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Kazya : Rise of the Kek

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@WhiteFang @Edge45

After taking so much attacks from Akatosh, Regime Azgalor would get himself very very badly injured and crippled. After a few last blows, Regime Azgalor blows up in a gigantic fiery magma explosion, with so much fire cuming outta his cut stomach.



"My name is Donevan." he replies weakly

"Nice to know you, Donevan," Apprentice #1 spoke, while giving Donevan some last heals, "Too bad we have to leave soon. Remember us, Ghee Hin. We Ghee Hin Triads are glad to help you. Now we must go, bye!"



@Edge45 @WhiteFang

*Aviandom army continues fighting with demons*
*More Egilian Priests are dispatched to perform their "miracles*
*Among these miracles, dropping Infernals became friendly Flower Golems that wants to make love and peace*
*Demons are still being transformed into Angels using Bible verses*

*all of these dramatically dropped Hopenese morale*
*while also leaving Mererinda and her fellow cronies very upset and enraged*

Priest: "He touched his balls so hard, he laid the prettiest egg ever to exist in the world." JustBirb verse 21;9
Other Priest: "We must thank the great prophet WhiteFang for delivering us the word of Eggs"
Priest: "Indeed my fellow brothers, let us crush these demons and make them the slaves of our great Master's slaves"

*some higher demons were so bamboozled that they blow up literally in mixed anger and funniness*

*Avian Crusader birds have joined the battle. With their halberds and silver armor, and with the Baptize ability, they caused their enemies to be blessed and made them make love instead of fighting*

*many demons soon fall prey to lovemaking charms*
*with many demons aroused and busy making love, more demons were swayed even without the Baptize ability*
*many demons now fuck each other instead of their supposed enemies*
*however, some demons still stood against King Birb and his avians*
*Battle continues*


King Birb: Ah, I see you do not deny the power of ropes is it not? Submit, submit, submit to Yuri me. Be honest demon, you truly wanted this don't you. Yaaah! -> ninja stylu~~~ BLINK!

Mererinda : "What heresy is that creature narrating. It just fucked most of my demons. My precious empire is falling apart."

*King Birb appears behind Mererinda instantly*

Mererinda : "Hmmm?"
*turns behind and sees King Birb*
*freaks out*
Mererinda : "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!"

King Birb: Hear me, demons who serve this mistress of yours, especially all ye women. She is not worthy for you to serve, you deserve better, you deserve more pleasure, and pain. Submit to me, submit to my power, submit to my ropes! Be proud of the gift you have, and for the gifts you will have after joining me! SUBMIT!

*many female demons and captives joyfully submit to King Birb*

Mererinda : *angrily stomps the ground and even kicks King Birb in the hole* "My precious empire! All my hard work you've brought to ashes! Stop it, heretical kidnapper! Stop your blasphe--"

*King Birb then covers Mererinda with his massive giant wings that is larger than Mererinda herself*

Mererinda :"aaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!"
*Mererinda legs then quickly struggled trying to break free*

*King Birb would then use his long golden tail to tie Mererinda up as she is trapped and unable to escape from his covering wings*
*Mererinda tried hard to shake violently, and if any of her limbs did not get tied yet, they would swing back and forth struggling*
*King Birb's tail was so long it would bound Mererinda's feet, then just above her chests, and then her hands, finally gagging her mouth*
Mererinda :"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!"
*Mererinda bites King Birb's tail*

King Birb: Oh beautiful girl, rest easy now. You must be tired of ruling your dominion, rest easy, your time of rest has CUM! Such a pretty face, only to be used for domination. Submit to me, and that face of yours shall forever be of a satisfaction. SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT!
*The word "Submit* continues to be repeated*

*Mererinda still tried to shake her head in refusal*

*all other demons see how their 'almighty' devil empress got utterly pwned by King Birb*
*98% of the demons boo'd the devil empress, and over 50% submitted willingly to King Birb seeing Mererinda's weakness*
*the demons who surrendered to King Birb now cheered for Mererinda's surrender and submission*
*the remaining rogue demons went running amok or fleeing away*



Birbelot: "I am sir Birbelot! Left-hand of His Majesty King Birb! He has sent me here to aid you and also gather new slaves for our 'Maid programs' which definitely needs elves. Sir Dehroc, I shall make haste in returning to King's land, not only to incorporate these elves into His Majesty's domain, but to fight the demons that has invaded it. If you wish, join us in this courageous quest. Bless to Eggs!"

Dehroc : "Greetings, Sir Birbelot! Thanks for your aid, and yes bless to eggs! We Ghee Hin Triads will need some rest before joining you in your quest. Good luck in your quest, friend! Bless to eggs!"



*Birbelot and his army, bringing along the captured hostages, flew and sail back to Egilian. They had their captives put on anti-magic cages and had them tied up with tighter ropes to ensure they won't escape. They also had them blindfolded.*

*angry hostages however, kept clenching and biting their teeth, bitter for their enslavement*
*many however, willfully and even happily complied*

Birbelot: Hahahahhahahaahah! His Majesty will be pleased.

*Birbelot especially had Azlariah put in another cage with her only there, Birbelot grins as he specially babysits her*
Birbelot: "Hello beautiful lady! You look amazingly cute in that position, rest easy, for you are in my care my lovely lady."

Azlariah : "Fuck you! Hey, let me go, you sick pervert!"
*Azlariah struggled while being roped*
Azlariah : "I am not a baby, dammit! I don't need your fucking care! I know you wanna fuck me, then just fucking do it and stop treating me like some crybaby! I know behind your chivalry, is your sick pervert lust longing to fuck me!"


@Leo Akastenix

He eyes Figure 3 who produces a collar out of thin air
"See this BOI? This is an explosive collar... the moment you start acting up, we're going to blow that head of yours SKYHIGH! GET IT BOI!?!" - Figure 2 proceeded as he fits and adjusts it on Leaden

*Laeden nods*
Laeden : "Yes, yes, yes... I know, I know, I know... iob, iob, iob."

After the collar was done, a beep was heard.
"Done... untie that BOI" - Figure 2
Figure 3 activated his blade-arm attachment and cut the ropes.
"Now... for your training..." - Figure 1

Laeden : "At long last, I can finally be useful for once..."
*Laeden sobs*

Figure 3 taps him on the shoulder.
"Umm... don't you ironbrains think this is quite not the best place?" - Figure 3 continued as he surveyed the now depopulated town

*Laeden's face was soaked in teary water seeing how his mere drunkenness has brought death and mayhem to the entire town*

Laeden : "nooooooooooooooooo......"

----- 15 mins later -----
In an opening in the forest, Figure 3 would stop his unnaturally-speeding-cycle to a complete stop within seconds.
"Well.. this looks like a good spot..." - Figure 3
Figure 2 jumped off
"Get off BOI!" - Figure 2 as he smacked Leaden onto the ground

Laeden : "Yes, yes... iob, iob..."

"Now... you will be our guide... and we are not YOUR bloody caretakers so it's time to start learnin' some self-defense lessons.." - Figure 1
With that Figure 1 conjured a huge briefcase from thin-air and then sets it down.
He then enters the password which is in a foreign language and opens it.

Inside lays an assortment of firearms, blades, explosives and many other weaponry along with runes and tomes
"CHOOSE BOI!" - Figure 2

-Dual Wield: Can dual-wield two handguns or melee weapons of your choosing. Can also go one firearm and one melee weapon.
-Great Weapon: Can wield a large weapon skillfully. Slow but high damage.
-Assault: Can wield a shortranged firearm ranging from Plasma SMGS to Shotguns. Also comes with grenades.
-Shock: Good CQC fighter. Proficient in both melee and shotguns or SMGS.
-Demolitionist: Explosive boi. Will be proficient in explosives

-Pyromancery: Will be taught basic pyromancery such as fireballs and more
-Shadowmancery: Manipulates shadows to your advantage. Can do basic things.
-Psionic: Can use physic magics to a degree like moving objects and more
-Demonology: Can use demonic magics as well as summon basic demons like Imps, Succubuses and Voidwalkers.

*Laeden chooses Dual Wield and Shadowmancery*
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Donevan whipes the spit off his face and throws it on the Alpacas
Donevan:Stupid mongrels.I would have preferred the hyenas.When do we continue our journey?


Akatosh is tossed back into a wall by the explosion,and lands hard on the floor.
He groans and grips his axe,before slowly starting to rise up.He is bleeding and visibly wounded from the explosion.He wipes some blood from his beak then chuckles
Akatosh: O-one down,a few dozen to go.*with these words he starts moving in the direction of the remaining pit lords *
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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Donevan:Ok yeah sure.Sounds like a good idea.can you help me stand? still a bit weak.
In truth,he was very weak,not just a bit.He wouldn't be able to stand properly on his own,he'd surely fall over and injure himself more
@WhiteFang @Edge45

Akatosh is tossed back into a wall by the explosion,and lands hard on the floor.
He groans and grips his axe,before slowly starting to rise up.He is bleeding and visibly wounded from the explosion.He wipes some blood from his beak then chuckles
Akatosh: O-one down,a few dozen to go.*with these words he starts moving in the direction of the remaining pit lords *

*the few remaining pit lords form a line and then jointly launch multiple shockwaves which then converge into a single giant, tall fiery shockwave charging at Akatosh and the other avians*

Pit Lord #7 : "Boi, you sound quite... nervous... 'O-one' little bird is nothing to us!"
*summons a group of doom guards and felhounds into the fray*
*another pitlord unleashes a rain of fire on Akatosh*
*at the same time, yet another pitlord hurled an orb of crippling anti-ether energy to Akatosh, hoping to impale him that way*
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Akatosh simply flies fast to the side,dodging the shockwave but flying into a wall
He groans and slowly gets up,his wings now injured.Just as he is up,the orbs hits him directly,slamming him into the wall again
Akatosh:Very well demons,you made your choice.let's play * He sheathes his axe and draws his swords.His body starts glowing a dark purple and his swords get completely coated in dark energy,the runes glowing extremely bright*
"Let's dance! " he roars as he leaps through the air and slices a fellhound in half.He kicks another through the air into one of the pitlords and drives his swords into the chests of 2 doomguards
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Donevan takes his hand and slowly rises.It's been a long time since he stood.His legs were a bit shaky and it felt like he was going to collapse.
After a while,he let go of Dorbu and stood on his one,though was very wobbly and it required a lot of effort not to fall over
Donevan:How did you end up in that fortress? Were you a part of the bandits for a long time?
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"It's a long story, one better saved for the road" Dorbu said "but for the short stuff, it was one of many of my pit stops to finding you" he added "I knew this group was keen on raiding human towns, so the chance of finding you was decent. May have been there some 3 years maybe?"
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Donevan:That's a long time.This person must have been special to you to be that dedicated for so long.Who was she?Willling to share?
He glares back at the Alpacas,weary of their spitting capabilities
Donevan:They are good at spitting,but take forever to swallow
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"She educated me" Dorbu said "as you well know female humans usually die when they give birth to half orcs, but she survived. However she was scarred, no longer fit for birth or heavy jobs. She was made my tutor when my dad realized I was somewhat smart. He tough it was a good idea to give me some human knowledge I guess. She always talked of her son and husband" Dorbu made a pause "I liked he a lot. Even though she had been through a lot, she was nice to me"
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

"What happened to her? and your dad? what became of him?" Donevan was very curious,so curious that he forgot all about the Alpacas.He wanted to know all about this half orc that saved him from a horrid death
He was slowly getting used to standing again,and no longer struggled with not falling over so much.He did not feel ready to start walking though.He was sure it would end bad,so he simply stood still and kept his eyes and ears on Dorbu,waiting to hear his reply
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"One day she caugh a disease. Her already weak body failed even more. She was sheduled for execution by the chief at the time... my dad..." Dorbu made a pause "that night I fleed with her in my shoulder and a broken arm, leaving behind 4 dead and many wounded. Among the wounded was my dad. In any case they all treated me like garbage"
Dorbu made another pause
"I made it to an abandoned house sorta far away. I conditioned it as much as I could and tended her as best as I could. However I could not heal her..." Dorbu stopped

He made a small walk towards a nearby alpaca, and caressed it.

"With her last breath she wished to be buried in certain village and to search for a man named Vincent, or any of her sons, which names she gave me" Dorbu added "I... had to burn her... I put her ashes in a small urn I found on the house and made it to the village. On the night, I buried her. I also saw the grave of Vincent there, which I assume was her husband"

He came back to the cart with the alpaca tied to a rope

"Since then 10 years or so have passed. I found the tombs of many of her children... except you"
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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Donevan:wait,what? you must be mistaken.are you saying you are my brother? That's absurd.It can't be
He was shocked by what he heard,and didn't know what to think or believe.He sat down on the cart and stared in front of him
Donevan:So..the rest of the family are dead?
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"... yes..." Dorbu made a pause "I am your half brother in a sense"

He went for the second Alpaca

"In any case it seems your father and family is dead. So you might as well know that. This war torn land isn't kind with the weak..."

He tied the second alpaca and climbed the cart

"In any case, I am glad you're alive. Let's go"
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

"very well" Donevan said slowly and got into the cart.He stared blankly in front of him for a good bit.
He was taken back by this information,unsure how to process it all
Donevan: So where do you go after this? what happens to me?
He started thinking about his future,something he has rarely done.He has no idea where to go or what to do.He probably won't survive long on his own,especially not in his state.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"Hyah!" Dorbu said to the Alpaca's, starting to move the cart "I really don't know... completing her final will took me so long that know that I am about to finish it, I don't really know... I have nowhere to return to... I guess I could try going south to hit better lands?" He said while directing the cart
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

"Yeah,got no where to return either" Donevan says with a cold dead voice. "Think going south will end well? Are there still good lands in this world.It seems like things are getting worse and worse,like it's building up to something.and my dreams..."
He goes silent and looks down at his chest,the marks are still there,still exactly like they were in the dream.They do not seem to be healing at all,it looks fresh
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"Anything better than this desolate lands" Dorbu takes notice of the marcs in Donevan chest "looks like a curse of sorts. The chief must have given you something very nasty" he makes a pause "maybe you should seek a healing shrine or some healing waters when you get a bit better. You'll have plenty of time"
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Donevan:Thing is,this happened in a dream.I saw a female approach me,she was vague and hard to see but everything around her i was able to see perfectly.She dug her claws into my chest,causing these wounds.When i woke up,I had them,they were real.What kind of a ...thing can do something like that?Nothing like this ever happened to me before.
He stares down at his chest again. "Guess that's what i'll do after this,try and find out what i can about this.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"Sounds like a curse. Curses usually involve a nightmare when applied to someone that is asleep" Dorbu says "have you ever seen an orc go insane out of extreme fear? I have. The boss of the fortress once punished a guy with a curse. In his small sane moments he described whispers in his ears, and demons tearing his flesh in his dreams. His skin went black over time..." he stopped "You get the point"
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
"Despicable stuff.Wonder if this curse has any other side effects i don't know of." he mutters worryingly,now terrified of his fate.He doesn't know much about curses,and has no idea how to remove them.
Suddenly,3 people walk into the road in front of them.One is a skinny human,wearing only regular pants and a patched shirt,with a woodcutter's axe in his hand.The other is a average built dark elf with two rusty iron daggers,heavily clothed and wearing a cloak.The 3rd is a orc,muscular and tall,he wore only steel greaves and had a sword of iron.
"Stop right there travelers" boomed the orc."There is a toll for passing through here.You either pay up,or you die and we take all your things anyway.The choice is yours"
"Fuck" whispers Donevan "I can't fight good even when i'm 100%.Don't have a weapon either.These guys aren't well equipped though.Look like some peasants who just grabbed whatever they can find and are trying to make some money.Doubt they have much combat experience either.Orc looks tough though,the rest don't look like too big of a threat"
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"Toll?" Dorbu says unamused. He looks close to the orc "oh hey it's Krastor! Krastor, buddy! How long has it been? It's me, Dorbu remember? You know, half orc dude, kinda bland" he says sorta happy

He passes the spellbook to Donevan without the bandits noticing
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

The orc simply scoffs.
Orc: Don't care who you are,the toll is for everybody.Check what they have boys
The human approaches Donevan,who hid the book in his pants and the dark elf approaches Dorbu
Human: Doesn't look like they have shit boss.
Orc:Very well,kill them.We can sell their clothes and the Alpacas
The human grabs Donevan and pulls him out ,onto the ground before drawing his axe. "chop chop bitch"
The dark elf grabs Dorbu by the arm and points a dagger at his face "Gonna step out so we can do this nicely,or do you want to die right here?"
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

The dark elf is horrified and caught of guard.Yet he does not want to back away from this
Dark Elf: You fucker! *He throws the broken dagger away,then puts the other dagger in his good arm.He slashes the 2nd dagger at Dorbu,slicing his chest open right underneath his throat.Due to the poor condition of the weapon,it does not cut deep.The rusty dagger however does leave a nasty scar.Immediately afterwards he attempts to drive the dagger into Dorbu's face*

Donevan:Listen...there's got to be a way to avoid this...have mercy.I can barely stand
Human:Good.That makes you easier to kill
He towers over Donevan and prepares to bring his axe down on him,however Donevan quickly grabs a handful of soil and throws it in the human's eye,and follows it up with a kick in the bandit's groin,as hard as possible.The bandit doubles over in agony and Donevan grabs him by the throat and pulls him down to the ground with all his strength.The human bandit was in pain and not very strong,so this caused him to lose his grip of the axe.It fell next to them on.Donevan struggled on top of the human and delivered two weak punches before the bandit kicked him off and got on top of him,choking him as hard as he could.
Donevan could not breath and desperately grabbed around on the ground next to him,eventually grabbing a medium sized,fairly sharp rock.He hit the bandit against the head with it.and again.and again.The bandit's grip weakened and one strike later he let go and backed away,rubbing blood out of his eyes
"Motherfucking whoreson!" he yells out at the top of his lungs,blood pouring from the wounds on his forehead and the side of his face
Level 24
May 15, 2013

*King Birb made a brief "oof" sound after his balls were hit, pissing him off*
*King Birb uses Phoenix Flames to rapidly heal himself*
*Proceeds with tying Mererinda*
*Tightens her bonds even more*
*After having his tail bit, King Birb merely got tickled and made Mererinda's bond tighter and tighter until she can't move*
*This made Mererinda dropped to the ground with futile resistance of ropes*
*King Birb opened his wings, and letting everyone see the embarrasment of the giantess*

King Birb: See now everyone. Your queen has submitted to me, your true King and Master! To those who have submitted to my will...
*King Birb's tone changed from a mighty dominator to a advertising business man*
King Birb: Please have your names sign at my counter so you can have your full time job as my slaves, with highly good wages and salary. Thank you.
*voice returns to normal*
King Birb: muahajajajhahahahaha! Submit!

*Birbelot's army continues sailing*
*After hearing Azlariah's resistance*

Birbelot: nimja style transform yaydhahduajrjgke
*Birbelot transformed into a hot man*
Birbelot: Oh, but a virgin like you does not deserve to be laid. Instead, should forever be pure with her might and passion. A passion of submitting to His Majesty's will. Ninjaaaa skilszzz djfoslntj5
*Birbelot appears to Azlariah in front of her within the cage*
*He kisses Azlariah before he
gags and blindsfold her. Silencing her for the rest of the trip*
Birbelot: ninjaaa skilz rjdkoanr
*Birbelot came out of the cage and returned back to golden owl form*
*trip continues*


*King Birb sees injured Akatosh*

King Birb: Fall not my loyal knight!
*King Birn uses Phoenix Flames to engulf Akatosh in flames. However instead of burning him, it healed his wounds back to near full*

Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dorbu was not agile enough to evade the first flow, he buffed "Hey, the hurt slightly" He blocks the elf's attack with his dagger, then kicks him in the groins. While the elf is shaking he picks up the broken blade and throws it with all his might towards the orc. At the same time he launches towards the still fleeding elf, attempting to strike him down.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
@Edge45 @Directive255

"Thank you my mighty king!" booms Akatosh.His speed is restored,and he is able to use his wings again.
He easily disposes of the felhouds and doomguards,before leaping at the pitlords with his axe,striking the nearest one in the skull.


The orc notices the broken blade and tries to dodge it,but is only somewhat successful as the blade hits him in the shoulder.
The elf falls down onto the ground and attempts throwing various rocks and sand at Dorbu,hoping to hurt or blind him.While this happens,the orc starts approaching them,sword in hand,visibly furious.He pulls the blade from his shoulder and throws it down on to the ground.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014

( 20 day passes in which Laeden's training had him clobbered and near-death several times)

----On the 20th day---

Figure 1 - "Oi, mate... you should be ok now..."
Figure 2 - "BOI! You've done a fine job.. although you are technically still a bit... weaker than an average imp..."

He smacks Laeden's back hard but friendly
Figure 2 - "Well... we have some matters to attend to first... Come along.."

After Laeden is seated in a sidecar. Figure 3 revved up his cycle..
As he does a portal opens up and he drives into it with fullspeed.

After the cycle stops, Laeden would have a hard time focusing as his world became filled with color.
When he managed to focus again, he would realize he was in an enormous parking garage filled with uncountable vehicles.
Figure 2 - "Before we continue, you need to get warmed with OUR culture... think of this as a 'cultural exchange'"

With that Laeden is lead to a door in which music and crowds could be heard.
As the door opens they would be greeted with an interdimensional party inside an enormous space filled with a million different organisms...

Akatosh simply flies fast to the side,dodging the shockwave but flying into a wall

*Pitlords laugh*
Pitlord #1 : "Mwhahahahahahahaha... mwhahahahahahaha!"
Pitlord #2 : "Hmmahahahahahahahahaha!"

*as Akatosh crashes onto the wall, the pitlords and their summons all charge toward Akatosh*

He groans and slowly gets up,his wings now injured.Just as he is up,the orbs hits him directly,slamming him into the wall again

*with Akatosh slamming onto the wall and being crippled again, the Pitlords and their summons proceed to maul him with their bigass weapons*
*(although all the damage would be mostly undone later thanks to King Birb)*

Akatosh:Very well demons,you made your choice.let's play * He sheathes his axe and draws his swords.His body starts glowing a dark purple and his swords get completely coated in dark energy,the runes glowing extremely bright*

Pitlord #3 : "What trickery is this?!"

*Pitlords stood back and backed off a little, unsure about Akatosh' trickery*

"Let's dance! " he roars as he leaps through the air and slices a fellhound in half.He kicks another through the air into one of the pitlords and drives his swords into the chests of 2 doomguards

*the felhound hit by Akatosh gets corrupted into a Shadowhound*
*Pitlord #4 is hit so hard his stomach blows up*
*Shadowhound went cannibalizing Pitlord #4 corpse*

*King Birb healing Akatosh with Phoenix Flames*

"Thank you my mighty king!" booms Akatosh.His speed is restored,and he is able to use his wings again.
He easily disposes of the felhouds and doomguards,before leaping at the pitlords with his axe,striking the nearest one in the skull.

*all the felhounds get corrupted into shadowhounds, and some of the doomguards become Dark Revenants*
*the nearest pitlord, Pitlord #2, dies without blowing up while his sword were coming for Akatosh, instead hitting his head even more*

*King Birb utterly roping Mererinda and showed off his utter domination of her*

King Birb: See now everyone. Your queen has submitted to me, your true King and Master! To those who have submitted to my will...
*King Birb's tone changed from a mighty dominator to a advertising business man*
King Birb: Please have your names sign at my counter so you can have your full time job as my slaves, with highly good wages and salary. Thank you.
*voice returns to normal*
King Birb: muahajajajhahahahaha! Submit!

Pitlord #1 : "Uhm... Mererinda submitted to that avian... why the fuck are we still gonna fight?"
Pitlord #7 : "Run!"

*Pitlords abandon their fighting, trying to run away from Akatosh*
*all demons lose their will to fight*
*but all demons begin to laugh at Mererinda*
*many try to run away and desert the battlefield*
*some chose to sign up to King Birb's Slave Program, thankful for King Birb liberating them from Mererinda's tyranny*

Halfwit, Long-Time Ex-Slave of Mererinda : "Fuck Mererinda, haha! Karma is fucking you, bitch!"
Halfwit : "I wanna sign in, King Birb! Maybe even be a whore too! At least you have high wages and gentlemanly dominations, and that's far better than Mererinda's regime!"
*Halfwit cheers for King Birb, and extending her limbs wide open awaiting to be enslaved by a better slaver*
Doomguard #1 : "Tired of all the labor and war for Mererinda. I wanna be a fairy please!"


@Leo Akastenix

( 20 day passes in which Laeden's training had him clobbered and near-death several times)

Laeden did improve quite a lot, becoming a quite masterful Demon Hunter, although he has no wings, horns and hooves yet.

----On the 20th day---

Figure 1 - "Oi, mate... you should be ok now..."
Laeden : "Iob, iob..."

Figure 2 - "BOI! You've done a fine job.. although you are technically still a bit... weaker than an average imp..."
Laeden : "What, I am still weaker than an imp? I'm confused."

He smacks Laeden's back hard but friendly
Figure 2 - "Well... we have some matters to attend to first... Come along.."

Laeden : "Iob, iob..."

After Laeden is seated in a sidecar. Figure 3 revved up his cycle..
As he does a portal opens up and he drives into it with fullspeed.

After the cycle stops, Laeden would have a hard time focusing as his world became filled with color.
Laeden : "Colors in the sky... what the fuck..."

When he managed to focus again, he would realize he was in an enormous parking garage filled with uncountable vehicles.
Figure 2 - "Before we continue, you need to get warmed with OUR culture... think of this as a 'cultural exchange'"
Laeden : "......."
*shudders as he imagines the culture of the three bloodthirsty conquerors as something utterly nauseating and terrifying, but still curious*
Laeden : "W-what culture?"

With that Laeden is lead to a door in which music and crowds could be heard.
Laeden : "Oh, a party... hmmm..."

As the door opens they would be greeted with an interdimensional party inside an enormous space filled with a million different organisms...

Laeden : "Yes..."
Laeden : "So, am I supposed to dance first before eating?"
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Akatosh ignores the minions and focuses directly on the pitlords,doing as much damage as possible to them.
Akatosh:I had enough of your pesky summons! *with these words he drives his axe into the chest of a pitlord,before jumping over him onto another pitlord and starts hacking into the back of its head with his axe*
He lets out a deafening screech,puts his axe away and draws his two swords,which he stabs into the sides of the nearest pitlord's head
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014

Figure 2 pushes Laeden forward and handed him a card.
As Laeden holds it, his picture gets printed on it magically and his details appeared as well as a number.

"The number is your room number, you can retire to it anytime..." - Figure 1 continued
"HAVE FUN! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! BOI!" - Figure 2 said as he kicked Laeden forward.

As Laeden turned back to them, the three figures were no longer there as they had used their superhuman speed to go have their own fun.

Laeden would also find a map on the back of his card.

Right now he is in the northwest entrance number#5
and is currently in the northern dance halls.
To the west is a huge bar and the east is the arenas and fighting pits.

Akatosh ignores the minions and focuses directly on the pitlords,doing as much damage as possible to them.
*these minions would then flee to safety and freedom like cowards, away from the battlefield*

Akatosh:I had enough of your pesky summons! *with these words he drives his axe into the chest of a pitlord,before jumping over him onto another pitlord and starts hacking into the back of its head with his axe*

*a pitlord blows up greatly after getting his chest cut*
*another pitlord gets beheaded, thus dying without exploding*

He lets out a deafening screech,puts his axe away and draws his two swords,which he stabs into the sides of the nearest pitlord's head

*with that, all but one of the pitlords were dead. the surviving pitlord has already fled to nowhere*


@Leo Akastenix

Figure 2 pushes Laeden forward and handed him a card.
As Laeden holds it, his picture gets printed on it magically and his details appeared as well as a number.

Laeden : "What card is this...?"

"The number is your room number, you can retire to it anytime..." - Figure 1 continued
"HAVE FUN! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! BOI!" - Figure 2 said as he kicked Laeden forward.

Laeden : "Ahhh, sounds good..."

As Laeden turned back to them, the three figures were no longer there as they had used their superhuman speed to go have their own fun.

Laeden : "Hmmmm... what is this card..."
*takes a look on the card*

Laeden would also find a map on the back of his card.

Right now he is in the northwest entrance number#5
and is currently in the northern dance halls.
To the west is a huge bar and the east is the arenas and fighting pits.

Laeden : "Perhaps I should go for the bar first... the arena seems fun but I don't know if I'll get fucked then..."
*Laeden heads for the bar*
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014

Laeden would have to cross a enclosed glass bridge to get to the bar..
Through the glass, Laeden would see an infinite amount of spaceships, swirling colours and floating debris. He would realize he is floating somewhere in another dimension on a craft.

The bar was pretty quiet except for jass music playing from the speakers, softly may I add and the commuters there are much more quiet... drinking their own beverages, reading books, using their electronics or simply chilling out quietly.

Laeden could take a seat at the counter or at a table where an automatic droid would request to take his orders.
The menu includes--

- Squig Pie
- Fel-pudding
- Dreadlord's Ice Cream (Flavours: Chokilllat, Vahalla, Stalkberry)

The drinks however had a massive menu ranging from simple beer, alcohol to exotic cocktails in which some seemed to have been created by faceless ones...
@Leo Akastenix

Laeden would have to cross a enclosed glass bridge to get to the bar..
Through the glass, Laeden would see an infinite amount of spaceships, swirling colours and floating debris. He would realize he is floating somewhere in another dimension on a craft.

Laeden : "Good heavens!"
*Laeden was very amazed with the galactic sight, thinking he was now in heaven*
Laeden : "Am I now dead? Dead from the mortal realm of suffering? Have I now ascended to heaven? Namo amitabha..."

The bar was pretty quiet except for jass music playing from the speakers, softly may I add and the commuters there are much more quiet... drinking their own beverages, reading books, using their electronics or simply chilling out quietly.

Laeden : "Holy... even the tavern is quiet and serene... I am really in heaven..."
Laeden : "Taking a break from all the talking could do... after all, I'm now dead."

Laeden could take a seat at the counter or at a table where an automatic droid would request to take his orders.
*Laeden sits at the table, then the droid comes*

The menu includes--

- Squig Pie
- Fel-pudding
- Dreadlord's Ice Cream (Flavours: Chokilllat, Vahalla, Stalkberry)

Laeden : "Hmmmm..."
*Laeden looks at the menu*
Laeden : <Stalkberry... pudding, yes, pudding! Beer, of course... Vodka, what the fuck, but I can try some Vodka... Faceless Cocktails... yes...>

Laeden : "I'll have two fel-puddings, a Dreadlord's Ice Cream of Stalkberry, a beer, two vodkas, one Cocktail and a large squig pie."
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014

A few moments later Laeden's enormous request was brought out
"Enjoy!" the droid beeped

A few minutes later, several guys painted in dark green exoarmor came up to the counter before sitting down.
" Yo, what you gonna order?" - Guy 1
" I'll take number 9, fatboy!" - Guy 2 said, pointing at the counter
" Give me a number 9, just like him!" - Guy 3 said
" I'll have number 6 with extra blood" - Guy 4 said
" I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra blood, a number 7, two number 45s, one with fel-cheese, and a large Soul-da." - Guy 1 said
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Akatosh breathes heavily,his feathers scorched and with bleeding wounds on his body.The explosion of the pitlord damaged him quite a bit
"Who's next" he roared glaring across the room,eager to please King Birb and proof to him that he is a good warrior.
Akatosh:I'll take anything you throw at me!
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
"Ugh" says Dorbu getting some sand in the eye. He picks up the second blade of the dark elf before he can "say hi to youe dog in heaven. Just joking, you'll probably go to hell" He semi blindly stabs the elf. He throws the dark elf's blade in the direction of the human bandit, hoping that it helps somewhat.
@Leo Akastenix

A few moments later Laeden's enormous request was brought out
"Enjoy!" the droid beeped

Laeden : "Nice... gonna try the puddings first"
*eats the fel-pudding*
*if all went well, Laeden would react to the green exoarmor guys coming a few minutes later*

A few minutes later, several guys painted in dark green exoarmor came up to the counter before sitting down.

*Laeden is fascinated*
Laeden (somewhat loudly) : "Oh, four more dead guys in heaven?"
*Laeden turns and look at the four guys ordering their meals*

" I'll have number 6 with extra blood" - Guy 4 said

Laeden : "Oh my god... extra blood? Am I... in heaven... or hell? What the fuck..."

" I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra blood, a number 7, two number 45s, one with fel-cheese, and a large Soul-da." - Guy 1 said

*Laeden was shocked hearing Guy 1's super duper order, soon rolling off floor laughing his ass hard*
Laeden : "That guy must have too much big smoke..."
Laeden : "Wait..."
Laeden : "I smell danger... have I blundered again? Am I trapped in the nightmare still?"


*apart from a few very extremist demons and brainwashed captives, no one else dares to fight Akatosh*
*these few dissidents would be very easy to handle*
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

The second blade finds its mark in the elf's throat,and indeed he goes to hell and doesn't see his dog.but he does see his mother.
The orc is enraged by seeing this and charges Dorbu with his shoulder,knocking him down with great force
Orc:You will pay for that,you'll join him
With a bloodlust filled roar he lifts his sword and stabs at Dorbu,hoping to to strike his heart

The blade hits the human in the foot.He yells in pain and grabs the foot,trying to remove the blade.Donevan takes advantage of this,by picking up the axe and diving the bandit into the ground.
Donevan:Burn in hell bitch
As fast and hard as possible he brings down the axe on the bandit's forehead,and then a 2nd time.He rolls off the human,exhausted and sore,just laying there for a second before struggling up


Akatosh:"Thou shall submit to the will of birb or perish in agony" so it says in the great book
He starts going on a killing spree,killing the demons,teabagging every single on and screeching in their ears
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014

Guy 1 turned around
"Yo, I heard my name!.. at least my old name!" - Guy 1 exclaimed
They turned around at the laughing Laeden.

"You nibba, what's so funny?!" - Guy 1
With that he walked towards Laeden GTA SA style as he unholstered his Fel-Tec-9..

"Yo, Ultra Smoke! Calm down! He's probably one of your fans! " - Guy 2
"Yeah Smoke, try not to be quick to draw your weapons.. besides shootin' him here won't have MUCH effect!" - Guy 3

With that Ultra Smoke though for a while before holstering his weapon
"You little nibba better have a good explanation for laughing at my favorite order!" - Ultra Smoke
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dorbu manages to roll over at the last second, the sword however strikes deep in his arm "ARRRRH! Not my arm again!" Dorbu says pissed "Tlaton Rea Sekis!" He says pointing his other hand to the section of his arm were the blade is sticking out. A faint yellowish glow covers his hand, the wound doesn't change at all, but at least it stops hurting, allowing him to stand up. He takes out the blade with his functional hand "Thanks for the weapon BOI"
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Orc:Who you calling BOI,BOI? * he kicks Dorbu in the balls and punches him in the face
" YOU ARE A BOI" he roars and starts going berzerk,throwing punches left and right,even hitting one of the Alpacas

Akatosh:"Thou shall submit to the will of birb or perish in agony" so it says in the great book
He starts going on a killing spree,killing the demons,teabagging every single on and screeching in their ears

*many demons were effortlessly finished off, though some were quite tough to take on*
*the last demons to fall saw how Akatosh teabagged their dead fellows, and so some of them pretend to be dead*
*when Akatosh teabags some of the play-dead demons, the demons would suddenly get up and bite his balls off*


@Leo Akastenix

Guy 1 turned around
"Yo, I heard my name!.. at least my old name!" - Guy 1 exclaimed

Laeden : "What? Is this guy really called Big Smoke? A nice alias, I see."
Laeden (looks at Guy 2) : "Let me guess, is this... Karl Marx? Wait, who the fuck is Karl Marx? I don't know, that name just popped outta my brain."

They turned around at the laughing Laeden.
*as they turned, Laeden suddenly shivers in fear. his last experience with the three figures wasn't exactly pleasant.*

Laeden : "Oh no, homie Stalin is angery... wait, Stalin?"

"You nibba, what's so funny?!" - Guy 1
With that he walked towards Laeden GTA SA style as he unholstered his Fel-Tec-9..

Laeden : "Hey, what the fuck! Smoke! Chill down, chill!"

"Yo, Ultra Smoke! Calm down! He's probably one of your fans! " - Guy 2
Laeden : "Y-yes, homeboy, I am your big fan!"

"Yeah Smoke, try not to be quick to draw your weapons.. besides shootin' him here won't have MUCH effect!" - Guy 3
Laeden : "Thanks, homeboy! Oh, this is heaven after all, yes. I'm in heaven indeed."
*stares at Ultra Smoke and slowly reached his weapons*

With that Ultra Smoke though for a while before holstering his weapon

Laeden : "Calm down... y-yes... calm down, comrade..."

"You little nibba better have a good explanation for laughing at my favorite order!" - Ultra Smoke
Laeden : "I... Well, I am newbie... all the funny food names like Soul-da makes me laugh... I... I haven't seen anyone who asks for such a big order in a tavern... and all the blood and fel-cheese..."

Laeden : "jeez... I'm not sure if I'm in heaven or in gulag..."
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014

Ultra smoke laughed heartily
"Hah, you came to the right place... Grove Sector is a homie to anyone!" - Ultra Smoke
With that he would help Leaden up

He pointed at each one of the members
" Carolus Johansus or CJ, Raiyder, Skeet and *points at himself* Ultra Smoke" - Ultra Smoke
"Yours?" - Ultra Smoke asks Laeden's name
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Akatosh however,did not have balls.So the demons only got a mouthful of feathers,and revealed to Akatosh that they are alive
Akatosh:Muhahahaha,i only have a dick that's inside my body fools!
He then starts killing the demons who tried to fool him


The attack from the legendary Alpaca and the sword strike from Dorbu is too much for the Orc and he joins his comrades in hell
"sh-should we search them and their camp for supplies...or get moving?" asks Donevan,his voice filled with pain and exhaustion
@Leo Akastenix

Ultra smoke laughed heartily
*Laeden was surprised, but then laughed together with Ultra Smoke*

"Hah, you came to the right place... Grove Sector is a homie to anyone!" - Ultra Smoke
Laeden : "Nice."
With that he would help Leaden up
Laeden : "Thanks, comrade,"

He pointed at each one of the members
" Carolus Johansus or CJ, Raiyder, Skeet and *points at himself* Ultra Smoke" - Ultra Smoke
"Yours?" - Ultra Smoke asks Laeden's name

Laeden : "Laeden. Laeden Sturmzorn."
Laeden : "Carolus Johansus.. that's some nice name you have there, CJ... but yo Karl, I wanna call you Karl Marx, or just Karl. What do you think homeBOI?"
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