Melee map contest #2

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Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

I can't guarantee I'll be joining because of my exams. If it's somewhere like mid to late August I might give it a shot. It's for 1v1 maps, right?
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
Well, here are my ideas for the contest, but all of them are only temporary and can be changed:
1) The map must be suitable for 1v1 competitive play
2) Imports/Custom data is allowed as long as it doesn't ruins the gameplay(custom doodads are OK, custom units are not)
3) No. of players is unlimited, however map must fulfil the rule no.1
4) It should be in line with some theme*on which we will agree on before the contest starts.

*My idea for the theme would be: Any place from Warcraft universe. (Did you enjoyed Swap of Sorrows from W1? Or maybe you find Dalaran from W3 quitte intresting or perhaps Stormwind City from WoW. Fantasy is your limit)

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

I'd personally rather not use custom textures if it's not strictly required. I don't have a problem with others using them however. I agree about the setting suggestion. I would like to see places like Plaguelands, Grizzly Hills, Westfall and others adapted for melee setting.
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
Hmmm good to know you guys are interested in another melee map contest. I'm just not sure if we'll be able to have the same way we had it last year (with the partnership and money prize) but we'll see.

For me personally the contest was fun and B2W + money, was just a cherry on top. Since I believe there are at least 10 active melee map makers on Hive, we should get an oportunity to host our own contest.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2017
One thing though, as we've seen with the newest additions in the ladder pool, blizz isn't very fond of any custom data. Though I don't think we should be obliged by the strict rules of ladder map, it's not really up to me what the rules will be.
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
@Knecht so will you able to find some time for map crafting then? :D Even though I don't plan to use custom data either, it should be an option for mapers who like to work with them.

I understand your love for ships, however, competitive 1v1 is what is W3 about at the moment, so I think it will be better for everyone if we will stick to it. If there are more people willing to do something "out of the box" we will have a poll about it.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
"4) It should be in line with some theme*on which we will agree on before the contest starts."

I think the theme should be free (as long is a melee map with the presets of Blizzard, and custom things for doodads only).

It is more fun if the users have freedom to choose the tematic. Lord of the rings , Age of wonders , Final Fantasy, Pillars of Eternity, Dark souls, what ever.

So users can be free and do what they like. (if all of us do wow areas, it is pointless to judge how accurate is the wc3 map to the wow area). The last contest had that freedom and it was great.

-Elwyn Forest or Hellfire peninsula, nothing new really.
- Another areas may be boring as hell like Tanaris desert or Desolace wich the terrain is very monotone and empty.
-There are many cool wow areas like Zangar Marsh or Grim Batol but they have already been done.
- Anothers wow areas will need alpha tiles for shure to represent them.

-Not everybody played wow (I did Wrath of the Lich King and a bit of Cataclysm then I quit I didn´t like Cataclysm at all they destroyed the talent system, and now they are with the 7 expansion and I know nothing.

Doing a theme based of a lore you are not familiar: (Not everybody played wow and probably not everybody remember wc3 campaing history with detail: Illidan Prison, Furion house, The prophet dungeon) Choosing a theme like lets say Dark souls or Skyrim saga, many users will have disadvantage.

That will force you to see youtube videos, thats take time.
It takes time to know a new lore and in a second phase get inspired to plasm such lore the best you can.

I was trying to take ideas from wow areas and sadly I am not getting very inspired

I got few ideas for wow areas, just if I need them later, and none of them is what I really want to do rigth now.

-Also it is good to see new things never done before, from others lores.
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
The "theme" should be there to spice things up, but we can leave that for another contest. I don't really mind. Seems like we have enought people for the contest. I will upadate the rules, we will dicuss the dates so the contest can begin in August.

Another thing, mind the vote system, the % I mean, because in the past there where some problems with the % of the voting in the last melee contest and in other contest too (popularity thing). The last time was 25% and the judges saids it was to much. 10-15% perhaps will be more ok?. So it won´t determine the winner the 25%.

also in the rules say with wich versionn of the wc3 editor the users should work, I heard of some crashes with the 1.30, it would be good to have freedom with that too, to work with stable versions like the 1.26 even if they are older.

also if there is doodad limit, size limit (imports) or some other limit for the map.

"we will dicuss the dates so the contest can begin in August."

sounds great!!

I will decide in joining after seeing the rules ( I have some ideas in mind for 1vs1 melee maps and I really want to participate, but I want to see all the rules first)

I edited my previus post:
Melee map contest #2
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Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
I would most definitely be interested. But it would help to check with Neo and Remo from back2warcraft first, to see if they have anything similar in theri plans, and if not, try to get them on board. Or maybe even reach out to Kam/Blizzard.

Ok custom units etc: A very important question is "Should there be a bigger purpose to the contest or should it be a competition for the melee mapping scene itself?". In the first case, if we want to get new into the (competitive) melee scene, it makes a lot of scenes to restrict the contest to the rules of this scene, meaning in particulat (almost) no custom data. In the second case, the rules can be entirely up to us. Also reaching out to the competitive scene might motivate some skilled players try to create a map, which they otherwise wouldnt do (at least one such guy participated in the last contest), and could possibly get a small amount of prize money from somewhere.

About the theme, I'm afraid if there is a too restrictive theme it will basically only have negative consequences: There are melee mapmakers but imho not enough that we should take the risks of a few people not participating simply because they dont like the theme (for example, in my case this would be something like setting an "outland" theme which I think will, sadly, never have any chance to deliver competitive maps if we use only what blizzard gives us in the editor).
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
I would most definitely be interested. But it would help to check with Neo and Remo from back2warcraft first, to see if they have anything similar in theri plans, and if not, try to get them on board. Or maybe even reach out to Kam/Blizzard.

Ok custom units etc: A very important question is "Should there be a bigger purpose to the contest or should it be a competition for the melee mapping scene itself?". In the first case, if we want to get new into the (competitive) melee scene, it makes a lot of scenes to restrict the contest to the rules of this scene, meaning in particulat (almost) no custom data. In the second case, the rules can be entirely up to us. Also reaching out to the competitive scene might motivate some skilled players try to create a map, which they otherwise wouldnt do (at least one such guy participated in the last contest), and could possibly get a small amount of prize money from somewhere.

About the theme, I'm afraid if there is a too restrictive theme it will basically only have negative consequences: There are melee mapmakers but imho not enough that we should take the risks of a few people not participating simply because they dont like the theme (for example, in my case this would be something like setting an "outland" theme which I think will, sadly, never have any chance to deliver competitive maps if we use only what blizzard gives us in the editor).

"2) Imports/Custom data is allowed as long as it doesn't ruins the gameplay(custom doodads are OK, custom units are not)" by Mr.Henci

Acording to Mr.Henci there cannot be custom units, but yes custom doodads for enviroment. Custom doodads for enviroment should be free to use since Blizzard doodads can have a lot of limitations. And we want our maps to look cool and original.

Agree with you about a restrictive theme. Outland no please no, no no, even the dungeon tile set with that weird red water is better to do more things that the outland tile set.

Also is important the WIP rules submition, so there won´t be copies from the very begining, or maps too similar by chance.
A tile-set and layout check could be important for the very begining, just in case. Thats important.
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Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
Whoa, whoa, whoa . . .

Here are my initial thoughts: Icon makers have their contests, model makers have their contest, same goes for music composers, spell creators, custom race makers, etc. Why shouldn't we, the melee map community on Hive have the same opportunity to host our own competition. First contest by B2W was a big one, which we will not have until they will feel like it again.

The rules which I've presented were just the first step, so everybody can discuss them and provide us with their opinion. For now, they look something like this:

1) The map must be suitable for 1v1 competitive play
2) Imports/Custom data is allowed(It's fair I think, if somebody likes to work with custom objects, why he shouldn't he been allowed to) as long as it doesn't ruins the gameplay(custom doodads are OK, custom units are not)
3) No. of players is unlimited, however map must fulfil the rule no.1

The theme won't be a part of this contest, even thought I fear not everybody got the right image of what I meant by it in the first place. (Though I agree, that the number of participants could have been lower thanks to this.)

Now, to the purpose of this contest. I know that first one by B2W set the bar quite high and I fear it is not in my power to have that big reach. It should be just a friendly contest of Hivers, but look, if somebody is willing enough to get B2W involved, I will be only happy.


@deepstrasz your idea seems fair and I would support it personally. However, while Blizz doesn't implement the changes to the game, we shouldn't apply any of them to our maps during this contest, even though they could bring balance to some unused elements of W3


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
your idea seems fair and I would support it personally. However, while Blizz doesn't implement the changes to the game, we shouldn't apply any of them to our maps during this contest, even though they could bring balance to some unused elements of W3
True but we have to raise awareness somehow. Maybe, if we don't make the move, BlizzEnt won't. Just sayin'.
Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
About custom data, I think mafe refers to the community maps recently added to the map pool which have had their custom data reset to standard, although I wonder if some people would not partecipate without imports.

For exposure I think a post on the r/WC3 subreddit would be enough, and expanding on the involvement of more skilled players suggested by mafe, I wouldn't mind if there was the option to have teams of player + mapmaker in case either side was interested but not confident in one of the areas.

Overall I agree with Mr.Henci about it being a friendly Hive contest, we shouldn't have that high expectations I feel.

Fountains: right now they heal for 1% of maximum hp - I would divide it into a fixed amount + % hp, for example 2+0.5%.
This formula makes it so that units at 400hp have the same hp/s and time needed to fully heal as before, while units below would take shorter with a higher hp/s and units above take longer with a lower hp/s than before.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Guys, should we try a petition or something to exclude the tenth level dragons out of the roots for melee maps (for official ladder) so the roots would actually be used (like a merc camp)?
What of fountains, what could we do to make them viable?

Even by doing that, early air units may unbalance if the creep can be taken down by AOW or Tower rush.
If the creep is defended by an orange creep like a mercenary camp, even with a red creep, you can still buy the level 6 dragon, buy it and run.
Sleeping creeps will also umbalance, so you can buy at night, or even the blademaster with wind walk, of course wind walk can be used with markets and goblin labs but the effect is less problematic, an air unit in early may be a problem.

Undeads can´t take air units until Tier 2 of the main hall (the nerubians with web), so air creeps should be a red. I learned that from Orange the guy who review all the maps of the Hive in the last melee contest on youtube, he made very good points about air creeps.

The matter should be discussed more carefully. I don´t think that the solution is that simple as removing the level 10 dragon. But is true that it will be a good start.

The fountains: Probably a solution will be like a slow regeneration like an item, so you have to waste time but I am not shure if thats the solution.

We also have to make a petition to balance all the mercenary camps acording mafe mercenary camps review, but well thats another story.

The main topic now is the melee contest. An inner contest will be cool. I already have the willing to start, Like the terraining contest or the music contest of the Hive. A back to warcraft contest can be done in October- November or when the feel to.

"Icon makers have their contests, model makers have their contest, same goes for music composers, spell creators, custom race makers, etc. Why shouldn't we, the melee map community on Hive have the same opportunity to host our own competition."

100% Agree.

Also an inner contest will be more relaxed, last time like 5 maps couldn´t be considered because the waiting list for drop-outs. Also a competition between experienced users will be cool, many users in the last melee contest did their attemps with not knowing some basics and it was sad to see buildings bad defended by creeps, bad item tables, chokepoints, bad placement of wood. and many maps with low quality for melee play. Probably many just did an attempt for the price more than learn melee stuff and properly plasm it on a map.
There was clearly two different levels in the last contest regarding melee knoledge.

So a competition between experienced users, with no reward, will be great.

@Mr.Henci please keep us informed by this thread, (if you talked with the back to warcraft guys or if its gonna be inner contest dates, judges, voting, wips whatever.

see ya to all of you guys

edit: I missed some posts. @Arrr idea is interesting.
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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
Hey guys! I'm happy you're willing to create a contest.

Once you guys finished deciding the rules and etc, you're free to create the contest thread. You can follow the rules and judging criteria we used on the previous one: [$100 Prize Pool] Melee Mapping Contest - 1v1

When you create the contest thread, let me know so I can help with mod-related stuff (move the thread, check the guidelines, etc).
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Hey guys! I'm happy you're willing to create a contest.

Once you guys finished deciding the rules and etc, you're free to create the contest thread. You can follow the rules and judging criteria we used on the previous one: [$100 Prize Pool] Melee Mapping Contest - 1v1

When you create the contest thread, let me know so I can help with mod-related stuff (move the thread, check the guidelines, etc).

@Naze do you remember the 25% voting thing. Remember we have some trouble (popularity contest) it will be ok to down the %, let say 10-15%, and not 25% even the judeges (Sister-she) said that 25% was too much to really get a winner by quality and not by popularity. see ya.

The rest of the rules are more than ok I think.

Yep this will be great. Also if theres gonna be a back to warcraft contest in the future. This contest will help us to perfection ourself, as practice. We don´t want to loose in the future with outsiders in co-sponsored contest, do we?

If the contest is gonna be an inner one, I think we are almost ready to go.
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Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
Hey guys! I'm happy you're willing to create a contest.

Once you guys finished deciding the rules and etc, you're free to create the contest thread. You can follow the rules and judging criteria we used on the previous one: [$100 Prize Pool] Melee Mapping Contest - 1v1

When you create the contest thread, let me know so I can help with mod-related stuff (move the thread, check the guidelines, etc).
Hey, that sound great! I will hit you up when we are ready.
So, if nobody will have a problem with the current form of rules, we can start discussing the start date. One month should be enough time to polish a melee map, so if everything goes right, the contest could start 2018.08.22,- I know that it's Wednesday, but the end date, 2018.09.22 will be Saturday, so everybody can have enough time for last patches.

What do you guys think? (Tomorrow I will start working on the complete rule list/contest thread, so everything is set in stone before we begin.)
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Hey, that sound great! I will hit you up when we are ready.
So, if nobody will have a problem with the current form of rules, we can start discussing the start date. One month should be enough time to polish a melee map, so if everything goes right, the contest could start 2018.08.22,- I know that it's Wednesday, but the end date, 2018.09.22 will be Saturday, so everybody can have enough time for last patches.

What do you guys think? (Tomorrow I will start working on the complete rule list/contest thread, so everything is set in stone before we begin.)

copy paste of what I think, that I replied to Naze:

do you remember the 25% voting thing. Remember we have some trouble (popularity contest) it will be ok to down the %, let say 10-15%, and not 25% even the judeges (Sister-she) said that 25% was too much to really get a winner by quality and not by popularity. see ya.
(my opinion, but I only care in mapping, is ok if you want it as it is)

The rest of the rules are more than ok I think.

The dates chronogram is ok :piru:,1 moth was the last one, and is very good for a 1vs1, there are 5 weekends not counting the last saturday 22, so I think the time is more than ok.

good that you plan to work the rules soon.

"can have enough time for last patches."

we have to work with the 1.30 or we are free to use older versions like 1.26-1.27-1.28? can you explain more? (I fear crashes of the 1.29 and 1.30 versions)

Talked by pm, my bad I misunderstood.

Well great news!! hope this can be lauched the 22.

Another thing, when the contest is launched, it will be good that it will be announced in the home page of the Hive so everybody see it. (well probably you guys know what to do, and I am just telling what you already know)

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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Even by doing that, early air units may unbalance if the creep can be taken down by AOW or Tower rush.
If the creep is defended by an orange creep like a mercenary camp, even with a red creep, you can still buy the level 6 dragon, buy it and run.
It can have an increased cooldown and one 6th level dragon is pretty meh.
Sleeping creeps will also umbalance, so you can buy at night, or even the blademaster with wind walk, of course wind walk can be used with markets and goblin labs but the effect is less problematic, an air unit in early may be a problem.
You're overthinking it. As I wrote, it's an easy fix, increase the stock time before you can hire/buy one.
The fountains: Probably a solution will be like a slow regeneration like an item, so you have to waste time but I am not shure if thats the solution.
Well, maybe on top of that the fountain could have a limited amount of rejuvenating properties like the moon well? But then it could be problematic for the player who didn't get the "bonus" before it recharges.

By the way guys, make sure the judge(s) use 1.30 patch version if any of you make the map on it in case there are compatibility issues.
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
It can have an increased cooldown and one 6th level dragon is pretty meh.

You're overthinking it. As I wrote, it's an easy fix, increase the stock time before you can hire/buy one.

Well, maybe on top of that the fountain could have a limited amount of rejuvenating properties like the moon well? But then it could be problematic for the player who didn't get the "bonus".

By the way guys, make sure the judge(s) use 1.30 patch version if any of you make the map on in case there are compatibility issues.

True thats important, older version will be fine, but if someone uses a 1.29 or more, it can be a problem, again good point!!!
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013



Create a competitive 1v1 melee map that excels in terrain, dynamic, and creativity, but most importantly balance.


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any submission does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
    • You must submit your entry before the deadline. To submit your final entry, you must upload the entry's contents as a bundle in the Maps Section, and link to that bundle in this thread confirming the submission.
    • Several screenshots of terrain and gameplay.
    • The file in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Your final submission must be bug free.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
    • Finding testers to help you with your submission is not considered teamwork.
  • Imports may (optionally) be used in the map, however they must all be credited. *For melee maps, imports should be of cosmetic use for terrain and decoration use ONLY. Any playable or killable unit should not have/be a custom import.
  • *For melee maps, any gameplay altering data may not be changed.
  • *For melee maps, the game data in the editor must be set to "Melee (latest patch)"

Breaking any of these rules may lead to punishment in the judgement score, up to disqualification from the contest, depending on the weight of the issue. In case of doubts towards a certain rule you are very encouraged to discuss it in the contest thread so others and judges may help with sorting it out.


  • 1st place: X reputation points
  • 2nd place: X reputation points
  • 3rd place: X reputation points
The three winning entries will receive an award icon, representing the winning entry.


  • ----------
  • ----------


Is the map balanced for a player vs player 1v1? Are the positions and distance between points of interest fair? Does the map allow the 4 races to be balanced? Consider balance when implementing the pathing, resources, creep camps, and item drops.50/100
TerrainIs the map visually pleasing in mediums of terrain, doodad placement, and overall theme? Is the map repetitive? Is the aesthetic well designed but not overly obstructive?35/100
Creativity & UniquenessDoes the map bring something new or creative to the table?15/100
BugsScores may be brought down if there are bug-like issues such as faulty pathing, unusable resources, etc -
  • 80% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 20% of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

  • The contest shall begin on August 22 and conclude on September 22, 23:59 GMT

Assigned Moderator: ----------

Ok, this is my first-draw contest page, hope you can give me feedback. I will contct Naze on 20th or 21st, so if you want to change anything, you have 3 days for suggestions.
Level 29
May 21, 2013



Create a competitive 1v1 melee map that excels in terrain, dynamic, and creativity, but most importantly balance.


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any submission does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
    • You must submit your entry before the deadline. To submit your final entry, you must upload the entry's contents as a bundle in the Maps Section, and link to that bundle in this thread confirming the submission.
    • Several screenshots of terrain and gameplay.
    • The file in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Your final submission must be bug free.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
    • Finding testers to help you with your submission is not considered teamwork.
  • Imports may (optionally) be used in the map, however they must all be credited. *For melee maps, imports should be of cosmetic use for terrain and decoration use ONLY. Any playable or killable unit should not have/be a custom import.
  • *For melee maps, any gameplay altering data may not be changed.
  • *For melee maps, the game data in the editor must be set to "Melee (latest patch)"

Breaking any of these rules may lead to punishment in the judgement score, up to disqualification from the contest, depending on the weight of the issue. In case of doubts towards a certain rule you are very encouraged to discuss it in the contest thread so others and judges may help with sorting it out.


  • 1st place: X reputation points
  • 2nd place: X reputation points
  • 3rd place: X reputation points
The three winning entries will receive an award icon, representing the winning entry.


  • ----------
  • ----------


Is the map balanced for a player vs player 1v1? Are the positions and distance between points of interest fair? Does the map allow the 4 races to be balanced? Consider balance when implementing the pathing, resources, creep camps, and item drops.50/100
TerrainIs the map visually pleasing in mediums of terrain, doodad placement, and overall theme? Is the map repetitive? Is the aesthetic well designed but not overly obstructive?35/100
Creativity & UniquenessDoes the map bring something new or creative to the table?15/100
BugsScores may be brought down if there are bug-like issues such as faulty pathing, unusable resources, etc -
  • 80% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 20% of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

  • The contest shall begin on August 22 and conclude on September 22, 23:59 GMT

Assigned Moderator: ----------

Ok, this is my first-draw contest page, hope you can give me feedback. I will contct Naze on 20th or 21st, so if you want to change anything, you have 3 days for suggestions.

Perfect to me, great that the vote score was reduced from 25% to 20%.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

What's the theme then?

  • *For melee maps, the game data in the editor must be set to "Melee (latest patch)"
Also, this is not required for maps without custom assets, doodad changes, etc.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
What's the theme then?

  • *For melee maps, the game data in the editor must be set to "Melee (latest patch)"
Also, this is not required for maps without custom assets, doodad changes, etc.

Theme is Free, you can do what you really like to do.

Since is an inner contest and we are like 9-10 participants (for now, drops may happen due to exams or time limit), we dont want risk a theme that someone doesn´t like and not joining because of that. Last contest the theme was free, is good for the moment to mantain that.

I said that if the theme is Skyrim or Dark souls areas, people who don´t know those sagas have to see youtube videos, gain knoledge of the lore and then get inspired to plasm that lore. Thats takes time.
As example it was said to do wow areas:

1-Elwyn Forest or Hellfire peninsula, nothing new really.
2- Another areas may be boring as hell like Tanaris desert or Desolace wich the terrain is very monotone and empty.
3-There are many cool wow areas like Zangar Marsh or Grim Batol but they have already been done.
4- Anothers wow areas will need alpha tiles for shure to represent them ( not everybody want to use that, I don´t fearing crashes).

I have one or two wow areas in mind, but I feel that I will be very limited doing a wow area, that I don´t have much the will to execute.
Mapping can be fun or boring as hell according to the inspiration level, (I say it after doing 18 maps), so lets make it fun to everybody and free theme. Also not all of us are skilled with all tilesets, someones like sunken ruins, other ashenvale, others outland, others dalaran city.

A fixed theme like castle themes, or forest theme or sea theme or snow theme, will make very similar (similar tilesets) maps, wich is gonna be boring too. And there wont be creativity diference:

Creativity & Uniqueness Does the map bring something new or creative to the table?
With all forest maps or fixed theme, is hard to say , hey thats a really unique map.
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Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Pretty sure that setting exists for the sake of custom map. The maps with "melee" label should be updated by default.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
think he is right, the firelord, tinker and goblin alchemist wont appear if is not set to melee last patch. Also it is necesary to get the approved in the map section, is a must.
Actually saved Booty Bay on the default used by Blizzard which is: default (based on map melee status) and all Tavern heroes were there. Thus I suggest you save the maps like this (those without custom imports/object data only).
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Especially @Mr.Henci , there's absolutely nothing stopping you from having your own little competition for Melee Map Modding. (heck, you could just do it on the side between yourselves, no Mods needed!)

If you want to have it be "officially Hive supported" (site-wide banner notification, Rep rewards from mods, etc etc), then there is a minimum 'bar' to clear but even then, there's nearly nothing stopping you.

All that needs to be done is start the discussion (which you've done), then create a (WIP) thread in Contest Submission with all the Rules (easier to debate them that way), and get it going. Anyone can Host a Contest (not just Mods), so find someone who's willing & get going!

Good luck.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Especially @Mr.Henci , there's absolutely nothing stopping you from having your own little competition for Melee Map Modding. (heck, you could just do it on the side between yourselves, no Mods needed!)

If you want to have it be "officially Hive supported" (site-wide banner notification, Rep rewards from mods, etc etc), then there is a minimum 'bar' to clear but even then, there's nearly nothing stopping you.

All that needs to be done is start the discussion (which you've done), then create a (WIP) thread in Contest Submission with all the Rules (easier to debate them that way), and get it going. Anyone can Host a Contest (not just Mods), so find someone who's willing & get going!

Good luck.

I think a mod is needed to have someone with authority in cases that a conflict randomly occurs (in the last contest, well some conflicts happened and the role of the mod was very important).

Thanks for the explanation.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I think a mod is needed to have someone with authority in cases that a conflict randomly occurs (in the last contest, well some conflicts happened and the role of the mod was very important).

Thanks for the explanation.
In the sense that it's nice to have someone "official" around, I agree.

However, this is a fan-site and Modding is alive because of it's fans. We're a community, and we can collaborate on things. I guess I just want to stress how democratic this all is; rather than waiting around for a Mod to speak up or approve, get things started (as in, make the thread; not starting the Contest, necessarily) & let the Mod know. We the users get the ball rolling!
Level 29
May 21, 2013
In the sense that it's nice to have someone "official" around, I agree.

However, this is a fan-site and Modding is alive because of it's fans. We're a community, and we can collaborate on things. I guess I just want to stress how democratic this all is; rather than waiting around for a Mod to speak up or approve, get things started (as in, make the thread; not starting the Contest, necessarily) & let the Mod know. We the users get the ball rolling!


We are already doing everything you have mentioned. No worries, we have contacted the mod, we have judge, we have participants, we are ready to start, I'm just leaving some time, so everyone can have a say if the rules are ok.

Great to have the papers on rule.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Nice having the rules ready.

But, what is the Uniqueness in judging precisely?

Good question, that can be a very wide concept related to many things like:

Terraining (alpha tiles) or a new enviroment.
Custom doodads (models of the Hive)
New layout and game-play (for example the random building thing was very new in the last melee contest).
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
Nice having the rules ready.

But, what is the Uniqueness in judging precisely?
Well, uniqueness means uniqeu elements in your map. If it just a same old players in the corner, LordSumm Tileset, etc. it won't be anything special from the other maps. However, your goal is to create such a map, that players would find it speacial in some kind of way and remeber it.

Examples: Fields of Ruin by @mafe has LordFall Tileset, symetry is daigonal, in the middle, there is a random shop, layout is interesting and viable for many styles of gameplay.
OR Thawing Snow by @Knecht utilzes ships as a viable option as well as bringing new lovely tileset to the table. etc.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

So, we're just waiting for a mod to get this going now? Everything else is decided?
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
So, we're just waiting for a mod to get this going now? Everything else is decided?
Not exactly, technically, we could start at any moment, but I wanted to give participant enought time to understand all the rules/discuss them here, if something is unclear or bad in their oppinion. Start date is set in stone, 22 August, 0:00 GMT is the date and time when you can start working on your map.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Not exactly, technically, we could start at any moment, but I wanted to give participant enought time to understand all the rules/discuss them here, if something is unclear or bad in their oppinion. Start date is set in stone, 22 August, 0:00 GMT is the date and time when you can start working on your map.
If that's the case then I see no reason to wait for so long, but that's just me. Seems to me like the rules are clear and there isn't much to discuss, unless we want to have a poll for something like the aesthetic theme or whatever.
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