• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Modeling Contest #35 - Poll

Which contestant should win the contest?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006




Contestants were to create a Troll model e.g. unit or hero. The Troll model had to resemble the style of the Warcraft 3 trolls. The model had to be made in SD for Warcraft 3: Classic.


  • Trying to manipulate the poll in any form is not allowed.
    If you're aware of ip-sharing with any voter, for any reason, you should contact the staff.
  • Harassment towards others to influence the result will lead to punishment.
    A neutral recommendation to take part at the poll isn't problematic, though.
  • Voting for yourself is not allowed, and will lead to a malus by 5%.
  • Participating in the poll does not explicitly safe one from being disqualified.
  • Judges are not allowed to vote.
You are very welcome to make a short statement what you like the most, so contestants get a bit of public feedback!


  • 1st place: 750 experience points
  • 2nd place: 600 experience points
  • 3rd place: 450 experience points
  • Entry: 150 experience points
  • Judge: 25 experience points per entrant
The three winners will receive an award icon representing the winning entry.


  • To be announced.
  • Want to be a judge for this contest? Read this.









How does the mesh look? How are its proportions, balance, and scale? How coherent is polygon distribution? Is there an overreliance on in-game SD meshes? Do the shapes complement the model's theme?/15

How good is the wrap? Are the textures appealing, or do they look blurry/stretched from the default game camera and portrait? Do the tones go well together? Is there sufficient contrast?/15

How natural, smooth, and appropriate are the animations? Do they have physical coherence? Do they have character/personality? How well are they executed? Does the model have enough animations to function properly?/15

Were the particle, ribbon, or mesh effects made in good measure? Do they contribute to the model? Are they impressive?/10

How well does the model work in-game? Does it feature the necessary attachments, footprints, sounds, and collisions? Are the attachments obscured? Is the model fully selectable? How well does the it fit in the game environment?/10

How original is the general idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does the model interpret the contest theme?/20

  • Judgement: 70%
  • Poll: 30%
FinalScore = (30*Reached_Votes/POSSIBLE_VOTES) + (70*Average_Judge_Score/POSSIBLE_SCORE)

The poll shall begin on Nov 27, 2022 and conclude on Dec 11, 2022 GMT (day is included).

Assigned Staff: @Archian

Contest | Results
Last edited:
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
if you guys don't mind me asking, is there a link for all the previous modeling contests? I know I've been here in Hive since 2013 but I only actually subscribed to the modeling contest stuff
All previous Contests are found here, but you're probably better served using the Contest List thread put together by our very own Vinz (it is organized with links).
Level 32
May 25, 2017
Man, bunch of trolls.

I like most of these with various direction you can think of, although I have some itty bitty bias to what stuff i can skin alive out of :xxd: .

You have (in short summary):
  • A Malicious beef-cake power hungry Troll from Grendel.
  • Bwonsamzeus's Pawn without a child name after Norse from Proxy.
  • Zandalari playing the Sparta game from Frostwhisper.
  • What if Malzahar was a troll from Stefan.
  • Troll Assassin decide to use "less coverage more damage" tactic by twilac.
  • Powerpuff girl but from Hell and it's troll by Professor Direfurtonium.
Who win my vote? Nobodies since no forest troll, no votey.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
what's the status on this?
That's a... good question. :<

Archian was running this, but I can too, and it looks like... we didn't have any Judges yet? So I guess we are/were waiting for Judges. But perhaps if that takes too long (how long?) we can decide to just go with the Poll (or only count Votes where voters have explained their vote/'reviewed' the entries in some meaningful way).
That's a... good question. :<

Archian was running this, but I can too, and it looks like... we didn't have any Judges yet? So I guess we are/were waiting for Judges. But perhaps if that takes too long (how long?) we can decide to just go with the Poll (or only count Votes where voters have explained their vote/'reviewed' the entries in some meaningful way).
Which would just lead to another contest where the winner is decided by people who've only barely given the model a glance, and likely only at the submission image. We didn't put in all that work just for it to go completely unnoticed.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Which would just lead to another contest where the winner is decided by people who've only barely given the model a glance, and likely only at the submission image. We didn't put in all that work just for it to go completely unnoticed.
That's what requiring a 'review' would do; if all they did was look at the screenshot, that could be considered "insufficient for review (and thus Voting) purposes" & thus not be considered in the Voting.

But anyway that was all just my suggestion for what to do if waiting for Judges takes too long. If Judges show up tomorrow or next week I'll be glad to do things like normal... But are you all gonna be fine waiting a month or 6 months or a year? That's what I meant by "if that takes too long (how long?)".
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