First of; I stated quite clearly that I do not have trouble with lag- I run a clocked @3.0GHz Quad Core processor, a XFX GTX280 graphics card, as well as 6GB of RAM on a 64-bit Vista. Trust me, I don't lag. What I am saying is that Demigod has a design that allows it to look like Quake Arena, or any other really old game, at low graphics, yet lag on perfectly fine computers that run UT3, Crysis and several other, quite new games smoothly. The PC I described in my former post runs Crysis just fine, no lag and playable fps, while when you run Demigod on low graphics (looking way worse than Crysis and with a lot less terrain detail) it lags and runs down at 10 fps or worse. And don't come with the excuse it's online, 'cause we played it in single player.
As for P2P, 'good internet' is defined by if you can play P2P or not? Seriosuly, the only thing I need P2P for is Demigod. I've got a 25mbit line, but it's a university line, and they don't allow P2P for several reasons. A lot of ISPs in Europe do not allow a lot of P2P anyhow. It's not bad to not have P2P, it's optimistic to even attempt using it and expect a lot of players.
The balance might be worked on, but it still is rather unbalanced. Sedna being my prime example. High damage output, high healing potential, good support in addition to being a general and thereby able to use minions. She can't be balanced by tweaking the numbers, she needs to be completely remade. Not to mention the items, if you save up 8000 gold and purchase an artefact before the other team, you've won. Simple as that.
Name me a DotA hero that is a clone of another DotA hero. If you know any, I'm sure you haven't played them.
Indeed, DotA is one map. Bear in mind though, it's one detailed, large map. There's a lot to learn about the DotA map. Secret paths, line of sight blockers, quick escape routes. In Demigod, there are non-existent. The line of sight is a permanent circle in which it reveals everything. The maps in Demigod are no challenges, they are leanrt throughout in 10 minutes maximum. That means what 80 minutes for all? I never counted them, but it's not exactly many of them.
Besides, the game-types in Demigod are not really game-types, they are victory conditions, and are partitions of the full game, Conquest. DotA features a more variated gameplay with various modes; -mm, Mirrored Mode, -dm, Death Match, -cm, Captains Mode, -em, Easy Match plus variations in difficulty that does not only affect gold income, experience gain and creep/minion strength; -sc, Super Creeps, -id, Item Drop .. etc
Content is fine, sure, for a game you play through overnight. After 2 months without any new content (and with as little as it is now), I am sure everyone has tried everything and there's nothing they don't know about each of the Demigods or what each item does.
Well, if you got into it right away, you've got previous experience with AoS. I had no trouble getting into it, it's a simple game, a mixture of UT3:Warfare and an AoS. Capture and hold nodes, destroy the enemy base, survive. Though for anyone that has tried nothing like it, there's little help getting into it. Not to mention you can't learn from others because you can't see what items they build f.ex.
Wait wait, fast-paced? Demigod? You got some speed-hack nodging up movement speed, lowering building hitpoints and also ability cooldowns? Demigod is slow motion. Agreeable, DotA has a slow warm-up phase, but seriously, the mid-game and end-game is way more fast-paced than Demigod, even if you lag at Demigod. I never get any action feeling out of Demigod, and I never manage to die unless I do silly things. That might be because all I got is the damn bot, and whatever difficulty level, it's a dumpstruck sheep at playing. The only advantage it has is more gold, more XP.. it's not helping when it can't play and dash of spells at random.
There's a story in Demigod? Pardon me, but I did not know. How do I find it? Is there a document in the game folder? All I see is warfare, random Demigods versus more random Demigods fighting in an arena. There's no more story in Demigod than in UT2K4. DotA has no storyline either, it evolves around an epic battle, with heroes that have stories, and the fight has a purpose, in difference to Demigod. Besides, DotA is not a full game. It's one single map, one scenario. One more scenario than Demigods though.