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FPS Mod Demo

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A FPS Demo has finally been released! Most of current features can be seen on the loading screen when you start the map, though this version is pretty much half-assed, as we are preparing for a real project.

The map itself was started by me, most systems by MindWorX, Shadow Efreet model by TDR and potion model by Ket

This is how you start the map:
1. Extract the .zip file onto some place on your hard drive
2. Run FPS Mod Demo\RtCLauncher.exe
3. Select the map (FPS Mod Demo is already selected by default)
4. Click "Launch" button

Before doing all of this, make sure that your Warcraft III registry settings are correct.

Here are some youtube previews, though they are pretty old.
ATTENTION: Since there's been coming a lot of comments, I'd like to note that yes, we do know that the triggers for the map sucks, and yes we do know that it's partially leaky. This is a demo that shows off using the MouseAPI/WindowAPI along with the KeyboardAPI for making a First Person Shooter. It just so happens we decided to release a small map along with it, which we didn't feel like spending a lot of time making,. SO PLEASE, LOOK AT THE ENGINE, NOT THE MAP.
- MindWorX


  • FPS Mod Demo.zip
    5.8 MB · Views: 1,764
  • FPS Demo (Map Only).zip
    651.5 KB · Views: 1,012
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
MindWorX, I, and HappyTauren are creating a FPS Campaign which uses the RtC FPS Engine. It will be very similar to this demo, however, it will consist of more actual shooting. After all, it is a First Person Shooter!

The campaign is called X-Factor. To find out more about this project, you can go to the current official website (Relax! We're going to work on a better site later) at www.fpsmod.webs.com
There are no screenshots or videos yet as there is still much to be done, espcially with visuals. But hopefully soon we'll get something to show off and brag about!

Level 4
Feb 14, 2007
This demo is not working for me.

When I run the launcher, I select the FPS demo map with all default options. Warcraft loads and goes straight to the main menu. Attempting to open the map from the single player game list shows no player list, and simply raises the menu off, then drops it back onscreen again. This also happens for any other RtC map.

Some details that might help: My installation location is not standard, it is located in G:\Games\Warcraft III, rather than C:\Program Files\Warcraft III.
I am using the latest patch (1.21b).
Level 10
Nov 23, 2006
This demo is not working for me.

When I run the launcher, I select the FPS demo map with all default options. Warcraft loads and goes straight to the main menu. Attempting to open the map from the single player game list shows no player list, and simply raises the menu off, then drops it back onscreen again. This also happens for any other RtC map.

Some details that might help: My installation location is not standard, it is located in G:\Games\Warcraft III, rather than C:\Program Files\Warcraft III.
I am using the latest patch (1.21b).

I've same problem..
Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
Got it to work easily, a bug\error, when you lose (die lulz), a screen popups like default wc3 (restart, reduce difficulty, etc), and i clicked restart, it sent me to the score screen and fatal'd, also since this is the first time i've used the latest version, what is supposed to happen when you click launch through the map launcher? is it supposed to automaticly direct wc3 to the custom game menu and start it through there, cus it just made me do it manually. also lulz fordon greenman
Level 4
Feb 14, 2007
My registry keys for InstallPath and InstallPathX are both set to "G:\Games\Warcraft III". I'm assuming this is correct.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The purpose of the demo is merely to give you an idea of what to expect what the campaign we're making will be like. And this is just a demo! So just imagine what will be in a complete product? Also, this demo serves as an example to show what a modder can do him/herself. The campaign will feature things like a variety of weaons, most likely more "spells", and much more! Basically what I am trying to say is, if you aren't a modder (Or if you are, hey! Everyone should appreciate this) and found this demo to be fun, then just wait for what we're cookin' up next! You're all in for a treat...

Yes, there are a few bugs in the demo. But what can you expect? Though, it would be better to show off this system as a flawless demonstration map, MindWorX and HappyTauren felt that they'd best be getting started with the campaign already, rather than 'wasting' time fixing small bugs in he demo. I hope you understand.

Level 12
Jul 11, 2007
Carka_J said:
The purpose of the demo is merely to give you an idea of what to expect what the campaign we're making will be like. And this is just a demo! So just imagine what will be in a complete product? Also, this demo serves as an example to show what a modder can do him/herself. The campaign will feature things like a variety of weaons, most likely more "spells", and much more! Basically what I am trying to say is, if you aren't a modder (Or if you are, hey! Everyone should appreciate this) and found this demo to be fun, then just wait for what we're cookin' up next! You're all in for a treat...

Yes, there are a few bugs in the demo. But what can you expect? Though, it would be better to show off this system as a flawless demonstration map, MindWorX and HappyTauren felt that they'd best be getting started with the campaign already, rather than 'wasting' time fixing small bugs in he demo. I hope you understand.

I do understand, and for wc3, this seems amazing. As long as it is made for mac as well for the final project.
Level 7
Nov 12, 2005
> As long as it is made for mac as well for the final project.
Don't count on a Mac version. And that doesn't really depend on us (as in, the FPSMod team) to begin with. Grimoire only exists for windows and, because of how it works, a Mac version is highly unlikely.

As for Catar and DukeCz's problem - I encountered that myself during some testing. Sadly, it appears Grimoire simply fails to work if your game isn't installed on C. I know, it's a pretty serious issue, but we're working on it.
Level 4
Feb 14, 2007
Grimoire works with the JassNewGen editor, however, and all of that is on my G drive. However, once I get home from school, I'll attempt to run the game on C:.
Level 5
Jun 28, 2005
Here is my FPS example it also shows how ec3 sucks on FPS camera mode =O
anyway enjoy. anything is basic (like in th demo map) 1,2,3 change weapons.

scroll camera distance to 100 will force it to get FPS view.
well anyway...


  • BX-Core.w3x
    149.8 KB · Views: 329
Level 21
Aug 3, 2004
Here is my FPS example it also shows how ec3 sucks on FPS camera mode =O
anyway enjoy. anything is basic (like in th demo map) 1,2,3 change weapons.

scroll camera distance to 100 will force it to get FPS view.
well anyway...

It works very nice... Seems you got a little ahead of us, the current fps campaign we're working on, is working similarly, using physics like yours, and using unit height for collision with things like flying units and such. :) I'm hoping for a better way than having to input each height like you're doing.

Btw, the aim is a little off :p

Also, what's this?
function AngleBetweenCord takes real X,real Y returns real
    return 57.296*Atan2(Y,X)

Also, the reason we don't use fadefilter for aiming, is because it doesn't work when disabling environment light.
Level 5
Jun 28, 2005
I'm hoping for a better way than having to input each height like you're doing.
eeehh... if you would make anything custom like i in TcX so... but well anyway you NEED =) or use default like i do if no stored data is there =)

true grand master function ? xD
ok i will explain it =) i input values like that.

AngleBetweenCord(X-X1,Y-Y1) = it's saves at least 1.5x performance to the basic function. // i tested this with StopWatch native

// the code is messed btw xD it's kind a frankenstein =)

no you are wrong dude ^^ the war3 camera borders are fucked loled. aka you get into the zone in which camera CAN'T move. it's can be fixed easly by not allowing you to go there aka use as limits camera borders. (not playable zone) but in truth the bes solution is to tweak the miscdata.txt =)

Seems you got a little ahead of us
i told you this before. + you don't see the main point but it's specific aka "you can't see it" (nothing personal =) really)

for me the FPS is crappy due i <3 Quake with 300 fps xD so i really see how chopy it does run and the point is YOU CAN'T do it much better (in truth it's almost the maximum)
but once again i <3 your socket module ^^ + i see you want to operate with DB for the MMOPRG... nice but i prefer gameplay like D2 xD...

the RtC project is awesome btw it's what i would do if i would have a bit more expirience in programming. but anyway i can now compile grimoire *proud_as_ass* xD
Level 5
Jun 28, 2005
you can. disable "nopause" in war3err and war3 will be pausable xD. (so you can pause the gameplay)
+ i don't time to play will all possible issues.
+ it's possbile to know if war3 window is the uper one !? (i havent found this at least.)
and at last window mode suck =)
Level 5
Jun 28, 2005
i adjust to the window/screnn resolution. aka it allways in the "middle" (actualy there is a special offset for Y) + i count the % moved (mouse move) not pixels this makes moving cam on any resolution taking the same effect.

+ i allready wrote. it's war3 camera borders.

+ in the demo is a weird bug. if you move camera rotation is <-360 so the cam will begin to spin xD (aka wc3 issue) it can be fixed by adjusting rotation to be from 0-360 (359.99999)
Level 10
Jul 18, 2005
The launcher is fine but... the maps ain't lauching... Any help here? Oh i also tried using my own download maps as well and they worked... Would I have to replace the JassNewGen with the latest one? If so how should i replace it?


EDIT: NM.... let me check if setting the compatibility works

EDIT 2: I think this is a vista problem... who knows?

EDIT 3: To clarify, Grimoire is working, but... the WarSoc maps don't work at all.... You can't see player slots for one ans they don't load
Level 5
Jun 28, 2005
I don't have this "Software" anywhere...
your OS is !? aka it's impossible if you have Windows.

Same thing for me. I Somehow got Pitzer's galaxy map to work but I forgot how, and now I can't get it to work. :\
custom natives are not ejected + maybe bad common.j
// btw if you run "Launch" and a dos window appears have a look if at the end is...
"... done" if there is no "done" so grimoire couldn't patch war3 properly.
Level 7
Nov 12, 2005
Directed towards DukeCz, Catar, Av3n and anyone else who can't get it to work:
Try out with this version - it doesn't depend on your registry settings, but has to be in your Wc3 directory.
Or, the long version (installation instructions):
  • download RtC.zip attached to this post
  • extract it and run RtC.exe found inside
  • it will ask you to specify a path - this must be your wc3 directory, the place where war3.exe is, if your wc3 is installed in C:\Program Files then specify "C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\" here (without the quotes).
  • after it finishes self-extracting navigate to your Wc3 directory, there should be a RtC directory inside, alongside Maps, Movies etc.
  • enter the RtC directory, run RtCLauncher and try out the Goblins in Space map

Should that work, you may try putting the FPSMod map in the RtC\Maps folder and try that out as well. Please report here whether this worked or not as it is very important for further development of FPSMod, namely the custom natives part.
Thanks in Advance


  • RtC.zip
    1.6 MB · Views: 168
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