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Cataclysm AoS v1.17

An AoS-Style map based on the World of Warcraft Universe.

Fight in yet another epic battle between the forces of Azeroth in a struggle for the worlds diminishing resources. Fight as the Horde, or the Alliance in a team-based and co-operative assault against the opposing team.

This is an early release of the map so there's much to be updated, however, it's fully playable in it's current state and makes for an interesting play online :)

- Hero balancing
- Fixed broken tooltips
- Fixed pathing bugs

- Buffed up some of the melee heroes
- New Merchants
- Made room for high-res Gilneas skin
- New middle-class Items

- Hero balancing
- Terrain Updates
- New Skins
- New Worgen Curse Event
- New Items

- Hero balancing (Buffed up melee heroes a little)
- New Custom Death Coil ability to replace the old.
- Unit balancing
- New Minimap and icons

- Fixed an urgent bug with the Fire Nova ability
- Fixed a broken model for the Horde Hunter
- Unit balancing

- Nerfed Shaman Class
- New Items
- Changed location of dwarf event
- New Skills
- Unit Balancing
- Assist Count Update
- Outpost Guardians now get crit hit towards the end of the game

- New Shaman Class
- New Items
- Extra loot from bosses
- Boss loot now goes to the killing player
- Deathwing final event
- New Skills
- Unit Balancing
- Assist Count on the leader-board (in-progress)
- New Skins / Models
- Terrain Updates

- New Hunter Ultimate
- New Items
- Random loot-drop for bosses
- New Models / Skins
- Skill Balancing
- New Skills

- Unit Balancing
- New loading screen
- Leaderboard size/style Adjustments
- Terrain Updates
- New Preview Pic
- New Skins and models
- Hero ability balancing
- Renamed to "Cataclysm AoS"

- Unit Balancing
- New faction spell-caster abilities
- Icons on the leaderboard
- Heroes now spawn with 50% mana
- Added new information to the quest dialog
- Terrain Updates
- Smaller file-size
- New high-res loading screen

- New Hero Classes (Warrior and Rogue)
- Unit Balancing
- Path Fixes
- New Spells
- Bug Fixes
- Added new information to the quest dialog

- Unit/Game Balancing
- New Event
- Bug Fixes
- Leak Fixes
- New Items
- New Spells

- Unit Balancing
- Player names now show colours in game messages
- Bug fixes
- Reduced health of town halls
- New unit models

- Nerfed tower HP and damage
- Nerfed event units so they make less of an impact on the game
- Items give higher stat increases
- Pathing fixes
- Added a "Death" counter to the leaderboard
- Reduced basic item and unit upgrade costs

- apaka
- levigeorge1617
- General Frank
- Vermillion Edict
- JokeMaster
- Sellenisko

- Cycloverid
- Darkholme
- zadelim

- Darkfang
- Blizzard Entertainment
- -Berz-
- bigapple90
- viiva
- NFWar


Please Note: I am a firm believer in open-source maps. Therefore, all my projects are free to download and open in the editor.

Tags: Cataclysm AoS Map CloudWolf

Cataclysm, World of Warcraft, World, Of, Warcraft, AoS, DotA, battle, fight, control, capture, tower, pvp

Cataclysm AoS v1.17 (Map)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2011/Nov/12 17:22:36 Reasons: Other: Comment: Re-moderating with reviews and rating! Raven0: 4.2/5 -> 4/5 - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/1755516-post175.html VGsatomi: 5/5 -...
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
After testing this a few times it's become apparent that the new Shaman class is a little OP :)

Next version will have some serious nerfing on cooldown times and I'll be replacing the feral summon with some sort of support ability ;) Having 4 offensive spells seems to give the Shaman a great advantage over the other classes :p

Should be up some-time tomorrow if all goes well with the rest of the updates :) Trying to improve the assist system ;)
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
The map is comin along quite nicely tho I had a feeling that it was playing too slow(you know boring) and for that I blame the low base damage of everything. It's just not fun having to smash at the same unit for shitloads of time so my only suggestion would be to increase everythings base damage by a little or just lower the mobs and the heros hp a little.
Level 6
Jul 9, 2009
Im still a bit confused, i still not know how to get into anyone of those instances, i been waiting for "ages" to meet those dwarfs, i still want to fight them... Have you fixed that problem you get rep from me and a 5/5... I JUST WANT TO KILL THOSE DWARVES FROM HE||!
And i downloaded all the other versions just to find out when i can do it... One version, we could fight the polar furbolgs... Not the dwarves!
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
Im still a bit confused, i still not know how to get into anyone of those instances, i been waiting for "ages" to meet those dwarfs, i still want to fight them... Have you fixed that problem you get rep from me and a 5/5... I JUST WANT TO KILL THOSE DWARVES FROM HE||!
And i downloaded all the other versions just to find out when i can do it... One version, we could fight the polar furbolgs... Not the dwarves!

At the moment, I've taken the instances out of the map :p They took the focus away from the main objective of the map :p E.g. a group of players would go and do an instance, but while they were inside they would completely fail on the main battlefield :) So I've nabbed all the units from those instances and have re-created them as events on the field :)
Level 7
Aug 21, 2010
Thanks for the update.

I'm surprised people seem to be ignoring this, but your description needs improvement.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
The minimap looks awesome tho it would be more awesome if you add the detail of the 2 camps. You know like the maps in wow are now(after the shattering).
Level 6
Jul 9, 2009
At the moment, I've taken the instances out of the map :p They took the focus away from the main objective of the map :p E.g. a group of players would go and do an instance, but while they were inside they would completely fail on the main battlefield :) So I've nabbed all the units from those instances and have re-created them as events on the field :)
A bit late to tell me :p but :vw_death:
Just try you forward ;) Cuz the instance is a part of the Map ;)
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
Don't know it it was fixed but in version 1.13 the Horde hunters pet was named aliance pet or wolf anyway it had aliiance in it's name.
Ps. Also i have an idea you can add 2 heroes controled by Pc for alliance it would be ofc Vriana and for the horde Garrosh.
Level 5
Jan 12, 2010
This game, once it starts, immediately crashes for Mac players. (v1.15)

Back in v.1.11 on Mac:
When selecting Hunter, the game crashes. Most likely this is due to Hunters' ability icon/icon pathes being faulty for Macs. Most likely solution would be to replace them. Some of the other heroes work though.

Also: the creeps clump together too much, making it really hard to last-hit.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
I agree that the instances did detract from the action of the map, and the removal of an entire team's heroes led to a very one-sided battle on the gaming field, however I think they can be reworked rather then removed. The current "event" system you have also detracts as it directly interferes with gameplay. Here's what I suggest;

Reinstate the instances, but add a sort of hearthstone item to each player, what way when they enter an instance, they can all hearth back to their town in the event that they need to help defend. Maybe an ability called "instance que" or "dungeon finder" could be made so players can enter an instance without having to run to it. The horde and alliance icons for the heroes could be removed in place of such an "enter instance" ability and the like so time is not wasted away from the battle physically moving to it.

Upon defeating instance bosses, do not just drop loot, but rather award players with an item (trigger them to appear in their inventories for those who are within a certain distance during the kill). This way all players that participated get the reward, and rewards the whole team enough so that they gain advantage over their enemies who did NOT raid. This also removes the frustration of going through all the trouble to raid and not getting anything out of it (like real WoW raiding).

The Deathwing unit should be scaled up a little bit. Its such a nice model and its too small to see the fine features.

I also think you should use Kwaliti's Lich King model. Its too darn cool to pass up.

IN short: it would be a shame to have that nice terrain you made for the instances go to waste. Having them does spice of map variety a bit, but needs to be done in a way where it does not benefit he opposing team by removing their enemies from the battlefield for extended periods of time.

Well, these are just my ideas. Take them for what they're worth. Excellent map so far. Excellepnt terrain, constant effort to balance the heroes, accurate WoW theme...keep up the outstanding work.
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
WHAT? You have fallen from the tree and hit your head a bit too much? Insulting other peoples work without showing any evidences is a crime.
Level 6
Mar 31, 2009
Hey Cloudwolf, I was thinking... What about if you put some creeps over there, high heroes movement speed a lot and decrease the exp range... I was in town and continue gaining exp without fighting.

P.S: When Deathwing come all is over? :(
The world we know became shattered!!
My family and home town desapeare with all my brothers at arms!!...
This is the END for all we built and fight for!!
Level 3
Mar 27, 2010
is it just me or i'm the only one who think They should try Make deathwing into this Map?
Great Map and Realy cool Map.

what i mean is they could change a bird model into deathwing so you can see him flying around on the Map and syringe Fire
Last edited:
Level 6
Mar 31, 2009
lol but the fun is kill him to grant items like others events.
We are waiting for a shaman and warlock :)
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
You are welcome CloudWolf, but still would be cool to face those dungeons and get to face more creeps and such.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Well make some waygates patterns to those places where you fight the dwarves and the Polar Furbolg, and then add some loot for their troubles and make it so they can get back to the action.

Oh and by the way, looking forward what is coming up next.
Level 6
Mar 31, 2009
This map deserve it ... now focus in a Warlock and a Druid classes and don't forget to high the game speed a little (heros take to long running side to side and boots can't by upgrade).
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I got a fatal error , when the doom event begin.

our team and enemies fight with that dragon. after a few minutes later it showed fatal error.
Level 6
Mar 31, 2009
I got the same fatal error the first time I've played... the second time we defeat death wind and colect the weapon normally.