CW, sorry for posting in this topic even though its closed but i have some more stuff to add.
It would be much better if you guys could explain what the problem is in detail.
Here is an example i have made up to show how you should do it.
Text marked in red is what you shouldent do and green is what you should do.
Bad example
Hey, I saw that players can walk through murlocs.
This happened to all those murlocs with the shields.
I hope that this isnt reported before cus i found it myself.
Good Example
Collision problem V.18
Hello, i played in version 1.18 and noticed that you could walk through the Ghoul Warlocks.
It happens to all the Ghoul Warlocks and no other Ghouls in the map.
I checked through the last few threads and they didnt mention this in any of them.
The differences is that in the second one i mentioned the name of the unit insted of explaining its model.
I said what version i played in. Both tittle and in the report.
I mentioned that the issue was only for a specefic unit.
And i also checked if it was posted before.
So before making a thread:
Think before you post it.
Remember to give the report a good tittle that fits in with the bug!
If you play in an old version, check if the bug is in the latest version to so that you wont post a solved bug.