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Elderscrolls V?

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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Who cares about co-op? If the game itself is going to be a repetition of Oblivion with an even more prettied-up version of the game's current terrible engine (read: BAD), it's going to suck either way. Fable 2's gameplay is awesome. It's meant to be played with one person, though. Co-op is just an afterthought.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Because it's more fun to play with a friend. I miss Baulders Gate, and Champions of Norrath.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Coop is a must for TES 5. If they thought it did well single player, it would do a lot better multiplayer. However do not get me wrong, I do not mean make it so that 80-1024 players can play at once in the world like a MMORPG, I mean make it so that a number between 1 and 16 players can play via a host like system.

All character data is stored locally. Basically should aim for people who want to use it to roleplay. If nescescary allow one player to even have the ability to use consol commands and stuff for creating events like a dungeon master.

Anyway, fights should obviously in that case be much more epic. Instead of like 4-5 unit fights, there should be on average 10-20 unit fights going on. So that you could have groups with tasks and mages with target/touch buff spells which actually have a point.

Ofcourse part of this should allow you to team up with adventuring AI which try and imitate players and who level up as you do.

More random generation would be nice. Infact taking it to the next level whereby seemingly unique individuals are actually randomaly generated and so are the quests which they give (voice acting may be troublesome or imperfect but meh). This would mean that you would actually truly have no end.

Duengeons of epic size would also be cool, whereby they could take hours to wander around with friends, encouraging splitting up.

Some form of renewal, whereby certain areas damaged by quests, events or people you killed eventually get repaired or replaced. This is so that the world does not seem to be become more and more empty as you advance.

Unique wandering enemies would also be cool, whereby they are characters which are also capable of leveling up but will cause problems and mischief, like robbing, murdering, or generally being no good and rude. These badies should use an adaptive difficulty system based on your character, whereby they level faster upto your level but slower above so they never become insanly strong unless your really slow. Also they could be made as reoccuring badies, whereby they still suffer the permant death that normal ones do but will be replaced with new ones and level up from scratch again. They could also be made reviving, whereby they resurrect when they die with some for of penatly. Eithor way this would certainly bring about some more enjoyment.

Also scripted quests should have some form of multiple endings with ballenced rewards on both sides. A good example to where this could have been applied was the dark brotherhood in TES4, whereby you could have the bad ending whereby you became top rank of the group or the good ending, whereby you became a spy working for the imperial legion and eventually have the whole group brought to justice (and get a big ass reward).

Better combat mechanics. TES4 really suffered from poor combat mechanics. All melee weapons acted simlarly with no changes between them next to aoe and rate and damage. All arrows were the same and fired the same. All spells had the same sized ranged projectile collision and shape. All too simlar and boring.
I would like to see a system whereby your sword actually has to contact the enemy for it to damage them and the damage is based on how well it contacted (eg just scrapping a target should do redued damage while in TES4 it did full). Arrow and ranged weapons behave differently and work differently, like the ability to have an automatic crossbow or crossbow instead of always a bow (maybe even a gun?) and their range varies depening on munition and weapon type. Spells should also have a more varied projectile type, eg the ability to make a homing magic bolt, or splitting ice bolt, or fire spew, or buffing pulse (generally more dynamic spells making it more of a joy to spellcast) and make being a mage feel good and not repetitive.

Better armor system. Armor types should have a fine ballence between physical and magic reductions and penalties. Armors may even have subtypes of both which would be even cooler, but for simplicity I will discuss it only having 2. In tes oblivion, waring light armor provided nearly no penaltiy with casting spells, and even full heavy armor did not greatly reduce the effectivness of spells. I would like to see a system whereby there is a fine ballence between what is appropiate to ware trhoguh use of penalties like cast rate and mobility, and nothing is better than the each other. Light armor should tend to be favoured by solo mages, in the magic reducing variety with some physical reduction as it does not lower cast rate much and allows for mobility with decent protection. Fighters should generally like heavy armor, often with high physical reduction and lowis magic reduction (they get hit more physically and have more HP so spells are less effective) as they should seldomly need to cast and speed is not really a problem for them. Light physical attackers like archers should probably go for simlar armor to solo mages as they need mobility but some protection. Team mages however could go for enchanted cloth stuff which could boost their magic power while have no cast rate penatly (however leaving them voundrable which a spell might help cover). This approch would generally be advisable and would add a lot more complex fighting and gearing system whereby a melee fighter may wish to have some lighterarmor with him as well so as to be able to run after someone.

A tweeked potion and alchemy system. The TES4 one was ok I guess however it should logically be made slightly more complicated, with more factors influencing it. When making a potion you could interact with some stationary apparatus which would improve the result. Also you should be able to concentrate potions, combining them together with some other ingredients to enhance thier effect. This points towards perhaps an opperation driven alchemy system whereby you have ingredients and perform opperations with them to produce a product. Potions should be quantified, meaning that each potion has a volume available of which you can specify the ammount that to be used (a poision could be used to poision multiple hits or a strong healing potion only needs a small amount to be consumed) and weight of potion is based on the volume and not ingerdients. More complicated effects would be good, whereby a potion may boost your damage massivly but in a few minutes render you usless in combat for a while. Also your alchemy should produce byproducts (additional unwanted products) or have a chance of failing based on the opperatons used or performed. Also you should be able to find unidentified potions (with no label) which you could analise (reducing volume slightly) or risk consuming. Generally longer potion effects would be nice and seeing AI use them better would be great, eg poisioning a weapon should last for so many attacks (arrows) or so long (melee) depening on the quantitiy applied. All these changes would make potions a really crutial part of gameplay, as physical characters may wish for large quantities of posisons for their weapons and mages for their spells. Being able to create really strong potions could be a highly important skill, as your potions would be far superior to those generically created and have longer effects.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
More random generation would be nice. Infact taking it to the next level whereby seemingly unique individuals are actually randomaly generated and so are the quests which they give (voice acting may be troublesome or imperfect but meh). This would mean that you would actually truly have no end.
That's a good idea. Similar to Diablo 2.

Duengeons of epic size would also be cool, whereby they could take hours to wander around with friends, encouraging splitting up.
Yeah. Right. Because Bethesda would really make a dungeon the scope of how the Lord of the Rings movies portray the Mines of Moria.

Some form of renewal, whereby certain areas damaged by quests, events or people you killed eventually get repaired or replaced. This is so that the world does not seem to be become more and more empty as you advance.
In addition, why not a system that lets the NPC's know you sacked their town, raped their women, slaughtered their children, and looted their wealth, instead of just having a lower disposition with you?

Unique wandering enemies would also be cool, whereby they are characters which are also capable of leveling up but will cause problems and mischief, like robbing, murdering, or generally being no good and rude. These badies should use an adaptive difficulty system based on your character, whereby they level faster upto your level but slower above so they never become insanly strong unless your really slow. Also they could be made as reoccuring badies, whereby they still suffer the permant death that normal ones do but will be replaced with new ones and level up from scratch again. They could also be made reviving, whereby they resurrect when they die with some for of penatly. Eithor way this would certainly bring about some more enjoyment.
How about them not being necessarily enemies? How about them being adventurers similar to the player, who go out "adventuring" and leveling on their own? How about you being able to befriend them and have them join you in a sort of "group", or creating a rivalry with them?

Also scripted quests should have some form of multiple endings with ballenced rewards on both sides. A good example to where this could have been applied was the dark brotherhood in TES4, whereby you could have the bad ending whereby you became top rank of the group or the good ending, whereby you became a spy working for the imperial legion and eventually have the whole group brought to justice (and get a big ass reward).
Definitely a requirement.

Better combat mechanics. TES4 really suffered from poor combat mechanics. All melee weapons acted simlarly with no changes between them next to aoe and rate and damage. All arrows were the same and fired the same. All spells had the same sized ranged projectile collision and shape. All too simlar and boring.
I would like to see a system whereby your sword actually has to contact the enemy for it to damage them and the damage is based on how well it contacted (eg just scrapping a target should do redued damage while in TES4 it did full). Arrow and ranged weapons behave differently and work differently, like the ability to have an automatic crossbow or crossbow instead of always a bow (maybe even a gun?) and their range varies depening on munition and weapon type. Spells should also have a more varied projectile type, eg the ability to make a homing magic bolt, or splitting ice bolt, or fire spew, or buffing pulse (generally more dynamic spells making it more of a joy to spellcast) and make being a mage feel good and not repetitive.
You're one of the few people who actually noticed that!

Better armor system. Armor types should have a fine ballence between physical and magic reductions and penalties. Armors may even have subtypes of both which would be even cooler, but for simplicity I will discuss it only having 2. In tes oblivion, waring light armor provided nearly no penaltiy with casting spells, and even full heavy armor did not greatly reduce the effectivness of spells. I would like to see a system whereby there is a fine ballence between what is appropiate to ware trhoguh use of penalties like cast rate and mobility, and nothing is better than the each other. Light armor should tend to be favoured by solo mages, in the magic reducing variety with some physical reduction as it does not lower cast rate much and allows for mobility with decent protection. Fighters should generally like heavy armor, often with high physical reduction and lowis magic reduction (they get hit more physically and have more HP so spells are less effective) as they should seldomly need to cast and speed is not really a problem for them. Light physical attackers like archers should probably go for simlar armor to solo mages as they need mobility but some protection. Team mages however could go for enchanted cloth stuff which could boost their magic power while have no cast rate penatly (however leaving them voundrable which a spell might help cover). This approch would generally be advisable and would add a lot more complex fighting and gearing system whereby a melee fighter may wish to have some lighterarmor with him as well so as to be able to run after someone..
I agree with this point, but I think robes should have an armor value. It doesn't have to be a great one, but slight damage reduction makes sense, I think. Otherwise robes with low-level enchantments would be worthless to the solo player. Or perhaps adding in Mage battle-armor? Special armor that gives a bonus to one particular school of magic that you need a specific proficiency in (i.e. Apprentice or Master) in that school to use.
Level 2
Jun 17, 2009
To summarize to what you all said and what I want to add in, I played only Morrowind and Oblivion, I liked Morrowinds epic map size, Variety of Spells, Background Music and scenery while I liked Oblivions Combat system and Graphics. If Elder Scroll V is to be made it should combine the features of Morrowind and Oblivion but as mentioined before add multiple regions to the game and maybe the whole continent.
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
TES4 really suffered from poor combat mechanics. All melee weapons acted simlarly with no changes between them next to aoe and rate and damage. All arrows were the same and fired the same. All spells had the same sized ranged projectile collision and shape. All too simlar and boring.

Lol, I remember that. If you set Use Strongest Attack type, it looked awful, but not doing so meant that you had a disadvantage...

Lol, you should send that post to Bethesda ;P
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
I just wish TES V would be more like morrowind, nothing more. You guys want really too much. They don't undertake too much, because they don't want to end up like Fable 2. Lots of hype, but no real shit. By the way, the adventurers, whom you can join, or rival with, can or are already added via mods. There are a lot of mods there that do what you say, name Martigens Monster Mod, or Francescos leveled creatures and items. The game is modable y'know.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Oh I know about those mods you're talking about. But those adventurers don't level up along with you, aren't unique from one another (except by face), and don't have any real dialogue.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
And what if you don't have any friends and join some annoying idiot's game instead? And besides, even if you have a friend with you, a bad game is a bad game.
If you don't have any friends, you should probably get off the computer for starters.
Don't join some idiot's game then. Go play the single player if you don't like multi.
Bad or good is really irrelevant to what we are talking about. A bad single player game is a bad game.
Level 2
Jun 17, 2009
Their are some games that should remain Single player thats the point isnt it? Some werent desinged to support multi player even if they are exellent single player games.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Of course, but thats a given, and a moot point.
A good game with multiplayer is an even better game.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
If Bethesda's past games are any indication, Elder Scrolls V is going to suck, multiplayer or not. End of story.

And no, I don't care what fanboys and reviewers have to say on the matter.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
All the improvements I've seen people talking about are near impossible. Let's see something that's actually reasonable.
Level 2
Jun 17, 2009
If thats true this game will have a dark future but until we see a game play footage of it we cant really judge upon how bad its going to be.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
more stable engine
The TES oblivion one was pretty much 100% stable. On my bros vista machine it crashed as regually as WC3 does and that is like every 12+ odd hours of playing and doing something trivial like a menu or something (never actual gameplay). This is also amazing as the game is not running in compatibility mode nor was it made for vista.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
When I still played it, Fallout 3 didn't like to cooperate with my PC sometimes. It was probably because of all the mods I put in it, but still. And all of the weird glitches and issues the engine has... such as the physics messing up and causing NPC's to stretch, occasionally getting stuck in objects (happened to me a lot in Fallout 3). And I don't think I need to tell you that Oblivion and Fallout 3, although looking "next-gen", don't quite live up to the standards of the Unreal 3 Engine or the Crytek 2 Engine. In fact, I'd be as bold as to say that Far Cry (the original PC game) looks more or less the same in terms of quality.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
Oh I know about those mods you're talking about. But those adventurers don't level up along with you, aren't unique from one another (except by face), and don't have any real dialogue.

What you want ??? SIMS ??? FABLE??? They can't undertake too much, like Moleyneaux does. If you don't like it, mod it yourself, or wait 'till somebody else does. It's frikin' Elder Scrolls, not SimFantasyWorld.

gilles said:
All the improvements I've seen people talking about are near impossible. Let's see something that's actually reasonable.

Agreed. Maybe we should discuss what might be the next province for the next installment ?
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
What you want ??? SIMS ??? FABLE??? They can't undertake too much, like Moleyneaux does. If you don't like it, mod it yourself, or wait 'till somebody else does. It's frikin' Elder Scrolls, not SimFantasyWorld.
You're a moron. Someone said that there should be other adventurers like the player, and then someone else said that it was already possible with a mod. But I explained to him that the mod didn't do exactly what the first person was talking about.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
What does anything that you said have to do with stability?
Stability is the process of a game running. EG, a highly stable came should never crash, hang or freeze or cause errors. What you described were bugs, which have not a single thing in common with stabiliy next to can cause instability due to unexpected values.

Also your argument lost all legitemacy when you mentioned mods. Most mods for TES oblivion are hardly well made, like WC3 maps, so automatically by using them you incorprate factors into the game engine not expected by the makers so and bug complaints become void (afterall your mods could be the problem).

I however do agree that the only one major fault with the actual engine in TES4 oblivion (not gameplay wise) was the physics. This includes random wierd physic results (like a messed up wolf floating in the sky), objects falling or getting stuck (including you and corpses) and random physics process crashes whereby all physic rellated activities ingame suddenly stop so you become frozen until you restart the game. They need to work on making the physics a lot tighter in 5 so that it does not bug as much, even if they remove some elements from it as currently the physics in TES4 is capable of a lot more than actually was put to use in TES4 and thus why it was so buggy.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
More destructable environments would be cool. Currently it was possiable to see splinters and sparks when hitting objects, but what I mean is like you can cut sign posts down and tables have scratch marks where they were damaged and stuff. It could also add a new level to crime, whereby damaging objects could be a crime. Also it would be cool to blow up stuff like statues or bridges for quests, or to just be plain evil. This ofcourse would greatly up RAM requirements and make the game more demanding in some situations, but as TESV is probably a game of 1-4 years time, such requirements would hardly be of any concern to gaming rigs of the age (even current gamming setups would be capable of handleing it).

A more efficent load system is also a must. I am aware 4 was made for the consols as well as the PC, but on the PC there was no excuse at all for there to be needed loading. WIth the availability of 2 GB RAM, surrounding map sectors could be loaded in the background while you are walking so transiction to those sectors would be instantanious as far as the player can tell as there would be no pause due to loading at all or no delay while objects in those sectors are loaded (all this could be handled by a background thread thus improving usage on moder multi core PCs and not affect the main threads at all).
Inside loading is more complex however, as a town has 100s of indoor areas which can not be displayed or probably loaded at once. Thus what could occur is when you approach an indoor area from the main world, it also starts buffering the data used by that and the models it will use (in low quality if need be due to space or time restrictions). Doing this would mean that town like areas with dozens of indoor areas would need a lot of RAM to be loaded efficently, but you could enter houses instantly all the time with no load delay. Ofcourse the actual system would have to be a lot more complicated, to cope with towns efficently (knowing when to unload) but with such a system you could pretty much never have to pause while something is loaded allowing for constant playing. I heard GTA4 used such a system but due to all the porting it was made unefficently. In anycase, I still would like to see lower load times for the PC version than were in TES4, even though it will be more complicated as PCs are well capable of loading that much.
I'd seen something about it being Elsweyr, but Skyrim? Damn, all snow, that would be SO awesome.
Also, Oblivion lags more than Crysis / Crysis WH (especially WH) for me.. :/. I often have to turn down settings while on Crysis I play on all high with a high resolution.

A destructible environment would definitely be cool. ESPECIALLY if it actually stayed destroyed, maybe with rebuilds taking place, instead of something like FarCry 2's burn down grass, come back 10 minutes later and find everything just fine. D:
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I'd seen something about it being Elsweyr, but Skyrim? Damn, all snow, that would be SO awesome.
Let me 'splain you something. If Elder Scrolls V is a rehashing of any of the previous games and not rebuilt from the ground up on a completely new engine with a completely redone combat system, it's going to suck. Nothing else matters at this point.

A destructible environment would definitely be cool. ESPECIALLY if it actually stayed destroyed, maybe with rebuilds taking place, instead of something like FarCry 2's burn down grass, come back 10 minutes later and find everything just fine. D:
I like that idea, but how would you go about wrecking a house? Hmm... I got it! Fire! Lighting stuff on fire with a torch! That would be awesome.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
You're a moron. Someone said that there should be other adventurers like the player, and then someone else said that it was already possible with a mod. But I explained to him that the mod didn't do exactly what the first person was talking about.

didn't notice that, sorry...

Anyway, Dr. SG and deadnerzhul are talking too much about the way the game looks, not plays :(. Im more interested in gameplay, the graphics as in TES IV are good enough for me. I mean burning down a house. Fun for a few times, ok, but it will end up like the grass in FC2. Overrated and booring after a few tries and not much of a gameplay enchancement.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Sometimes I like glitches in a game, as long as it doesn't ruin anything. War of the Monsters had more glitches than any other game I've played, while still staying entirely playable. It actually added to the game, by giving you a laugh every once in a while. Like someone randomly shooting up hundreds of feet, or having the charge ability catch on a pile of ruble and shooting you forward awkwardly.

And of course SSBM anyone? That game was made much better by glitches imo.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Not really, if the game play sujestions I made were implimented. Spells should be reatly and easilly reducable via armor just like physical damage. Also spells should be weak compaired to physical hits at times so that melee characters with high HP tend to be unaffected by them while mages need more reducing cloths as they have lower HP. Basically a huge ballence scheem is needed.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
I wonder how will the the game engine handle destrucible terrain thought. And also what sort of destructible terrain are we talking about here? I mean if every house and such are completely destroyable, we would have some problems. However if it's small things like carriages, tables, fences, other wooden stuff, etc. then I could see it happen and it actually be fun.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I wonder how will the the game engine handle destrucible terrain thought. And also what sort of destructible terrain are we talking about here? I mean if every house and such are completely destroyable, we would have some problems. However if it's small things like carriages, tables, fences, other wooden stuff, etc. then I could see it happen and it actually be fun.
Ya, even Crysis isn't fully destructible. I was pretty disappointed with that.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
It doesn't need to be completely destructible. Only the buildings and such... proof of concept? The particle-accelerated physics system of The Force Unleashed. 'Nuff said.

Oh yeah, and they need to SERIOUSLY upgrade the engine. It sucks. Really.
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
Ah, fully destructible environments...
I was reading about this a could of months ago, and they are developing a system that essentially has every pixel moving by itself. However, due to the immense effort needed to create this, not to mention the computer that would be needed to run it, we will not be seeing this for quite a while...
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Wow. Destructible 2D terrain. REAAAAALLY IMPRESSIVE STUFF RIGHT THERE! It's absolutely perfect for a fully 3D game.

We were talking about realistic physics which break down at a particle-based (?) level.
Level 9
May 10, 2009
Here is the The Elder Scrolls V: that I want:

The story was decent, but Fallout 3 made it up for Bethesda. More twists and such, and more compelling stuff. I did feel compelled, wait...compelled isn't even the right word for what I'm talking about. Ignore Story.

While some bits looked shithouse, with the HD television I bought yesterday, its environments and such look beautiful and the best looking game on 360. It should take some inspiration from Fable 2 and such.

Spells: The spells are dull and boring, like PRESS RB RB RB to cast a gay fireball. Really, the people here make 10x better spells. Fable 2 have meaty spells which even effect the world around you a bit, such as a fire spell making everything around you very red, and even though there were only around 7 spells, they were great, rather then the unlimited amount of generic spells you could craft in Oblivion.

... Fable 2 has a great combat system, but Mass Effect shattered the thought that RPG's were limited to shit, decent, or mildly great combat, as Mass Effect had a strong TPS as well. But TESV won't have guns...

Hmm...Fallout 3 has a dense gameworld, while Oblivion had a fucking HUGE gameworld with not much fun in it. Fallout 3 had encounters such as, going to the car-cinema (whatever its proper name is) and then suddenly seeing that there's Raider's coming, then they engage you and there's lots of grenades, then your companion goes "Shit! A grenade!" and then a load of cars explode and you die and you're body gets flinged... and then different experiences at the same place, such as disposing of them then you seeing that some cars are flaming, but they don't seem to be going off, only for them to suddenly explode, and such.

More comin' soon!
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Ricardo, you fail to understand that guns don't make a game fun. Fallout 3 has guns, and it sucks. It sucks less than Oblivion, but it still sucks. GAMEPLAY is what makes games fun. Mass Effect isn't fun because it has guns- it's because it has excellent real-time combat and an incredible story. Oblivion has neither of these things, while Fallout 3 doesn't have the former.

Storyline is also important when it comes to games, especially roleplaying games, because it makes you care about what's going on around you and gives you a reason to be doing anything within the game you are playing.
Level 1
Jun 20, 2009
The next Elderscrolls will be set in Skyrimm (might have spelled it wrong.) Whether it will be the multiplayer or your regular old Elderscroll single player is unknown.
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