Nehrim: At Fate's Edge

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Nehrim is a great mod for Oblivion, which I myself would count as a separate game in whole. Nothing in it is related to Oblivion, except graphics and engine.
The terrain is unique as well, so there is no need to worry about monotonous areas everywhere. said:
Total Conversion for Oblivion: "Nehrim - At Fate's Edge" is a finished Total Conversion for the RPG The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. That means it is a self-contained game that bases upon the Oblivion game engine, but has no relation to Oblivion's lore. It is a world in which neither Tamriel nor any other TES based name exists. The continent itself on which the game is situated is called Nehrim, it is completely independent from the base game. Nehrim was developed by the Sureai Team ( We have already created two Total Conversions for Morrowind, named Arktwend and Myar Aranath, but unfortunately there never was an English version of them. This time, however, we will develop an English version of the project with translated texts and German voice acting.

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