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How do you imagine your ideal world of the future?

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My thought is that everything would be handled in a way similar to our healthcare here in Canada. Sure, it's free, and everyone has access to it, but if you want more, or better treatment, you pay, and that's optional.

There will come a time where currency is either secondary, or done away with, and I feel that if it's kept around, it'd be used for other sorts of goods and services, like working as a bartender to earn credit towards more of something.

Aside from that, I would hope that the same future has finally done away with, or severely restricted religion to what it should have been, that being personal belief.




I'd be a Galactic dictator obliterating you all in pieces MUHAHAH :D Jk.

I would be in some news calling me as "Nobel Prize winner - Allen Peralta"
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Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Everybody gets along and decided science and literature is way more better than blood money and shit. And then we all sail across the galaxy with robots and ships. Yeah I guess this definitely won't happen. Well at least its how I imagine my ideal world.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Everyone gets a base income as people realise that computers and robots are replacing our jobs, money is transfered fairly between the people of the world (currently we have 1% that owns around 80% of the wealth of the population) http://fortune.com/2015/01/19/the-1-will-own-more-than-the-99-by-2016-report-says/

So yeah, my ideal future is where everyone can live a decent life where robots and computers replace the need for doing boring jobs allowing people to experience the world around them.




My ideal world of the future is that I will be a glory, legendary and great own works developer! :mwahaha:


Yup! Hope so...
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
My thought is that everything would be handled in a way similar to our healthcare here in Canada......
Aside from that, I would hope that the same future has finally done away with, or severely restricted religion to what it should have been, that being personal belief.
Best post in this thread so far, I especially like the last part. +rep
Though I am afraid that restricting religion will not be enough, it will have to stamped out of existence. Unless we risk its cancer spreading into society again.

Everybody gets along and decided science and literature is way more better than blood money and shit. And then we all sail across the galaxy with robots and ships. Yeah I guess this definitely won't happen. Well at least its how I imagine my ideal world.
Have hope, science will eventually prevail over spirituality and myth though "blood money and shit" will always be there. I mean to say, we are a predatory species and it won't be so easy to escape our evolutionary past.

So yeah, my ideal future is where everyone can live a decent life where robots and computers replace the need for doing boring jobs allowing people to experience the world around them.
Won't it be a very stale, sensual and indolent society?
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Ideal world = a world that doesn't suck as much as our current one

Not gonna happen but it'd be nice.
This.But I'm not just going to quote someone and say "this"I just agree with Shar

Ideal world=A world where there is peace and care between people regardless of race,gender,status or origin.Also,people should respect each other and think further than their own heart
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
A higher standard of tolerance, in all regards, is the only thing I want of my "ideal world."

With it, I'm pretty sure we can completely omit war from being a natural part of our
world, I think people can live more harmoniously together, no matter their differences,
I think we can fight poverty better and I think we can build better societies based on it.

It wouldn't be a perfect world, but it would be a better one.
Everyone gets a base income as people realise that computers and robots are replacing our jobs, money is transfered fairly between the people of the world (currently we have 1% that owns around 80% of the wealth of the population) http://fortune.com/2015/01/19/the-1-will-own-more-than-the-99-by-2016-report-says/

So yeah, my ideal future is where everyone can live a decent life where robots and computers replace the need for doing boring jobs allowing people to experience the world around them.
I call your "robots do all the boring work" and raise you some life-like robot waifus/sexbots for personal entertainment.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Ideal world = a world that doesn't suck as much as our current one

Not gonna happen but it'd be nice.

Compared to Direfury's post (shows optimism), yours shows uncertainty.
Is it due to the socio-political scenario which persists in your country?

A higher standard of tolerance, in all regards, is the only thing I want of my "ideal world."
....With it, I'm pretty sure we can completely omit war from being a natural part of our world.......
Respectable and admirable thoughts :)
My question here is: How far does your egalitarianism extend?
Would you let Neo-Nazis, Hooligans, ISIS, Taliban and the KKK to exist and preach their ideologies in your ideal world because you believe in tolerance, or would you prefer them exterminated?
If you will choose the later then war will be inevitable.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Compared to Direfury's post (shows optimism), yours shows uncertainty.
Is it due to the socio-political scenario which persists in your country?

It's got nothing to do with any scenario (No idea what exactly you're talking about) or uncertainty, It's realism. Humanity has proven again and again that it sucks at becoming bester. I see it developing in a way that will humans make destroy themselves.
It's got nothing to do with any scenario (No idea what exactly you're talking about) or uncertainty, It's realism. Humanity has proven again and again that it sucks at becoming bester. I see it developing in a way that will humans make destroy themselves.
EDIT:If the world could have a better system,maybe it will not be like this.
EDIT2:I don't think i will be alive when humans destroy themselves,so i give shit.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Would you let Neo-Nazis, Hooligans, ISIS, Taliban and the KKK to exist and preach their ideologies in your ideal world because you believe in tolerance, or would you prefer them exterminated?

While I don't endorse the the ultimatum of your questions, with only opposite
extremes as the only two viable options, I'm going to approach it like how I think
you meant it.

In a world with a higher standard of tolerance, I'd say these organizations would either
have seized to exist or would have changed so dramatically that I do think I would
accept their existence. But as a rule of thumb: Being tolerant doesn't mean you have to
tolerate intolerance. Also, please don't identify me with any "ism's" without me having
clearly stated so myself first.

I am not an egalitarian, nor am I not it, I am a human being.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
It's realism. Humanity has proven again and again that it sucks at becoming bester. I see it developing in a way that will humans make destroy themselves.

Its not so. There are also good people out there, you should count their efforts also. You are talking as if you have lived since centuries, don't judge the whole of humanity so hastily. You should give issues like these more thought before you reach any concrete conclusions. Have some optimism.
Also consider what Direfury, LordDz and Keiji and others posted.
And also, I would like to know the reasons why you have reached this conclusion.

EDIT2:I don't think i will be alive when humans destroy themselves,so i give shit.
Today we are able enjoy our democratic rights and freedoms, because of all the brave people, who lived before us and who dared to give a shit. It is not about us, it is about the future generations. Think about it.

In a world with a higher standard of tolerance, I'd say these organizations would either have seized to exist or would have changed so dramatically that I do think I would accept their existence.
Thats a very important point. Higher level of education among the masses (specifically in the third world), equal access to resources (energy, food, jobs etc.) and a lower level of population will (should) increase tolerance.

Now the question arises that how do we intended to achieve all this? What are the means that we possess now and what are the techniques or systems that we will need to develop in order to make this ideal world a subtle possibility? This question was also part of the premise of the thread.

.....But as a rule of thumb: Being tolerant doesn't mean you have to tolerate intolerance.
Just what I was intending you to say. Considering that it has been stated by the admin now, it should be taken as an unwritten thumb rule on this site to bash intolerant behavior.

I was cross questioning to get more juice out of you, as I know your knowledge and ability to put words forward in a reasonable and sensible manner and it would have helped the agenda of this thread. So...ultimatum, nah

Also, please don't identify me with any "ism's" without me having clearly stated so myself first.

I am not an egalitarian, nor am I not it, I am a human being.
hey me too, I am also a human being, high fives!
Oh, so you are into humanism, I like that :p
In my ideal world, there would be not any form of sexism -- males and females should enjoy equal rights and expectations.

Races and ethnic groups will get along with each other well, no racism of any kind. Thus the society will be more harmonious for all.

Next, I know that's close to impossible but make corruption in governments gone for good?

Next, I will be able to enjoy every delicious dish from all cultures and nations.
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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
And people would stop being smartphone addicts and actually talk to each other face-to-face.
I must say,this annoys me and I'm a teenager.However,I don't like talking face to face with people.Whenever I do I feel uncomfortable or mix up words.I'm not a social person,except over the internet or whatsapp etc

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Its not so. There are also good people out there, you should count their efforts also.

I do count their efforts, however, in order to change things, the mass has to follow the example of a few and that appears to be the problem.

You are talking as if you have lived since centuries, don't judge the whole of humanity so hastily. You should give issues like these more thought before you reach any concrete conclusions. Have some optimism.

Oh, don't worry, I'm VERY optimistic - as long as it's about my own life. About humanity, I honestly stopped caring anymore.

Also consider what Direfury, LordDz and Keiji and others posted.
And also, I would like to know the reasons why you have reached this conclusion.

I won't stop anyone from trying to make the world a better place - I just stopped believing that to be possible.
I used to try and make the world a better place by being a good person - and failed terribly.
I don't really feel like sharing any private details about that, let's just say that I have etablished a really good life by now and I won't risk anything anymore. I don't believe anymore that humanity is worth such a thing.
Let the world and humanity either kill or heal itself, seriously, I don't give a damn about that. I live in the here and now, I enjoy my life.

I don't wish anyone to lose hope, but I'm quite sure that, at some point, everyone reaches a point where he either stops caring or becomes an emotionally broken wreckage.

But I think that's going quite off topic now...
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Since I am a egoistic fucker, I'd be happy if I could live without a care in the world.
Literary impossible, but that's what I would want.

Well, that is possible. You can go live on an island or any remote part of the world that no political power cares about. You will find your peace there but no internet and hiveworkshop :p
or you can develop a spaceship and leave for another world altogether hmmm

An overall better world does affect our daily lives. See, if there was no war in Syria, there would be no refugees and if there were no refugees there would not have been any protests by hooligans; no protests means that public transport would have been on time. Which means people would have reached their workplace on time and would not have been reprimanded by their bosses for getting late. Which directly affects their mood and makes them more irksome and hence diminishes their quality of life and makes them say hateful things about themselves. An egoist should worry about his quality of life, shouldn't he?

I will be able to enjoy every delicious dish from all cultures and nations.
Yummy, I am totally with you on this :thumbs_up:

I don't wish anyone to lose hope, but I'm quite sure that, at some point, everyone reaches a point where he either stops caring or becomes an emotionally broken wreckage.

But I think that's going quite off topic now...
All of us have different thresholds, hopefully I will last longer, I will try to.
And you were totally on-topic, very honest and straightforward :)
Thats a rare and good quality right there, honesty; and for that you deserve a +rep
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
in 20 years scientist predict that the world's food and water needs will go up by 70%. they also predict a raise in temperature of 3 degrees celcius killing ocean life because of the ocean acidification due to constant evaporation and increased humidity which will cause crops and rain forest to suffer. which means it's likely our world is more likely to get worse rather then better.

my ideal world is one where taxes are low and the basic needs for survival are abundantly available for all. this and not living on a planet that's on fire. I would also like my first request, that governments and presidence both fear and serve us, that when caught doing something illegal they are judged and punished by the public

not like the current UN system where all the countries in the world agree not to do something, but then the super countries which are part of the G5, break the agreement and get away without even a slap on the wrist. yet!!! If your part of the smaller countries, you get fined or put in jail for war crimes.

you want a recent example of this? the UN agreed no boots on the ground in Afghanistan, meaning no combat units ie army units. America broke that rule just recently but denies it, even though they caught them on camera both in the air (jets) and on the ground (combat units)


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
they also predict a raise in temperature of 3 degrees celcius killing ocean life

I almost cared.

my ideal world is one where taxes are low and the basic needs for survival are abundantly available for all. this and not living on a planet that's on fire.
The earth with a high survival rate (aka free healthcare everywhere, good living conditions, no war etc) would make the world over populated in no time.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011

children taxes and IQ and survival fitness challenges will be required even before a man and women can be introduced to the opposite sex

insure only the smartest and fittest procreate.

no retards
no handicapped
no poor
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
All I wish in this world is that :
People will become more welcoming, Peace, The true meaning of humanity....
Right On!

insure only the smartest and fittest procreate.

no retards
no handicapped
no poor

It is not your reason but your innocence that speaks.
So you will get rid of Dr. Stephen Hawkings? Do you know Beethoven was deaf? Do you know Stevie Wonder is blind? Do you know most important authors, philosophers we study today have gone through severe mental depression? No woman or man is perfect, we all have our disabilities. What makes us fit to procreate?

The greatness of humanity lays not so much in being able to remake the world - as in being able to remake ourselves. Think about it.

I imagine my ideal world as Chaplin did in this video:
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
The current world can go fuck itself.
I agree

No woman or man is perfect,
Which is why I want people to respect each other and think further than their own heart in my ideal world.Why should one judge and abuse another because of their flaws,knowing you have a lot of flaws yourself
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014

Why? The problem is not the world itself! But the people who live on it!

Which is why I want people to respect each other and think further than their own heart in my ideal world.Why should one judge and abuse another because of their flaws,knowing you have a lot of flaws yourself

You know... if someone is just kidding with somebody, only few people can believe that!
At the other hand, when someone accuse a person, everybody start to believe that!... and that's the problem!
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
Right On!

It is not your reason but your innocence that speaks.
So you will get rid of Dr. Stephen Hawkings? Do you know Beethoven was deaf? Do you know Stevie Wonder is blind? Do you know most important authors, philosophers we study today have gone through severe mental depression? No woman or man is perfect, we all have our disabilities. What makes us fit to procreate

and i bet none of those people had children

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
insure only the smartest and fittest procreate.

no retards
no handicapped
no poor

1. It's ENsure. Please improve your english, reading your posts is already a pain WITHOUT the grammar issues. It makes it even worse.
2. Let me get this straight: You think that every person suffering from any mental or physical illness shouldn't be allowed to procreate? Yeah, that's extremely tolerant, you should be getting international graditude for that.
3. You know, I've been reading some of your posts (because you spam the whole OT section with your crap) and I highly doubt that YOU would be one of the "smartest", therefore you shouldn't allow yourself to procreate, since, in your opinion, only the smartest and fittest should procreate.
4. Hey, psst, I got a secret for you: Being poor has nothing to do with being smart or fit.
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you? Every single time I read one of your posts, I can hear my brain cells crying "Please stop reading that or we will kill ourselves!".

Just what the hell went wrong that led to so many idiots showing up...




This is why I don't talk to these kind of people who insults other people with physical damage/disorders.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
think that every person suffering from any mental or physical illness shouldn't be allowed to procreate?

Mentally sick people should not procreate, no.
Physical sickness is not transferred through genes so that's fine. (I can be wrong)

I highly doubt that YOU would be one of the "smartest", therefore you shouldn't allow yourself to procreate, since, in your opinion, only the smartest and fittest should procreate.
He never stated that he was among them.


He kind of bring up a (somewhat) valid point.
There will always be someone who is "weakest" (mentally or/and physically), so it will continue on and on until there's only one person left.
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