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Level 14
Sep 27, 2009

I have seen many threads about death in the Hive, but not one like this.
So what do You think about it? Do You fear it? If not, why?

Personally, as an atheist, I try to think that "It's just life", so I am not so worried about it. I am more worried about my family, than about myself.
But well, I try to enjoy life as long as I am alive.


I meant that I don't fear that I will not be here someday, we all are going to die someday. Tomorrow, maybe, or after 2 minutes?
But of course I fear life threatening situations, and I try to survive as long as I can. But when the time comes... I hope it doesn't come with pain.
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Level 31
Sep 17, 2009
I could say the same as you, but Im sure that in a life threatening situation you will be afraid of it. Right now in my bed at my house I say I dont fear it, but if I where close to dying I would be shitting my pants as any other person. So yeah all in all I fear death.
And family yeah, sometimes they are a burden not only in death lol.
I think Im a christian when it suits me : ) but most of the time I really dont think about it.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
How is this thread any different than any other death thread ever?

You obviously fear death, otherwise you wouldn't be human. To fear the unknown is 100% human nature.

To not fear death is completely nonsensical until you actually experience it...at which point you'd be dead anyway.

Anyway, when you're sitting in your bed, with a big black man holding a gun to your head, tell me if you're not afraid anymore.
There are two types when it comes to the people who say they don't fear death.

The ones who have something they need to live for, like paying off their car, or seeing someone they love, and the fear is a side effect of their will to live.

Then there are the ones who simply find it aggravating that this asshole has a gun to them, and is preventing them from getting the milk for their daily breakfast.
Level 8
Dec 6, 2010
i don't fear death.. its part of existing, its inevitable, its the completion of worldly life, its when i meet my creator.. i accept it whole-heartedly.. :)

"Anyway, when you're sitting in your bed, with a big black man holding a gun to your head, tell me if you're not afraid anymore."
-i would be scared to feel the pain (the process of dying) and to leave my loved ones, but death itself? nah:)
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Its more so the process and aftermath of death, and not death itself people fear.

People fear of "not existing" or "ceasing" which is a process/aftermath of death. Death is merely a concept of doom, grim and terror that comes with ceasing to exist/no longer live. But yeah, Death is a concept, i wouldnt call it an action or such. Sorry, my statement is confusing.

People fear the afterlife, which is "the unknown". And yes, its possible to not fear death, but that is usually in a state of mind that insanity, delusion or sedation would be enforced.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I want to live my life and I'll worry about it when I die.
I don't fear it as well, but I want to go out at old age and not being affected by toxins, injures to my body to fatal me to die, poisons as well.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
I do not fear death, it's a natural course of action we all must take. But I do fear not being able to do everything I want to do before I pass away.

"Death is just another path, we all must take."
- Gandalf the White


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
I was close to death when I was in hospital, cause of surgery, and I feared much when I asked doctor "will I survive?" and he didn't answer at all. Now, I do not fear death, but I don't want to die either.
Level 31
Sep 17, 2009
Yeah, normally you dont think about it, just when you are in danger you feel afraid of dying, or just before you die.

Vermillion Edict: "I dont fear death because I need to finish paying for my car?" =)

Vunjo: I hate surgeries, never had nothing that bad though, just appendicitis. Btw if you dont want to die, then you fear death, just like all of us should.
Its more so the process and aftermath of death, and not death itself people fear.

People fear of "not existing" or "ceasing" which is a process/aftermath of death. Death is merely a concept of doom, grim and terror that comes with ceasing to exist/no longer live. But yeah, Death is a concept, i wouldnt call it an action or such. Sorry, my statement is confusing.

I understand perfectly. Personally, though, I really don't care what happens to me, as long as I have the kind of impact I want. Hell, I'm probably more concerned with accomplishing what I set out to do first before dying off.

People fear the afterlife, which is "the unknown". And yes, its possible to not fear death, but that is usually in a state of mind that insanity, delusion or sedation would be enforced.

It all depends on if there really is an afterlife, which seems unlikely in a world of 'first chance or failure'.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2010
No, I don't fear death. I think self-death is not caused by inevitability, but the way you treat your organism. And I don't think it's natural that organs disconnect randomly and you die that way. Self-death occurs because of degradation of organism. The deaths of car crash, gun injury or anything manmade is a bad way to die. You will not die some random day inevitably, treat your organism well and it will live long. Immortality can't happen because your organism degrades. Death is needed because if we are all immortal- every organism we would scarce our planet because we use the resources, so that's the way for nature to be balanced.
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
No, I don't fear death. I think self-death is not caused by inevitability, but the way you treat your organism. And I don't think it's natural that organs disconnect randomly and you die that way. Self-death occurs because of degradation of organism. The deaths of car crash, gun injury or anything manmade is a bad way to die. You will not die some random day inevitably, treat your organism well and it will live long. Immortality can't happen because your organism degrades, sadly the nature made us so primitive.
Optionally, you swallow your tongue when you sleep.
I don't fear death, but I fear what happens to me next.

Will I be reincarnated to another person or another creature? Will I be stuck in an infinite void? Will I live in heaven? What if I'm reincarnated to another person with a lower state of life than mine? Will I be a ghost roaming around the Earth? Will I go to Hell and be tormented forever?

Some of the questions that will always poof on my mind when I ask what will happen next after death.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
...Death is merely a concept of doom, grim and terror that comes with ceasing to exist/no longer live...

People fear the afterlife, which is "the unknown". And yes, its possible to not fear death, but that is usually in a state of mind that insanity, delusion or sedation would be enforced.

~Not everyone views death as a doom of sorts.

~True. Also, according to you I'm insane/delusional/sedated and in some sort of dream. I rather look forward to death as a peaceful retirement of sorts. I'm here now, so I'll do as I can and will. I'm afraid of the concepts behind heaven/hell. Eternity doesn't end... and people want to trap themselves in those realities. That I don't get.

I don't want to be just another person in the history of humanity. I want to be remembered like Elvis or Jesus.

The history of humanity is an infintesmal blip in the bigger picture. The only things that matter are those you want to. Everything we do, even if it becomes famous/infamous, will be forgotton. Nothing lasts forever.

Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
To be honest, sometimes it's better to have a mindset that lets you contemplate death once in a while, unlike how I used to be, always with it on my mind.

Makes you greedy, when you start to say more or less that you have better things to do than die, and you fully intend to follow through.


You weren't being honest before!?!

You could contemplate it I suppose, but it's a waste of time (unless that's your inntention). Everyone's going to die. Why waste time/energy worrying about it? Why be afraid of it? Why be afraid of what happens after you die when you're still alive?

I have better things to do then die, and so do you. Otherwise we wouldn't be posting. I don't see how that correlates to us being greedy.

the truth is we all must die when the time comes. that is unavoidable....yet. so the only logical thing is to accept death. i am an agnostic/atheist and i accept death as it is. what i am afraid of is that there IS no afterlife. that life will simply cease to be. you will feel nothing, the inability to even feel that you are feeling nothing. complete and utter silence in all senses. using a computer as an example. its not even a blank screen. there IS no screen to even show the black. that is what i fear. nothingness. i rather prefer a hell.
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
other people fear death.
if a gun was aimed at your head wouldn't you be scared?
if not, maybe because you don't care.
i too, fear death that i wonder what would happen if i died,
how would it feel, or even, what comes after that!?
do i wake up as a dog? a human again?
or even climb the golden elevator of heaven and reach the hand of god?
sometimes, there are things that science can't explain,
we, as humans have capabilities and limits...

EDIT: i wanna live to see the age of starcraft! just once, i wanna live another life!!!
the truth is we all must die when the time comes. that is unavoidable....yet. so the only logical thing is to accept death. i am an agnostic/atheist and i accept death as it is. what i am afraid of is that there IS no afterlife. that life will simply cease to be. you will feel nothing, the inability to even feel that you are feeling nothing. complete and utter silence in all senses. using a computer as an example. its not even a blank screen. there IS no screen to even show the black. that is what i fear. nothingness. i rather prefer a hell.

So to speak, you won't be able to perceive the nothingness. You won't be there any more, so whats to fear, its not like you'll be trapped in a black hole being unable to do anything for the rest of eternity.

and how do you imagine no afterlife?
How do you imagine an afterlife?

Honestly, I've had death too close too many times to fear it. Like others, I in my darkest of times feel it can't come fast enough and in my best, that it can't stay far enough away. Fact is, that the only thing we can ever be completely sure of is that we are all going to die some day. So why fear what one can't prevent.
I've seen things, and a bunch of it just couldn't be explained as schizophrenic episodes, since it wasn't just kept to 'seeing and/or hearing things', such as things moving or being knocked off'a their solid perch.

I've read something, too, about the horror of the spirit being trapped in the body in death, until disturbed or freed. Perhaps the afterlife is what was essentially you, in a state of constant decay as an unembodied soul.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
and how do you imagine no afterlife?

The same way alot of people imagine there is an afterlife. It's easy.

...Perhaps the afterlife is what was essentially you, in a state of constant decay as an unembodied soul...

As opposed to what we are currently? (Supposedly trapped in a body in a state of constant decay)



Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
well, I imagine afterlife as hell, or paradise, depending on am I good or not. If it's paradise, then everything should be nice, and happy, and it's opposite for hell. Everyone who believes in afterlife imagines it in a different way, but what about no afterlife? You see black screen all the time, do you even live, where's you soul?
As opposed to what we are currently? (Supposedly trapped in a body in a state of constant decay)

A good way to try and please both sides is that the soul exists. The soul is energy. We need food to live, and food provides energy, which in turn allows our souls to live on. Should we die, this cuts off our ability to gain energy of some form.

Should we die, this means our souls would not have the means with which to continue on, and therefore be in a state of decay. If I'm right, and we are trapped within our bodies after death, we cannot move, we cannot act, we are... there, a consciousness and nothing more. Imagine those people who've become paralyzed or clinically braindead, thought are still fully aware and unable to move or act.

Now imagine your eyes closed, feeling nothing, being just... a mind.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
You know what... i've been thinking about death at random last night... i mean i'm a christian and all! but i'm just saying! what if there is no heaven?!? where would we go? would there be nothing when you die? and if everyone is dead then what will happen? will time cease to exist? i mean really? WTH is going to happen when you die! its just so crazy for me to even think about the possibilities that will happen when u die... (sorry if i rushed this, but i took some jack3d earlier and its still in effect!) but foreal.. what would happen....? o_O!
Death... It's a amusing thing that happens when one dies.

Here's a somewhat theory of what happens after you die;
- Yerr' corpse rots in da ground, when a worm takes yerr pieces, which ~can~ become parasite to 'le worm causing a commotion on da worm, it will take several billion year's until yer come back to alive.
While "Alive" stands for brain functioning. You will stay several billion year's ~dead~, ye'll not feel it, but when you got brain function, ye'll live once again.

There's no heaven or hell', they're just imagination of human kind, or maybeh the lower brain functioning' causes a illusion of heaven or hell, as thou' are only illusions to a human.
well, I imagine afterlife as hell, or paradise, depending on am I good or not. If it's paradise, then everything should be nice, and happy, and it's opposite for hell. Everyone who believes in afterlife imagines it in a different way, but what about no afterlife? You see black screen all the time, do you even live, where's you soul?

Personally is ses your personality as a set of bodily functions determined by biological, physic and chemical reactions in your brain. When the brain dies, your personality and everything with it is removed from existence. Also your ability to perceive it. So that answer would be: Your souls, in the sense that it is your personality, is non-existent from the moment your brain cease to function. I don't believe in afterlife. And no, you don't see a black screen all the time, you are non-existent, you don't see, or feel, or think, or anything else at all. All these abilities died with the shell you call your body.
Know all this is quite cynical.

You know what... i've been thinking about death at random last night... i mean i'm a christian and all! but i'm just saying! what if there is no heaven?!? where would we go? would there be nothing when you die? and if everyone is dead then what will happen? will time cease to exist? i mean really? WTH is going to happen when you die! its just so crazy for me to even think about the possibilities that will happen when u die... (sorry if i rushed this, but i took some jack3d earlier and its still in effect!) but foreal.. what would happen....? o_O!

Nothing is ever certain. And if you cease to exist, you have really nothing to fear, but that. When you're dead, you won't know you are, you won't anything.
IF there is a God, it makes you think, if you're open-minded enough to consider evolution, though. Is he/she\it lonely? Are we an on-going attempt to create more like him? Is he secretly screwing people over and going 'lol@urpain'? Perhaps.

Other than that, yes, our lives are unique. Most other life in the universe is single-celled.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
..., but what about no afterlife? You see black screen all the time, do you even live, where's you soul?

~The whole notion behind the 'no-afterlife' stance is that there is no more you when you die. There is no screen and no living. Your soul, if it ever existed in the first place, is dead.

I think it's best to hope he doesn't take offense to anyone here using logic or opinion-based theories here. Once a Christian or Catholic catches wind of differing opinions, a shitstorm usually ensues.


If there is an afterlife akin to that portrayed by christianity, then this quote best fits my position:

"When Christians die, do they go to heaven?" asked the native american. "Yes." replied the missionary. "Then I hope I may go to the other place." -paraphrased from A People's History of the United States: 1492 - Present by Howard Zinn. The native american is about to be burned alive at the stake for attempting to fight off the Christians after they tricked and slaughtered most of his race for pleasure (Christopher C's discovery of the americas).

Note: that this applies to all the major religions and not just the christians.

Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Fearing death means you have someting to live for. Congrats!
Hmm.... Seeing as in the last 3 years I've been a Catholic and and now an Atheist, I have sort of a conflicting opinion on death. I feel like I should do good things so I'm remembered when I'm gone, yet I sometimes I feel like there is no point because I won't get to reap the benefits of my death anyway. Basically I try to cause as much pleasure to people when I'm alive, so at least I can see joy in people's faces when I do good things.
There are only two people who are a priority for me, one of which is myself. I intend to coddle them, if need be, and rip through anyone or anything between myself and my goals. I might aswell aspire to be remembered for it, too.

Being remembered for a selfish act often doesn't stand very high in the history books. I consider fame beyond death to be very hard to archive unless you commit crimes against human kind or base a religion of on them.

Personally I have no wish for being remembered, primarily because I don't see the point. People that want to be remembered often have some selfish idea of immortality through fame, which I find even more pointless as you won't even be around to experience it. Why care when you are dead, really? I'll rather not be remembered, by anyone, at all. The few things I could wish to be remembered for when I'm dead, is the few things that will damage the remnants of those who love me the most.

Fearing death means you have someting to live for. Congrats!

Or you think that you have.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Technically, 'Native American' is an offensive term, since America was established over the corpses and stolen land of my people.

1) 'Native' implies that they were here before the invaders.

2) Whatever name you give it will become offensive

3) The quote is from a group on one of the islands in the caribbean first found by Christopher C.

Ex: Afro-American -> African-American -> ???

Politically correct terms are short lived. Saying "frig" or "frak" instead of "fuck" but with the same meaning is still saying it.
Three, I'm too goddamn beautiful to be normal.
Put down the mirror. You'll be ok.

@Vosty: I disagree. I don't fear death and I have something to live for. If I didn't I'd be dead.

Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
@Vosty: I disagree. I don't fear death and I have something to live for. If I didn't I'd be dead.


I really never said if you didn't fear death, you didn't have a reason to live, I simply just said the recursive. I don't really think about death much, seeing as I am pretty young and healthy, but I really haven't come to terms with dying yet, seeing as I have so much to live for.

TheSilent said:
Or you think that you have.
From the human perspective, isn't thinking you have a reason to live and having a reason to live the same thing? I mean from a universal standpoint, we are all just collections of matter, but human matter is special becuase it contains a mind that can create objects that don't exist called ideas, and so to us what we think is real is what is real to us, you know what I saying?
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