Doing GUI Spell requests.

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Level 2
Mar 27, 2008
thanks again, this time i try to make that skill.

p/s: i know what attking and attked is, but i dont know the reason why my trigger doesn't work.
i like to give +rep too, but i dont know why i cant give +rep to you :-??
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007

Somebody here might know about DBZ right? Well I'm making a campaign for it but I need a spell for the basic Ki Blasts they shoot out of their hands.

- The spell needs to target the ground, not units.
- It will only damage the part where this energy ball lands. (AoE)
- I want the damage to be based on something like: 2 x Units Intelligence and I want to be able to ajust it.
- I want it to have about 15 levels. (You can make 2 levels and show me how to make more.)
- Every level the AoE will increase by 10 (so just a little bit) starting AoE: 50.
- Every level the base factor will increase a bit. (Level 1: 2 x intelligence, Level 2: 2.5 x intelligence etc.)

- I want it to shoot a ball of energy, when it hits the ground it will explode; dealing damage. I want the explosion to match the size of the AoE if possible.
- I would like it if the explosion and energy ball matched the colour of blue-ish.

- It needs to be able to be used by different players. (Bosses will also use it.)

Thanks in advance. (I did not found anything I could use in the spell section btw.)
(And I wanted it in GUI since I dont understand JASS not even after 1 year of reading tutorials. xD)

Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
vercas, these spells lag horrible, are inefficient, the waits ruin the whole spells and make them not work... dude, get back to the drawboard(practicing) before doing requests please... seriously.

And giving your dummys insulting names is just .... oh man... I need to reopen my factory maybe, the quality of spells drastically decreases....

EDIT: The spell CAN never work.... all of your spells are not right coded, they wont work at any time.

TO MY SPELL: You have to do 1 thing to make it work, the stuff with the second hero is not a bug, its just that the corpse instantly disappears. You need to set the type of dieing to Ressurectable and not decaying. And if you wait too long the corpses will disappear, which means they wont be resurectable, but thats a fault of the system of wc3 tft.
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Hmmm a spell that sets 3 variables and moves 3 units around a unit, avaible for all 10 human players... Every 0,01 it sets 30 variables and moves 30 units around 10 different units... :cute: It doesn't lag :cute:

I must go to sleep now, tomorrow i will post my Permanent Ban system on hive.
it bans a player permanently from a map :cute:
Using game cache and a dummy unit :cute:
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
vercas? the spells you posted had about 100 leaks per 0.10 seconds... that means after 5 minutes it will start to be unplayable, and just as a information, those cute smileys make you look like a 10 yr old. No offense.

he is 12 years old and learn about making triggers... the reason the trigger doesn't worked is you gave the dummy the abillity cross fire and he had no mana and the abillity needs 70 mana... typical "noob" error sorry..
Level 17
Aug 20, 2007
Eh, wrong grammar or spelling on every posts you make...

Anyway, I was like you 3 years ago, now honestly, posting in a forum is like making a short essay, and it has helped me a lot. Plus, if you try, you'll get better at it fo sho.

I think I'm the only one in the whole batch that didn't have a grammar or spelling mistake in this 5 paged essay. Type-written but so what?
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
I am from romania, and my english teacher is a very old woman... We make just exercises... In the last semester she teached us only about house works... :sad:
Don't blame me bacause i can't speak a language good, ok?

If i don't speak english like you, for example, means that i can't post anything on forums?
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Ok, ok, maybe i made some mistakes on that spells, but i have more spells in my map and on other edited maps more complicated that work. One more thing, have you ever seen any human that doesn't makes mistakes sometimes? Ask me, at the seconds spell, why do the dummy doesn't wants to attack? It moves up a bit and then randomly attack another unit...
Why do everybody jumps on me when i make a mistake? :sad:
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Hi um can someone make a Periscope Ability?(The thing submarines use to look on the surface). If you could that would be great. . .
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
Like I still don't have a good working spell.. I only got a not-working leaking one. :p

I wanted a spell that looks like a regular Ki Blast that everybody can use in DBZ.
I want it to shoot a ball of energy at a target ground location, at that location it will explode and deal AoE damage.

It needs to have multiple levels (about 15), it needs to be gui so I can understand it and ajust values like damage.
I want it to deal damage like: 10x intelligence.
Each level should have a slightly higher damage and AoE.

It needs to be a ability that can be used by multiple heroes at the same time.

Thanks again. (And please no leaks since it will be used alot.. xD)
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Stop flooding before I ask a Mod to clean this up (if they are willing to).
Anyway, I am only checking how this thread is doing and I can's say it is doing too well...
But please, don't argue in here, thanks.
I hope I can help with spells again soon cos the spells ATM are not working too well based on what I heard.
Level 10
Mar 23, 2007
When 2 heroes die, im using it. then, when im using it the second time, the secone hero dont revive. Can you fix it?

Humm Humm, it doesn't seems like anyone is working on it? I can repeat the bug:

2 Heroes die in the same area. Im reviving one of them. He walks away. I use the spell again, on the same area. The second hero does not revive.

Someone fix it mabye?
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Need 1 spell/trigger

well create a dummy that appears before the caster then create a dummy(projectile) a red ball or something like that ... it charges with every second and becomes bigger with every second (till 4 seconds) the spell charges increases with every seconds the damage til 4 seconds every seconds adds (normal damage 1 sec = str x 11) (with every second it adds to normal damage = +str x 1 for example 2 second charge = damage = str x it?^^) if the caster clicks away the spell will activate(the ball will go to the target area and explode) or if the charge of 4 seconds is completed then the spells actives too well the dummy(projectile) moves to target point(area) (please not slow it should be fast like proectile speed 1100) and explodes and make damage in an AOE of 500 to remember damage = charge seconds and so on if you don't understood it ask me ^^ and sorry for my writing i am writing fats because i must go off ...
Level 8
Jun 1, 2008
okies I have a pretty complicated spell im not sure if u lot can do it or even if this thread is still alive;

So you are in first person view and you cast a spell, (called Pryrotic Blast) A HUGE fireball emits from you and then goes directly forward from your facing. If there is somthing in its way (trees, units, etc..) then it explodes creates the Flame strike effect and does damage to units in a 550 area also setting them on fire for 3 seconds. (The maximum distance for the fireball to reach is 1200 then it explodes anyway.

I also have another one;

You fire another spell, it fires out 4 spikes, the spikes then pick 4 random units in front of the caster and lock on (one spike for each target) the spikes travel at a speed of about 750 and when they hit they pin the unit for 2 second (he can still attack) then the unit is releaced.

Last one;

Unit uses spell and it emids a sort of gust in the direction of the units facing. It then picks every unit that does not have a certain item (use a dummy item) and (important part) Raises them to a height of 100 WHILE (at the same time) throws them back about 550 and does damage. (the raise and throwbac MUST be at the same time.

I would realy apreciate help with these spells i have been serching for ages. and i will give 1 rep per spell. thanks for any help, credits will also be given in map u want proof? here is the first map (Mages I) i am on Mages II now and it will be a first person map.

EDIT: I Will also be using these spells in my campaign which I have almost completed the first level of it. I would prefer help with the second and third spells (The first one Is already (Basically) complete by another user however was not perfect so Im still open to that spell) Mainly help with third coz i think it will b kl Thanks
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Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Sorry for the late reply but I'm back! :)
Anyway, check out Mega Rejatsu in NightBrowler's requested spells 1. Its kinda like that and it works, just add the damage and some other things to make it look better. As for the direction the unit is facing, just check if the angle between the picked unit and the casting unit is facing angle of casting unit +/- 25 or something.
I will work on the other spell when I can and please do not spam too many spell requests cos I would be playing with my friends.
Good Luck with your project!
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