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Diablo Chronicles AOS

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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
No. I'm using my dummy models. It has no difference.
Maybe its something because the unit's parameters in the Object Editor ? There is nothing im my triggers that cause SetUnitX/Y not to work.
Oh, and in some other places, SetUnitX/Y works!
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
It really depends on you, if you want the game to be a high damage or low damage game, just make sure that all of the heroes can compete with each others.
I have 20 heroes. Not many, but each hero with 27 variations of skills. Well, these 27 variations can be sometimes almost similar to each other, because you choose 3 out of 9 skills, but still, even 1 different skill can change the whole tactics.
However there are 3 completely different variations of chosen for each hero. What I wanna say is that its not easy to make sure that all heroes can complete other, when each hero has many variations, as if it is as many heroes, not one.
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
I wasn't here for a long time, and I won't be here at the next 3 weeks, but I'm still working at my map! The next version - v1.0 will be released in 1-2 month, and it won't be Beta. My primary goal for the next version is the balanse between classes. I cannot promise a perfect overall balanse, but I will get it to a decent level. Maybe (just Maybe) there will be a new landscape. I don't promise that.

I need your advises about what should be changed/replaced/removed in my map. Fortunately, the amount of bugs in v0.99 is very low, but still can be found. I will not be adding anything new, except maybe some new skills for some classes, instead of the old ones. But there must be a good reason to make me do so. Even here I need your advises.

What would you like to see in the upcomming 1.0 version. There is enough time for all of your ideas.
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
I have released the 1.0 version of Diablo AoS. Its not Beta anymore!

1) - Triggers have been optimized. There is now only 1 trigger for all spells, that contains all the function for different spells. The Init_Triggers for those functions run ONLY when a player has chosen a hero/spell. When there is nothing in the game that refers to the function, it will not even initiate. Well, anyway, the map now runs faster.

2) - The heroes were better balansed, especially in 1 on 1 games.

3) - The bug with the Delusion spell, which allowed it to be used on Tyrael is fixed. It works only on creeps, no heroes, no bosses. The spells copies an enemy unit, but the copy of course will serve the hero that used the spell.

4) - Many of the AoE spells were nerfed, due to their high effectiveness in the late game, where a wave of creeps could be killed with one cast.

5) - The health upgrade percent of the creeps is higher now.

6) - The bugging skill Battle Orders of the Barbarian has been replaced with the Seismic Fury skill. It activates seismic stomps around the hero every second for a set amount of timr, slowing and damaging nearby enemy units within the range of 400.

7) - The mana costs of many spells, especially of mages' spells, have been increased.

8) - Many of the Summoned units were nerfed, and the manacost for their summonning was increased.

9) - The damage of the Assassins' Wards was reduced.

10) - The herb dropping rate has been decreased. The herb types themself now better differ from each other, by size.

11) - The bug with the Growing Anger skill is fixed, when it was not turning of at low MP level. Now it works as it used to be.

13) - The bug with the Strafe skill is fixed, when it was turning off after the hero has used the Decoy Spell. Now it doesn't turn off.

14) - The models of running and Elite melee creeps for the Dark Side have been changed to better ones.

15) - The bug with the 1/3 HP of Andariel, when the Phantoms appear with lvl 1 skill Mana Burn is fixed. Now the level of Mana Burn depends on the game time elapsed.

16) - The Arcane Annihilation spell has been nerfed. The base damage is twice lower, but the increasing over time damage percent is higher.

17) - All the ultimate spells have become stronger, but their mana costs and cooldowns have been increased.

18) - The game is made for aproximately 45 minuts.

19) - The number of meteors falling at the beginning of the game has been decreased. The earthquake has been decreased too.

20) - The Vengeance spell of Grisswold works differently now. When the hero dies and explodes, he WILL get the experience for the units dead in the explosion. Technically the hero dies AFTER the explosion, but the players see it as if he died and then exploded.

21) - The Transfer Pain skill now works perfectly.
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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
Currently added:

Ultimate spell for Druid. He summons 3 giant Treants (Ancient Protectors), that throw rocks at the nearby enemy units. Lasts 60 seconds

Added ultimate spell for Leoric - Creates a huge veil above the hero, that follows him everywhere he goes. All units caught by the veil get certain buffs. Freindly units have their attack speed and movement speed increased. Enemies of the hero have their attack speed and movement speed decreased. Lasts 60 seconds.

Wirt's Left Leg - teleports the hero to the Cow Farm (will be added too).

Wirt's Right Leg - Gives the hero 33 bonus to all Stats! But dropped when the hero dies.

The Arcane Incineration spell is changed. Now the giant sphere shoots not with multi-shots as before, but it unleashes many projectiles as towards many enemy units, as towards one. Same way is the Lightning Sentry Ward spell (Assassin).
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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
Added Cow Farm, that is full of Mad Cows

Those Mad Cows (taurens with a pike, or halberd), are very strong, and respawn very fast. Their level is low, so they give less Gold and Experience than creeps that are equally powerful as they are. However, Mad Cows can drop almost all items, except for Socketed Weapons, Wirt's Right Leg, and Full Sets. The chance of dropping those items is very good (1/10).

To teleport to the Cow Farm, you need to buy Wirt's Left Leg from Wirt himself (the child merchant) for 50 Gold. There is no other way to get to the Cow Farm. To leave the Cow Farm, you need to buy Town Portal from Wirt, the one which is located at the Farm itself (50 Gold).

You will see all of this at the new version, the v1.1 version of my map, that will come out very soon.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
1. the pics in the thread are broken
2. you could use this as your logo insted


I take no credit for this pic
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
Added Horadric's Cube, that can store upto 6 items. It doesn't have a specific location on the map, like other NPC's. It can be summoned and unsummoned by the icon at (1,1) position at the Command Panel, or by the D hotkey. Well, it does have a location: its beyond the camera bounds (not playable area bounds... so don't be confused). When summoned, it appears just ahead of the hero - 100 points forward by his facing angle. When unsummoned, it returns to the "invisible area" However, crafting items is not available in the Horadric's Cube. I know that in Diablo 2. Horadric's Cube was used to craft items, but in my map it is not needed, because you can craft items with Merchants.
Level 3
Jun 20, 2012
Cool! The screenshots look nice. I will test it out. I will tell you if it is compatible with mac or not

mostly NOT

Edit:Okay! It works well with mac except for the blunt. The icons will cause it to crash.
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Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
A new version of the map released - 1.1

1) The damage-in-line system a little bit improved. Mages do less damage to creeps, and more to heroes and bosses. Those who played the older versions, and did not play in 1.0, remember that the imitation of attack itself was not very comfortable. During the cooldown skill that should replace the attack, if you right click on a unit, then the hero was sometimes walking to him. This has been fixed, and now the hero awaits cooldown in his place, and after the cooldown shoots towards the enemy. Just the same way as should be with normal attack normal attack. The only thing that I could not fix, is when the hero click an icon of a spell that requires a target or a point, at the same time casting his "attack", the target cursor gets "cancelled", and you will need to select the spell again. But do not worry, that's why there are hotkeys :)

2) Items have been fully replaced. Equip consists of new weapons, armor sets, and other items. No more restrictions on the carrying of weapons or items for specific classes. Hero can buy or carry absolutely any item. It remains only to restrictions on the wearing of identical items - a hero cannot carry identical items. And there are also restrictions associated with sets of armor. Read down more about them.

3) Weapons and other items (accessories) are crafted by combining bonuses. Merging item with bonus A, and item with the bonus B and paying gold, you get an item of bonus AB. Same bonuses cannot be merged for one simple reason - it is impossible to carry two identical items in the inventory. There are 3 levels of Accessories and, 4 levels weapons. Level 3 - 3 bonuses. 4th weapon bonus is the Socket, which is inserted into the weapon.

4) The first level of items is Normal, which has 1 item bonus. Their names are written in white. The second level is the Rare Items - items with 2 bonuses. Their names are written in blue. The third level is the Unique Items - Items with 3 bonuses. The names of accessories are written in yellow, and names of weapons - in gray. Third level weapons called Socketable, not Unique, and can be socketed by 4 of the following socket types: Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Amethyst. Socket bonus is the 4th bonus.

5) Socket bonuses: Ruby - 15 STR, Emerald - 15 AG, Sapphire - 15 INT, Amethyst - 5 to all stats. The Socket can be inserted by the same NPC as in previous versions, but now the hero can carry more than one weapon in his inventory, so when the player clicks on Socket,a dialog window pops up, where there is a choice of all the items (weapons), which are currently in the inventory, and can be Socketed.

6) Sets of armor available only on level 20. Hero of level below 20 will not be able to carry/buy such a thing. Their names are written in green. Collect a set that consists of armor, helmet, gloves and shoes, and these items will be merged into one item with the bonuses of all 4. This is the reward for collecting the set. And now about the restriction. If you've collected a set, what means that your hero has a Full Set Item (the name is written dark green), then you can not carry/buy an item that is a part of a set. The same thing is about the opposite, if you have items from different sets, and one of the sets lacks only one item to get the full set, then you will not be able to pick up/buy it, because you have items related to other sets in your inventory.

7) Added the Horadric's Cube (Storage or Vault or Stash). It is not visible to the player while the player himself does not "open" it. The Cube can opened by the D hotkey, or an icon in the orders panel in the (1,1) position, which of course, has a description that says, that this button opens the Horadric's Cube. This cube is needed to store items. For example, you have found an item that can be worn only at lvl 20, and your lvl is lower. But you still want to pick up this item, and use it later, when your lvl becomes 20. Or you have a similar item in the inventory, and you want to pick up the found item to sell it to a Merchant. So, the item does not go to you in your inventory, but goes into the Cube. However, if the Cube's inventory is full, you will not be able to pick up the item at all (it is referred to an item that currently can not be used by the hero for the reasons stated above).

8) The restrictions of the wearing identical items and armor sets DOES NOT APPLY to the Cube. In Cube, you can store the same items, as well as sets together with set parts. However, items stored in the Cube, cannot be merged or crafted, as well as 4 parts of a set WOULD not merge in one. Cube itself has an inventory, and can sell and pick items from the ground, but can not buy items from Merchants. It cannot move, but when a hero opens it, the Cube will always appear in front of the facing of a hero, and if there are items close to it, Horadric's Cube can pick them up. It will not follow the hero, but will stay where you had opened it (unless it was closed). If you are far away from the Cube, and suddenly you need it, you do not need to return to it. Just close it and reopen, and it will appear in front of the hero.

9) I was often asked to make creeps and bosses drop items. Well ... I did it! Bosses can drop any items, except for Socketed Weapons and Full Sets. Creeps do not drop items, but Mad Cows in the Cow Farm do. Cow Farm is a place, where you can get only by purchasing his Wirt's Left Leg. Mad Cows too, can drop any items, except for Socketed Weapons and Full Sets. But, these mobs give less exp and gold than creeps that are equal to them outside of the Farm. The reason I did it this way, is to make sure that players will not be always stuck at the Cow Farm, and will go killing creeps and advancing to the enemy base either :)

10) Many times people told me that STR based heroes were too strong, compared to AG and INT heroes, which was caused by the previous equipment system. It was limited to certain equip-builds, giving players not many choices. Well, for this purpose, I have changed all the items, which would give the players more freedom of choosing equipment and it would also balance the classes. And it worked. At this moment, the classes are more balanced than in the previous version.

11) The hero can buy or craft any item, but some items are not profitable to certain classes. For example there are items with +10 bonus damage, and items with a 25% damage bonus. 25% bonus damage works ONLY for archers. For melee classes it is not working at all. Archers initially high damage, so it is much more profitable to buy an item with 25% damage bonus, because it would give him more than 10 damage. Melee of course would by the +10 damage bonus, because the other one does not work for them. Mages don't need no +10 damage or +25% damage, because they do not have a normal attack. They have skills, that provide them the damage-in-line attacks. The damage of mages depends on the formula INT - HeroLevel - 10, so guess which Stat is most important to them :)

Added Ultimate spell for Druid - he summons 3 huge Treants that throw rocks at the enemy nearby units. Lasts 60 seconds.

Added Ultimate spell for Leoric - Leoric creates a giant veil above himself, that follows him. Friendly units within the veil receive a bonus to attack and movement speed. Enemy units have their attack and movement speed slowed. Lasts 60 seconds.

Wirt's Left Leg - teleports the hero to the Cow Farm (will be added too).

Wirt's Right Leg - Gives the hero 33 bonus to all Stats! But dropped when the hero dies.

The Arcane Incineration spell is changed. Now the giant sphere shoots not with multi-shots as before, but it unleashes many projectiles as towards many enemy units, as towards one. Same way is the Lightning Sentry Ward spell (Assassin).

Changed some of the effects of auras and buffs.

Changed the Fury of Blacksmith spell at Grisswold. Now Grisswold creates a huge ax, which slashes an arc around the hero, dealing damage to all enemies within the radius of 350.

Added Ultimate spell for Grisswold. Now he creates a rain of corpses. Dead bodies fall from the sky on enemy units. Falling, they explode, dealing AoE damage.

Wards of Assassin have been changed. Wake of Fire fire slower. Its projectile model has been changed. Death Sentry doesn't fire with multiple shot anymore - he fires with an artillery cannon, and as artillery supposed to be - deals AoE damage.

Lightning Sentry now randomly unleashes electric projectiles towards nearby enemy units (multiple Phoenix Fire abilities, not multiple shot anymore)

The AoE damage of the Demonic Eruption skill (Ultimate spell of Bartuc) doesn't hurt allied unit anymore.

Many ppl say, that a few imported models can not make the landscape look better, but I do not agree. Palm trees, bushes and boulders have been replaced by imported models, and it DOES look better :)

I have modified the fog. Many people did not like his green color. Now he is duller, and it is white at day time, and the blue-gray at night.

Ranged attacks for some creeps has been changed. Now it is not artillery type, it is Missile type, so heroes cannot dodge them. However, their damage has been decreased.

Many spells, particularly for melee classes, have reduced mana cost.

Because of the new items, that are the modified standard items (not Custom) in the Object Editor, the map loading time has been reduced. Now it's 13-14 seconds + 4-5 seconds preloading time. The performance has been slightly increased due to the dynamic creation of triggers for spells. I means that it creates only the triggers that are associated with the selected character and selected spells. For example, if playing 1 on 1, Paladin vs. Blood Raven, the triggers for the other spells that are not associated with these classes, "does not exist." It can be lagging on slower computers when there is a large number of several imported effect models in the same place.

Sometimes the Elite Creeps advanced to the enemy base, along with the usual creeps. Fixed.

Neutral bosses became stronger, so killing them solo is very hard. These bosses should be killed by a team. Quest Bosses (Tirael and Diablo) is also enhanced.

Playing solo time for all classes is designed for approximately 40-45 minutes. 1 on 1 game for 50 minutes. 2 on 2 games, 3 on 3 and on, for about an hour. The more players slots are playing, the more gold and experience will be given for killing enemy units and creeps.

Reputation system is completely removed. As rewards for completing achievements, players get gold. Instead of the Reputation Points, the player sees the Tax Rate, the influx of gold per 10 seconds. This Tax Rate depends on hero level, through a complicated formula. The maximum value of 25. Minimum 1. These numbers are the amount of gold that the player receives every 10 seconds.

If you find a bug, and it is something that you can see, please - make a screenshot! First, because it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. It would be easier for me to fix the bug, if I can see it. Secondly, I need to know that there really is a bug, because there are people who don't know what means "bug". One day someone wrote to me by Skype, that he had found a bug in my map. When I asked him what bug, he said that the bug that I have Elite Creeps instead of towers like in Dota. :)))) I did not know what to do - laugh or cry. Do not get me wrong, I have nothing against DotA and its creator, but I don't like those school kids who think that if something is not "like in DotA", it is a bug.

And plz do not say that after supposedly 10-15 minutes the game is full of lags. Me and two friends tested the map on such computers, that even my grandma says that they are too old, and the game acted the same way as in the first minute, as after one hour of playing. Lags can be caused only by a large gathering of certain imported models of effects because of the large number of SFX (or whatever it is called, I'm not a model maker).

Download Diablo AoS v1.1 Eng





















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Level 3
Jun 20, 2012
what blunt?

The blunt weapons. when a Mac user uses warcraft, some icons will cause it to crash (Only custom ones) There is probably an icon in the blunt that is causing me to crash so for Mac users, just don't click the blunt weapons

NVM With the new update you can't click socket weapons :goblin_jawdrop: I will still check for other bugs on the mac
Level 4
Jan 7, 2012
A new version of the map released - 1.2 - AI Included!

What's New?
1) As you can see, I have made an AI for computer players. When you choose an AI Player at map creation menu, AI scripts will be initiated. The AI players choose heroes for themselves, choose spells for those heroes by the spell system in my map, and equip items they need.

2) The AI heroes go randomly to one of the 3 lines (right, left, middle), when they finished their businesses at the base. Sometimes, being on the line already, the AI heroes can move to another line. Switching lines can happen everywhere, no matter where the hero is. Thus, they can move through Neutral Creeps on their way, farming them.

3) Low level AI heroes will stand and farm the center of the lines, where the running creeps meet. Middle leveled AI heroes with a decent equip will advance a little bit, attacking Elite Units of the enemy. High level AI heroes will advance to the enemy base, upto the Enemy Boss (Tyrael/Diablo).

4) Ofcourse the AI heroes learn and use spells. At low HP level, they will try to retreat. Healers will also use healing spells more actively. Moreover, AI heroes will pick up healing Herbs at low HP level.

5) At certain levels, the AI heroes will teleport to their base, to upgrade their items (if they have the gold). Same thing is when they die - they will upgrade their items after reviving (if they have the gold).

6) Sometimes, the AI heroes will attack Neutral Bosses, but not as a team - alone. This way they will eventually kill him. The AI scripts are fresh and new now, so don't expect that the AI heroes will go hunt bosses in group or go to Cow Level. However, that may be made in the next versions.

7) Creating and testing the AI, allowed to balance the heroes once more, mostly regarding spells.

Dowload Diablo AoS v1.2 Eng (with AI)
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