at using fully-automatic rifles at long to middle ranges, but isn't helpless at close range.
Personality: Calm. Not easy to make friends with, but is loyal and there in need. Prefers the strategic approach to things.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2009
Nebrius was sitting in his in his private quarters of the barracks (He's high enough rank for that), when his squad commander burst into the room.
"Sargent Dezda! We have incoming orders from HQ, report for debriefing!"
Nebrius jupmed on his feet and yelled "Understood, sir!" And ran out of the room after his commander. He was always in his standard snow camoflaged uniform. After running through the well known halls of the base, and being joined by the other members of his Many-Stared cloak 3rd battalion, 6th squad, the suddenly slowed down, and walked into a wide room. Indie were a few high-ranked officers, who saluted back to his greeting. One of them walked up to the world map, and pointed to a small circled dot.
"The former human city of -insert name here-. Recently, a.. (to cut my post short, he explains about the infected, and how did they get there). You can find all additional information here." *The general handed Nebrius' commander a file, rated "Classified".
"You're objective, will be to watch the region closely, and possibly find out more about these "Infected". From what i've heard, we don't want them running around frelly".
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Once they reached the HQ, the new members couldn't help but notice it's sheer size and the hustle and bustle socialism inside of it. It was just a whole new rat race, but trapped between walls. At least there was no Mrs Wilkins. Well, there was a woman who looked a bit like her, but she was in a strecher. It couldn't get better than this.

After being shown his room in the medic's campus, Marac was led into a room where he would be researching the Infection. It was a fairly large room with a large graph of the human anatomy on one wall and a graph of the infected anatomy on the other. There were machines, some of which Marac recognised, dotted around the room. This was going to be his job for the next few years. He'd better get used to it.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Is it ready" said Grand commander.
"Yes ,sir" said a reaper.
"Send this message to the humans. 'Found a infested hive outside the city. Irradiation is now under way. Need extra fire power. Send at 15 clicks north of your position'. Set course to the spot and deploy bikes/disks." The Grand ship of the 4th fleet was on the move. The hive was was bigger then the one in the city.
"Kas'Thil Ol'Thor, report came in from the Grand commander in the city. Your oldest son is now infected. They plan to move him to the other hive." The seer report saddened him. His wraith wound we swift.
"Everyone, My 1st son is now infected. He is now at the hive. We fight for him and every Mentol that has fallen."
Level 8
Apr 26, 2009
"Sector clear!" Said the squads recon a few minutes after they landed on the designated location.
"Excellent. Is everyone ready? The infected city should be half an hour walk to the north."
"Ready and waiting, sir!"
Nebrius was holding his SCAR Light assault rifle and he had full gear, everything he might need. The squad organized themselves to have as much protection as possible from all sides, and entered the forest...
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
One of the scientists greeted Marac. "Hello marac. My name is Nekor. Im glad to have you on the team." He held his hand out to greet Marac. Marac saw a tube running from the back of the infected mans neck to a strange machine that was covered up. The infected was bound and had a smaller tube being run down into its arm, a paralizent was being injected into the creature to keep it from moving or resisting. (Humans always fuck up on things XD) "So Marac, what can you tell us about these creatures, we've heard that you know quite a bit about them." Another scientist walks up to marac.

To Koicheen:In the forest the team finds a pack of wolves. They dont seem that they would be a threat to them. They're just laying around relaxing and enjoying themselves.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2009
"Hold on" Said the commander."We'll make our way around, we don't want to get their attention. We'd probably have to use our weapons to defend ourselves, that would blow our cover. "
Level 8
Apr 26, 2009
OOC: Right. Since you're he GM here, you can say what will i see when i get to the city, or any events that might happen before that. Oh, and from now on, my OOC will be green (like this). Something i picked up at Order of Elders, its' easier to tell OOC apart from IC. :p
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
OOC: Did ya not catch my last post?
One of the scientists greeted Marac. "Hello marac. My name is Nekor. Im glad to have you on the team." He held his hand out to greet Marac. Marac saw a tube running from the back of the infected mans neck to a strange machine that was covered up. The infected was bound and had a smaller tube being run down into its arm, a paralizent was being injected into the creature to keep it from moving or resisting. (Humans always fuck up on things XD) "So Marac, what can you tell us about these creatures, we've heard that you know quite a bit about them." Another scientist walks up to marac.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
The Fourth army started to lay waste to the outer structures of this hive. The battle turned towards the infected. Retreat was sounded and the survivors went to a human base. The Mentol suffered a lost unimaginable.
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Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
I guess I did miss that out - sorry

"Well, I don't know exact facts and figures, but I do know how to remove early infectors from lifeforms. It isn't exactly pretty, and the incubating body will have to live in a dream-like state, but I am working on it"

Marac produced a vial from his bag. At a first glance, one would assume is was water due to its clear and colourless appearance.

"This is what I call the delta solution. For fully infected creatures, it simply causes light headedness or in smaller creatures, feinting. For bodies less than about 80% into the transformation, it stuns the infectant. For bodies less than 20% into the transformation, it can kill the infectant completely so that Medic's may remove it"

A few of the other medics and scientists looked at Marac like he was a fool not to tell them about the Delta soulution sooner.

"Here is the problem," Marac continued, "The delta solution contains what is technicly a virus, and human bodies fight it as if it was a flu. It also contians excessive amounts of ethanol. For those interns or whoever is clueless - ethanol is litterally alchohol, and alchohol prevents the production of brain cells. Ethanol acid kills off the infected but leaves the body in a clueless, brain dead state. The body lives the rest of it's life completely blank - a fate worse than death"
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
The scientists laugh. "So really your only solution is to kill them?" Says the scientist from earlier. "You really are a hard mind to figure out mr marac. You'll fit along great here." The scientists showed him to the subject and they began to do their scientific work on it.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
One of the scientists nodded. "Well we are here to discover these creatures weaknesses are. So far we figured that if we kill the infector..." the scientists pointed out the large bulging thing on the creatures chest. "that the body will remain dead until another host comes and takes it over. So far thats all we know." The scientist looked up at Marac to see if he had anything to say.
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Marac just looked back. After a minute of arkward silence, Marac spoke:

"What do you want me to do? Rattle off the omega solution that will destroy all infected within the minute? Well I can't. Yet. Now isn't there..."

Marac was interupted. The ground shook. It was like an earthquake, but something about it didn't seem natural. A few beakers fell off of shelves and a corpse slid across the floor leaving a snail trail, but everyone was fine.

"What the hell was that?"
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
"Hm, probably was an explosion in the testing facility, we get them a lot now that their is a threat to our race, the government has decided to test their own things here. Nothing to worry about." One of the scientists put the creature back in position on the table and tightened the restraints.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"We need to find someone please help us?" The Mentol were waiting to find someone who has the mental power to read mentol books.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2009
Sorry for the absence. Shadow, my squad should be arriving at the city about now, so can you give me a description on the scene?
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