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Gods and Empires- CITY building/RTS

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
WOW some awesome ideas people!

I especially like that god of nature and the powers that change the weather sashukun! :thumbs_up:

As for the king idea I think vergil is right a king mode is great but it's not really practical to have a king in every mode, some people just wouldn't like it and its only fair to give a variety of game modes so people can play G&E how they want.

As for an open beta I'm afraid I can't give you much speculation on that, except it will hopefully be before new year (no promises) and will contain but a fraction of the planned content, pangahas can give you much more info on the subject :)

@Trolman, please you could you explain that a bit more? What would ranks do for e.g.?

Overall great ideas guy! I hope and will try (and Pangahas too!)my best to ensure this map lives up to your expectations!

Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Nature would be Vestra's domain..And the background story about the god of death and what happens when mortals die is already in the works..I will post them on the mythology section when I'm done with it. Here's what I have in mind so far, when mortals die they would either go to hell or heaven(yet to think of names for those) and it will be based on how you pleased or displeased the gods to you in your mortal life.The evil souls go to hell where Zharakum, the god of death is lord.The chosen ones will go to heaven, the god of the heavens' domain..I have a plot in my mind of the importance of the people who go to heaven, I will reveal them on future updates..Thanks to everyone for all the ideas and suggestions..See yah next update
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
Lol i just saw the video and i cant wait to play :grin: .
And just to prevent any more questions the better leader rank the stronger the leader and the better skills like the fact that an emperor is stronger than a lord.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
There is ALREADY a king mode... and there can't be a emperor AND a king, as far as I know...

Well, You're adding that type of God Power to Vestra? And though Zharakum is the Lord of Hell, could he intervene in heaven and in hell to do some god powers as I suggested? Aside from bringing people to death, there could have powers to only speak to the dead (maybe you don't want to bring them for some reason, or don't have enough faith but need some help only the dead can give) like informing something that only the dead know.. Well, contact with spirits in all ways. Maybe they could even posess someone from your reign... or send allied spirits to posess someone important from other reign (like a king or a main priest, anything like that) and make CHAOS :O And you didn't said anything about my idea of a Alchemy god, my suggestion about king mode, and all those things... I'm curious about your opinion about those.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
There is ALREADY a king mode... and there can't be a emperor AND a king, as far as I know...

Well, You're adding that type of God Power to Vestra? And though Zharakum is the Lord of Hell, could he intervene in heaven and in hell to do some god powers as I suggested? Aside from bringing people to death, there could have powers to only speak to the dead (maybe you don't want to bring them for some reason, or don't have enough faith but need some help only the dead can give) like informing something that only the dead know.. Well, contact with spirits in all ways. Maybe they could even posess someone from your reign... or send allied spirits to posess someone important from other reign (like a king or a main priest, anything like that) and make CHAOS :O And you didn't said anything about my idea of a Alchemy god, my suggestion about king mode, and all those things... I'm curious about your opinion about those.

•Yes, as planned Vestra's godpowers would include spells that affect weather and cast certain disasters. She would also have a wide selection of support spells(blessings).
•The suggestions you made about Zharakum are very nice, as of the moment though Grey Nightmare and I are currently focusing on finishing the background stories first for that would be the basis of the Gods and their powers, we aim to work from general to specific so details on things like spells would have to wait for the moment. Don't hesitate however to suggest ideas etc. for each and every one of them is helpful in the development of this map.
•I'm working on the background story of Zharakum and the concept of heaven and hell(yet to think of names for those). I was thinking of combining Greek mythology(Hades+Tartarus) and Christian concept.(heaven,rupture,angels etc..)How you pleased or displeased the Gods in your mortal life would determine where you will go after death.
•Aidous domain includes alchemy.Perks for having him as your patron god includes a wide selection of upgrades and technological advancements.
•I think having a separate king mode is better.
•All ideas and suggestions are much appreciated feel free to post comments and constructive criticisms anytime..We will try our best to make this map live up to the expectations of everyone..Thanks and see yah next update:thumbs_up:
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Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Doesent anybody understand im talking about the leaders classes so they're more then kings and each player has his own leader and they all level up like the city does.

I get it..for e.g your city gained the next status the king would also level up accordingly..?Is that what you're trying to say?I think that's a good idea, I was thinking of making the king a hero type unit and not just a weak vip unit that you have to defend.And since most of the structures would be enterable, you could hide the king in them.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Indead and if the city is weak,gets alot of riots and the people are unhappy the leader is weak. (like a lord or count not a king)

Details on the other game modes would be dealt with maybe later because for the beta I would like to concentrate first on the default game mode which is melee+city building.I'm also thinking of putting up capturable cities throughout the map that would give you extra income and access to some units.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Which do you think is better..Pre-placed locations on the map where your temples can only be built(sacred ground) or build anywhere..?
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
I might tweak the terrain..I'll increase land mass to allow more building space, decrease trees in some areas and also replace animated grasses with default ones to lessen lagging.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Why dont you decrease the size of buildings instead of increasing size of terrain ?
This is what I did, I dont know if it fits to your vision of your map.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Could you scale down a little bit more? And also, for the King's thing, a house ins't enough for a king. Is there gonna be some type of castle for the king and his staff? And monarchy is the only choice of government? You could choose the type of government in the beggining of the game, and each have some different special units, maybe different buildings, maybe some different upgrades... or if it is too advanced for those mortals, different type of Monarchy? Like Parlament (is it right? Parlament?) the... forgot the damn name. Where the king controls everything and all. Hereditary, etc, etc, whatever you think of.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Dont give him my ideas =D
His project is already competing with mine :'(

First of all I have no intention of competing with your map or with any other map for that matter..I'm making this map for the love of it and not to compete with anyone.Aside from a few similarities there is really no distinct point of comparison between the 2 maps, I think..hmm

Could you scale down a little bit more? And also, for the King's thing, a house ins't enough for a king. Is there gonna be some type of castle for the king and his staff? And monarchy is the only choice of government? You could choose the type of government in the beggining of the game, and each have some different special units, maybe different buildings, maybe some different upgrades... or if it is too advanced for those mortals, different type of Monarchy? Like Parlament (is it right? Parlament?) the... forgot the damn name. Where the king controls everything and all. Hereditary, etc, etc, whatever you think of.

I have not considered adding government types to the gameplay atm..I'm focusing more on the basic gameplay which is the citybuilding part and the GODS
Note:I have a pending friend request for you on Bnet,Lone.Wolf, right?
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Pending friend request which I already accepted. Yes, Lone.Wolf on us.east and on northrend... though I only made it on the northrend to play with Goffterdom, so mostly us.east... is your nickname the same on us.east? pangahas? If so, I'll add it. And Goffterdom, I actually forgot your map had that... sorry :O

Edit: I'll enter soon, I'm waiting to lunch (12:55 here) in 13:30, and then I'll enter.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Pending friend request which I already accepted. Yes, Lone.Wolf on us.east and on northrend... though I only made it on the northrend to play with Goffterdom, so mostly us.east... is your nickname the same on us.east? pangahas? If so, I'll add it. And Goffterdom, I actually forgot your map had that... sorry :O

Edit: I'll enter soon, I'm waiting to lunch (12:55 here) in 13:30, and then I'll enter.

Yup, same..pangahas.
Goffterdom> DOnt think of me as competition..hehe.I'll be glad to help you with your map anyway I can..We could help each other that's better imo.:thumbs_up::thumbs_up:

Here's a quick concept of a possible unit for the first faction.DA Vinci inspired "turtle tank"..
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I think this is really, really fit with the atmosphere you wanted to create for the race. Really amazing model :)
Do you have your own modeler ?
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Wait, that is for Gods and Empires or Glory of War? I got lost all of sudden x-x

You said you were going to help each other, and you spoke of races, which is Glory of War thing... or Gods and Empires have other races than humans now? o_O
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
I think this is really, really fit with the atmosphere you wanted to create for the race. Really amazing model :)
Do you have your own modeler ?

I made it myself..Got to learn how to add particles and properly animate though..I haven't tested it in game so I'm not sure about the scaling.
SasuhKun> Your on Gods and Empires thread..lol.For the beta as I mentioned on earlier posts, would only feature the Humans.Possibility of having other races is likely though.All the units,Gods and races that would be present on the beta and first release would be entirely based on the story that me and Grey Nightmare is aiming to finish hopefully by next week.He's busy with school atm, he said in 2 weeks time he'll have more free time..
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
err... yeah yeah, just... you know. Maybe it is the ausence of food in my stomach. 30mins left. There are a specific region of the map you need ideas? It is a lot easier to think on something when you focus on it. And I wanted to be one of your beta testers... if I can.

obs, I will only be able to think on something after I eat something.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
err... yeah yeah, just... you know. Maybe it is the ausence of food in my stomach. 30mins left. There are a specific region of the map you need ideas? It is a lot easier to think on something when you focus on it. And I wanted to be one of your beta testers... if I can.

obs, I will only be able to think on something after I eat something.

Grey Nightmare and I decided on concentrating first on the mythology of the Gods then from there we would base the tech tree, units and the god powers..I have done 5 of the background stories of the God and 1 by Grey, and currently I'm working on 2 more.Only after finishing the final lineup of the Gods will we tackle finer details of each faction.As for beta testing, there is nothing to test atm..but definitely when something comes up, you'll be one of the first person I would contact to beta test..
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
First things first:

Pangahas... The model... It's perfect! Great stuff!

I think were on the same wavelength of concept thought, finally :) .


As pangahas said, were not competing with you. People like this idea and we enjoy making it, as long both of these are true we'll continue to work on G&E and I hope you to will realise their is nothing to compete for! Only a community to please which is reward enough :)

Good luck with your map I hope both yours and ours meet their goals!? ;)

A few things concerning suggestions:

1. I love the government idea although it would need to be discussed in more detail before acting.

2. I think kings should be weak as anything else this'll just cause people to do nothing but level their hero and forsake the finer sim/civilization features, which is what makes the map God's and EMPIRES. Not heroes...

Sorry but I think wc3 has enough footman frenzies and hero arenas. Totally your call though p.

3. I thought factions were inste of races

Sorry for the double post but the mobile device I used to post the above won't let me put any more text in one submission!

Pangahas do you think you could make a model of that pic I posted? Rise of nations rifleman? That would own so bad :p

As for the story/background the ideas are flooding in but I have yet to write them down, I'll keep you posted though ;)
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Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
I have not tried making bipeds, because they're harder and trickier to animate.I still have to learn how to properly animate and add particles etc.Glad you guys liked the model, I will try to finish that by this week.
The king doesn't need to be an uber strong hero unit, giving it a few skills should be enough.
We'll stick with the original plan the -three factions. The other races could be like minor cities that are capturable or neutral creep grounds that you could acquire.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
So how what are the different regions of the map? got a update?

region meaning?Currently,there's an island that has a sunken ship,where you could gather gold,another that has a capturable lumbermill on top of a hill then one that has a goldmine but is guarded by a mini boss..I will be editing the terrain, I'll increase land mass..maybe then I could detail each region of the map..

update on some models>

Possibly one of the unique units for the 1st faction..No textures yet and only has stand and spell slam animation..I'm thinking of changing the legs, to reduce poly count..



In game screenshot..The unit would be a long range artillery type unit,slow moving but it will have a skill based on warstomp that would allow it to stun and damage enemies that are in close range..

Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
I got an idea for a spell of the tank (the first model you did).
Mulltyshot-The tank fires all of its canons at the same time damaging all the units around it (kinda like the warden's first spell).

Yup,actually that's the special ability of that unit.:grin:
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
SasuhKun (REMOVED) said:
All seems to be working very well \o/

Yup, but more work still needs to be done..Hey any idea for the name of the 2nd model? the QUADROPEDARTILLERYTANK..I was thinking Spidertank. If you count the 4 piston like things it would have 8 legs all in all..lol
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Well, I can't see much details, aside it's similiarity with the same Spider Tank or something like that from Star Wars (which mostly appears in the 2nd chapter, at the end. Geonosis.)
Spider tank, or Quad Tank sounds good for me.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I dont know if he did the same system than me but if yes this is by changing tiletype.

When structures is finished I change the tiletype and when it dies I change it for dirt.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
God, can't wait for beta release. Well something specific you need help Grey Nightmare or Pangahas? I need something to focus :O

Edit: wish I could learn something about the editor so I could help you guys. I once tried to make a world-wide warcraft III roc map, something similar to colonization. I also finished a raw Eragon thing, really similar to melee as well. I tried to make it a better thing, but my sister shut down the whole energy house and I lost everything. Then I forbid going back to the editor forever. But since it is to help you guys... wish I was good with goddamn photoshop too, so I could make some icons. But life ins't perfect. I'm still 15 anyway... maybe in the next four years (if the world does not end) I'll have only college and in my vacant days I will learn. But enough of me, can't you try to "recruit" your team in the forums? Or maybe in similar maps? I could try to get any of my friends that might know something about it to see if they like your project, but... oh well.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Grey Nightmare's exams would be over by this week as far as I know,so the background stories will be finalized hopefully when he returns.The stories for the other 3 gods(death,heavens,seas) is nearing completion, by the end of this week I might post them..that plus the previous 6 makes 9,I was aiming for at least 10 for the beta..If you have any ideas on other gods and possible unit for the first faction that would be very helpful, we'll just connect his background story from what we have so far..And also I am thinking of another unit to model..a cannon wielding zeppelin?a gyro bomber?or perhaps a clockwerk colossus?what do you guys think..
wish I was good with goddamn photoshop too, so I could make some icons. But life ins't perfect. I'm still 15 anyway... maybe in the next four years (if the world does not end) I'll have only college and in my vacant days I will learn
lol..2012 planetary alignment?hey nothing is impossible if you put your mind into it..:thumbs_up:
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I think you should use an ability to create crop instead of building them, it should be more realistic. (an AoE).

An idea for you: Hides villager during night (I see the main point in your map is that towns really seem to live). You can use the "hide" ability (invisible during night), remove them during the day (while re-giving them the wandering ability that you'd previously removed).
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
maybe some times when the people are unhappy or you dont have enought gold some of the people will turn into bandis and start attacking other villagers
Also did you use my idea about the 2 type of female villager?
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
@ Sashukun

Hey don't worry :p I'm only 16!

I learnt 90% in the WE by both looking at other people's maps and experimenting with what I had learned, editing and trying again If I didn't get the results I'd wanted.

The other 10% is from both BNet and Hiveworkshop members. All you have to do is ask around.

But most importantly be persistent! :0

If this hasn't persuaded you, perhaps you should wait until sc2 comes out and get a fresh start? :p

^As for the background story I plan on typing it up and finalising it with P. Between Thursday night and Sunday night, so hopefully... Project progress will leap and bound from Monday up until xmas and who knows maybe we'll even manage to squeeze a beta/demo out ;)
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
I think you should use an ability to create crop instead of building them, it should be more realistic. (an AoE).
I forgot to mention that, in the earlier test map that I made It works that way but the problem was I can't seem to figure out the exact coordinates so that they would align with each other maybe because the pathing was too big, so what I did was I made a smaller custom pathing map..then I thought of making them buildable..I still can't decide which one I will use..

An idea for you: Hides villager during night (I see the main point in your map is that towns really seem to live). You can use the "hide" ability (invisible during night), remove them during the day (while re-giving them the wandering ability that you'd previously removed).
It seems unrecognizable in the video but the villagers already have the wander ability and also I already made triggers such that they would automatically enter and exit houses..but I'm yet to remove leaks,I suspect those triggers are the ones causing the lag so far..

maybe some times when the people are unhappy or you dont have enought gold some of the people will turn into bandis and start attacking other villagers
Also did you use my idea about the 2 type of female villager?

Yup, if they're unhappy they would turn into neutral hostiles and rebel against you..I might make use of that or other suitable models for the female villager, I already found a female kid custom model..I might just reskin the wc3 models if I can't find any..
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
im saing that they go on a smaller scale when you dont have enough gold maybe like every 101th person turns int a bandit.And i said that you should use the high elf female she looks more human than elf cuz she doesent have ears and she's made by blizzard (units-human-campaign-high elf female)
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
@ Sashukun

Hey don't worry :p I'm only 16!

I learnt 90% in the WE by both looking at other people's maps and experimenting with what I had learned, editing and trying again If I didn't get the results I'd wanted.

The other 10% is from both BNet and Hiveworkshop members. All you have to do is ask around.

But most importantly be persistent! :0

If this hasn't persuaded you, perhaps you should wait until sc2 comes out and get a fresh start? :p

^As for the background story I plan on typing it up and finalising it with P. Between Thursday night and Sunday night, so hopefully... Project progress will leap and bound from Monday up until xmas and who knows maybe we'll even manage to squeeze a beta/demo out ;)

Don't EVER mention SC or SC2. Cause I want it badly. And I can't have them... now. Oh well. I'm in some type of crisis, some I may not help as I wanted too. But if I happen to have any idea, I'll make a beeline to the computer.
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