GhosT's Full GUI Full Screen Inventory v2.1

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Tired of those primitive, slow and hideous Full Screen Inventories?
Well then get mine! In full GUI, even a duck could edit and use this system! Don't like rough and laggy gameplay? Well then download this effective, leakless beauty!
Download now and all you gotta pay is 1 rep* to me(that was a joke)!
What are you waiting for? Click down below (not the report button) to start your download!


This system is made completely by me, and in full GUI. Inisde is some instructions and info. I know this isn't the best fullscreen inventory, but it is the best GUI one. It works properly and efficiently, and many will find it useful(mostly beginners), but it can never live up to JASS standards. No bugs or leaks as far as I know.
The basic principle is to detect the position of a selected dummy unit, move a pre-saved dummy destructable there, and clean up the after-effects. Most of the stuff is done for you, the only trigger you really need to edit is 'Init'.
To import it into your map, I'd recommend exporting all object and trigger data, and import it into your map, and set up your interface by placing doodads and editing the trigger 'Init'.

ME-Don't forget to credit me!
Kitabatake-Armour model
Tr!kzz-Sword model
ikillforeyou-Helmet model
perfjert-Shield models
Anachron-models and idea

v1.1-added Multi-board, cleansed variables, shortened triggers substantially, fixed Hand Slot bug, got rid of most leaks
v2-Triggers improved substantially, removed the Multiboard, added left-click, MPI bitches!
v2.1-Triggers shortened alot, re-added MPI Multiboard, cleared some object data

Still Have to:
Add swap items trigger


Have fun and give credits to me! You can edit as much as you want! GhosT


GUI, full, screen, fullscreen, custom, inventory, GhostThruster, GhosT, awesome, revamped, revived, MPI bitches, left click, Multi-board, item, equip

Ghost's GUI Fullscreen Inventory (Map)

21:59, 4th Sep 2010 hvo-busterkomo: This can be approved as a sample of sorts.
While great at the time, this system uses an outdated implementation and has not survived the test of time. Simple




21:59, 4th Sep 2010
hvo-busterkomo: This can be approved as a sample of sorts.
It works properly and efficiently, and many will find it useful(mostly beginners), but it can never live up to JASS standards
Anachron-models and idea
I know this isn't the best fullscreen inventory, but it is the best GUI one
Please don't write crap posts. There have have been a total of 3 submitted FSI systems, including mine, atm. D4RK G4ND4LF is making another one, so yeah, 'just another full screen inventory system'. Don't call me tragic either, I bet you're pissed at me for getting facepalmed by me in another thread.

As you can see from the above quotes(and also if you've actually tested the map, instead of calling it lame), I am perfectly aware of Anachron's vJASS one, as well as Kingz's. I also know that they are better than mine.
To be honest, I don't care. Mine is MPI and functions as best as it can. That should be good enough to be approved, in my opinion. I know it is harder to import, but also alot more understandable and easy to edit, especially for GUI users like myself.
Level 7
Jun 6, 2010
I bet you're pissed at me for getting facepalmed by me in another thread.
Can you link me to that thread?
I can't recall getting facepalmed by a minority.

Just fyi any other system that lacks most of other same system is getting rejected.
Instead of trying to make something identical of FSI why not try to make something easier? Or even better give up?

You already got a rejected FSI, let's see how it'll swing now.
you have a great talent
you can people make dislike you very fast :ugly:

atm. D4RK G4ND4LF is making another one

will take some more time
after removing all all local player script data it still desyncs
edit: thanks to the help of some friends I could track down the bug and found out it was blizzards fault (how could _I_ possibly make an error....EVER!!!....x)

you should change "every 0.01" to 0.03 because it does not really make a difference visually but is like 66.66 faster :)
Last edited:
Level 1
Aug 9, 2009
Wee, finally you updated your Inventory :) and now MPI? :O Weee, might be i can start Mapping then :p But the whole effort is deffo worth some +rep ;)
Level 7
Jun 20, 2007
Just another full screen inventory system

i hope you're aware that another pretty good working inventory system already exists and it's coded in vJass

so what makes this any better than that?

This one is in GUI for us who doesnt know JASS or think its to hard or just doesnt bother, i hope you are aware of that.

EDIT: I agree with the guy one comment over me, + Rep for this. Great work really
Level 10
Apr 13, 2005
@prince You really are ignorant to people who prefer GUI over vJASS. It just proves to people that GUI can do anything jass can do it. To me i dont see how its soo much better if you make sure no leaks, and for limits with GUI codes you could also edit the system to make the differents up. Ever heard of Egui??? Just like vjass only gui scripted for us GUI people.
@Everyone who supported this: Thank you for giving me positive feedback. I agree with you guys that sometimes GUI is better than JASS. However, overall, JASS is probably better(f****** trackables, why won't you bee in GUI?). I hope people keep downloading and commenting on this system. Further updates, I may try to put the inventory in one place, add a MPI multiboard, and make the inventory unpreplaced.

@Prince.Zero: Please leave this thread if you haven't got anything either nice, or mean AND constructive to say.
this midnighters is a serious troller.
Why would he have the privilage of just insulting someone like that.
it's like you hate my dad and your dad goes to mine and hits him in the face.

i would gladly give your dad a facepalm for that.
You are getting insulting, I am not the same person as midnighters.
No matter what he did, you have absolutely no reason to continue it.

Please show me your good site and stop this crap.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
It just proves to people that GUI can do anything jass can do it.

not all of it. I remember vexorian have wrote a list of stuff that gui just simply could not do it. maybe someone from wc3c could direct the link.

Ever tried to use Trackables in GUI? :p You can't.

one of the few factor gui could not do. :p

Ever heard of Egui??? Just like vjass only gui scripted for us GUI people.

using egui are probably a sick jokes when you could directly use vjass and learn a few interesting stuf about program.

I agree with you guys that sometimes GUI is better than JASS.

i disagree about it, they would never be better than jass/vjass apart from being user friendly.

However, overall, JASS is probably better

not probably, but always.

You are getting insulting, I am not the same person as midnighters.
No matter what he did, you have absolutely no reason to continue it.

Please show me your good site and stop this crap.

doesn't matter which side started it, just report it and let the staff handle it.

as for this system, if it was efficient in term of GUI and bugless. I don't see the reason of it being rejected since it is a good offer for those who lack of experience in JASS.
Level 4
Feb 3, 2008
Well much bugs and my version of this (not uploaded) is much better than this. My is in GUI and its really really easy to add a new item takes maybe 5 minutes. thats my map I dont want these things Everyone is able to take everything without giving me credits.

Its a RPG i was making but stopped because it I was lazy.

Thanks to lieutang olofmoleman Illisor Lorekeeper Carrington2k jatter2 Die_Kampfwurst HappyTauren perfjert KelThuzad ikillforeyou Leeroy Kitabatake
Tranquil Ket !!GORO!! Nasrudin Deathcom3s Mc ! Tranquil for making models to my map


Forgot to say that all the things in the map is PUI
Level 7
Jun 6, 2010
Well much bugs and my version of this (not uploaded) is much better than this. My is in GUI and its really really easy to add a new item takes maybe 5 minutes. thats my map I dont want these things Everyone is able to take everything without giving me credits.

Its a RPG i was making but stopped because it I was lazy.

Thanks to lieutang olofmoleman Illisor Lorekeeper Carrington2k jatter2 Die_Kampfwurst HappyTauren perfjert KelThuzad ikillforeyou Leeroy Kitabatake
Tranquil Ket !!GORO!! Nasrudin Deathcom3s Mc ! Tranquil for making models to my map


Forgot to say that all the things in the map is PUI

it's pretty lame stating on other people's resources that yours is better.
Level 9
Jan 3, 2010
I was, trying the same thing like you, creating a full screen inventory in GUI, but i get depressed and stop working on it :p

so thanks to you that *FINALLY* an easy to customize FSI !
but, could you increase the item slots ?, it's a bit to little i think .... :D

@Midnighters,takakenji: I don't care if you're defending me and that Prince.Zero is a douche, don't get so hostile, you guys

@BoringEquations: He wanted the link, I gave him the link.

@Prince.Zero: At least you're not so annoying now...You're welcome to post in this thread so long as you're friendly.

I agree with you guys that sometimes GUI is better than JASS.

i disagree about it, they would never be better than jass/vjass apart from being user friendly.

Doesn't that mean you're contradicting yourself? It's like saying 'I don't think George is tall apart from being 7 feet tall.'

not probably, but always.
It's a matter of opinion really. For instance, simple shit is alright, I think doing A Unit Enters KillRect - Kill Triggering Unit is better in GUI.
Thanks for expressing your ideas, you're a probably a good person.

@Adiktuz,xDeathKnightx,DeftheLynn: You're a beautiful person. Last time I checked, GhosT Junior is still down there, so yeah, I'm a man. Item Slot increasing is very very easy. Here's what you do: you create some more empty slots, and then you set SlotInt as the number of slots! eg. If you add 5 more empty slots, set SlotInt=23.
If you wanna add more equipment slots, just as easy. Go to the object editor, CnP a doodad, change its icon and name etc. Edit the trigger 'Init', making sure you copy all the Item Class variables, and then make a copy of ItemWeapon(or another equip trigger), and change all the conditions to suit your new item class.

@scorre: I don't like yours. I personally think mine is better. I don't understand the equipping/dequipping of it, your object data is way more harder to manage alongside the system, there is no bag storage, it's not MPI/MUI, it is much more harder to configure than mine, and you used the same triggering ideas as mine(the only difference was the use of a special effect).
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Doesn't that mean you're contradicting yourself? It's like saying 'I don't think George is tall apart from being 7 feet tall.'

ooppss.. sorry for not elaborate properly about it.

This are the much accurate phase about it.

I agree with you guys that sometimes GUI is better than JASS especially in term of time management (For user that lack of experience with JASS/VJASS).

i disagree about it, they would never be better than jass/vjass in term of efficiency apart from being user friendly.
Level 3
Oct 14, 2009

does this trigger has its own save/load code? so that it can save items on the inventory? something like that...
Can you describe the armor bug? Like how it happened, what happens, special conditions etc?

Thanks Chewii. I guess it is the best :]

There is no save/load however it should be easily implementable if YOU want to add it, though I won't take requests to add that in myself(I haven't worked on save/load codes yet).

If you are talking to me I will explain.

I tried to use your system after copy-pasting all the doodads, setting up the inventory, yada-yada and then I realised the doodad icons were not working for me, even when I closed world editor and opened it again, so I was dissapointed when I couldn't use your system.