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Dualism BETA


More about Dualism:

www.projectdualism.com (<3 Hylke)

Also check out Flashgabe, the guy who made our trailer

is a first person horror game currently in development. This might sound familiar to you as there are quite a few of them out there, but believe me, this one will be like none you've seen before. The storyline of Dualism is unique and creepy, straight from the twisted minds of the current developer.

Sverkerman with over 7 years of Warcraft 3 World Editor experience.

This project has so far costed me over $550 and taken me over 1100 hours to create.

In order to play Dualism you need to have following settings:
Model Detail High
Animation Quality High
Texture Quality High
Particles High
Lights High
Spell Detail High













The year is 1882.
You are playing as Stephen Smith, A English crime investigator. You have been sent to Germany to solve a massive genocide which took place in Dormund. Dormund has ever since been completely untouched by human activity. The only relevant item you've managed to get your hands on so far is a document of the latest crime archived by the Dormund court.





Sample1 -

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Sample3 -

Sample4 -

Sample5 -

Sample6 -

Sample7 -

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---Major Help---
Grey Walker
Bethesda Softworks

Mc !
General Frank

Stanakin Skywalker

The World Is Flat

---Beta Testing---

Horror, RPG, Survival, Dualism, Sverkerman

Dualism BETA (Map)

Vengeancekael Date: 2012/Sep/09 14:42:11 [Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact] Comment: [Approved] Credits have been added and this has received its previous 5/5 rating. Staff Contact - Rules Date: 00:07:46 15-Aug-12 Map...




Date: 2012/Sep/09 14:42:11
[Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact]

Comment: [Approved]
Credits have been added and this has received its previous 5/5 rating.

Staff Contact - Rules

Date: 00:07:46 15-Aug-12
Map Moderator: -Kobas-
Map Status: Approved 5/5
Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message!
Useful Links:
If you have any complaints or questions about your map, please make a thread here:Map Resource Moderation.

Comment: Official Review


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Map progress

Currently working on this:
Bug where you are "teleported" behind the pathing blockers of the road.
Monsters do not have locust.
Forgot to remove the names of all units.
Forgot to add Trigger - Turn off trigger at a event where a monster sound is played inside the forest.
You can still move while being dead.
Missing a pathing blocker at the "hay house"
Saving is still disabled after defeating Butcher.

  • Actions
    • Game - Enable selection and deselection functionality (Disable selection circles)
    • Game - Disable drag-selection functionality (Disable drag-selection box)
    • Game - Enable pre-selection functionality (Disable pre-selection circles, life bars, and object info)
Hide all units outside of a 1000 range of the player.
Increase interracting range from 300 to 450.
Add text to the third unused door where you find the cogwheel when pressed to not confuse the player.
Set all units' selection size to -1 in object editor so the screen won't be filled with floating healthbars all the time.
Make the "Run" be activated by double tapping the forward arrowkey.
Put Save Spots more often.
Add credits to all wonderful helpers and resource creators for the map thread!
Add text to when you die.
Do not disable movement for the owl in the forest.
Add even more detail to the forest as -Kobas- suggested.
Add support collums in the cellar.
Contact Hylke about merging GUI main systems into Vjass.
Make some potions float abit higher.
Remove unused improted material.

Reading below this post might ruin the game for you as it contains spoilers.
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Level 4
Mar 12, 2012
Short review :
+ graphics + concept
+ story and action feeling
+ originality
+ athmosphere
+ complexity

- horrible voice acting
- some movement bugs
- some delay within the camera

Can use more work but i give you one big suggestion ...
I believe the voice acting within the journal pages ruins the athmosphere mostly ...
and I believe you should remove them ... the map without them would be way better and scary .
This is my opinion ! Overall it deserves a 5/5 6/5 because the athmosphere is fanatical !
Good luck !

Should get a better minimap and some better description also!
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Level 4
Aug 5, 2011
dl'd right away and started playing, maybe the greatest map i've ever seen on wc3. The atmosphere and feel created in the game are awesome, terrain is awesome, great storyline.

The thing that really makes this map interesting are the sounds, i never seen a wc3 map that has sounds for almost evrything(walking, opening doors, rats...)

only thing that bugged me was that i could walk through some of the rocks :/

deservers director's cut obviously
Okey. I've downloaded the map and played the first test round. After only a few minutes I found the first major bug and what I may call an "Easter Egg".

I will continue play (however after this bug I have to restart the game).

Bug Explanation (wall sucker -> Outside world):
This is something I often try in maps and other games. By jumping or moving into those so called "Invisible Walls", you may sometimes be sucked through it depening on location and how the movement-system is created.

This didn't occur because this. This bug happened together with the "It's too dark, find the lantern - Pushes you back" - event.

I knew from the beginning I could abuse this because of how it was created. I spend probably atleast two minutes just running against the "block" at different locations and when I came to the end of the left side of the block, I was pushed behind (of course) and got through an invisible wall. You probably require to have the correct angle.


This is not really an easter egg, however, it's an area a player shouldn't be able to reach. Also, the Green Cube of Death are there chillin'


Improvements that can be made! (Will update when I find more!)

  • Remove the mouse dragbox. It ruin the feeling a little and the mysteriousness, you can just spam drag to find stuff. Is this function required? Then ignore this. If not, then remove it. There is a function that allow you to remove this.
  • Why not make the Monster! and the attacking monster in the beginning of the game locust so you can't click on them?
  • Make the bear-traps locust too.
  • Man... After the monster attack you and you are teleported to the house... The papers on the table. RUSTY PAPER 3?! RUSTY PAPER. I lol'd. Rename, please. Those have to be selectable and people with quick eyes are able to read.
  • Make rats locust too. I can't be asked write this all the time, so make all non-interactive units locust.
  • INSANE FPS-drop in the first cave under the house. Lower the field of view(?) don't remember exactly which one it is. This can be used in various places where you only see a few yards infront of you.
  • Is it a 100% chance to step on a bear trap? I was several yards away and was affected. Range confirmed and I didn't know you could disable them, so no locust (thanks to sonofjay for telling)
  • When you first come to the "village"; at the lantern a monster sound playes. This sound play >everytime< you walk by.
  • Candle in the first house to the right when you enter the village has a candle which produce light even if it's dead.
  • The house with the three doors (I think it's the cogwheel house after what I saw from the stream at closed beta day), have a door (the right one) that doesn't say anything at all. May confuse players.
  • As rusty paper... Please rename the Candles too. At the moment you can see that they are called "Unit Candle 1-x".
  • Appears that every candle so far have a lightsource even if they are dead.
  • Slightly try increase the range of item-pickup by few.

I will update this post whenever I find something.

Okey, I am done testing for the moment. I haven't yet completed the Beta but I will sooner or later. Above Sverkerman you may read about several points I've mentioned in order to improve gameplay.


An excellent map for the w3community! The environment was very good (however more detail and improvements can be made at several locations) for a BETA map. I can see you've put much effort into this map. The gameplay is also very good, the sounds... Awesome. I am not really a story person I just click escape and continue moving, so I can't really tell you anything about that, but it's probably good, as I've seen others write.

I really recommend you try to fix the FPS issues at some locations in the map as I've mentioned above in my list.

Anyway, I'd vote 4.5/5 this map overall, but I'm kind enough to round up to 5.


  • Dualism Bug1.jpg
    Dualism Bug1.jpg
    139.6 KB · Views: 18,184
  • Dualism - Secret Green Cube of Death.jpg
    Dualism - Secret Green Cube of Death.jpg
    182.4 KB · Views: 18,383
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Level 8
Nov 11, 2009
Okay I've just completed the beta. Here are some of my thoughts about it:

First of all the terrain and the lighting effects are very good. Also you've managed to make a enjoyable first person map in WC3 which an achievement itself.

The map is very atmospheric due to the great ambient sound effects/music and amazing terrain/lighting. Unfortunately I can't say the same about the dialog voice acting which is mediocre at the best. If I was making this map I would take it out and give more room for the player's imagination. Good thing is that the story is there for those who want to follow it.

The first person camera/movement system is one of the smoothest I've seen in a WC3 map. However it also shows what WC3 is not capable of. Sometimes the camera annoyingly clips through walls or/and fps drops below acceptable due to the amount of objects WC3 has to render with this kind of camera system. The Movement is mostly fluid however in a tight places when you need to turn quickly it just isn't fast enough or the movement becomes wiggly and stiff. Luckily the map is designed well enough to make those kind of situations rather rare.

All things considered I'm very impressed by this map and it really shows what can be made when someone push the Warcraft 3 to the limit.

I highly recommend this map to anyone!


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Thank you for your opinions on my map! I disagree that the voice acting was horrible. You have to keep in mind that this is a Warcraft 3 map, most warcraft 3 map's voice actors doesn't even use studio microphones. It's some great feedback tho! Thanks!

Now that's a proper review right there! You catched a lot of things which nor I or any of my beta testers did! I will include everything that you've mentioned in the update where I remove all unneeded imported material.
Thank you a lot for putting time and effort into making Dualism better! You deserve some +rep
EDIT: Could you type me the function to disable the mouse box?

Very valid points here too! Thank you, have some +rep
Now that's a proper review right there! You catched a lot of things which nor I or any of my beta testers did! I will include everything that you've mentioned in the update where I remove all unneeded imported material.
Thank you a lot for putting time and effort into making Dualism better! You deserve some +rep
EDIT: Could you type me the function to disable the mouse box?

Here you go.

  • Actions
    • Game - Enable selection and deselection functionality (Disable selection circles)
    • Game - Disable drag-selection functionality (Disable drag-selection box)
    • Game - Enable pre-selection functionality (Disable pre-selection circles, life bars, and object info)
    call EnableSelect( true, false )
    call EnableDragSelect( false, false )
    call EnablePreSelect( true, false )
Level 17
Mar 21, 2011
I completed beta and here are my suggestions:
- increase the pick-up-item range slightly (sometimes its rly hard to pick up items from treasures
- dont remove the voice acting!
- if you klick on this "blood cell", you already can see that there will be a butcher.. change that
- Far away from the house, there is a stone wall with a hole in it (some potions are lying there too). if you watch through this, there will be a short cinematic where you can see the ghoul. before the cinematic started, it bugged. you could zoom nearer and far awaywith your arrow keys, fix that

if you fix this things, the map will be perfect
well, i cannot give you 4/5^^ this map is too good

5/5 !
I see you've borrowed quite a bit from Amnesia: The Dark Descent (game concept, mechanics and even sound files).

  1. Set all units' selection size to -1 in object editor so the screen won't be filled with floating healthbars all the time
    Note that this will not actually have any effect on selecting the units with mouse in-game. It just hides the selection circles and healthbars.

  2. Pressing F10 is a free lantern at the moment

    There is one way to kind of fix it.
    You could make the game fade out using a black filter about every 0.05 seconds.
    The period will be so short that the filter will actually not darken the screen.
    However, as the player enters the menu, the screen will go dark as the periodic trigger is no longer there to keep the filter from applying.
    (Also note that some configurations of filter time and period may cause the screen to flicker)

Now for some stuff that I noticed during gameplay.
  • Bear Traps
    • Clicking on bear traps will cause damage
    • Walking near bear traps will cause damage
    • I got the impression that you can't avoid the first couple of bear traps that you encounter
    • Bear traps are nearly impossible to notice unless you have healthbars on.

      Overall, I find these to currently serve as nothing more but irritating fake difficulty.
      If there was a way to disable them and they weren't randomly scattered around woods/you could more easily spot them (perhaps an occasional glimmer/sparkle on the model), then they would not seem completely pointless.

  • Movement & Camera
    • The camera is positioned so low it often makes you think you are crawling
      • Or then the grass models and some of the doodads like tables are just so tall to give that impression.
      • Either way, it makes me feel like I'm playing a midget character
    • The acceleration and swaying of the movement system makes it feel like your character is heavily drunk
    • Moving backwards inverts your left/right controls, which is very counterintuitive
      • I often found myself trying to take a look at a room by rotating to one direction and then backing away, only to suddenly start rotating in the wrong way again.
    • At times the movement would get "stuck", leaving me moving forward or spinning around until the arrow keys were all pressed again.
      • This often happened after cinematic sequences and "moving through door" sequences.
      • You might want to reset the player's movement whenever you give control back to him
    • Some way to tilt the camera up/down would be nice
      • It's hard to see items at your feet
      • Moving uphill leaves you with a screen full of ground texture
    • The camera keeps clipping through almost everything nearby (walls, barrels).

      I've thought this is why people generally avoid trying to make first person maps for warcraft 3.
      Also there's the fact that while most wc3 resources, models and textures aren't that amazing to begin with, they look absolutely horrendrous from up close.

  • Interface
    • Main controls are split in 3 very different places, "QWER"-area of the keyboard, "Arrow Key"-area of the keyboard, and the mouse. I don't have 3 hands.
      • You could perhaps make the "Run" be activated by double-tapping the up arrow key?
    • Interface texture is flawed
      • The distinct cut across the character portrait area where the textures meet is very noticeable
    • You could remove the text from unused interface buttons (food limit, upkeep limit, minimap buttons).

  • Models
    • Low-poly rats. You could replace them with a WoW variant or something, they look very box-like from first person view.
    • Several rock doodads and other terrain doodads had some quite severe texture stretching problems, which are very noticeable.
    • Lantern item collision shape seemed off, it didn't register clicks easily.

  • Interaction
    • You can click through walls to activate stuff
    • You can accidentally force yourself to exit the first basement/cellar by clicking on the wall close to the stairs
    • You can select items from other rooms by clicking on walls
    • You can select monsters to view their names, info and detailed portrait
      • Give them locust or something
    • Dying to a bear trap will apply a red filter, but you can still keep walking and the game doesn't defeat you.

  • Quests 'n stuff
    • Quest log second entry is missing a space "Find theLantern"
    • Quest log dies after you make it to the surface.
      • What am I doing here? Where am I going? Why should I care?
      • Even a vague objective like "Explore the surroundings" would be better than having no objectives at all
    • The voice acting suffers from the common modding community problem of being overly theatrical most of the time, which severely undermines the immersion and atmosphere of the map.
      • This map would be better off with the voice acting removed

There seems to be potential in the map, although I believe you'll never be able to completely get rid of the "camera-always-clipping-through-all-the-damn-walls" problem.
Also, just out of curiosity; How did you manage to lose that much money on developing this map anyway?
Furthermore, this leads me to notice that there's no credits in the map description.

Still, good luck with this project!


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010

Thank you very much for the review! You have many very valid points about my project, many of which I will try to improve.

I'll mention the things which I disagree with you on.
Kitablade said:
Bear Traps

Clicking on bear traps will cause damage
Walking near bear traps will cause damage
I got the impression that you can't avoid the first couple of bear traps that you encounter
Bear traps are nearly impossible to notice unless you have healthbars on.

Overall, I find these to currently serve as nothing more but irritating fake difficulty.
If there was a way to disable them and they weren't randomly scattered around woods/you could more easily spot them (perhaps an occasional glimmer/sparkle on the model), then they would not seem completely pointless.

I disagree. Bear traps are there as a scare. I wanted the player to be able to disarm them by clicking on them.
They are not suppose to be easy to spot.
Clicking on bear traps does not damage you.

Kitablade said:
Main controls are split in 3 very different places, "QWER"-area of the keyboard, "Arrow Key"-area of the keyboard, and the mouse. I don't have 3 hands.

You are not required to use the hotkeys. They are just there for visuals.

Kitablade said:
Quest log dies after you make it to the surface.
What am I doing here? Where am I going? Why should I care?
Even a vague objective like "Explore the surroundings" would be better than having no objectives at all
The voice acting suffers from the common modding community problem of being overly theatrical most of the time, which severely undermines the immersion and atmosphere of the map.
This map would be better off with the voice acting removed

Once again I disagree. I find it very important to give the player freedom. This is why I didn't add another Journal Update after getting to the surface as it would give the player the feeling that he was forced to follow the journal rather than finding things out on his own.

Voice Acting...

I think that the voice acting in Dualism is good enough. Defenitly better than in most maps. I will not remove it.

That's about all I have to say. You have a lot of bug reports in your review which I am very thankful for.
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Level 14
Jul 25, 2011
I have some complains.

-Bear Trap

The reach range is too close. Sometimes, I accidentally step on it trying to reach for it.


The lag destroys the gameplay. (Maybe this is my computer's problem.)


After I load a game, the melee orc music plays. This makes the game less scary.


I don't know if this is because of the lag, but the camera rotation has a delay and I walk like a drunken man most of the time.

I see nothing when walking up hill.

-How the monster appears

I was walking in the forest and the monster came out without warning..... Please at least play a sound that tells you the monster is behind you.

-Item pick up range

You could increase the pick up range a little.

Overall, this game is the best FPS game I've ever played.


You should create few different patterns in the scars. Because it becomes boring after you play it the first time.

EDIT: One more thing, I think you should put some text when you are defeated. Because first time I got killed, I wasn't sure what to do.
Level 4
Mar 12, 2012
Thank you for your opinions on my map! I disagree that the voice acting was horrible. You have to keep in mind that this is a Warcraft 3 map, most warcraft 3 map's voice actors doesn't even use studio microphones. It's some great feedback tho! Thanks!

1.In my opinion it is horrible because it does not sounds like some narrator instead it sounds like a nerd person wich makes the game feels bad.I also sugest adding some kind of smoky fog effect on the lateral parts and up and down of the screen this would make it seem more cool.Also the ghouls in the darkness are way too big in my opinion.I believe they should be smaller in order to make a little logic matching their movement speed and things like that.Also I do suggest that when you reach light havens sounds should calm a bit and monsters attacks the same(if any).And I believe 3rd person camera would work even better for this genre you got in here.Nevertheless it's a cool map!

2.If you build something thinking on the profit it would result in a superficial project...like this one ... like there's no need for us to know how much money you spent on it and I dont really believe you know what is a good game and how to make one properly. This map is a ripp-off of amnesia mostly combined with silent hill and all other stuff, if im straightforward. Every vjasser + art modeller knows how to do this and i think even better it's just about time.The thing wich harrases me is that you keep telling people about you spent 550 dollars and 1100 hours and keep tellimg them this is a director's cut. It's like you push down their throats to eat it.Well if you play this from bottom to the end this ain't no dirrector's cut project. Director's cut result barelly have a bug or two. This map has lots of bugs and most of them are because you wanted to do the imposible in order to impress. "Few people can do the impossible and survive" and you ain't one of them , this map is the proof.I find this map replayability zero to me.Kitabatake is right about everything he is saying about your map and I do like his comment alot on this map.

3.You were too desperate to have succes and to make money over this and you've failed in my opinion!Good luck and happy map making!
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Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
First of all, I am not making maps to gain money. Me as map player likes to know what went into making a map that I am about to play. This is the reason why I state how much money and how much time I've spent on it.

Masokist91 said:
and I dont really believe you know what is a good game and how to make one properly
This is straight up harrassment. I was making this project for other to enjoy, if you do not enjoy my maps you don't have to download and play it.

Masokist91 said:
This map is a ripp-off of amnesia mostly combined with silent hill and all other stuff

This is not a ripp-off just because I use a lot of sounds and some of the ideas of the main items in Amnesia. I suggest that you have a look around the map section and see what others are creating.

Masokist91 said:
Every vjasser + art modeller knows how to do this and i think even better it's just about time.

So you mean that what I have created here is just something that any person here on Hiveworkshop with Vjass and 2D art experience could create?

Masokist91 said:
and keep tellimg them this is a director's cut
This was stated in my development thread and I stay by my statement. If this map can get Director's Cut http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/joes-quest-gold-80447/?prev=mmr=6 then so can Dualism.

Masokist91 said:
Director's cut result barelly have a bug or two
Please don't talk out of the blue. I highly suggest that you go to the Director's Cut section of this site and check some maps out.

Masokist91 said:
This map has lots of bugs and most of them are because you wanted to do the imposible in order to impress.

This is the Beta of my project, of course it has some bugs. Dualism is very playable. If your not playing on a crappy laptop you wont experience a fps below 30.

Masokist91 said:
"Few people can do the impossible and survive" and you ain't one of them , this map is the proof.
When will this harrassment stop? Have I said something wrong or is there something about me that you dislike so much that you feel the need to push me down? You are here commenting inside my map thread here inside the Map Section of Hiveworkshop to do just what the explenation suggests, comment on my map.
Masokist91 said:
I find this map replayability zero to me

If you followed the map development thread I stated that when the rest of the content of the map is being added I'm going to implement a treasure system. When you find all of the treasures you unlock a secret area. This will power up the replayability to the point where I intended it to be and hopefully that will be enough to please you.

Masokist91 said:
3.You were too desperate to have succes and to make money over this and you've failed in my opinion!Good luck and happy map making!
Haha, I am not looking for money. I wanted to make a extreme modification to Warcraft 3 to the extent that it is scary, which I feel that I've succeeded with. You have to keep in mind that this is my hobby. Just like many other hobbies this one requires money, atleast if you want high quality work and your team members to stay motivated.
I stated this a while ago but based on this comment you made I feel it nessesary to state it once more;
If you want to see the Dualism map become completed faster and support me you can do so by donating here: http://www.projectdualism.com/
I am not looking to earn money, if nobody donates I'd be fine with it as my intention with making this map never was to make money but rather to make a name for myself inside the map making community of Warcraft 3.
I will eventually make the rest of the money I need to complete the project on my own but it might take some time.

Now, for any future posts, I am a human just like yourself. If you dislike my map you are free to state so and of course what you disliked it and how it can be fixed but when it comes to judging me as a person and being straight up rude this is not the correct moment time or place to do so. Thanks ;)

Check your graphic settings ;)

Very nice review! Thanks a lot!
Not sure what may cause you to be orc when you load the game. Does anyone have the answer to this? ;P

@Drunken Jackal
Very valid point ;)
I'll put some more save spots in there!

Thank you!
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
This map is a ripp-off of amnesia mostly combined with silent hill and all other stuff

At least this is not a dota rip-off

I just wonder why you have to be rude to Sverker, have you ever say those words or to other mappers that do shit maps? nope? seems like you have some grudge or something.

I mean my map is more buggy that Dualism and no one even told me rude things.

You're trying to draw this personally on the way I see your comments.

Oh also how can you say that this is a complete rip-off if you actually said this?

+ originality

and this

This is my opinion ! Overall it deserves a 5/5 6/5 because the athmosphere is fanatical !
Good luck !


@Sverker, oh cmon dude, y'know Joe's Quest is a good one, its one of the best old campaigns for war3.
Level 4
Mar 12, 2012
At least this is not a dota rip-off

I just wonder why you have to be rude to Sverker, have you ever say those words or to other mappers that do shit maps? nope? seems like you have some grudge or something.

I mean my map is more buggy that Dualism and no one even told me rude things.

You're trying to draw this personally on the way I see your comments.

Oh also how can you say that this is a complete rip-off if you actually said this?

and this


@Sverker, oh cmon dude, y'know Joe's Quest is a good one, its one of the best old campaigns for war3.

the comment was to help the mapper attitude and improve the map ... i don't think i was rude if you understand rude by just being straightforward then it's your problem ... i have no personal issues with this mapper and i like the ideea of the map i just don't like its presentation details and the stuff...i don't ussualy leave comments and things like that and when i leave comments they are harsh mostly because they are meant to open the eyes of the author in order to improve the map...the first review was a short review just by 1 minute gameplay and second i playd like 10-20 mins etc... so you can make the difference now...and not to be off-topic maybe you can add some sort of a light gun at a certain point...
I only played for 5 minutes, but this was amazing. When I first saw this, I thought it was overhyped and bound to fail. I am severely wrong.

-credits pl0x for the resources
-ability to look up and down maybe, handy for treasure chests
-more info in the beginning, I was very confused at first
Level 15
Feb 15, 2006
I've played for 10 minutes, and it looks great.

Some stuff:

- Arrow movement: WC3 is very slow with the arrow triggers, and I can notice here, movements in critic moments are very slow and you die easily. I'd suggest to implement movement by mouse, clicking the floor. With this you can use a simple trigger that will make the reactions faster.

- Camera system: It's nice. Probably you'll need to improve the movement of the camera. I'd suggest to use Oppicam's camera system.

- Credits: I didn't see them, probably I missed that part.

- Item reaching: Sometimes you need to get very close to the point to not viewing the item to catch it. Something to solve :)

In general, nice map, I like the voices, and it seems you have good recording stuff to do those parts. Keep the good work and I hope it gets better and better everyday.

Dualism BETA

Created by Sverkerman ; Uploaded by: Sverkerman

★ Map Review & Moderation ★

After hours of testing, playing and editing map I can finally write nice
review about it. So let's start.

DUALISM or Dualism simulate FIRST PERSON game almost completely,
sadly for us old and unsuitable for this kind of genre, wc3 engine fail
in few things. First one we need to mention, is arrow movement system,
no mater how great code look like, wc3 won't allow us to exploit this
feature with 100% accuracy, you will need some time to get used to it,
and even after a while you will find yourself blocked inside wall or other
textures. Another thing I mentioned is camera system, again there is no
way to create, or should I say, simulate 100% correct first person camera,
blizzard mess up things with terrain levels, so any kind of cliff or ramp will
damage or at least a little worsen your camera view. I can't forget to
mention that angles near or above 360 degrees show huge number of
object on the screen lowering FPS (frame per second) even more, causing
small lag/delay.

Now when we covered basic things related to game type itself let's move
to story. Authors spent a lot of time on story elements, everything needed
to be very accurate, everything is voice acted, we have huge number of
sounds used in this map, increasing quality a lot. To achieve mystery and
horror effect authors stepped back into past, time without electricity or
any kind of modern devices, you have no lamp to use it in your adventure,
you have no gun to defend yourself. I won't post spoilers here but let's say
that finding yourself in woods, alone, weapon less, darkness all around you,
while day seams so long forgotten, really carve chilling feeling into you.

I really like how owl scream, or how tree fall in background, while some crazy
monster or some shape of some creature pop out on the screen from time
to time. You can interact with objects like, doors, traps, potions, all kind of
items placed all around map. High res textures improved quality a lot, this
for sure can't be achieved with normal wc3 resources, but everything has
it's own cost, so knowing it authors sacrificed a lot of space, increasing map
file size. I was able to see resources used and I must say that having 1 MB
large textures indeed are bad choice. Mp3 file with 128 kbps take around
4.5 MB, while compressed one can take below 2. All textures with huge file
size should pay a price and be compressed at least by 25% (from 100 to 80
or even 70), this won't effect game much, because it's mostly dark while
size go down from 1 MB to 0.5 MB. The largest model has around 0.3 MB
and that's superb.

More or less optimized resources mentioned above used together, create
really good and detailed terrain. Off course as terrainer myself I will find
bad things and have something to suggest, but I won't be wrong to say
that regular wc3 player can become speech less after checking this.
Many time we can see map edge, empty, black, space. Also some trees
looks bad in distance covered in fog. Terrain is sometimes empty as well,
I speak about forest and outside world, where is ground usually covered
with only few grass doodads and here and there rock or two. You can
add one or 2 support wooden beams or something like that inside
basement, especially on the place where you go for lantern where is that
cliff or something.

Expect to see nice systems as well, for example Save Load system that is
basically regular wc3 Save system but thanks to blizzard error (related to
dialogs) and authors nice idea you will see something totally unique.
This is huge bonus in map quality and I like it very much. Another cool
system is one related to Journal, cool idea and nice texture with some
small code created another big bonus in my eyes. I can continue and
mention Latern (turn light on/off, require oil bla bla bla), reading Books
and so on, but I will leave something for checking to you as well.

Finally we can mention script that run this map, we can speak about
efficiency, bugs and game features in general. Using mouse you can
interact with object, but only if you come close enough. This has
bad side, because authors based this system on units, units must be
selected, units will show hit point bar above them. I suggested trackables
but both ways have third common problem, you will be able to interact
with objects located way across map, that's why I suggest some system
that will show/hide units based on distance from the player location.
Triggers are more or less ok, even for GUI I had nothing to mention,
except maybe House Leave/Enter triggers, or that Bear traps, as you
can see you repeat 95% of trigger actions in all triggers, you should
merge them into one trigger. Also triggers like Keyboard event are
more or less useless, they should be injected into movement system
directly, with like 6 or 7 lines of code you will replace 5 or more triggers
and like 50 lines of code generated by them. I really highly suggest
converting core GUI systems into fast vjass clones.

In the end I must say that unique design, cool ideas and nicely
created concept really impressed me, that's why I decided to
award you with 5/5 rating, Highly Recommended award for your
effort and very good job.

I will keep checking project, hoping to see improvements and maybe
if still be here have that honor to gave you highest hiveworkshop
award that one map can achieve, Directors Cut Award.

Good luck with project and have a nice day, sincerely -Kobas-.

Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
A short message, you're going to get people that have likes and dislikes about the map my advise to you, you can either accept the criticism or chose to either completely ignore it, in such a situation my suggestion would be is that you do a follow-up and at least leave a positive response then perhaps ignore it if you chose to do so, you don't want to ruin your reputation.

My review: (((Viewer be advised this is a constructive summary giving my own opinion you've been warned)))

Short Summary:
I'm quite astonished on what you've done here taking Warcraft III to a new level. I can see you're quite dedicated to your map and as seeing at it's "beta" stage it's quite obvious that there will be so-called "bugs" which should be expected anyways so I will try my best not to be so negative here. Instead of a scoreboard I will just give a run down on things with a overall score at the bottom. First off the interface adequately suits the map, this horror map turned out to be just a terrific idea and overall with a decent story at it's core and well presented. The atmosphere is attractive and acceptable from choices of imported models to terrain work turned out to be great and seems satisfying. As for the game-play the scares are what make up for it putting you into that frightened state making you want to react fast enough or panic over a situation makes it worth it in the end especially when you're least expecting it. On the contrary my biggest complaint I have is really the voice acting no hard feelings but it's probably the biggest drawback for Dualism [please note this is my opinion] and is greatly diluting the impact of the game I can't help but to either turn off the sound completely or just to Alt + F4 out if you would have to ask I would strongly say that it's missing "character" and it's putting it off in the wrong direction. On a few side notes or a few suggestions I strongly encourage you to listen to your fans when the time comes or the map could deeply suffer because of it, I don't expect you to listen or take everything for granted and it might not be something you want but the game is going to eventually demand it sometimes you just gotta make sacrifices and as much as you might not want if you chose to ignore them or everything your fans say they will ignore the map overall. Other than that issue I think you got a great map here as well as a decent start you definitely worked hard so I don't see why you shouldn't deserve a good score.

My overall score: 4.5/5 (Astonishing) (Beta - Needs improvement for better score)
Last edited:
Oh look'y here. I remember commenting on your project here. It would seem I've underestimated your map making skills. This is quite the map. Its not complete, yet! So I've decided to not rate it yet.

So far so good. One thing id like to point out. I kinda dislike the idea of using the arrow keys. I suggest making a thread where people can vote on making them ASWD keys instead of Arrow movement. It's kind of weird having my left hand near my right hand while playing games like this.

Other than that. Good job!
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
I suggest making a thread where people can vote on making them ASWD keys instead of Arrow movement.

next to impossible. Only if you made abilties with shortcuts wasd, but w is already sprint and it may be even more inaccurate.
The reason being is there is only
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(261)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(262)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(263)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(264)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(265)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(266)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(267)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(268)
next to impossible. Only if you made abilties with shortcuts wasd, but w is already sprint and it may be even more inaccurate.
The reason being is there is only
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(261)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(262)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(263)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(264)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(265)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(266)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(267)
constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(268)

Guess you're right. I did have the idea of using spells to do it. But that could add that slight delay that would annoy people. And it is more easy just to add it like so.

exc...exc... But if there was a way to make a flawless system for it. Then Id say do it. But that's just me.
Level 4
May 7, 2011
why I can't open a room to play with others?
The caution said that map was too big
How can I solve this problem?

you can only play maps on 8 mb and below in multiplayer everything above have to be played in singleplayer