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Knock-Back 3D - MMS 3D V. 3.2.1

Moderator: A small update by KitsuneTailsPower: KB3D Extended

Knock-Back 3D
Multi-Movement System

System Description:
This, Incredible, System makes you able to move units, bounce them, make them fly, damage them with whatsoever technique you can think of, add effects on stages, and OUTRAGEOUS number of other features all smoothly joined together in one system

System Usage:
The MMS system itself has 60+ features, giving it outrageous possible usages, of which:
  1. Jump
  2. Line Damage
  3. AoE Damage
  4. Loop Damage
  5. Unit DPS
  6. Destructable Destroyer (intelligent)
  7. Bouncing Ball
  8. Missile
  9. Attack Missile
  10. Cyclone Movement
  11. Black Hole Simulation
  12. Homing Movement
  13. Acceleration to a Unit
  14. Realistic Missile
  15. And more depending on your imagination

System Features: (60+)
  • KB3D Features GUI
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • -------- Those Values are Required for the KB --------
      • -------- ------------------------------------------------ --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Knock-Backed Unit, the Knock-Backed Unit who all actions orbit around --------
      • Set KB3D_Unit = No unit
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Max Range, Maximum Range possible of the Knock-Back --------
      • Set KB3D_Range = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Base KB Speed, Base Speed when starting the Knock-Back --------
      • Set KB3D_Speed = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Angle, The KB's line angle, this will be useless if KB3D_Targeted_Unit is not null --------
      • Set KB3D_Angle = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- ------------------------------------------------ --------
      • -------- Those Values are Optional for the KB --------
      • -------- NOTE: some values may depend on other to function, like LineDamage that needs "Damager, AttackType, DamageType, AoE" to function --------
      • -------- ------------------------------------------------ --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Targets Allowed --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Filter Damages and AoEKB with those values, if true, each one will allow filtering of Structures, Mechanicals, Magic Imminues, Allies --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • Set KB3D_D_MAGIC_IMMINUE = False
      • Set KB3D_D_ALLY = False
      • Set KB3D_D_MECHANICAL = False
      • Set KB3D_D_STRUCTURE = False
      • Set KB3D_D_ENEMY = True
      • Set KB3D_D_FLYING = False
      • Set KB3D_D_RESISTANT = False
      • -------- Requires: AoEKB, or, Damagers, or, BounceTarget --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Speed Changer, makes the unit move forward with a bonus speed equal to the KB speed, negative speed also works --------
      • Set KB3D_Speed_Changer = False
      • -------- Requires: NONE, Disables Angle --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Homing Missile, automatically sets needed features of KB3D for a homing missile --------
      • Set KB3D_HomingMissile = True
      • -------- Requires: NONE, Disables Angle --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Bounce Unit, Makes the KBed unit bounce on unpathable areas and units --------
      • Set KB3D_Bounce_Unit = False
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Bounce Targets, Bounces units that encounter the KBed unit --------
      • Set KB3D_Bounce_Target = False
      • -------- Requires: AoE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- End on Target Bounce, when hits a unit, ends the KB --------
      • Set KB3D_EndOnTargetBounce = False
      • -------- Requires: Bounce_Target --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Bounce Power, intensity of the Bounce --------
      • Set KB3D_Bounce_Power = 1.00
      • -------- Requires: Bounce --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Bounce Effect, Effect created on units that get Bounced --------
      • Set KB3D_Bounce_Fx = <Empty String>
      • -------- Requires: Bounce --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Destroy Destructibles, Destroys any destructibles on the path of the KB, does not destroy platforms, bridges, elevators --------
      • Set KB3D_DestroyDestructables = False
      • -------- Requires: Line Damage --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Line Effect, Effect created on units damaged by Line Damage --------
      • Set KB3D_Line_Fx = <Empty String>
      • -------- Requires: Line Damage --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- End Trigger, This trigger will be excecuted at the end of the KB, you can use KB3D_Unit and KB3D_Targeted_Unit variables in the trigger --------
      • Set KB3D_EndTrigger = KB3D_EndTrigger
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- End on Obstacle, Immediatly Ends the KB if the KBed unit encounters an unpathable area --------
      • Set KB3D_EndOnObstacle = False
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Arc, Arc of the Angle of the KB, does not work with homing KB --------
      • Set KB3D_Arc = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: Angle --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Ending Effect, an Effect created at the End of the KB on the KBed Unit --------
      • Set KB3D_EndFx = <Empty String>
      • -------- Requires: AoE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- AoE End Damage, Damage dealt to enemy units in the AoE at the End of the KB --------
      • Set KB3D_AoEEndDamage = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: AoE, Damager, AType, DType --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- AoE KB, if true, KBs Enemy units within the AoE, Range, Speed, Angle, are automatic --------
      • Set KB3D_AoEKB = False
      • -------- Requires: AoE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- AoE KB Power, The Power of the AoE KB, default value is 1.00 (normal), Min value: 0.01, Max value: 3.00 --------
      • Set KB3D_AoEKB_Power = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: AoEKB --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- End when Dead, if true, the KB will end if the KBed unit is dead, TRUE by default --------
      • Set KB3D_EndwhenDead = True
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Ground Damage, Damages the Unit When it hits the Ground, Damage dealt is KB3D_ImpactDamage --------
      • Set KB3D_GroundDamage = False
      • -------- Requires: Damager, ImpactDamage, AType, DType --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- KB the Target, When the Targeted Unit is hit, it will be KBed depending on the speed of the original KB --------
      • Set KB3D_KBTarget = False
      • -------- Requires: Targeted_Unit --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Stop Time, Maximum Time the KB will last, Note that if the KBed unit is flying at this time, it will be stuck --------
      • Set KB3D_StopTime = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Kill at End, Kills the KBed Unit at the End of the KB --------
      • Set KB3D_KillatEnd = False
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Kill at Time, When this time is reached, the KBed unit will be killed, if this number is higher than KB3D_StopTime, EndWhenDead will be automatically turned on no matter what --------
      • Set KB3D_KillatTime = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Acceleration, Speed Added/s to the KB speed --------
      • Set KB3D_Accel = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Allow going outside playable bounds, Allows the KBed unit to go out of the Playable Bounds, SAFETY notice: this will not crash the game --------
      • Set KB3D_AllowOutSiding = False
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Area of Effect, Range where the Line Damage is applied to units --------
      • Set KB3D_AoE = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Area of Effect Damage, Makes the KB3D_Damager, damage enemy units within KB3D_AoE by this value as a DPS --------
      • Set KB3D_AoEDamage = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: AoE, Damager, DType, AType --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Attack Type, Attack type of ALL damagings in the Instance --------
      • Set KB3D_AttackType = Normal
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Damage Type, Damage type of ALL damagings in the Instance --------
      • Set KB3D_DamageType = Magic
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Damager, Source of ALL damagings in the Instance --------
      • Set KB3D_Damager = No unit
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Destroy Trees?, Destroy Trees around the KBed unit while he is KBed? --------
      • Set KB3D_DestroyTree = True
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Disable Unit?, Disable the KBed Unit's Movement and Turning? --------
      • Set KB3D_DisableUnit = False
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- End When Hit?, Ends the KB if the KBed Unit hits the Targeted Unit --------
      • Set KB3D_EndWhenHit = False
      • -------- Requires: Targeted_Unit --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Face KB Anlge, makes the KBed Unit Face the Anlge of the KB during the KB --------
      • Set KB3D_FaceAngle = False
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Effect, Effect created on the Unit's Location if he is not flying, and applied on the Unit if he is flying on the Attach Point --------
      • Set KB3D_Fx = <Empty String>
      • -------- Requires: Attach --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Attachment Point, location on the KBed unit where Effects are attached --------
      • Set KB3D_Attach = <Empty String>
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- AoE End Effect, Effect Created on target units in the AoE at the End of the KB --------
      • Set KB3D_AoEEndFx = <Empty String>
      • -------- Requires: AoE, Attach --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Impact Damage, Damaged dealt to the KBed Unit if he hits an obstacle --------
      • Set KB3D_ImpactDamage = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: Damager --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- intelligent KB, Enables the intelligent features of KB3D, see Main Code Comments for more info --------
      • Set KB3D_iKB = True
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Kill When Hit?, Kills the KBed Unit if he hits the Targeted Unit, Automatically set EndWhenHit to true --------
      • Set KB3D_KillWhenHit = False
      • -------- Requires: Targeted_Unit --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Kill if Out of Playable Bounds, Kills the KBed Unit if he gets out of Playable Bounds, this automatically sets KB3D_AllowOutSiding to TRUE --------
      • Set KB3D_KillifOutSider = False
      • -------- Requires: AllowOutSiding --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Line Damage, Damage dealt to enemy units in the AoE around the KBed Unit --------
      • Set KB3D_LineDamage = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: Damager, AoE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Loop Damage, DPS dealt to the KBed Unit --------
      • Set KB3D_LoopDamage = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: Damager, AoE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Jump over Cliff, Allows the KBed unit to go over cliffs if he has more than 150 fly height and IF there is a possible location where he can land in a pathable point, not recommended with >0 Acceleration --------
      • Set KB3D_JumpOverCliff = False
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Target Damage, Damage dealt to the Targeted Unit when both KBed Unit and Targeted Unit hit each other, only happens once --------
      • Set KB3D_TargetDamage = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: Targeted_Unit, Damager --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Targeted Unit, if not null, makes the KBed Unit act like a homing missile targeting this unit, it also used for other functions --------
      • Set KB3D_Targeted_Unit = No unit
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Trail Effect, Effect Attached on the KBed Unit all along the Knock-Back and Destroyed at the end of the KB --------
      • Set KB3D_TrailFx = <Empty String>
      • -------- Requires: Attach --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Stop at Unpathable, Makes it impossible for the KBed Unit to path throught Unpathable Terrain --------
      • Set KB3D_UnpathableStop = True
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- Z Offset, Max Flying Height reached while Knockbacking --------
      • Set KB3D_Zoffset = 0.00
      • -------- Requires: NONE --------
      • -------- ------------------------ --------
      • -------- ------------------------------------------------ --------
      • -------- Registed All of the Settings --------
      • Custom script: call ExecuteFunc( "KB3D_Registration" )
      • -------- You can use the following to know how much the knock-back will last -- this can vary if the KB is homed on a moving unit --------
      • Set KB3D_Time = KB3D_Time
    // Those Values are Required for the KB
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------
    // Knock-Backed Unit, the Knock-Backed Unit who all actions orbit around
    set udg_KB3D_Unit = null
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Max Range, Maximum Range possible of the Knock-Back
    set udg_KB3D_Range = 0.00
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Base KB Speed, Base Speed when starting the Knock-Back
    set udg_KB3D_Speed = 0.00
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Angle, The KB's line angle, this will be useless if KB3D_Targeted_Unit is not null
    set udg_KB3D_Angle = 0.00
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // Those Values are Optional for the KB
    // NOTE: some values may depend on other to function, like LineDamage that needs "Damager, AttackType, DamageType, AoE" to function
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------
    // Targets Allowed
    // ------------------------
    // Filter Damages and AoEKB with those values, if true, each one will allow filtering of Structures, Mechanicals, Magic Imminues, Allies
    // ------------------------
    set udg_KB3D_D_MAGIC_IMMINUE = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_ALLY = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_MECHANICAL = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_STRUCTURE = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_ENEMY = true
    set udg_KB3D_D_FLYING = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_RESISTANT = false
    // Requires: AoEKB, or, Damagers, or, BounceTarget
    // ------------------------
    // Speed Changer, makes the unit move forward with a bonus speed equal to the KB speed, negative speed also works
    set udg_KB3D_Speed_Changer = false
    // Requires: NONE, Disables Angle
    // ------------------------
    // Homing Missile, automatically sets needed features of KB3D for a homing missile
    set udg_KB3D_HomingMissile = true
    // Requires: NONE, Disables Angle
    // ------------------------
    // Bounce Unit, Makes the KBed unit bounce on unpathable areas and units
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Unit = false
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Bounce Targets, Bounces units that encounter the KBed unit
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Target = false
    // Requires: AoE
    // ------------------------
    // End on Target Bounce, when hits a unit, ends the KB
    set udg_KB3D_EndOnTargetBounce = false
    // Requires: Bounce_Target
    // ------------------------
    // Bounce Power, intensity of the Bounce
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Power = 1.00
    // Requires: Bounce
    // ------------------------
    // Bounce Effect, Effect created on units that get Bounced
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Fx = ""
    // Requires: Bounce
    // ------------------------
    // Destroy Destructibles, Destroys any destructibles on the path of the KB, does not destroy platforms, bridges, elevators
    set udg_KB3D_DestroyDestructables = false
    // Requires: Line Damage
    // ------------------------
    // Line Effect, Effect created on units damaged by Line Damage
    set udg_KB3D_Line_Fx = ""
    // Requires: Line Damage
    // ------------------------
    // End Trigger, This trigger will be excecuted at the end of the KB, you can use KB3D_Unit and KB3D_Targeted_Unit variables in the trigger
    set udg_KB3D_EndTrigger = udg_KB3D_EndTrigger
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // End on Obstacle, Immediatly Ends the KB if the KBed unit encounters an unpathable area
    set udg_KB3D_EndOnObstacle = false
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Arc, Arc of the Angle of the KB, does not work with homing KB
    set udg_KB3D_Arc = 0.00
    // Requires: Angle
    // ------------------------
    // Ending Effect, an Effect created at the End of the KB  on the KBed Unit
    set udg_KB3D_EndFx = ""
    // Requires: AoE
    // ------------------------
    // AoE End Damage, Damage dealt to enemy units in the AoE at the End of the KB
    set udg_KB3D_AoEEndDamage = 0.00
    // Requires: AoE, Damager, AType, DType
    // ------------------------
    // AoE KB, if true, KBs Enemy units within the AoE, Range, Speed, Angle, are automatic
    set udg_KB3D_AoEKB = false
    // Requires: AoE
    // ------------------------
    // AoE KB Power, The Power of the AoE KB, default value is 1.00 (normal), Min value: 0.01, Max value: 3.00
    set udg_KB3D_AoEKB_Power = 0.00
    // Requires: AoEKB
    // ------------------------
    // End when Dead, if true, the KB will end if the KBed unit is dead, TRUE by default
    set udg_KB3D_EndwhenDead = true
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Ground Damage, Damages the Unit When it hits the Ground, Damage dealt is KB3D_ImpactDamage
    set udg_KB3D_GroundDamage = false
    // Requires: Damager, ImpactDamage, AType, DType
    // ------------------------
    // KB the Target, When the Targeted Unit is hit, it will be KBed depending on the speed of the original KB
    set udg_KB3D_KBTarget = false
    // Requires: Targeted_Unit
    // ------------------------
    // Stop Time, Maximum Time the KB will last, Note that if the KBed unit is flying at this time, it will be stuck
    set udg_KB3D_StopTime = 0.00
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Kill at End, Kills the KBed Unit at the End of the KB
    set udg_KB3D_KillatEnd = false
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Kill at Time, When this time is reached, the KBed unit will be killed, if this number is higher than KB3D_StopTime, EndWhenDead will be automatically turned on no matter what
    set udg_KB3D_KillatTime = 0.00
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Acceleration, Speed Added/s to the KB speed
    set udg_KB3D_Accel = 0.00
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Allow going outside playable bounds, Allows the KBed unit to go out of the Playable Bounds, SAFETY notice: this will not crash the game
    set udg_KB3D_AllowOutSiding = false
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Area of Effect, Range where the Line Damage is applied to units
    set udg_KB3D_AoE = 0.00
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Area of Effect Damage, Makes the KB3D_Damager, damage enemy units within KB3D_AoE by this value as a DPS
    set udg_KB3D_AoEDamage = 0.00
    // Requires: AoE, Damager, DType, AType
    // ------------------------
    // Attack Type, Attack type of ALL damagings in the Instance
    set udg_KB3D_AttackType = ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Damage Type, Damage type of ALL damagings in the Instance
    set udg_KB3D_DamageType = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Damager, Source of ALL damagings in the Instance
    set udg_KB3D_Damager = null
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Destroy Trees?, Destroy Trees around the KBed unit while he is KBed?
    set udg_KB3D_DestroyTree = true
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Disable Unit?, Disable the KBed Unit's Movement and Turning?
    set udg_KB3D_DisableUnit = false
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // End When Hit?, Ends the KB if the KBed Unit hits the Targeted Unit
    set udg_KB3D_EndWhenHit = false
    // Requires: Targeted_Unit
    // ------------------------
    // Face KB Anlge, makes the KBed Unit Face the Anlge of the KB during the KB
    set udg_KB3D_FaceAngle = false
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Effect, Effect created on the Unit's Location if he is not flying, and applied on the Unit if he is flying on the Attach Point
    set udg_KB3D_Fx = ""
    // Requires: Attach
    // ------------------------
    // Attachment Point, location on the KBed unit where Effects are attached
    set udg_KB3D_Attach = ""
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // AoE End Effect, Effect Created on target units in the AoE at the End of the KB
    set udg_KB3D_AoEEndFx = ""
    // Requires: AoE, Attach
    // ------------------------
    // Impact Damage, Damaged dealt to the KBed Unit if he hits an obstacle
    set udg_KB3D_ImpactDamage = 0.00
    // Requires: Damager
    // ------------------------
    // intelligent KB, Enables the intelligent features of KB3D, see Main Code Comments for more info
    set udg_KB3D_iKB = true
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Kill When Hit?, Kills the KBed Unit if he hits the Targeted Unit, Automatically set EndWhenHit to true
    set udg_KB3D_KillWhenHit = false
    // Requires: Targeted_Unit
    // ------------------------
    // Kill if Out of Playable Bounds, Kills the KBed Unit if he gets out of Playable Bounds, this automatically sets KB3D_AllowOutSiding to TRUE
    set udg_KB3D_KillifOutSider = false
    // Requires: AllowOutSiding
    // ------------------------
    // Line Damage, Damage dealt to enemy units in the AoE around the KBed Unit
    set udg_KB3D_LineDamage = 0.00
    // Requires: Damager, AoE
    // ------------------------
    // Loop Damage, DPS dealt to the KBed Unit
    set udg_KB3D_LoopDamage = 0.00
    // Requires: Damager, AoE
    // ------------------------
    // Jump over Cliff, Allows the KBed unit to go over cliffs if he has more than 150 fly height and IF there is a possible location where he can land in a pathable point, not recommended with >0 Acceleration
    set udg_KB3D_JumpOverCliff = false
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Target Damage, Damage dealt to the Targeted Unit when both KBed Unit and Targeted Unit hit each other, only happens once
    set udg_KB3D_TargetDamage = 0.00
    // Requires: Targeted_Unit, Damager
    // ------------------------
    // Targeted Unit, if not null, makes the KBed Unit act like a homing missile targeting this unit, it also used for other functions
    set udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit = null
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Trail Effect, Effect Attached on the KBed Unit all along the Knock-Back and Destroyed at the end of the KB
    set udg_KB3D_TrailFx = ""
    // Requires: Attach
    // ------------------------
    // Stop at Unpathable, Makes it impossible for the KBed Unit to path throught Unpathable Terrain
    set udg_KB3D_UnpathableStop = true
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // Z Offset, Max Flying Height reached while Knockbacking
    set udg_KB3D_Zoffset = 0.00
    // Requires: NONE
    // ------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // Registed All of the Settings
    call ExecuteFunc( "KB3D_Registration" )
    // You can use the following to know how much the knock-back will last -- this can vary if the KB is homed on a moving unit
    set udg_KB3D_Time = udg_KB3D_Time

System CODE:
//                                                                         //
//           Knock-Back 3D               [JASS - GUI]     V. 3.2.1         //
//     Multi-Movement System 3D                                            //
//                                            by Jad aka DotCa and T.D.W.  //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//           System's Hidden Features:                                     //
//                                                                         //
//     1. To know if a unit is being KBed by the System, Use:              //
//        - LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, GetHandleId(Unit), GetHandleId(Unit)) //
//        True means that the unit is being KBed, also works in GUI        //
//     2. Use udg_KB3D_Time variable after registring the KB to actually   //
//        know how much the KB will last, NOTE that this the time may      //
//        varry if you have a Homing KB (using KB3D_Targeted_Unit)         //
//     3. Some Variables in the System has default values, but useful;     //
//        in Example, "udg_KB3D_Attach" is "origin" even without setting   //
//        it, so you won't need to change it before Registering a KB       //
//     4. You can get the ID of a Knockback after registrating it by       //
//        using the value of KB3D_Counter                                  //
//     5. You can remove any KB on a specific unit by setting KB3D_Remove  //
//        KB3D_RemoveUnit to this Unit, and then calling the function:     //
//        "KB3D_RemoveUnit()                                               //
//     6. You can know what caused the end of a KB in the EndTrigger by    //
//        checking those variables: KB3D_EndisUnit / KB3D_EndisUnpathable  //
//        KB3D_EndisNormal                                                 //
//     7. You can use the following Pause/Resume functions on a specific   //
//        KB instance or on all the system                                 //
//           - KB3D_Pause( ID )          Applies on a single KB            //
//           - KB3D_Resume( ID )         Applies on a single KB            //
//           - KB3D_PauseAll()           Applies on a All KB Instances     //
//           - KB3D_ResumeAll()          Applies on a All KB Instances     //
//           - KB3D_PauseRegistration()  Applies on a All KB Instances     //
//           - KB3D_ResumeRegistration() Applies on a All KB Instances     //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//           System Informations:                                          //
//                                                                         //
//  The System is a well performing, ultra-purpose knockback (see uses     //
//  below ) Coded in JASS making it possible for all users to take         //
//  advantage of it, and GUI friendly to use, see Examples in the triggers //
//  above                                                                  //
//            Configurations that have default values:                     //
//                                                                         //
//     - KB3D_EndWhenDead        ==> TRUE                 by default       //
//     - KB3D_UnpathableStop     ==> TRUE                 by default       //
//     - KB3D_iKB                ==> TRUE                 by default       //
//     - KB3D_D_ENEMY            ==> TRUE                 by default       //
//     - KB3D_DestroyTree        ==> TRUE                 by default       //
//     - KB3D_AttackType         ==> ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL   by default       //
//     - KB3D_DamageType         ==> DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC    by default       //
//     - KB3D_AoEKB_Power        ==> 1.00                 by default       //
//     - KB3D_Attach             ==> "origin"             by default       //
//     - Other Booleans          ==> FALSE                by default       //
//                                                                         //
//  The System also uses Always positive values for some configurations    //
//  to not make the knockback go wrong, those configurations are:          //
//                                                                         //
//      "KB3D_Range" - "KB3D_Speed" - "KB3D_ZOffset" - "KB3D_AoE"          //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//            HomingMissile, Accessibility feature                         //
//                                                                         //
//    When true, there will be no need to set the range and some other     //
//    features, since they will be automatically set to fit a homing       //
//    missile:                                                             //
//     - KB3D_Zoffset - KB3D_Range - KB3D_KillatEnd - KB3D_EndWhenHit -    //
//     - KB3D_FaceAngle - KB3D_UnpathableStop - KB3D_KillWhenHit -         //
//                                                                         //
//    This feature allows to skip the configurations of some features      //
//    needed for a homing missile, Note that Targeted_Unit needs to be set //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//            iKB, intelligent KB informations:                            //
//                                                                         //
//     iKB, makes some features in KB3D act intelligently, those features: //
//                                                                         //
//       -Range: usually always positive, it will be available in negative //
//               values, it will, if negative, flip the Angle (+180 d)     //
//       -Speed: usually always positive, it will be available in negative //
//               values, it will act normally, just the KBed unit will     //
//               move backward if the current speed is negative            //
//       -Height: usually always positive, it will be available in negative//
//               values, it will, if negative, make the unit go down       //
//               instead of up                                             //
//       -Damages:                                                         //
//       AoEEndDamage, AoEDamage, LineDamage, ImpactDamage, TargetDamage   //
//                                                                         //
//             All those values ^ will turn intelligent, by this, it means //
//             that if the Target of the Damage is not in approximated     //
//             height (Z) of the KBed Unit, the damage won't occur         //
//       -AoEKB, usually KBs all units in the AoE, it will choose only     //
//        Units that are close to it by the height, Z offset               //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//           System Requirements:   Basic WE - (NONE)                      //
//                                                                         //
//  The System uses implemented CheckWalkability System by PurgeandFire    //
//  You "can" remove the initialization trigger of PnF's System since      //
//  it is directly implemented in the System, all will work fine with or   //
//  without removing your Initializer trigger                              //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//           Credits:                                                      //
//                                                                         //
//    *WEHZ & TS Helpers Group for helping in Script Fixes                 //
//    *Barry the Moose for helping in main codes and fixes                 //
//    *PurgeandFire for his CheckWalkability System                        //
//    *Vexorian / Nestharus for the GetCollision function                  //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//           How to Import?                                                //
//                                                                         //
//  1. Check that Create Unknown Variables is ticked in your WE Settings   //
//  2. Copy the Paste the Knock-Back 3D Folder                             //
//  3. Delete the Variable Creator Trigger and learn how to use the System //
//     by reading the documentation in the 2 Features Triggers (GUI - JASS)//
//     Congratulations, the System is now implemented in your map          //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//           How to Use?                                                   //
//                                                                         //
//  1. There are many Examples of use in the KB3D Example Folder           //
//  2. Documentations are there in the Features Triggers to help you       //
//  3. The KB3D System is an Ultra-Purpose System where you can use it for://
//     -Projectiles, the system supports homing so a projectile is easy    //
//     -Jump, the System's smoothness in the fly is useful for a jump spell//
//     -And of course, a 2D Knock-Back                                     //
//     -And More depending on your imagination                             //
//                                                                         //
//                                                                         //
//           Bug Reports - Feedbacks                                       //
//                                                                         //
//  * We count on you to report bugs in the system, also telling the source//
//  * Feedbacks about the system are much appreciated                      //
//  * We mostly hope suggestions about enhancements for the System         //
//                                                                         //

function KB3D_AlwaysNeg takes real R returns real
    if R > 0 then
        return -R
    return R

function KB3D_InBetween takes real Min, real R, real Max returns real
    return RMaxBJ(RMinBJ(R, Max), Min)

function KB3D_IsInBetween takes real Min, real R, real Max returns boolean
    return R > Min and R < Max

function KB3D_CW_Loop takes nothing returns nothing
    if IsItemVisible(GetEnumItem()) then
        set udg_CP_HiddenItems[udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex] = GetEnumItem()
        call SetItemVisible(udg_CP_HiddenItems[udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex], false)
        set udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex = ( udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex + 1 )

function KB3D_CW takes real x, real y returns boolean
    local real x2 = 0
    local real y2 = 0
    call MoveRectTo(udg_CP_Rect, x, y)
    call EnumItemsInRect(udg_CP_Rect, null, function KB3D_CW_Loop )
    call SetItemPosition(udg_CP_Item, x, y)
    set x2 = GetItemX(udg_CP_Item)
    set y2 = GetItemY(udg_CP_Item)
    call SetItemVisible(udg_CP_Item, false)
        exitwhen udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex == 0
        set udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex = udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex - 1
        call SetItemVisible(udg_CP_HiddenItems[udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex], true)
        set udg_CP_HiddenItems[udg_CP_HiddenItemsIndex] = null
    return (((x2-x)*(x2-x) + (y2-y)*(y2-y) <= 75) and (not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)))

function KB3D_GetCoordinatesZ takes real x, real y returns real
    local location L = Location(x,y)
    local real r = 0
    local integer I = 0
    local integer t = 12
    local boolean B = true
    exitwhen I == 12
        if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(I)) != ConvertPlayerSlotState(1) then
            set t = t - 1
            if IsLocationFoggedToPlayer( L , Player(I)) then
                set B = false
                set t = t - 1
        set I = I + 1
    if B or t == 0 then
        set r = GetLocationZ(L)
    call RemoveLocation(L)
    set L = null
    return r

function KB3D_Approx takes unit U, unit U2, integer Loop returns boolean
    local real r = KB3D_InBetween(50, LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 29, Loop) / 2, 1000)
    local real r1 = GetUnitFlyHeight(U2)
    return KB3D_IsInBetween(r1-r, GetUnitFlyHeight(U), r1+r)

function KB3D_Filter takes unit U, unit U1, integer Loop returns boolean
    if not IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) then
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 48, Loop)) and ( IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)) then
            return false
        elseif not((LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 48, Loop)) and ( IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE))) then
            if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 49, Loop)) and ( IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL)) then
                return false
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 50, Loop)) and ( IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)) then
            return false
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 51, Loop)) and ( IsUnitAlly(U, GetOwningPlayer(U1))) then
            return false
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 63, Loop)) and ( IsUnitEnemy(U, GetOwningPlayer(U1))) then
            return false
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 64, Loop)) and ( IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_RESISTANT)) then
            return false
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 65, Loop)) and ( IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_FLYING)) then
            return false
        return true
    return false

function KB3D_RegisterUnitCollision takes unit u, real x, real y, integer i returns real
    local real l = 0
    local real h = 300
    local real m = 150
    local real nm
        if (IsUnitInRangeXY(u, x+m, y, 0)) then
            set l = m
            set h = m
        set nm = (l+h)/2
        exitwhen nm+.001 >  m and nm-.001 < m
        set m = nm
    set m = R2I(m*10)/10.
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 16, GetUnitTypeId(u), m )
    return m

function KB3D_GetUnitCollision takes unit u returns real
    local integer i = GetUnitTypeId(u)
    if HaveSavedReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 16, i) then
        return LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 16, i)
    return KB3D_RegisterUnitCollision(u, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), i)

function KB3D_Tree_Check takes destructable D returns boolean
    return IssueTargetOrderById( udg_KB3D_Harvester, 852018, D ) and IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_KB3D_Harvester, 851972)

function KB3D_KillEnumDest takes nothing returns nothing
    local destructable D = GetEnumDestructable()
    if GetDestructableLife(D)>0 and ( KB3D_Tree_Check(D) ) and (GetUnitFlyHeight(LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0]))) < GetDestructableOccluderHeight(D)) and LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 8, R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])) then
        call KillDestructable(D)
    elseif /*not(KB3D_CW(GetDestructableX(D),GetDestructableY(D))) and*/ GetDestructableLife(D)>0 and not(KB3D_Tree_Check(D)) and LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 56, R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])) then
        call KillDestructable(D)
    set D = null

function KB3D_CircleTreeKill takes real radius, real x, real y returns nothing
    local rect r = Rect(x-radius, y-radius, x+radius, y+radius)
    call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, null, function KB3D_KillEnumDest)
    call RemoveRect(r)
    set r = null

function KB3D_BounceOnUnit takes unit u, unit U, integer Loop returns nothing
    set udg_KB3D_Angle = (Atan2(GetUnitY(u) - GetUnitY(U), GetUnitX(u) - GetUnitX(U)) *57.29578) + GetRandomReal(-15,15)
    set udg_KB3D_Speed = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 2, Loop) / .03125 * .25 * LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 59, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_DestroyTree = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 8, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Fx = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 9, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Attach = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 10, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Range = 1.5*udg_KB3D_Speed*udg_KB3D_Bounce_Power
    set udg_KB3D_Unit = u
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Fx = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 62, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Accel = -udg_KB3D_Speed*.6
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Unit = true
    call TriggerEvaluate(udg_KB3D_Registration)
    call SaveEffectHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, udg_KB3D_Counter, LoadEffectHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, Loop))

function KB3D_Bounce_Filter takes nothing returns boolean
    local boolean b = not(IsUnitInGroup(GetFilterUnit(), LoadGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 68, R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])))) or KB3D_Filter(LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])),LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])),R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0]))
    if b then
        call GroupAddUnit(LoadGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 68, R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])), GetFilterUnit())
    return b

function KB3D_FilterGrp takes nothing returns boolean
    return KB3D_Filter(GetFilterUnit(), LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])),R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0]))

function KB3D_ClearInstance takes integer i returns nothing
    local integer x = 0
    call DestroyGroup(LoadGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 27, i))
    call DestroyGroup(LoadGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 67, i))
        exitwhen x > 100
        call RemoveSavedHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, x, i)
        call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, x, i, 0)
        set x = x +1

function KB3D_isPossiblePathability takes real x, real y, real RADangle, real MaxDist returns boolean
    local real X = x
    local real Y = y
    local real max = RAbsBJ(MaxDist)
    local real dist = max
        exitwhen (dist <= 0)
        set dist = dist - max/300
        set X = x + ( dist * Cos(RADangle) )
        set Y = y + ( dist * Sin(RADangle) )
        if KB3D_CW(X,Y) then
            return true
    return false

function MoveUnit_3D takes unit U, real x, real y, real z, real MaxZ, boolean P, boolean OS, boolean KiOS, real Angle, real S, real time, integer Loop returns boolean
    local boolean B = false
    local boolean b = true
    local real tz
    if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 57, Loop) then
        if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop) then
            set tz = KB3D_GetCoordinatesZ(x,y) - LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 68, Loop)
            set z = z - tz
            call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 68, Loop, KB3D_GetCoordinatesZ(x,y))
            if LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 3, Loop)<0 and GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(U)<z then
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(U, KB3D_InBetween(-999,z,GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(U)), 0)
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(U, z, 0)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(U, KB3D_InBetween(GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(U), z, 9999), 0)
    if ( not(P) or ( KB3D_CW(x, y) ) ) then
        set B = true
        if (OS) then
            call SetUnitX(U, KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[6], x, udg_KB3D_Reals[5]))
            call SetUnitY(U, KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[8], y, udg_KB3D_Reals[7]))
            set b = false
            if (KiOS) and (not(KB3D_IsInBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[2], x, udg_KB3D_Reals[1])) or not(KB3D_IsInBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[4], x, udg_KB3D_Reals[3]))) then
                call KillUnit(U)
            call SetUnitX(U, KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[2], x, udg_KB3D_Reals[1]))
            call SetUnitY(U, KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[4], y, udg_KB3D_Reals[3]))
            set b = false
    elseif LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 52, Loop) and P and not(KB3D_CW(x, y)) then
        if GetUnitFlyHeight(U) != 0 then
            if KB3D_isPossiblePathability(GetUnitX(U),GetUnitY(U), Angle, S*time/0.03125) and LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop) then
                set B = true
                //call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 53, Loop, true)
                if (OS) then
                    call SetUnitX(U, KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[6], x, udg_KB3D_Reals[5]))
                    call SetUnitY(U, KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[8], y, udg_KB3D_Reals[7]))
                    set b = false
                    if (KiOS) and (not(KB3D_IsInBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[2], x, udg_KB3D_Reals[1])) or not(KB3D_IsInBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[4], x, udg_KB3D_Reals[3]))) then
                        call KillUnit(U)
                    call SetUnitX(U, KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[2], x, udg_KB3D_Reals[1]))
                    call SetUnitY(U, KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Reals[4], y, udg_KB3D_Reals[3]))
                    set b = false
                call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 52, Loop, false)
    if b then
        set udg_KB3D_B = true
        if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 66, Loop) then
            set udg_KB3D_EndisUnpathable = true
            set udg_KB3D_EndisNormal = false
            return true
    return false

function KB3D_LineDamageLoop takes unit U, group g returns nothing
    local integer Loop = R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])
    local unit Damager = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 22, Loop)
    local attacktype AType = ConvertAttackType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 20, Loop))
    local damagetype DType = ConvertDamageType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 21, Loop))
    local real LineD = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 28, Loop)
    local unit U1 = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, Loop)
    local group G = LoadGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 27, Loop)
    if KB3D_Filter(U, U1, Loop) and not ( IsUnitInGroup(U, G) ) then
        call GroupAddUnit(G, U)
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop)) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, LineD, true, false, AType, DType, null)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 58, Loop), U, LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 10, Loop)))
        elseif KB3D_Approx(U, U1, Loop) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, LineD, true, false, AType, DType, null)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 58, Loop), U, LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 10, Loop)))
    set G = null
    set U1 = null
    set Damager = null
    set AType = null
    set DType = null

function KB3D_AoEDamageLoop takes unit U, group g returns nothing
    local integer Loop = R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])
    local unit Damager = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 22, Loop)
    local attacktype AType = ConvertAttackType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 20, Loop))
    local damagetype DType = ConvertDamageType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 21, Loop))
    local real AoED = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 32, Loop)
    local unit U1 = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, Loop)
    if KB3D_Filter(U, U1, Loop) then
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop)) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, AoED * 0.031250000, true, false, AType, DType, null)
        elseif KB3D_Approx(U, U1, Loop) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, AoED * 0.031250000, true, false, AType, DType, null)
    set U1 = null
    set Damager = null
    set AType = null
    set DType = null

function KB3D_AoEEndDamage takes unit U, group g returns nothing
    local integer Loop = R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])
    local unit Damager = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 22, Loop)
    local attacktype AType = ConvertAttackType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 20, Loop))
    local damagetype DType = ConvertDamageType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 21, Loop))
    local real D = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 38, Loop)
    local unit U1 = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, Loop)
    if KB3D_Filter(U, U1, Loop) then
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop)) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, D, true, false, AType, DType, null)
        elseif KB3D_Approx(U, U1, Loop) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, D, true, false, AType, DType, null)
    call GroupRemoveUnit(g, U)
    set U1 = null
    set Damager = null
    set AType = null
    set DType = null

function KB3D_GiveKBto takes unit U1, unit U2, integer Loop returns nothing
    set udg_KB3D_AoEEndDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 38, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_EndwhenDead = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 35, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Speed = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 2, Loop)/0.031250000*.5
    set udg_KB3D_Accel = -udg_KB3D_Speed
    set udg_KB3D_AllowOutSiding = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 34, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Angle = (LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 5, Loop)*180/3.14159)
    set udg_KB3D_AoE = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 29, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_AoEDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 32, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_AttackType = ConvertAttackType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 20, Loop))
    set udg_KB3D_DamageType = ConvertDamageType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 21, Loop))
    set udg_KB3D_Damager = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 22, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_DestroyTree = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 8, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_DisableUnit = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 6, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_FaceAngle = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 31, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Fx = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 9, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Attach = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 10, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_ImpactDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 17, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_LineDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 28, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_LoopDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 18, Loop)/0.031250000
    set udg_KB3D_Range = 99999
    set udg_KB3D_Unit = U1
    if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 57, Loop) then
        set udg_KB3D_Zoffset = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 3, Loop)/1.85 - GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(U2)
    call TriggerEvaluate( udg_KB3D_Registration )

function KB3D_AoEGiveKBto takes unit U1, unit U2, integer Loop returns nothing
    local real x1 = GetUnitX(U1)
    local real y1 = GetUnitY(U1)
    local real x2 = GetUnitX(U2)
    local real y2 = GetUnitY(U2)
    local real P = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 43, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_AoE = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 29, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_EndwhenDead = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 35, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Accel = -550*P
    set udg_KB3D_AllowOutSiding = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 34, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Angle = Atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2)*180/3.14159
    set udg_KB3D_AoEDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 32, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_AttackType = ConvertAttackType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 20, Loop))
    set udg_KB3D_DamageType = ConvertDamageType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 21, Loop))
    set udg_KB3D_Damager = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 22, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_DestroyTree = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 8, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_DisableUnit = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 6, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_FaceAngle = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 31, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Fx = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 9, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_Attach = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 10, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_ImpactDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 17, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_LineDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 28, Loop)
    set udg_KB3D_LoopDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 18, Loop)/0.031250000
    set udg_KB3D_Speed = udg_KB3D_AoE*2*P
    set udg_KB3D_Range = udg_KB3D_Speed*2
    set udg_KB3D_Unit = U1
    if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 57, Loop) then
        set udg_KB3D_Zoffset = (udg_KB3D_AoE - SquareRoot(x2 * x1 + y2 * y1)*3.14159/180)*P
    call TriggerEvaluate( udg_KB3D_Registration )

function KB3D_AoEKB takes unit U, group g returns nothing
    local integer Loop = R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])
    local unit U1 = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, Loop)
    local real r
    if KB3D_Filter(U, U1, Loop) then
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop)) then
            call KB3D_AoEGiveKBto(U, U1, Loop)
        elseif KB3D_Approx(U, U1, Loop) then
            call KB3D_AoEGiveKBto(U, U1, Loop)
    call GroupRemoveUnit(g, U)
    set U1 = null

function KB3D_AoEEndFx takes unit U, string A, string F, group g returns nothing
    local integer Loop = R2I(udg_KB3D_Reals[0])
    local unit U1 = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, Loop)
    local real x
    local real y
    if KB3D_Filter(U, U1, Loop) and (U != null) then
        if not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop)) then
            if ( GetUnitFlyHeight(U) > 20 ) then
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(F, U, A))
                set x = GetUnitX(U)
                set y = GetUnitY(U)
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(F, x, y))
        elseif KB3D_Approx(U, U1, Loop) then
            if ( GetUnitFlyHeight(U) > 20 ) then
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(F, U, A))
                set x = GetUnitX(U)
                set y = GetUnitY(U)
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(F, x, y))
    call GroupRemoveUnit(g, U)
    set U1 = null

function KB3D_Grpto takes nothing returns nothing
    call GroupAddUnit(udg_KB3D_g, GetEnumUnit())

function KB3D_PointBounce takes real BAngle, real x, real y returns real
    local real BAngle1 //bounce angle 1
    local real BAngle2 //bounce angle 2
    local real q //quadrant
    set BAngle = BAngle*0.01745329251994329576923690768489
    if 0<BAngle and BAngle<90 then
        set q = 1
    elseif 90<BAngle and BAngle<180 then
        set q = 2
    elseif 180<BAngle and BAngle<270 then
        set q = 3
    elseif 270<BAngle and BAngle<360 then
        set q = 4
        set q = BAngle/90 + 2
    set BAngle1 = q*90 - BAngle
    set BAngle2 = - q*90 + BAngle + 90
    if KB3D_isPossiblePathability(x, y, (BAngle - 2*BAngle2), 40) then
        set BAngle = BAngle - 2*BAngle2
    elseif KB3D_isPossiblePathability(x, y, (BAngle + 2*BAngle1), 40) then
        set BAngle = BAngle + 2*BAngle1
    return BAngle

function KB3D_Flyover takes real Zi, real Zf, real Yi, real Yf, real Xi, real Xf, real Speed, real dur, integer Loop returns nothing
    local location Li = Location(Xi, Yi)
    local location Lf = Location(Xf, Yf)
    local real Xmax = Speed/0.03125*dur
    local real Ymax = (GetLocationZ(Lf) - GetLocationZ(Li))*GetLocationZ(Lf)/Speed*Xmax ////BEWARE LOCATIONZ
    if (GetLocationZ(Lf) - GetLocationZ(Li)) > 0.5 then
        call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 74, Loop, GetLocationZ(Li) )
        call BJDebugMsg("Sup")
    elseif (GetLocationZ(Lf) - GetLocationZ(Li)) < -0.5 then
        set Ymax = -(GetLocationZ(Lf) - LoadReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 74, Loop))*GetLocationZ(Lf)/Speed*Xmax
        call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 75, Loop, false)
        call BJDebugMsg(R2S(Ymax))

function KB3D_Loop takes integer Loop returns nothing
    //Create all the nessesary locals
    local unit U = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, Loop)
    local real X = GetUnitX(U)
    local real Y = GetUnitY(U)
    local real Z = GetUnitFlyHeight(U)
    local real x = X
    local real y = Y
    local real z = Z
    local real Range = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 1, Loop)
    local real Speed = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 2, Loop)
    local real Zoffset = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 3, Loop)
    local real Accel = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 4, Loop)
    local real Angle
    local real ZSpeed = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 12, Loop)
    local real ZAccel = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 13, Loop)
    local real ImpactD = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 17, Loop)
    local real LoopD = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 18, Loop)
    local real TargetD = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 19, Loop)
    local real LineD = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 28, Loop)
    local real AoE = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 29, Loop)
    local real ZT = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 26, Loop)
    local real AoED = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 32, Loop)
    local real Time = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 41, Loop) + 0.031250000
    local real KillatTime = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 36, Loop)
    local real StopTime = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 37, Loop)
    local real AoEEndDamage = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 38, Loop)
    local real Flyover_dur = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 73, Loop)
    local unit Target = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 5, Loop)
    local unit Damager = LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 22, Loop)
    local unit u
    local boolean DisableUnit = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 6, Loop)
    local boolean UnpathableStop = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 7, Loop)
    local boolean DestroyTree = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 8, Loop)
    local boolean KillWhenHit = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 24, Loop)
    local boolean EndWhenHit = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 25, Loop)
    local boolean KiOS = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 33, Loop)
    local boolean OS = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 34, Loop)
    local boolean b = true
    local boolean EndwhenDead = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 35, Loop)
    local boolean KBTarget = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 39, Loop)
    local boolean AoEKB = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 40, Loop)
    local boolean KillatEnd = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 46, Loop)
    local boolean GroundDamage = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 47, Loop)
    local boolean EndB = false
    local boolean EndOnObstacle = false
    local boolean Flyover = LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 72, Loop)
    local string Fx = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 9, Loop)
    local string Attach = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 10, Loop)
    local string EndFx = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 42, Loop)
    local string AoEEndFx = LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 54, Loop)
    local attacktype AType = ConvertAttackType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 20, Loop))
    local damagetype DType = ConvertDamageType(LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, 21, Loop))
    local trigger EndT = LoadTriggerHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 55, Loop)
    //end of locals
    //Loop Damage Execution
    if LoopD != 0 and Damager != null then
        call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, LoopD, true, false, AType, DType, null)
    //Calculate the Angle
    if ( Target == null ) then
        set Angle = LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 5, Loop) + LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 30, Loop)//if there is no unit target
        set Angle = Atan2(GetUnitY(Target) - Y, GetUnitX(Target) - X)//if there is a unit target
    if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 16, Loop) then
        set Angle = GetUnitFacing(U)*0.0174533
        if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop) then
            if GetUnitCurrentOrder(U) != 851986 and GetUnitCurrentOrder(U) != 851971 then
                set b = false
            set b = false
    //Make Unit Face Angle
    if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 31, Loop) then
        call SetUnitFacing(U, Angle * 3.141592)
    //Calculate 3D coordinates
    if b then
        set Speed = Speed + ( Accel )//Increase the KB speed depending on the Acceleration
        set Range = Range - ( RAbsBJ(Speed) )//Decrease distance traveled
        set x = X + ( Speed * Cos(Angle) )//new X location of the KBed unit
        set y = Y + ( Speed * Sin(Angle) )//new Y location of the KBed unit
        set ZSpeed = ZSpeed + ( ZAccel )//change the fly changing rate //Acceleration is for smoothness
        set z = Z + ( ZSpeed * 0.031250000 )//new Z Offset of the KBed unit
        set ZT = ZT + ( ZSpeed * 0.031250000 )//Total Height Changings
    set b = false
    if z >= Zoffset then
        call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 12, Loop, -ZSpeed)
    //Flyover Feature
    //if Flyover then
    //    if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 75, Loop) then
    //        if z-LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 71, Loop) <= 0 and (Speed/0.03125*Flyover_dur) <= Range then
    //            call KB3D_Flyover(Z, z, Y, y, X, x, Speed, Flyover_dur, Loop)
    //        endif
    //    endif
    //Destroy Trees around the Unit depending on the unit's Collision Size
    if (DestroyTree) or (LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 56, Loop)) then
        set udg_KB3D_Reals[0] = I2R(Loop)
        call KB3D_CircleTreeKill( KB3D_InBetween(2*Speed, 5 * KB3D_GetUnitCollision(U), Speed*4), x, y )
    //Move the unit according to the X, Y, Z
    set EndOnObstacle = MoveUnit_3D(U, x, y, z, Zoffset, UnpathableStop, OS, KiOS, Angle, Speed, LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 11, Loop)-Time, Loop)
    //Bounce on Point
    if udg_KB3D_B and LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 60, Loop) then
        set udg_KB3D_B = false
        set Speed=Speed*.85
        set Angle = KB3D_PointBounce(Angle,x,y)
        if LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 76, Loop) <= 0 then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 62, Loop), GetUnitX(U), GetUnitY(U)))
            call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 76, Loop, 10)
    //Create the Effect on the unit
    if (Fx != "") then
        if ( z > 20 ) then
            if (Attach != "") then
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(Fx, U, Attach))//attach the effect on the unit if he is flying
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(Fx, x, y))//create the effect on his location if he is not flying
    //Initiate Impact Damage
    if ( (UnpathableStop) and not ( KB3D_CW(x, y) ) ) and ( (ImpactD != 0) and (Damager != null ) ) then//if the terrain is unpathable or if unpathable stop is disabled then..
        if ( KB3D_CW(x, y) ) then
            call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 23, Loop, true)
        if ( LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 23, Loop) ) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, ImpactD, true, false, AType, DType, null)//Apply Impact Damage to the unit
            call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 23, Loop, false)
    //Create AoE Grp
    if (AoE != 0) and ((LineD != 0) or (AoED != 0) or LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 61, Loop) or LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 60, Loop)) then
        set udg_KB3D_g = CreateGroup()
        set udg_KB3D_Reals[0] = I2R(Loop)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_KB3D_g, x, y, RAbsBJ(AoE), Filter(function KB3D_FilterGrp))
            set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
            exitwhen (u == null)
            if (Damager != null) then
                if (LineD != 0) then
                    call KB3D_LineDamageLoop(u, udg_KB3D_g)
                if (AoED != 0) then
                    call KB3D_AoEDamageLoop(u, udg_KB3D_g)
            if not IsUnitInGroup(u, LoadGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 67, Loop)) and RAbsBJ(AoE)>SquareRoot((GetUnitX(u) - GetUnitX(U)) * (GetUnitX(u) - GetUnitX(U)) + (GetUnitY(u) - GetUnitY(U)) * (GetUnitY(u) - GetUnitY(U))) then
                if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 61, Loop) then
                    call KB3D_BounceOnUnit(u, U, Loop)
                    call GroupAddUnit(LoadGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 67, Loop),u)
                    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 62, Loop), GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u)))
                    if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 70, Loop) then
                        set b = true
                        set udg_KB3D_EndisUnit = true
                        set udg_KB3D_EndisNormal = false
                        set udg_KB3D_EndUnit = u
                if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 60, Loop) then
                    set Angle = (Atan2(GetUnitY(u) - GetUnitY(U), GetUnitX(u) - GetUnitX(U))) + Deg2Rad(GetRandomReal(-15,15) + 180)
                    set Speed = Speed*.85
                    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(LoadStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 62, Loop), GetUnitX(U), GetUnitY(U)))
            call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_KB3D_g,u)
        call DestroyGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
        set udg_KB3D_g = null
    //Disable the unit partially
    if ( DisableUnit ) then
        call SetUnitPropWindow(U, 0)
        call SetUnitTurnSpeed(U, 0)
    //Initiate Target-Related Actions
    if (Target != null) then
        if (SquareRoot ( ( GetUnitX(Target) - x ) * ( GetUnitX(Target) - x ) + ( GetUnitY(Target) - y ) * ( GetUnitY(Target) - y ) ) < Speed+2) then//when the target and the unit are close
            if not (TargetD == 0) and not(Damager == null) then//Damage the Target
                call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, Target, TargetD, true, false, AType, DType, null)
                call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 19, Loop, 0)
            if KBTarget then//KB the Target
                call KB3D_GiveKBto(Target, U, Loop)
                call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 39, udg_KB3D_Counter, false )
            if (KillWhenHit) then//Kill the Unit
                call KillUnit(U)
            if (EndWhenHit) then//End the KB
                call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 4, Loop, KB3D_AlwaysNeg(Speed))
                call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 3, Loop, GetUnitFlyHeight(U) - ZT)
            set udg_KB3D_EndisUnit = true
            set udg_KB3D_EndisNormal = false
    //Kill the Unit at the time
    if (KillatTime != 0) and ( Time > KillatTime ) then
        call KillUnit(U)
    //Save Changes in the Hashtable
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 1, Loop, Range)
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 2, Loop, Speed)
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 5, Loop, Angle)
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 12, Loop, ZSpeed)
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 26, Loop, ZT)
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 41, Loop, Time)
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 76, Loop, LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 76, Loop)-1)
    //Inititate End of the KB
    if ( b or (LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 45, Loop) and (Speed <= 2.34)) or ( Range <= 0 ) or ( (StopTime != 0) and ( Time > StopTime ) ) or EndOnObstacle ) then
        call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 100, Loop, false)
        set udg_KB3D_Instances = udg_KB3D_Instances - 1
        if IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) then
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(U, GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(U), 750 )
        call SetUnitPropWindow(U, LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 15, Loop)*3.14159/180)
        call SetUnitTurnSpeed(U, GetUnitDefaultTurnSpeed(U))
        if HaveSavedHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, Loop) and not EndB then
            call DestroyEffect(LoadEffectHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, Loop))
        set b = true
    elseif IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) and (EndwhenDead) then
        call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 100, Loop, false)
        set udg_KB3D_Instances = udg_KB3D_Instances - 1
        if IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) then
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(U, GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(U), 750 )
        call SetUnitPropWindow(U, LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 15, Loop)*3.14159/180)
        call SetUnitTurnSpeed(U, GetUnitDefaultTurnSpeed(U))
        if HaveSavedHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, Loop) and not EndB then
            call DestroyEffect(LoadEffectHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, Loop))
        set b = true
    //variable b refers to if the KB has ended
    if b then
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(U, GetUnitFlyHeight(U)-KB3D_InBetween(0,ZT-LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 71, Loop),999), 500)
        if LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 44, Loop) then
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(U, GetUnitFlyHeight(U)-KB3D_InBetween(0,(LoadReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 69, Loop)-KB3D_GetCoordinatesZ(x,y)),9999), RAbsBJ(ZSpeed))
        call SaveInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, -5, GetHandleId(U), LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, -5, GetHandleId(U))-1)
        if LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, -5, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit)) == 0 then
            call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, GetHandleId(U), GetHandleId(U), false)
        if (AoEEndDamage != 0) and (Damager != null) and (AoE != 0) then
            set udg_KB3D_g = CreateGroup()
            set udg_KB3D_Reals[0] = I2R(Loop)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_KB3D_g, x, y, RAbsBJ(AoE), null)
                set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
                call KB3D_AoEEndDamage(u, udg_KB3D_g)
                exitwhen (u == null)
            call DestroyGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
            set udg_KB3D_g = null
        if (AoEKB) and (AoE != 0) then
            set udg_KB3D_g = CreateGroup()
            set udg_KB3D_Reals[0] = I2R(Loop)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_KB3D_g, x, y, RAbsBJ(AoE), null)
                set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
                call KB3D_AoEKB(u, udg_KB3D_g)
                exitwhen (u == null)
            call DestroyGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
            set udg_KB3D_g = null
        if (EndFx != "") then
            if ( z > 20 ) and (Attach != "") then
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(EndFx, U, Attach))//attach the effect on the unit if he is flying
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(EndFx, x, y))//create the effect on his location if he is not flying
        if (AoEEndFx != "") and (Attach != "") and (AoE > 0) then
            set udg_KB3D_g = CreateGroup()
            set udg_KB3D_Reals[0] = I2R(Loop)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_KB3D_g, x, y, RAbsBJ(AoE), null)
                set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
                call KB3D_AoEEndFx(u, Attach, AoEEndFx, udg_KB3D_g)
                exitwhen (u == null)
            call DestroyGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
            set udg_KB3D_g = null
        if (AoEEndFx != "") and (Attach != "") and (AoE > 0) then
            set udg_KB3D_g = CreateGroup()
            set udg_KB3D_Reals[0] = I2R(Loop)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_KB3D_g, x, y, RAbsBJ(AoE), null)
                set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
                call KB3D_AoEEndFx(u, Attach, AoEEndFx, udg_KB3D_g)
                exitwhen (u == null)
            call DestroyGroup(udg_KB3D_g)
            set udg_KB3D_g = null
        if GroundDamage and (ImpactD != 0) and z < 75 and (Damager != null) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(Damager, U, ImpactD, true, false, AType, DType, null)
        if (KillatEnd) and not EndB then
            call KillUnit(U)
        if (EndT != null) then
            set udg_KB3D_Unit = U
            set udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit = Target
            call ConditionalTriggerExecute(EndT)
            set udg_KB3D_Unit = null
            set udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit = null
            set udg_KB3D_EndUnit = null
            set udg_KB3D_EndisUnpathable = false
            set udg_KB3D_EndisUnit = false
            set udg_KB3D_EndisNormal = true
    //Function to know if the unit is being KBed by the system
    call SaveInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, -2, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit), LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, -2, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit))-1)
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, -1, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit), LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, -2, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit))!=0)
    //Clear Instance
    if b then
        call KB3D_ClearInstance(Loop)
    //Clear locals
    set udg_KB3D_B = false
    set U = null
    set Target = null
    set Damager = null

function KB3D_Loop_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer x = 0
    if udg_KB3D_Paused then
            exitwhen x >= udg_KB3D_Counter
            set x = x + 1
            if ( LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 100, x) and not(LoadBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 77, x))) then
                call KB3D_Loop(x)
        if ( udg_KB3D_Instances == 0 ) then
            set udg_KB3D_Counter = 0
            call PauseTimer(udg_KB3D_Timer)

function KB3D_ClearVar takes nothing returns nothing
    set udg_KB3D_HomingMissile = false
    set udg_KB3D_EndOnTargetBounce = false
    set udg_KB3D_Speed_Changer = false
    set udg_KB3D_AoEEndFx = ""
    set udg_KB3D_D_STRUCTURE = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_MECHANICAL = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_ALLY = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_MAGIC_IMMINUE = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_ENEMY = true
    set udg_KB3D_D_RESISTANT = false
    set udg_KB3D_D_FLYING = false
    set udg_KB3D_Accel = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_AllowOutSiding = false
    set udg_KB3D_Flyover = false
    set udg_KB3D_Flyover_Duration = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_Angle = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_AoE = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_Arc = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_AoEDamage = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_AttackType = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
    set udg_KB3D_DamageType = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
    set udg_KB3D_Damager = null
    set udg_KB3D_DestroyTree = true
    set udg_KB3D_DisableUnit = false
    set udg_KB3D_EndWhenHit = false
    set udg_KB3D_Fx = ""
    set udg_KB3D_Fx_Attach = ""
    set udg_KB3D_EndFx = ""
    set udg_KB3D_Attach = "origin"
    set udg_KB3D_ImpactDamage = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_KillWhenHit = false
    set udg_KB3D_FaceAngle = false
    set udg_KB3D_KillifOutSider = false
    set udg_KB3D_LineDamage = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_LoopDamage = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_Range = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_Speed = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_TargetDamage = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit = null
    set udg_KB3D_TrailFx = ""
    set udg_KB3D_Unit = null
    set udg_KB3D_UnpathableStop = true
    set udg_KB3D_Zoffset = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_AoEEndDamage = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_AoEKB = false
    set udg_KB3D_EndwhenDead = true
    set udg_KB3D_KBTarget = false
    set udg_KB3D_StopTime = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_KillatTime = 0.00
    set udg_KB3D_AoEKB_Power = 1.00
    set udg_KB3D_iKB = true
    set udg_KB3D_KillatEnd = false
    set udg_KB3D_GroundDamage = false
    set udg_KB3D_EndTrigger = null
    set udg_KB3D_JumpOverCliff = false
    set udg_KB3D_DestroyDestructables = false
    set udg_KB3D_Line_Fx = ""
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Target = false
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Unit = false
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Power = 1.00
    set udg_KB3D_Bounce_Fx = ""
    set udg_KB3D_EndOnObstacle = false
    set udg_KB3D_EndUnit = null
    set udg_KB3D_RemoveUnit = null
    set udg_KB3D_EndisUnpathable = false
    set udg_KB3D_EndisUnit = false
    set udg_KB3D_EndisNormal = true

function KB3D_Registration takes nothing returns boolean
    local real Time
    local real R
    local real R1
    local real dx
    local real dy
    if udg_KB3D_PausedReg then
        return false
    if udg_KB3D_Unit == null then
        return false
    if udg_KB3D_Fx_Attach != "" then
        set udg_KB3D_Fx = udg_KB3D_Fx_Attach
    if udg_KB3D_HomingMissile and udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit != null then
        set udg_KB3D_Zoffset = GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit)
        set dx = GetUnitX(udg_KB3D_Unit)-GetUnitX(udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit)
        set dy = GetUnitY(udg_KB3D_Unit)-GetUnitY(udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit)
        if udg_KB3D_Zoffset == 0 then
            set udg_KB3D_Zoffset = 100
            set udg_KB3D_Range = SquareRoot( dx * dx + dy * dy)*1.25
            set udg_KB3D_Range = SquareRoot( dx * dx + dy * dy)*2
        set udg_KB3D_KillatEnd = true
        set udg_KB3D_KillWhenHit = true
        set udg_KB3D_EndWhenHit = true
        set udg_KB3D_FaceAngle = true
        set udg_KB3D_UnpathableStop = false
    set udg_KB3D_Arc = KB3D_InBetween(-10, udg_KB3D_Arc, 10)
    set udg_KB3D_AoEKB_Power = KB3D_InBetween(0.01, udg_KB3D_AoEKB_Power, 3)
    if IsUnitType(udg_KB3D_Unit, UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) then
        set udg_KB3D_UnpathableStop = false
    if (udg_KB3D_iKB) and udg_KB3D_Range < 0 then
        if ( udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit == null ) then
            set udg_KB3D_Angle = udg_KB3D_Angle + 180
            set udg_KB3D_Speed = -1*(udg_KB3D_Speed)
    set udg_KB3D_Range = KB3D_InBetween(0.0000001, RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_Range), RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_Range))
    if (udg_KB3D_iKB) and udg_KB3D_Speed < 0 then
        set udg_KB3D_Speed = KB3D_InBetween(udg_KB3D_Speed, udg_KB3D_Speed, 0)
        set udg_KB3D_Speed = KB3D_InBetween(0.0, RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_Speed), RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_Speed))
    set udg_KB3D_Counter = udg_KB3D_Counter + 1
    set udg_KB3D_Instances = udg_KB3D_Instances + 1
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, -1, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit), true)
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 57, udg_KB3D_Counter, (udg_KB3D_Zoffset != 0))
    if not udg_KB3D_iKB then
        set udg_KB3D_Zoffset = RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_Zoffset)
    elseif GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_KB3D_Unit)+udg_KB3D_Zoffset < 0 then
        set udg_KB3D_Zoffset = -GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_KB3D_Unit)
    set udg_KB3D_StopTime = RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_StopTime)
    set udg_KB3D_KillatTime = RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_KillatTime)
    set udg_KB3D_AoE = RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_AoE)
    call SaveUnitHandle( udg_KB3D_HA, 0, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Unit )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 1, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Range )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 2, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Speed * 0.031250000 )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 4, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Accel * 0.031250000 * 0.031250000 )
    if ( udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit == null ) then
        call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 5, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Angle * 3.14159 / 180 )
        call SaveUnitHandle( udg_KB3D_HA, 5, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Targeted_Unit )
        set udg_KB3D_JumpOverCliff = false
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 6, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_DisableUnit )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 7, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_UnpathableStop )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 8, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_DestroyTree )
    call SaveStr( udg_KB3D_HA, 9, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Fx )
    call SaveStr( udg_KB3D_HA, 10, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Attach )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 45, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Speed>0 )
    set udg_KB3D_Speed = KB3D_InBetween(0.01, RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_Speed), RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_Speed))
    if ( udg_KB3D_Accel == 0.00 ) then
        set Time = udg_KB3D_Range / (udg_KB3D_Speed)//calculating time for the knockback if Acceleration = 0
        if ( udg_KB3D_Accel > 0 ) then
            set Time = (-udg_KB3D_Speed-SquareRoot(udg_KB3D_Speed*udg_KB3D_Speed + 2*udg_KB3D_Accel*udg_KB3D_Range))/-udg_KB3D_Accel//calculating time for the knockback if Acceleration > 0*/
        if ( udg_KB3D_Accel < 0 ) then
            set Time = (-udg_KB3D_Speed+SquareRoot(udg_KB3D_Speed*udg_KB3D_Speed + 2*udg_KB3D_Accel*udg_KB3D_Range))/udg_KB3D_Accel           
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 11, udg_KB3D_Counter, Time )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 100, udg_KB3D_Counter, true )
    if UnitAddAbility(udg_KB3D_Unit, 'Amrf') then
        call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_KB3D_Unit, 'Amrf')
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 3, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Zoffset )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 12, udg_KB3D_Counter, (2*udg_KB3D_Zoffset / ( Time / 2)) )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 13, udg_KB3D_Counter, ( -2 * udg_KB3D_Zoffset / ( Time / 2) ) / ( Time / 2) * 0.031250000 )
    if not (udg_KB3D_TrailFx == "") and not (udg_KB3D_Attach == "") then
        call SaveEffectHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, udg_KB3D_Counter, AddSpecialEffectTarget(udg_KB3D_TrailFx, udg_KB3D_Unit, udg_KB3D_Attach))
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 15, udg_KB3D_Counter, GetUnitDefaultPropWindow(udg_KB3D_Unit) )
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 16, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Speed_Changer)
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 17, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_ImpactDamage )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 18, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_LoopDamage * 0.031250000 )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 19, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_TargetDamage )
    call SaveInteger( udg_KB3D_HA, 20, udg_KB3D_Counter, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_AttackType))
    call SaveInteger( udg_KB3D_HA, 21, udg_KB3D_Counter, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_DamageType))
    call SaveUnitHandle( udg_KB3D_HA, 22, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Damager )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 23, udg_KB3D_Counter, true )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 24, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_KillWhenHit )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 25, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_EndWhenHit )
    // 26 used
    call SaveGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 27, udg_KB3D_Counter, CreateGroup() )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 28, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_LineDamage )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 29, udg_KB3D_Counter, RAbsBJ(udg_KB3D_AoE) )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 30, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Arc * (3.14159/180) )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 31, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_FaceAngle )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 32, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_AoEDamage )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 33, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_KillifOutSider )
    set udg_KB3D_AllowOutSiding = udg_KB3D_KillifOutSider
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 34, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_AllowOutSiding )
    if not udg_KB3D_EndwhenDead then
        set udg_KB3D_EndwhenDead = udg_KB3D_KillatTime > udg_KB3D_StopTime
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 35, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_EndwhenDead )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 36, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_KillatTime )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 37, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_StopTime )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 38, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_AoEEndDamage )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 39, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_KBTarget )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 40, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_AoEKB )
    //41 used
    call SaveStr(udg_KB3D_HA, 42, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_EndFx )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 43, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_AoEKB_Power )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 44, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_iKB )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 46, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_KillatEnd )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 47, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_GroundDamage )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 48, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_D_STRUCTURE )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 49, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_D_MECHANICAL )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 50, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_D_MAGIC_IMMINUE )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 51, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_D_ALLY )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 52, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_JumpOverCliff )
    //call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 53, udg_KB3D_Counter, false )
    call SaveStr( udg_KB3D_HA, 54, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_AoEEndFx )
    call SaveTriggerHandle( udg_KB3D_HA, 55, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_EndTrigger )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 56, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_DestroyDestructables )
    //57 used
    call SaveStr( udg_KB3D_HA, 58, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Line_Fx )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 59, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Bounce_Power )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 60, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Bounce_Unit )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 61, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Bounce_Target )
    call SaveStr( udg_KB3D_HA, 62, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Bounce_Fx )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 63, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_D_ENEMY )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 64, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_D_RESISTANT )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 65, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_D_FLYING )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 66, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_EndOnObstacle )
    if udg_KB3D_Bounce_Target then
        call SaveGroupHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 67, udg_KB3D_Counter, CreateGroup())
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 68, udg_KB3D_Counter, KB3D_GetCoordinatesZ(GetUnitX(udg_KB3D_Unit), GetUnitY(udg_KB3D_Unit)) )
    call SaveReal( udg_KB3D_HA, 69, udg_KB3D_Counter, KB3D_GetCoordinatesZ(GetUnitX(udg_KB3D_Unit), GetUnitY(udg_KB3D_Unit)) )
    call SaveBoolean( udg_KB3D_HA, 70, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_EndOnTargetBounce )
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 71, udg_KB3D_Counter, GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_KB3D_Unit))
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 72, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Flyover)
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 73, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Flyover_Duration)
    //74 used
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 75, udg_KB3D_Counter, udg_KB3D_Flyover)
    call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 76, udg_KB3D_Counter, 0)
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 77, udg_KB3D_Counter, false)
    if ( udg_KB3D_Counter == 1 ) then
        call TimerStart(udg_KB3D_Timer, 0.031250000, true, function KB3D_Loop_Actions )
    set udg_KB3D_Time = Time
    call SaveInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, -5, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit), LoadInteger(udg_KB3D_HA, -5, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit))+1)
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit), GetHandleId(udg_KB3D_Unit), true)
    call KB3D_ClearVar()
    return false

function KB3D_RemoveUnit takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer x = 1
    exitwhen x > udg_KB3D_Counter
        if LoadUnitHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 0, x) == udg_KB3D_RemoveUnit then
            call SaveReal(udg_KB3D_HA, 1, x, 0)
        set x = x + 1

function KB3D_Pause takes nothing returns nothing
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 77, udg_KB3D_PauseID, true)
    set udg_KB3D_PauseID = -1

function KB3D_Resume takes nothing returns nothing
    call SaveBoolean(udg_KB3D_HA, 77, udg_KB3D_PauseID, false)
    set udg_KB3D_PauseID = -1

function KB3D_PauseAll takes nothing returns nothing
    set udg_KB3D_Paused = true

function KB3D_ResumeAll takes nothing returns nothing
    set udg_KB3D_Paused = false

function KB3D_PauseRegistration takes nothing returns nothing
    set udg_KB3D_PausedReg = true

function KB3D_ResumeRegistration takes nothing returns nothing
    set udg_KB3D_PausedReg = false

function InitTrig_KB3D takes nothing returns nothing
    set udg_KB3D_Registration = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddCondition( udg_KB3D_Registration, Condition(function KB3D_Registration) )
    set udg_KB3D_Harvester = CreateUnit(Player(15), 'hpea', 0, 0, 0)
    call ShowUnit(udg_KB3D_Harvester, false)
    call UnitAddAbility(udg_KB3D_Harvester, 'Aloc')
    call UnitAddAbility(udg_KB3D_Harvester, 'Ahar')
    call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_KB3D_Harvester, 'Amov')
    set udg_KB3D_HA = InitHashtable()
    ////////Check Walkability System by PnF
    set udg_CP_Rect = Rect(0, 0, 128.00, 128.00)
    set udg_CP_Item = CreateItem('wtlg', 0, 0)
    call SetItemVisible( udg_CP_Item, false )
    set udg_KB3D_Reals[1] = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    set udg_KB3D_Reals[2] = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    set udg_KB3D_Reals[3] = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    set udg_KB3D_Reals[4] = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    set udg_KB3D_Reals[5] = GetRectMaxX(GetWorldBounds())
    set udg_KB3D_Reals[6] = GetRectMinX(GetWorldBounds())
    set udg_KB3D_Reals[7] = GetRectMaxY(GetWorldBounds())
    set udg_KB3D_Reals[8] = GetRectMinY(GetWorldBounds())
    //Initiate Default Values
    call KB3D_ClearVar()

V. 3.2.1 Update Changelog:
  • New Function: KB3D_RemoveUnit
    After setting the variable KB3D_RemoveUnit to the unit of your choice, executing the function KB3D_RemoveUnit will automatically cancel all KB instances on that specific unit
  • You can Know what caused the End of a KB in the EndTrigger by checking the following Booleans: "KB3D_EndisNormal" "KB3D_EndisUnit" "KB3D_EndisUnpathable"
    EndisUnit refers to an End related to a TargetBounce or the KBed Unit hitting the Target Unit, the Target Unit or TargetBounce Unit can be known by using the variable: "KB3D_EndUnit"
    EndisNormal refers to a normal, MaxRange reached, or 0 Speed End
    EndisUnpathable refers to any unpathable terrain, which can be a tree, a destructable or cliff, or any other path changer
  • New Functions: "KB3D_Pause" "KB3D_Resume"
    After getting the ID of the KB you want to pause/resume, setting the variable KB3D_PauseID to the ID you have and then calling one of the functions above will either pause the KB or resume it, careful using it while having DisableUnit ON
  • New Functions: "KB3D_PauseAll" "KB3D_ResueAll"
    Executing either function will Pause/Resume ALL Knockbacks, including newly registered ones
  • New Functions: "KB3D_PauseRegistration" "KB3D_ResumeRegistration"
    Executing either function will disable/enable registrating any new KB

Knockback, knock back, knock-back, 3D, Z, System, Fly, Jump, Projectile, wave, 5/5, JASS, GUI, Multi, Movement, MMS, KB3D

KB3D - MMS 3D (Map)

17:03, 3rd Oct 2013 PurgeandFire: A nice, smooth, full-featured knockback system.




17:03, 3rd Oct 2013
PurgeandFire: A nice, smooth, full-featured knockback system.
Impossible lol. BTW I'll download comment something later.

So looking at the code, we could replace AlwaysPos with AlwaysNeg so it returns the opposite right?

So after some testing while the riflemen focus fired the cannon tower, there was an immense fps drop. Why?

BTW FlakCannon thing seems to be the cause of the lag. It seems to be created every time the loop runs. (Or did I just read KB3D Group Loop wrong? O_O)

Wait may I know why you assign globals to triggers?
BTW you should local and null the KBRegistration. If you're thinking that you can't run it from the GUI sample, use call (function) right? (Or did I just miss something again? O_O)

The system has a lot of potential uses. Vote for Approval. 4.5/5
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
Of course no, it's impossible to replace always pos with neg
Dunno for the tower, for me it didn't drop and the cause may be that the tower doesn't move
Flak canon is created every time the knockbacked unit moves (the trigger moves him) and any way you can easily change the effect, it's just an example of use
I want it to keep it easy for gui users, so there is a global for the registration, and a global for the loop so it can be disabled afterwards

After all, thanks :D
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
I didn't want to create 2 variables for a testmap leak clear since they will not include the code
And known new functionalities that will be added in the next update:
Function making knockbacking of flying units not leting the height go lower than default height
Funtion for multi damage purpose (see later for more explanations)
And a newer possibility to attach an effect on a unit that will stay all along the knockback
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012

Initial Release
  • Now Flying units will not go for a height lower than their default one
  • Trigger optimizations
Edit: this is a quick update, main update of the day will come within the next hours.. (reason of the wrong version in script comments)

Woah! 3D! It becomse 6D when I wear 3D Glasses! Try it yourselves! Awesome! :OOO!!!

No mockery please

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Initial Release
  • Now Flying units will not go for a height lower than their default one
  • Trigger optimizations

X.x is major update
X.x.x is minor update
what is the x.x.x.x for?
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
Update: 1.1.0

v. 1.0.0
Initial Release
v. 1.0.1
  • Now Flying units will not go for a height lower than their default one
  • Trigger optimizations
v. 1.1.0
  1. Added possibility to apply DPS on knockbacked unit
  2. Added Possibility of Impact damage on obstacles
  3. Added Trail Effect that will stay on KBed unit during the knock-back
  4. Trigger Optimization
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
v. 1.0.0
Initial Release
v. 1.0.1
  • Now Flying units will not go for a height lower than their default one
  • Trigger optimizations
v. 1.1.0
  1. Added possibility to apply DPS on knockbacked unit
  2. Added Possibility of Impact damage on obstacles
  3. Added Trail Effect that will stay on KBed unit during the knock-back
  4. Trigger Optimization
v. 1.1.1
Added more documentation and improved scripts
Level 20
Aug 13, 2013
set Speed = Speed + ( 0.031250000 * Accel )//Increase the KB speed depending on the Acceleration
set Range = Range - ( Speed * 0.031250000 )//Decrease distance traveled
set ZSpeed = ZSpeed + ( 0.031250000 * ZAccel )//change the fly changing rate //Acceleration is for smoothness
set x = X + ( Speed * 0.031250000 * Cos(Angle) )//new X location of the KBed unit
set y = Y + ( Speed * 0.031250000 * Sin(Angle) )//new Y location of the KBed unit
set z = Z + ( ZSpeed * 0.031250000 )//new Z Offset of the KBed unit

One question, Why don't store the 0.0031250000 in the variable???, Thus it will make easier.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
@Barry the barking moose.
constant function Constant_FPS takes nothing returns real
    return 0.031250000
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
I, the priest of the not so Almighty Barry, shall assist thee.

    set somevar=Constant_FPS()+1.20
    call TimerStart(someTimer,Constant_FPS(),isRepeating,function SomeFunction)

More info: Use it like a normal function.
  • I feel like the attack-type/damage-type saving is a bit user-unfriendly. You can save attack and damagetypes in a hashtable pretty easily, and it would allow you to eliminate a decent number of lines + two global arrays:
    function SaveAttackTypeHandle takes hashtable hash, integer parentKey, integer childKey, attacktype at returns nothing 
        call SaveInteger(hash, parentKey, childKey, GetHandleId(at))
    function LoadAttackTypeHandle takes hashtable hash, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns attacktype
        return ConvertAttackType(LoadInteger(hash, parentKey, childKey))
    function SaveDamageTypeHandle takes hashtable hash, integer parentKey, integer childKey, damagetype dt returns nothing 
        call SaveInteger(hash, parentKey, childKey, GetHandleId(dt))
    function LoadDamageTypeHandle takes hashtable hash, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns damagetype
        return ConvertDamageType(LoadInteger(hash, parentKey, childKey))
  • You can save Accel as its regular value * 0.03125 when you save it in the hashtable (it is a constant). That way, you won't have to multiply it by 0.03125 each time the timer ticks. (same thing for ZAccel)
  • Speaking of timers, why don't you use a timer instead of a trigger for the ticking? You can just pause it when you are done (instead of disabling the trigger), and start it when you have active instances (TimerStart instead of EnableTrigger()). You might have to rearrange some of your functions to do that though.
  • This would work really well with arrays instead of a hashtable. Is there any reason why you don't want to use arrays? It is optional, but it would be nice.
  • JASS:
    call SaveEffectHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, Loop, null)
    I'm not sure if that clears the memory associated with the hashtable (it might, I haven't tested it). I would go for this instead:
    call RemoveSavedHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, Loop)
  • Btw, you can use 0 for SetUnitFlyHeight instead of 9999. 0 = instant

Apart from that, I think it looks okay.
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
call SaveEffectHandle(udg_KB3D_HA, 14, Loop, null)
I'm not sure if that clears the memory associated with the hashtable (it might, I haven't tested it). I would go for this instead:

Null handles aren't saved at all, for example this would still destroy the effect
  • Untitled Trigger 115
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) skips a cinematic sequence
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Random point in Region008 <gen>) using ...
      • Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Last created special effect) as 0 of 0 in hash
      • Wait 2.00 seconds
      • Custom script: call SaveEffectHandle(udg_hash, 0, 0, null)
      • Wait 2.00 seconds
      • Special Effect - Destroy (Load 0 of 0 in hash)