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KB3D - MMS 3D Extended

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Reactions: Aldeia
An update of KB3D (who's author hasn't been seen since 2018) which adds 3 new features:

1.The ability to execute triggers when a KBed unit hits another unit

2. The ability to only apply on hit actions, both through triggers and built into the system, once per collision.

3. The ability to execute a trigger once per period referencing a KBed unit.

4. The ability to end KB via a periodic or on hit trigger, to do this set udg_KB3D_RemoveUnit = udg_KB3D_Unit in the periodic or on hit trigger

I'd appreciate a code review to be sure that everything is optimized even though I only made minor edits.

Update 11-10-23: Fixed Variable Creator trigger

Update 2-26-24: Added 3. feature stated above

Update 2-27-24: Fixed some issues with variables being in scope for periodic and on hit triggers and added 4. feature stated above.

KB3D - MMS 3D (Map)

A small extension of an older knockback system. Approved
Please add the original author to the list of authors.

The new features you introduced look solid, but you should make it easier to figure out how to test them specifically. It took me quite some time to understand how to test the onHit trigger.

Once these changes I made, I will approve this and add a link to your version in the original.
Please add the original author to the list of authors.

The new features you introduced look solid, but you should make it easier to figure out how to test them specifically. It took me quite some time to understand how to test the onHit trigger.

Once these changes I made, I will approve this and add a link to your version in the original.

I would add him but his name won't show up. If you can figure out what I'm doing wrong feel free to add him.


I looked into it before. I adjusted the tooltips so you can see which abilities test the new features
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Level 33
Aug 6, 2015
IS there something specific we need to copy/paste to a map that was using the old KB3D system?

I know that the system was not created for 24 players initially - did you account for that? (in terms of improvements)
set udg_KB3D_Harvester = CreateUnit(Player(15), 'hpea', 0, 0, 0)
For example, in this line the unit is still created for player 15 (but in reforged this is no longer a neutral player)

function KB3D_GetCoordinatesZ takes real x, real y returns real
    local location L = Location(x,y)
    local real r = 0
    local integer I = 0
    local integer t = 12
    local boolean B = true
    exitwhen I == 12
        if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(I)) != ConvertPlayerSlotState(1) then
            set t = t - 1
            if IsLocationFoggedToPlayer( L , Player(I)) then
                set B = false
                set t = t - 1
        set I = I + 1
    if B or t == 0 then
        set r = GetLocationZ(L)
    call RemoveLocation(L)
    set L = null
    return r
The same goes for Get Z coordinates
Would be nice to have such things fixed too.

Not trying to be negative - just pointing on some flaws I noticed - though I am not big of a jass knower myself.
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IS there something specific we need to copy/paste to a map that was using the old KB3D system?

I know that the system was not created for 24 players initially - did you account for that? (in terms of improvements)
set udg_KB3D_Harvester = CreateUnit(Player(15), 'hpea', 0, 0, 0)
Yes, if you could fix that, that would be great.