Diablo Chronicles AOS

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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
I want to introduce a new map - Diablo AOS.


Author: FatalBlade
Genre: AOS
Number of Players: 10 (5 on 5)
Size: 128 x 128
Land Type: Jungle (Sunken Ruins)

Description and Review

It's gameplay is similar to DOTA, but with much and much differences:


- Heroes can choose skills, 3 out of 9, with which they will play along the game. The are 3 skill trees, each tree has 3 skills. You choose 1 skill for each position on the panel. There is also an ultimate skill, the 4-th skill, that can be learned only at 20 level. Actually, with this system, each hero has 27 variations of development, which can be much different from each other. Each variation is a different style of playing.

- 10 Heroes for each side (it's not many, but with the choosing-skills system each hero can be as many different heroes)

- 40 levels for heroes.
- AI included.
- Nearly 150 items.
- Realistic, dynamic and not-standard skills.
- Nice landscape.
- Mobs and Neutral Creeps get slightly upgraded from time to time.
- 4 Neutral Bosses - Azmodan, Belial, Andariel and Duriel, that should be killed in party, not alone.
- Bosses have their own AI, they will use skills in some situations.
- Elite mobs instead of Towers, who fight

- Instead of World Tree and The Throne as the main quest objects, there are 2 main Bosses: Tyrael at the Good side, and Diablo at the Bad sidfe. As Bosses, they will also fight those who try to kill them, and both have their AI.

- New and original damage-in-line system for mage-classes. Each nuke of the mages' attack does line damage, in front of the hero. The I|ntelligence Stat and Magical Weapons increase the line damage and decrease cooldown. Also the Hero Level affects the damage. Fixed bug from the previous version, that those nukes could interrupt other hero's abilities.

- When your hero gains a level, he gets 5 Stat Points, like in the Diablo game series. You can choose what Stat you want to increase for your hero. For that, you have 30 seconds. If you don't distribute the Stat Points with 30 seconds, they will be distributed automatically, using the best setting for the current character class.

- When a unit dies, each player sees the amount of gold he has been rewarded for that unit. Actually, I mean Floating Text.) The same is the damage of the mages' nukes are shown.

- There are tutorials in the game, which can be turned on and off using chat commands "-helpon" and "-helpoff". The language of the tutorials can be changed between russian and english, using the "-eng" and "-rus" commands, to English or Russian accordingly.

- Fighting Bosses is complicated and interesting. The bosses summon minions or cast spell at certain HP levels. They also have some speech replies. Dying, the bosses drop 5 different items.

- When a boss dies, everybody gets rewards of Stat Points and Gold. The amount of these depends on the damage the entire team has dealt to the boss.

- The system described above is more fair to the players. If a team was farming a boss, until it had a very low HP level, and a hero from the opposing team has come and made the last hit, he would not get all the rewards, only what he deserves according to the damage he had dealt.

- Player counting system is applied. The more active players are in the game, the more Exp and Gold will be gained for killing creeps and enemy heroes.

- Backstab. When a melee-rogue class using an immediate damaging spell at an enemy unit from the back, the damage will be doubled, and there will be a floating text above the target, that says "Backstab!"

- Added Horadric's Cube, which is a mobile storage or a vault for items. The item that a hero can not use at the moment, goes to Cube. Item restriction and craft formulas DO NOT WORK inside the Cube.

- Added the Cow Farm, where mobs drop different items, except for Full Sets and Socketed weapons. However, these mobs give less exp and gold creeps which are equal to them in strength outside of the Farm. The reason I did it this way, is to make sure that players will not be always stuck at the Cow Farm, and will go killing creeps and advancing to the enemy base either :)

Item craft, Equip system, Multi-Traders, Herbs

- Multi-traders. There are 2 merchants - 1 is armor merchant, 2 is weapon merchant. For example is you click the Weapon Merchant, it will show you various types of weapons and accessories: Normal Items, Rare Items, Unique Items and Socketed Weapons. When you choose, for example, Rare Items, it will show you all the Rare Items the merchant sells. You can return to the category menu and choose Unique Items, then it will show you all the Unique Items it sells. The same is with Armor Merchant.

- Realistic equip system. A hero cannot equip 2 identical items.
- There are 4 categories of equipment: Armor Sets, Weapons, Accessories and Other.

- All items are available for all classes, but there are a few restrictions: If a hero has a Full Set item, he cannot equip an item that is a part of a set. The same thing is about the opposite, if you have items from different sets, and one of the sets lacks only one item to get the full set, then you will not be able to pick up/buy it, because you have items related to other sets in your inventory.

- When you collect all the four items of an armor set, which are: Armor, Helmet, Gloves and Boots, they will be merged into 1 item - a Full Set. This operation cannot be undone.

- Full Armor Sets, or set parts can be equipped only at 20 level and above!

- Weapons which names are written in gray color, can be socketed. Socket is an effect added to the weapon. It gives a certain additional bonus to the hero that equips the weapon. Its also visually shown on the weapon in game. The bonuses are written in the item's description.

- There are 4 types of Sockets: Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, Sapphire. Each of them gives different bonuses.

- Sockets are added by an NPC. When the player clicks on Socket,a dialog window pops up, where there is a choice of all the items (weapons), which are currently in the inventory, and can be Socketed.

- The armor is devided into 6 sets. When a hero equips all the parts of a set, these 4 items merge into 1 item. This item has the total bonuses of all the 4 items.

- There is a list of various achievement that the hero or a team can accomplish to get Extra Gold, like First Blood, or killing an enemy hero within 6 seconds, or kill a Boss, or get level 24 before all other heroes, or the team must kill more enemy heroes then the other team, within 3 minutes and etc...

- Herb dropping system: all mobs and creeps drop herbs, that when a hero walks over them, they automatically disappear, healing his health or mana. They don't need to be targeted as items to be picked..






















Version: v1.2
File: Diablo AoS v1.2 (with AI)
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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
Will test it tomorrow or so.
Maximum level=40? Too much for an AoS? I dunno, I'm just saying
I'm getting a feeling I will hate that fog later on...
Well, the heroes lvl up faster, and I made 4 bosses + many Achievements, so I had to increase the number of levels. My map is made up for 45-60 min of playing.

Heroes are way op. Nerf abilities and damage done by heroes. All I gotta' say. Then it will be amazing.
Yeah I know. I did it, and today or tommorow i'm gonna release 0.96 Beta Version.
The balanse is bad, I know it. When you have 20 classes, when each of them has 27 combinations of choosing spells, while the combinations can be ANYTHING, not just a stereotypes of classic RPG roles... Balansing the map is HELL harder than balansing something like DoTa, where the spells for classes are constant.
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
New version Beta v0.96 released:

- The corridors between the waterfalls are now wider. It give more space to maneuvre. especially for Agility Classes.
- All characters, especially mages were nerfed.
- The bug with the damage in line that was interrupting the casting of abilities was fixed. Now the unit will not be paused while he is playing the "attack" animation.
- Hero Level now affects the mages' DAmage in Line formula. The formula is ===>>> Int + Int * HeroLevel / 100
- Herbs do not need to be right-clicked to be picked up. The hero needs just to step over them.
- The landscape is a little bit improved.
- New item added - Golden Luck. It increases the gold amount gained from killing monsters by 15%.
- New item added - Cloak of Enlightenment. It increases the experience amount gained from killing monsters by 15%.
- New item added - Wirt's Leg. It gives 6 Stat Points to a hero when he gains a level, instead of 5.
- New item added - Necklace of Nephalem. It bonus to a chosen Stat. The hero can switch between the Stats in the game, if he wants the bonus to be added to another Stat.
- New ability added - Equilibrium. The hero becomes a living beacon that drains HP and Mana from nearby enemy units, and restores HP and Mana to nearby friendly units.
- New ability added - Soul Defragmentation. The hero temporary decreases the target enemy hero Stats by a certain amount, thus adding the same amount of Stats to himself.
- New ability added - Fire Nova. I think the name speaks for itself :)
- Damage Over Time abilities became stronger.
- Melee attack damage items were nerfed.
- Whenever a unit dies, the Gold rewards are displayed as a Floating Text - an immitations of Bounty Rewards in Object Editor.
- The bosses have become stronger.
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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
New version Beta v0.97 released:

- The damage-in-line system for mages formula has been changed. The damage amount has been significally nerfed.
- The damage of melee weaponry items has been significally nerfed.
- The bonuses of HP and MP gained from items have been reduced by 50%.
- Horazon the Summoner can no longer act as a Mage-Tank as a result of lacking balance.
- 1 STR now adds 12 HP. 1 INT adds 8 MP.
- All creeps have become stronger. Elite Monsters have been strengthtened almost by 100%.
- Some new abilities have been added to Elite Creeps.
- The experience rate and the gold bounty gained for killing Elite Creeps has been reduced.
- Fighting Bosses has bcome more complicated and interesting. The bosses summon minions or cast spell at certain HP levels. They also have some speech replies.
- When a boss dies, everybody gets rewards of Reputation Points, Stat Points and Gold. The amount of these depends on the damage the entire team has dealth to the boss.
- The system described above is more fair to the players. If a team was farming a boss, until it had a very low HP level, and a hero from the opposing team has come and made the last hit, he would not get all the rewards, only what he deserves according to the damage he had dealt.
- Bosses has become significally stronger.
- Many item bonuses has been changed, becoming more different from each other.
- The bug when units that came to some northern areas on the maps were killed has been fixed.
- Almost 40% of the spell has been changed or replaced with more original, complicated and interesting spell. There are no "almost same" spells now.
- Many spells were nerfed, especially the DOT (damage over time) spells.
- Assassins's wards were significally nerfed.
- The number of falling meteors at the begginning of the game was reduced.
- The map loading time was reduced.
- When gaining a level, the hero has 30 seconds to distribute the Stat Points, otherwise they will be automatically distributed for him, according to the best option for the current character.

Spells added to the Dark Side:
1) Horazon the Summoner - Arcane Incineration - Creates an Arcane Sphere above the hero that shoots at the nearby enemy units. Lasts for 30 seconds.

2) Horazon the Summoner - Arcane Spheres - Creates 3 spheres that spin around the hero, that shoot at the nearby enemy units. Lasts 60 seconds.

3) Horazon the Summoner - Arcane Annihilation - Unleashes 6 arcane projectiles that spin around the hero, dealing certain damage to nearby enemy units upon contact. The radius between the hero and the projectiles, and also the damage, increases over time. Lasts 30 seconds.

4) Horazon the Summoner - Arcane Barrage - The hero unleashes 5 arcane projectiles towards the target enemy unit, each of them dealing certain damage.

5) Horazon the Summoner - Body to Mind - While this spell is active, the hero will give away his health to gain mana. Each level increases the amount of mana gained.

6) The spell Arctic Stomp for Izual now works differently. Izual jumps up high to the sky, and then falls down, dealing certain damage to nearby enemy units and stunning them for a duration.

7) Hephasto the Smith has 3 spells that can be activated only at 33% HP level. One of them increases the damage by more that 100%, the seconds gives a very high attack speed bonus and the third of them is like the Avatar of the Mountain King. The hero can choose only 1 of those 3 spells.

8) Archbishop Lazarus - Balance Life - The hero sacrifices his health to heal the nearby friendly units.

9) Archbishop Lazarus - Delirium - Activate this spell to heal the nearby units periodically. Drains Mana.

10) Archbishop Lazarus - Equilirium - The hero becomes a living beacon that heals nearby friendly units by draining Hit Points and Mana from enemy nearby units. Lasts 60 seconds.

11) Blood Raven - Soul Steal- The hero steals a part of the soul (health) of the targeted enemy unit, which turns into 2 spirital projectiles, that fly to the hero. When they reach the hero, he gets healed for the amount of health stolen.

12) Blood Raven - Delusion - Shoots an arrow of dusk at a target unit, that copies its essense upon impact, projecting a copy of its body near it, that would fight for the hero. Cannot be used on heroes and bosses. Each level descreases cooldown.

13) Izual - Frozen Impale - Slams the ground, raising frozen rocks from the ground in a straight line, dealing certain damage.

14) Izual - Frost Shield - Creates a thick shield made of ice, that gives the hero 500 armor bonus and a very high Life and Mana Regeneration bonus. Izual is unable to move, attack or cast spells. Lasts 10 seconds.

15) The Dark Countess - Hatred Strike - Strikes the target dealing damage which amount depends on the missing health of the hero. The less health the hero has, the more the damage will be. At full health, the hero will deal a certain base damage.

16) Leoric the Skeleton King - Soul Defragmentation - The hero decreases a certain amount of all Stats of the targeted hero for 30 seconds. If the targeted hero is already under the Soul Defragmentation effect, the second spell would not work.

17) Leoric the Skeleton King - Transfer Damage - The hero switches locations with the target hero. If the difference of the health percents of the casting hero and the targeted hero is less than the maximum allowed amount, their health percent will be switched too. Each level increases the maximum allowed health percent difference.

18) Leoric the Skeleton King - Demonic Empower - Gives temporary bonus to the stats of the hero. Lasts 60 seconds.

19) Leoric the Skeleton King - Demon King - Grants the Skeleton King a combined demonic and skeleton form, which makes him more powerful. Clears all buffs from the hero as it transforms, and gives bonus to all stats. Lasts 60 seconds.

20) Grisswold the Blacksmith - Leech Trap - Sets up a Leech that will explode when an enemy unit comes near it. The Leech is invisible to enemy units.

21) The Butcher - Bloodlust - When the hero attacks an enemy unit, his attack and movement speed will be increased by 50%. Each level increases the speed bonus duration. Has a 15 seconds cooldown.

22) The Butcher - Hell Scream - The hero releases a horrific howl, that frightens the enemy units such a way, that they become unable to attack and cast spells for a certain period of time. Each level increases the duration and decreases cooldown.

23) The Butcher has a Suffer >> Unleash system, which allows him to count the damage taken, and then unleash the counted amount upon an enemy unit.

24) The Invincible skill for Bartuc the Warlord of Blood now works differently. The hero can be attacked and targeted, but just will not take any damage. It allows him to use the Agression spell, thus forcing the nearby enemy units to attack him. This reduces the overall damage dealt to the entire party dramatically.

Spells added to the Light Side:
1) Spells based on Rain of Fire, Blizzard, Tranquility, Starfall do not need now to be channeled in order to continue. The hero needs just to start casting them, and they will continue by themselves, so the hero can do other things.

2) Amazon - Magic Arrows (Autocast) - Increases the damage of the hero's attacks when attacking enemy heroes, adding pure magic.

3) 3 Mantra spells has been added to Monk. Mantras deal some effects while they are active, but drain mana or health. One of them reduces the nearby enemy units armor, the second heals the friendly nearby units, and the third gives an attack speed bonus to nearby friendly units.

4) Sorceress - Summon Fire Elementals - Summons 3 fire wards from the ground, 3 heads on each of them, that attack the nearby enemy units. Lasts 30 seconds.

5) The Teeth spell for Necromancer has now a better realization. It launches many projectiles in all direction, damaging enemy units. The projectiles will be shown anyway, no matter if there are enemy units near by.

6) Amazon - Ultimate Evasion - Temporary gives the unit a 100% chance to evade enemy non-spell attacks. Each level increases the duration and decreases the cooldown.

7) Necromancer - Transfer Pain - Creates a bound between the hero and the target unit. When the hero takes damage, the target unit will take a certain percent of the damage the hero has taken. Thus, the hero himself will take less damage by that percent. The ratio grows with each level.

8) The spell Defense Tactics for Paladin has been fixed. It now reduces the damage dealth to the Paladin, as meant to be, not blocks it.
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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
New version Beta v0.98 released:

- The landscape has been built almost from the start. It is much beautiful, pathable, and allows more mobility at PVP. Also, it is more optimized, with 5.8k decoration instead of the 13k in the previous version. It reduced the map loading time significally.

- There are 7 weapons for each sub-category, instead of 11, but weapons of 6th and 7th levels can be socketed, like in the Diablo 2 game. Since they are upgraded by "ladder" system, we can devide them into levels.

- Socket is an effect added to the weapon. It gives certain additional bonuses to the hero that equips the weapon. Its also visually shown on the weapon in game. The bonuses are written in the item's description.

- There are 4 types of Sockets: Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, Sapphire. Each of them gives different bonuses. The bonuses depend not only on the socket types, but also on the type of weapon it is inserted to.

- Sockets are added by an NPC. You place the weapon into its inventory, and add a socket into it by one of 4 abilities, that add the desirable socket.

- The armor is devided into 12 sets. There are 4 Heavy Armor sets, 4 Light armor sets, and 4 Robe sets. When a hero equips all the parts of a set, he gains bonuses. Which bonuses are given for the current set, and what else parts are required to gain the bonuses, is written in the description of each part of the set.

- Every set consists Chest, Helmet, Gloves and Boots. While the hero equips a set, he has a buff on himself, that shows the player which set is equipped.
4 Heavy: The Darkness Set ==> Arkaine's Valor ==> Set of Bartuc ==> Set of Inarius
4 Light: Set of the Amazon ==> Set of the Vizjaq'taar ==> Set of Lilith ==> Ancient Set of Achilios
4 Robes: Set of the Mage Clans ==> Set of the Vizjerei ==> Set of the Horadrim ==> Set of Horazon

- The Herb system has been changed. There are only 3 types of Herbs that drop from killed monsters - Large, Medium and Small. The small ones restore 10% health and mana to the hero that steps over them. The medium restores 20% health and mana, and the large restore 30%.

- The Herbs cleanup system has been changed and optimized. Now it does not handle local periodical timers for each herb and for heroes the collect them. If the overall amount of herbs on the map exceeds the limit, the "oldest" herbs will be deleted.

- The Herbs collect system is also changed. Now it does not check the coordinates of all heroes within a periodical timer.

- The amount tutorials and the brain rapping texts has been lowered. Currently I'm planning a new different system of tutorials. That will be in my next version.

- Many bugs with dummy-casting spell have been fixed.

- The mana costs and CD of many spells have been balanced accordingly to their hero classes.

- Some bugs with the Demon King skill have been fixed. It mostly refers to the Demonic Empower self buff, and the death-and-revive algorytm for Leoric the Skeleton King.

- Some Ultimate spells have been strengthtened, and their CD's reduced. It mostly refers to the Equilibrium and Arcane Incineration spells.

- The map loading time has been almost twice decreased. Instead of the previous 60 seconds of Loading Screen + 10-15 seconds of Preload time, it takes now ~35 seconds of Loading Screen + 3-4 seconds of Preload time.

The map is running better and faster. Lags were reduced. Much optimization has been done, but it is not over. More and deeper optimization will be done within the code and RO data, in the next version.

Because of the new landscape, there can be holes on the geodata, mostly between decorations, in the forests or ruins. If you found such one, write about it here on this topic. It will be much better if you make a screenshot of it and put it here. Also, I would like to know how had that happened: were you just walking with you hero and entered the "hole", or you were knocked there by a knockback spell, and which spell, or at least what type of hero used the spell.

Anything that relates the balanse, or, the lack of it, write in here. And describe what exactly is the reason that a hero is an IMBA: a spell that makes him too strong, or his basic parameters make him stronger. Or maybe it is because of the items.
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
DC = Directors Cut and this is of course, a very high quality map and will be treated with much respect amongst the community.
Maybe this is the best AoS game in warcraft 3 alongside with Oasis and Desert 2.
Glad to hear it:) Really)
How can I get my project Hosted on this site? Like Oasis and Desert 2, Gaias Retaliation ORPG, Scars of Conflict and etc... that have a subforum of their own
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
Will it be possible to carry two one handed weapons?
you said it were inpossible to cary two weapons but is there is exeptions.
No. But it is possible that I will make it later. It requires a whole system. I mean Dual Weapons. Like in Lineage 2, you can buy 2 swords, and merge them in a Dual Sword. Maybe I will make something like that, but later, not even in the 0.99 version.

And I think, for a better realistic Dual system, it requires to change the models, giving them 2 weapons - 1 in each hand, and attack animations for both hands. I dont work with models, so I will need help with that.
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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
New version Beta v0.99 released:

- The map loading time has been reduced by 3 times!!! It now loads within 15 seconds, instead of the previous 40-45 seconds!!!

- The 0.98 version had a desyncronization in online game. Fixed in the current v0.99!

- The most annoying thing about the damage-in-line system for mage-classes has been fixed. Previously, if after a mage-class hero had cast his attacking-immitation spell, he was ordered to attack another target before the cooldown finished, the hero was moving towards the new target. Now, however, when ordered a new target before the cooldown finished, the hero will just stand and wait for the cooldown. When the spell is ready again, the hero will attack(cast it) at the new target. Now it is a perfect immitation of a simple attack.

- The landscape has been a little bit changed. Many passage were added, especially near the center of the map, and at the corners, where the side creep-line turn. It allows more maneuvers between the lines. Also, it is now possible to hide behind rocks, trees, walls, bushes and columns. This is perfect, because now you can surprise your opponents.

- The amount of tutorial spawning has been reduced. Tutorials appear less frequently. Some of them even don't appear periodically, only when you do something in the game that may need an explanation. For example, the tutorial about the weapon Socket. It will appear for a player only the first time he buys a weapon that can be socketed.

- There is also a limit for the amount of tutorials a player can see. If the limit is exceeded, he will see no more tutorials.

- Player counting system is applied. The more active players are in the game, the more Exp and Gold will be gained for killing creeps and enemy heroes.

- Backstab. When a melee-rogue class using an immediate damaging spell at an enemy unit from the back, the damage will be doubled, and there will be a floating text above the target, that says "Backstab!"

- The Elite units have been strengthtened, as well as the bounty for them.

- The mana cost of many non-mage classes' spells has been reduced. The mana cost of many Auto-cast spells has been greatly reduced.

- The Strafe skill has been changed. Now it is not an Auto-cast spell. It activates and deactivates at command, but darins no mana. The number of the maximum targets can be hit when the skill is active - is 6 for all levels. However, when this skill is active, the damage is greatly reduced. With each level the reducing percent is lower.

- The Magic Arrows skill now deals a fixed damage bonus to heroes, and its animation is shown only when a hero is attacked.

- Almost all the summoned units have been nerfed, especially the Golem of Necromancer.

- Leoric and its Demon Form have been nerfed. Their armor type is now weaker. They can no longer be tank+summoners.

- Druid's ultimate spell is now Werewolf Form, that turns him into a werewolf with dual swords. This skill goes instead of the Volcano spell.

- The bug with Demon King's double death is fixed.

- Ultimate spells for all classes are now available only on 20 level.

- The Necklace of Nephalem item now works with different algorythm. In game it works the same, but the bugs with transferring this item from one inventory to another is fixed.

- The socket adding way from the Blacksmith has been changed. Now you don't have to put the weapon to his inventory. Just approach the Blacksmith and click on the Socket type you want. Your weapon will be socketed.
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
I think you map has to be in the map section to be hosted.
Also be sure to make sure your map is unique (which it appears to be the first ive ever seen) and bugless.
I requested the admins to host the project on Admin Contact like 6 hours ago, but still no anwer from them. Maybe there is another way to host it?

And I doubt that it is bugless :) There must be still some litttle bugs. What I do need now, is much testers to balanse the heroes.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
How do you move the projectiles of mage "attacks"? Are you using the GUI set unit position function (BJ)?. I think that might be in charge of the weird way they move. I think you might have noticed that the projectiles don't really play their stand animation properly (for example the Imp Projectile is not spinning while flying).

So if I'm right, then you should change it to two custom script lines:

call SetUnitX(udg_MyUnitVar[udg_MyOptionalArrayIndex],udg_MyXCoordinateVar[udg_MyOptionalArrayIndex])
call SetUnitY(udg_MyUnitVar[udg_MyOptionalArrayIndex],udg_MyYCoordinateVar[udg_MyOptionalArrayIndex])

Change the variables according to yours. It's definitely worth a try, I'm quite sure you have 1 min to modify the trigger.
If that's not the case (you're using them already, or you're using a JASS/vJASS script and use them because of that) then try to figure out what's wrong with them, because I think they're kinda weird like now (mostly the Imp missile - I have that model as well and I love it, that's why I feel sorry for their current strange movement)
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
Ofcourse I'm not using a BJ function. ))) Creating such a large map requires the best script optimization.
I'm using call SetUnitPosition( unit, x, y )

Why I am not using SetUnitX( unit, x, y ) and SetUnitY( unit, x, y )?
2 reasons:
1) - When the projectiles move out of the map bounds (it can hardly happen, but anyway), there will be error in game, making it close. What is special with SetUnitPosition, is that it check the pathability of the coordinates, and the the coords ar not pathable, the closest pathable coords will be chosen.

2) - The first reason is not so serious, like this one. I have no idea why, but sometimes SetUnitX/SetUnitY do not work, or work differently, return different coordinates, far from the needed... especially when the terrain is not plateu.

The reason why they don't spin ( I don't know how you noticed that ^_^ I hoped nobody will ) is because when you move an object using triggers, each move automatically orders the unit to stop. If you type the unit's orders every time you change his position, you will see that he always "stops". The "stop" order displays the "stand" animation from the start. And since the periodical timer is 0.05 seconds, the animation does not have enough time to be fully played. That is why you so not see it. And it does not matter what functions you use to move the unit, it will always stop.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
The reason why they don't spin ( I don't know how you noticed that ^_^ I hoped nobody will ) is because when you move an object using triggers, each move automatically orders the unit to stop.

That's because every little detail matters and I always pay attention to them :)

Well that's what I'm trying to point out; SetUnitX/Y does not order the unit to stop. They've worked me perfectly so far - if you're worried about map bounds, use a custom SetUnitXY functions that check if the given coordinate is inside the map bounds. That's what I'm doing and everything works perfectly.

Creating such a large map requires the best script optimization.

Oh yea, I know this myself, my map has a goddamn amount of script (~4 Mbytes of script uncompressed). I'm optimizing the very last thing myself; for example, when a spell is cast that modifies your next basic attack(s), the event is only registered then - no uselessly fired coded. Fortunately for me, I spent my WC3 modder years as a coder and now I'm brave enough to say: I'm a good vJASS coder!

Another thing, I'm also not sure about this: are you using individual unit types for those projectiles, or only one dummy missile model with Vexorian's dummy model and the missile model is attached as an effect? Because I'm almost completely sure if you used the dummy model solution, it would work perfectly. You can check out any Missile/Particle system in the JASS section, grab the model and change it - that way you can stick to the SetUnitPosition function and solve this at the same time.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Well, names/classes/spell names and role are not little details, but useless ones :) I don't even read them when playing something for first. But yea, I played with the chaos mage, with the summoner one, with an STR based hero (the one that has the spell that gives him bonus AS and can only be activated when below a percent set health) and an assasin so far.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Well, it looks like SetUnitX/Y work perfectly :)

This is a fast written thing and its only purpose is to prove that the functions work (I did not even add map bound safety), keep this in mind.


  • BasicAttack.w3x
    60.5 KB · Views: 67
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
I tried this in a new empty map and it worked. But on my map it doesn't. I have 2 possible explanations:
1) - There is something in my map that causes something like that, nut I have no idea what.
2) - I use Widgetizer and Optimizer - programs that optimize the map itself. Maybe they cause the reason.

Or maybe there is another explanation why it works on any map, except my map?
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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
I need now lots of testings. This version is the last beta version of the map. The next, 1.0 version must be the full version, with no bugs and at least a decent balanse between heroes. 0.99 is already almost clean of bugs, but I believe there still can be found some. But bugs will be found anyway, I'm not worried about them. My main goal now to the next version, is the balanse. When you, people, test it, I ask to write here everything that refers to balanse/disbalanse. For example: a hero has a very powerful and effective spell, which makes him imba, or his characteristics are too high. Or maybe the equipment offered, makes him stronger than others in the late game. There can be a little disbalase for the Agility classes, mainly the melee. If that is so, please post about it here. Post everything that you think I should change/fix.

One of those bosses is completely naked and its awesome!

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Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
2) - I use Widgetizer and Optimizer - programs that optimize the map itself. Maybe they cause the reason.

I'm using Vexorian's optimizer on it too, and all my spells, snippets and systems that move unit(s) work perfectly, even though I'm using SetUnitX/Y only. So there might be something else, like hooks that cause it to stop, or idk. Did you try my code with my dummy unit, dummy model on your map? Well, if you did then turn off things on the map one by one and figure out what's causing; and make sure you have some backup copies :) I have like 3 or more all the time.
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