Another rating. This was a too buggy Alpha, the concept are good and the idea as well, but I couldnt take the balance and some issues:
The multiboard is bugged. I think the death columns is at the kill column, while kills erase the name. The heroes were definitly imbalanced and you should rework some of the spells (maybe add more triggering?)
Also, an idea is to have more items. Since this is called "Combowhore", on-attack, when struck and such items would be a good idea.
Maybe the map was too small. I found myself getting teamkissed too often, and the furious stealkilling is just another way to get angry and leave. Also, I found that way, that I never leveled up, and was lvl1 while another one was lvl8 (the others were around 3 and 5)
Oh, and bounty mentioned it, it needs more object editor work, but also triggering.
Please, an Alpha may not look like this. Im sorry, but 1/5 from me as well.