Grammar and words

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Level 12
Jun 1, 2010
Why do games like FarmVille, RuneScape, WarCraft, StarCraft, BarnBuddy have combined words, to me it is like a grammar error, not because it's one word but because it has two big letters like HornyBull- HB. I think that these types of words are connected so people can easily spell runescape in case some idiot can't spell Rune Scape ( Which means that the link would be founded easier on internet) . Why do people on Hive look uneducated, when I see a lot of them spell magick, daemon, musik and that. Why are many maps on Hive have no description? It's weird that some people ignore it. Mistakes are very common. If there was a spelling/grammar moderator I would help.
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Not everyone is a native English speaker or has had the chance to learn the language properly. This has been discussed numerous times before. Negligence like people typing without capital letters and punctuation annoys me too, but if it's the information I'm after, I just ignore it. Sometimes it really is an eyesore to see a text written with caps on every word or with no caps at all, or with those bastardations like "u", "whats", "its", "heres" and so on. But then wtah, Mr. Purist, ypu'll become a moderator and ban these people? Rejecting maps for poorly written descriptions and other content, that i support. But I still don't think it is an utmost urgency.

So please save your irritation for yourself. If you propose grammar and spelling moderation, write some tutorials or start giving private lessons.

About game names, well, I guess it's a trend for crafting new words.
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