[Role Playing Game] Diablo I - Remake On WC3

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Level 21
Jan 14, 2014
Good morning! I'm working in a project: the remake of Diablo I in WC3. However I'm not sure of some things and I want to know if someone can help me out:
  • If I should put itens like: Swords, Axes, Armors, Rings and others.
  • I don't know how to properly build a dungeon, nor put monsters on it, and what they should drop.

For those who already have a RPG map, I wanted to know some hints. Because that's only that bothers me. I have the map all done, its just on beta but as I said...the itens and the dungeon are the two things that are really hard for me.
If I should put itens like: Swords, Axes, Armors, Rings and others.
Uhm, yes, why not? :)
I don't know how to properly build a dungeon, nor put monsters on it, and what they should drop.
Often they make some sort of "Teleport" system for dugeons, that when you enter a certain area (dungeon entry) your hero will be moved by triggers to dungeon start, and some things get set up.
To drop certain items, you make a trigger, make wanted conditions, and can create more or less random items for the respective (dying) units.

These questions are pretty basic actually. It's good advise if you read tutorials and search for item drop or other systems for reference.
When you have more questions about how to achieve something in the WorldEditor you can always post here: World Editor Help Zone
For specific code/tirgger help, here: Triggers & Scripts
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
Yeah, this teleport trigger to move the hero through the entry and exit i know. The problem is the items, how much place them...
If you want to make item drop tables (with non-equal chance for each item-- something very important to Diablo) or even simplify your spawning of units in dungeons, I would recommend you use the itempool and unitpool data types. This will require a little bit of Custom script usage if you are GUI-only in your triggering, but it will save you considerable headache and speed up making successive dungeons in the long run.

Here's a tutorial I wrote about them.
Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
If you want to have something good looking you should import as much 2D as possible. all the items, faces, and the texture of the floors and walls. that would keep you busy for a long time already ^^
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