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Concept Art Contest #6 - Tribal Princess

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Level 50
Jan 12, 2010

well, yep, it is possible, but not in premivial tribes, where best usage of strong stem was make it a knife. And was no one reason make a belts, mostly from tree (according on shiik's point - there is no place for hard freehand workouts).

Well, if shiik will tell me that NFWars work is realy inside of rule, i will point that he realy trying insult me.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

She has an intricately forged metal belt connecting the tunic and skirt (or whatever you want to call it) and an arm cuff, which would also require metallurgy skills.
Metal belt where? Arm cuff where? I don't think we're looking at the same concept.

Also you specifically state in this sentence that tribal means the person must be in a tribe, that doesn't limit technological aspects, I could join a tribe in Africa, and bring my laptop, and pose, and you could draw a picture of me... Do you see my point? You're really trying to read too much into this, and when you do that, there end up being a million contradictions, especially in the wips, for instance someone posted a picture of a tribal princess wearing neck rings, which as you stated earlier, indicates skills in metallurgy which a tribe would not possess. Also the rules, (which I assume you have changed) state that the items being used should be hand-crafted, every single thing I have outlined, and you have outlined can be hand crafted.
I did not say that being in a tribe is the only requirement for being tribal. I wrote more. Besides, you're just trying your best to make a loophole, you KNOW that depicting yourself in a tribe wouldn't fit the theme. They should be hand-crafted and consistent with what people did use in that era. The description is there to help start you off, it's not an absolute definition of what exactly you have to do.

I mean wtf. Why just don't leave it "TRIBAL" and let everyone interpret them their own way, everyone who could think a bit wouldn't make something that fit's SO BADLY as you guys describe it.
But people don't want to think, people want to find out what the rules don't specifically prohibit and do that.

You are limiting everyone so much, I just don't understand it. I'm not a artist myself but what the hell. If someone makes something that does fit SO BADLY then tell him. But seriously, let the guys have their fun designing their concept arts or don't open up such a contest where every little piece of gold you add somewhere is considered as bad and your entry gets disqualifiied -.-
There's hardly any limits here at all. It's a really, really open theme. Let me make an example; people are asked to make a car (anything that can be called a car), but they make boats and excuse themselves with "well, it does have a steering wheel so it's a car" ..

The contest host should notice me before i spent a lot of time to this work. Rly, such things makes me stunned and insults me.
I notified you as soon as I could. You cannot expect me to be here every day, all the time. As for the earlier sketches; I could not tell which way it was going, and I could therefore not warn you. When I saw the first sketch that deviated from the theme, I told you and you started arguing. You have no right to blame me for your "wasted" time.

Well, the contest first topic anyway should make some example of a work, or don't be associated with the contest theme at all. This is my point. And yes, i guess contest host or judges MUST help members to stay inside of theme.
I guess it would've been better with no image at all. At least you wouldn't have spent hours in and out making a sci-fi princess. I could not find a single artwork of a tribal princess that I could use as an example, and I figured we should at least have something close to it.

About NFWar, there is much more technologicaly rised equipment, that includes some sort of metallic parts (or parts that on scetch looks like metallic), and some sort of modern clothworks, that was able only at medivial age. Tanned cloth needs realy doubtful work to make it. And tribe society was not able to provide this as some sort of craft. Also check these sweet cloth loops that holds cloth thread. This is, for sure, breaks contest rules like a mine, cuz of a refine. Will you accept this?
What metallic parts? Modern clothes? I can't really make our what you're saying for the remainder of this paragraph, please rephrase.

P.S as it is ART contest, should be nudity alowed as a art direction?
Adm. enjoy said no.

Anyway, as i said, i will try myself in this contest. Just for next time i hope host will be more competent and responsible, than shiik is. No agression. Just you confused and insulted me. Now let u tell me if this scetch breaks contest rules too? :ogre_rage:
Insulted you? How? And I'm sorry I confused you, but you could've asked when you were in doubt. I tried to present the theme in a simple and understandable way.

Also, deolerin, maybe you right, but there i guess you will accept my opinion that shiik knew, that i'm working out of contest theme but didn't said that, and cuz of that i spent a lot of time for nothing.
I warned you as soon as I knew you were going off track.

I'm going to be like Shiik now... "Ya but they dun have mammoth in tribal period, this r outside themes"

<3 u shiik

well, yep, it is possible, but not in premivial tribes, where best usage of strong stem was make it a knife. And was no one reason make a belts, mostly from tree (according on shiik's point - there is no place for hard freehand workouts).

Well, if shiik will tell me that NFWars work is realy inside of rule, i will point that he realy trying insult me.

What is a hard freehand workout? The latest I have seen of NFWar's concept suggests it is within theme. How could that possibly insult you?

Lastly, I can not tell what's going on in your latest WIP so I can not confirm whether or not it is within theme. Feel free to explain your idea if you're afraid you'll "waste time" making artwork that will need to be readjusted.
Level 50
Jan 12, 2010
Explain me these please, and how it fits 1000B.C?


  • аа.jpg
    204.7 KB · Views: 335

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

This is the latest (more than a week old) version of NFWar's concept that I saw and it does fit into the theme:

I don't see any metal on the concept you linked, PeeKay, and I informed NFWar long ago that his jacket was too advanced. Hence why it is changed. Now stop picking on other entries and worry about your own.
Level 50
Jan 12, 2010
This is the latest (more than a week old) version of NFWar's concept that I saw and it does fit into the theme:

I don't see any metal on the concept you linked, PeeKay, and I informed NFWar long ago that his jacket was too advanced. Hence why it is changed. Now stop picking on other entries and worry about your own.

Tell me please about these metallic boots.

Anyway, my own entry rises. Just sad that the work before is now broken.
Last wip added.


  • Fucking tribal princess v5.jpg
    Fucking tribal princess v5.jpg
    210.2 KB · Views: 271

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

That's looking quite fancy, PeeKay, and it's well within theme. However, I don't see how that skirt is being held up considering it's below her hips? The shading of the torso suggests it's about to drop off. Awkward.

Anyway, there are no metal boots on NFWar's concept. That's leather as far as I can tell. Even so, there's nothing wrong with using bronze or copper. It's steel and iron that is an issue when it comes to using metal, and of course too refined pieces of metal is unfitting as well.

All I can say is "LOLZ" about this EPIC conversation!

Ok, from professional standpoint want to shed some light on the situation.

Nudity - Even in Catholic Rome nudity was allowed in depiction from the bible theme, art or sculpture. Meaning, if the Pope allowed it for holy Rome, the it is ok here at hive, lolz.
When there is a work of art that has nudity it must be be FULL nudity, in a classical pose, if there are elements of clothes or armor then it is considered pornographic.
(such are the European Art Academy rules)

Theme - I think the idea for the contest was a quintessential tribal woman strait out of a Frank Frazetta illustration. You can have futuristic sci-fi version of the tribal people, but they need to be represented as backwards aliens with no technology, AVATAR is a good example.

Overall - You guys are splitting hair here, who cares in the peekays princess has an elaborate mask design, maybe her tribe enslaved other tribe and made all the little children cry and carve out elaborate design from a human bone and polished to shine and colored with rare yellow flowers that appears to be gold.
And having the tits out in the original sketch is more tribal looking than to have them covered by clothes.

You guys are taking on RIDICULOUSLY difficult concepts! If the theme is "tribal" then do some interesting tribal type character who everybody can identify with. Why try to mix robots and tribal and future and pygmies all together?

Peekay - Your character is getting lost in background, you need to hold the silhouette of the character. (talking about the first drawing, colored)
Your new character needs some ground to stand on, otherwise it looks as if she is floating in the air.
Less talking, more drawing guys! lolz
Level 27
May 30, 2007
I find that there is too much debate on the theme and how close drawings are to theme.
It's true. As much as I would love to debate endlessly about what's tribal and what isn't, it really is off-topic.
It seems necessary.
Does it? Does it really?
Why do you have to argue so much?

But really, it's because there are people arguing back. Every post trying to prove something to them is a post inviting them to reply back. In no way should such a post be construed as trying to make anypony clam down.
Less talking, more drawing guys!

@PeeKay: Do whatever you want. If you want to draw an alien parasite, draw an alien parasite. If it gets rejected, well, that's hardly shiiK's fault. If you want to play it safe and draw within the theme to make sure your submission will be accepted, do that.

@shiiK: It's actually pretty simple. Say whatever you like, provide no justification if you don't want to, and when it's time to choose which entries will be accepted, do it.
we should really stop having themes for these "concept" art contest

and everyone should draw just whatever the fuck they want.

and the contest title will be "whatever the fuck scribble contest #xxx"

You guys are taking on RIDICULOUSLY difficult concepts! If the theme is "tribal" then do some interesting tribal type character who everybody can identify with. Why try to mix robots and tribal and future and pygmies all together?

cos people are fucking retarded. if you havent noticed. this tends to happen in EVERY contests we have

Is wood shiny? Have you ever seen wood molded into a circular shape?

like i said. retarded.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Nudity - Even in Catholic Rome nudity was allowed in depiction from the bible theme, art or sculpture. Meaning, if the Pope allowed it for holy Rome, the it is ok here at hive, lolz.
When there is a work of art that has nudity it must be be FULL nudity, in a classical pose, if there are elements of clothes or armor then it is considered pornographic.
(such are the European Art Academy rules)
I agree, as you may have taken note of, however this is not my site. An administrator has said no and then it is no.

Theme - I think the idea for the contest was a quintessential tribal woman strait out of a Frank Frazetta illustration. You can have futuristic sci-fi version of the tribal people, but they need to be represented as backwards aliens with no technology, AVATAR is a good example.
Yes, exactly.

Overall - You guys are splitting hair here, who cares in the peekays princess has an elaborate mask design, maybe her tribe enslaved other tribe and made all the little children cry and carve out elaborate design from a human bone and polished to shine and colored with rare yellow flowers that appears to be gold.
And having the tits out in the original sketch is more tribal looking than to have them covered by clothes.
I concur.

You guys are taking on RIDICULOUSLY difficult concepts! If the theme is "tribal" then do some interesting tribal type character who everybody can identify with. Why try to mix robots and tribal and future and pygmies all together?
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
[reaction=http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/003/758/Rape-Ewok-PREPARE-YOUR-ANUS.jpg][22-13-01] Pyramidhe@d: ʞııɥs, so...i can boot stomp anyone who doesnt follow the theme right?
[22-13-24] ʞııɥs: Pyramidhe@d, yes.[/reaction]


But Pyramidhe@d, ask yourself, is wood shiny?

And as for you Shiik, yes it's completely fine that you exert your totalitarian rule over the competitors, though I feel extremely bad for PeeKay seeing how he put in so much work to make one of the best entries I've ever seen in an art competition, only to be "boot stomped" by you.
But Pyramidhe@d, ask yourself, is wood shiny?

is leather shiny? and yet you are able to polish it. is rock shiny by default? no. but pebbles that are worn smooth by riverflow is shiny. are gems shiny? no. they are cut and shaped so they are shiny. you can polish bones so it becomes shiny.

you can polish wood just the same. you can polish shit with some effort. how hard is it to polish wood

And as for you Shiik, yes it's completely fine that you exert your totalitarian rule over the competitors, though I feel extremely bad for PeeKay seeing how he put in so much work to make one of the best entries I've ever seen in an art competition, only to be "boot stomped" by you.

hate to show off that i am asian but here is a good proverbial story that is passed down amongst the people.

two men are having a drink outside. all is well until they run out of liquor except a last little bit that is just enough for a cup. they decide to have a little contest to see who will have the last cup. the contest was to draw a snake as fast as one could.

they start and soon enough, one man finishes his drawing and triumphantly snatches up the last cup.
"i win! and to show you how awesome i am, i will even draw legs on the snake"
then he quickly scribbles some legs on the snake.

the other man says "snakes dont have legs you moron." he finishes up his drawing, snatches the cup out of the first man's hand and gulps it down.

the fact that peekay put extra efforts and what not is completely irrelevent if he didnt draw what he was suppose to draw.

this applies to EVERY contest, once again
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
is leather shiny? and yet you are able to polish it. is rock shiny by default? no. but pebbles that are worn smooth by riverflow is shiny. are gems shiny? no. they are cut and shaped so they are shiny. you can polish bones so it becomes shiny.

you can polish wood just the same. you can polish shit with some effort. how hard is it to polish wood

hate to show off that i am asian but here is a good proverbial story that is passed down amongst the people.

the fact that peekay put extra efforts and what not is completely irrelevent if he didnt draw what he was suppose to draw.

this applies to EVERY contest, once again

They didn't have wood lacquer, or stain, in 1000 B.C. ask shiik. :ogre_hurrhurr:

I understand your point aside from that.
is leather shiny? and yet you are able to polish it. is rock shiny by default? no. but pebbles that are worn smooth by riverflow is shiny. are gems shiny? no. they are cut and shaped so they are shiny. you can polish bones so it becomes shiny.

you can polish wood just the same. you can polish shit with some effort. how hard is it to polish wood

LOLZ, you know, perhaps you polish your wood till it shines?!

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Somewhat related:

Doing sketches (thumbnails) to see if I can come up with a nice idea.

Edit: Think I'll be going with this setting:
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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Nudity or just for a anatomy?
Take a moment and guess.
look at them sweet tits wrapping around that pole!

Reminds me of last Saturday night and 15 bucks later

Anyway, by setting I meant setting. I probably won't be doing exactly this pose, but I'm aiming for a nature-y setting. Wood elf but not elf.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Setting. Setting. Setting. How many times do I have to say it? Regardless, hahas.
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