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[Solved] Magic immunity prevents casting spells

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Level 4
Dec 24, 2010
So I have this unit with Spell Immunity (Neutral Hostile) ability, all I want is to properly cast a spell on it. But certain spells, like Wand of Illusion, and Poison Arrows (the active poison arrow, not passive), are prevented to even target that unit. It says "That unit is immune to magic".

How did DotA do it? Some of the hero abilities are based on Poison Arrow (I should know, I viewed the SLK files) and yet they can cast it on a magic immune units. That goes also for their illusions.

I know there's a trick to it, if anyone knows, please share :(
Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
You can bypass this by using Channel Ability's Universal Cast Option. Then trigger the effect by making a Dummy cast the actual effects but make sure that the Dummy's Ability is a Hero Ability with Lv6 requirement (an Ultimate) so that it can be casted on Spell Immune Units.
But if it is an ultimate spell to begin with, you don't need the Dummy at all.
Level 4
Dec 24, 2010
Perfect! Never thought I would get the answer fast. Thanks a lot!

I'll add a bit of an info here:
You can just change the ability into a Hero ability and set its Required Level to 6, then just change it back to Unit ability, that is of course if you want it as an Unit ability.
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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Perfect! Never thought I would get the answer fast. Thanks a lot!

I'll add a bit of an info here:
You can just change the ability into a Hero ability and set its Required Level to 6, then just change it back to Unit ability, that is of course if you want it as an Unit ability.
req level just have to be non-0 and non-1. 2 or -1 will work either
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