Terrania v1.17

A Hero Defense / RPG / Story map

Choose a hero from six classes. Three combat heroes and three craft heroes.
Combat heroes should defend the crafters, while crafters support combat heroes by making items and defense buildings.

The story of the map gets slowly unfold during the game. Between waves, heroes can find items and do secret quests.

Discord: Terrania discord invite link

- Save system
- Recommended to play with at least 6 players
- Credits are ingame

Changes v1.16 -> v1.17

I've updated Terrania again due to new bugs appearing thanks to Warcraft III Reforged updates:
- Replaced the Forge model due to a major graphical glitch appearing since latest Warcraft III update.
- Replaced the portrait of Fighter due to glitching since latest Warcraft III update.
- Slightly increased Defender's movement speed & slightly decreased Fighter's movement speed.
- Replaced health & mana flower models with custom models for consistancy over Classic & Reforged.
- Added a different model for seed flower II to visually distinguish it from seed flower I.
- Added new models for clay flower and iron flower.
- Added new model for ward plant (item, not building) for consistancy over Classic & Reforged.
- Fixed Marazure's statue foundation.

Changes v1.15 -> v1.16

This version is compatible with Warcraft III: Reforged. There are a few minor issues still but some of them are simply related to Reforged bugs.
The following problems have been fixed:
- Save system now works with Battle.net names. (Your old code works as long your name before the # symbol is the same.)
- Stacking issue mainly involving consumables have been fixed.
- Updated Discord link.

Changes v1.14T -> v1.15
Slicing Sprint and Crushing Jump abilities have been fixed and are now compatible with the newest version of Warcraft 3.

Changes v1.13 -> v1.14T

---Message from the Developer---
Due to recent Warcraft III updates (1.30 & 1.31), Terrania received some new bugs. Two abilities (Slicing Sprint & Crushing Jump) caused the game to crash. There's no easy fix for this so I've temporally disabled these abilities.

---New features:---

---Bug fixes:---
*Iron Bar can be picked up again.
*Some issues regarding the Upgrade Mine ability have been solved.


Changes v1.12 -> v1.13

---Message from the Developer---
I had big plans but with the release of 1.29 & 1.30 it crippled map development. There are still some non-Terrania issues going on which is mostly sound related. I have however worked on some further tweaks.

---New features:---
*Added 1 new icon.
*Combat heroes that are level 30 now receive three experience after every wave.

---Bug fixes:---
*Knockback now works on Golems.

*Armor of Xy is replaced by Vest of Chi (including new stats)
*Intro and outro got a make-over.
*Kinetic Flash no longer causes a small freeze.
*Changed the order of Rank abilities for the Builder.
*Crystal Duplicator I now has it's own icon.
*Crystal Duplicator III model is slightly enhanced.
*Crystal of Clarity model is enhanced.
*Crystal of Clarity shows the amount of clarity gained when receiving it.
*Reduced collision (pathing map) of quite a few doodads.
*Aligned a lot of floating texts, mostly by applying the z-axis.
*Mana Shield is buffed.
*The range of Chain Healing is increased.
*Some minor changes.

Changes v1.11 -> v1.12

---Message from the Developer---
Another batch of lovely finetunes. I will finally address the combat aspect of the map in the next update. I've made some good plans for it already, but I just need to find the time and motivation to do it.

---New features:---
*Added 1 new icon.
*Added 1 new ability. (Drop all items for crafters)
*Added 1 new command (-cam)

---Bug fixes:---
*Fixed a bug related to the -skip command.
*You can now learn skills from the School when your inventory is full.

*The rank abilities of the Builder have been swapped around to make the Builder more useful early rank.
*Changed the hotkeys of the abilities in the Shared Spellbook.
*Moved the Brilliance Aura from the Shared Spellbook to the Hero.
*Increased level 1 and level 3 dispel buffs target area.
*Crafters will play two new animations during certain conditions. (Bag & Lumber)
*An earthquake will appear when a Crystal Dup III explodes.
*The death animation of the Dredge Mill has returned.
*The Forge now plays an animation.
*Changed the visual and audio part of Panic Rush.
*Slicing Spin can no longer hurt air units.
*Some minor changes.

Changes v1.10 -> v1.11

---Message from the Developer---
After years I've returned to release another update because I've discovered that there is an active Terrania Discord (discord.gg/5EPacmj). Although I don't have the time or motivation to do a complete overhaul of the map, I love finetuning it and that's what I've done.

---New features:---
*A Legendary Crystal Duplicator can appear.
*Added 3 new models.
*Added 7 new icons.
*Added 2 new abilities.
*Added 1 new command (-skip)

---Bug fixes:---
*Fixed the two barrel explosions so they still work when the trees are unblighted.

*All combat gear have their fonts styled and their stats better displayed.
*Fighter's secret ability is no longer a channel ability.
*Defender has a different secret ability.
*Cleric has a different secret ability.
*Cleric's Abolish Magic is replaced with Dispel Buffs and will level up in wave 6 to counter the golems.
*Walls that are under construction are dark.
*Walls that have been upgraded are more yellow.
*Damaged items are darker and have grey font color.
*Crystal Duplicator I and II have their own model now.
*Changed the repair sound and SFX of the Crystal Duplicators.
*Changed the Slicing Sprint sound.
*Unblight Plant upgrade, Seed Flower upgrades and Crystal Lamp upgrade have hotkeys now.
*Build <structure> have hotkeys now.
*Repositioned some abilities in buildings.
*Boss 8 Howl of Terror is enhanced.
*Level 1 & 2 Mine upgrade result in a different visual appearance.
*Moved the Rank 16 Aura from Shared Spellbook to Hero.
*Changed some Hero animations while it's casting certain spells.
*The School now has it's available skills at fixed locations.
*Some minor changes.

defense hero survival lahey terrania adventure unique nature hard elven

Terrania v1.17 (Map)

16:56, 14th Nov 2009 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 3
Aug 11, 2008
In my opinion, i quite disliked this game overall. When i first played this game on bnet, i was immediately forced to choose a certain hero. Builders, botanists, crafters were not a choice for many since the game needed 1 of each,which mainly most of hosts's friends already picked (including some people who scold/threaten you to choose other jobs). I ended up being a fighter. Technically it was sorta boring. Creeps just came in just many directions and all you had to do was to defend them from destroying the plants and the shrine. I actually alt tabbed half of the game, and just used my fighter to patrol red (defender) and didnt die at all.

However,there are other good points in this game. For example, the secret quests, some are quite interesting yet mysterious. I also liked the ideas for the crafting, building and growing of flowers together with the combat heroes, since many defense games all either had only combat heroes, or just only builders. The save/load was cool at the start, since it really intrigued me to play it since it tells me it won't be a short game and can be continued later.

Here is my summary of my review:

Good points
1)Secret quests are quite unique
2)There are heroes are focused in many aspects
3)save/load points system
4)Cool opening cinematic

Negative points
1)Quite boring after a period of time due to just creeps attacking from different sides
2)Only 3 jobs for combat, where all the combat hero's spells are given to you at the start, instead of obtaining them when you level up. Edit:Spells are given as you level up now.
3)The game would be hell of boring if you aren't any of the craft heroes.

I can say this game really really can become a great save/load defense game, but it just needs some improvement. Maybe instead of changing the skin of the creeps each wave, give them some spells? Or just have chaos wave where creeps have chaos attack, mana surge/ mana drain, stun/fireball, etc. The creeps which spawns, takes up half of the gameplay, and it just bores me to see the difference mainly is the armor and attack, nothing much of a huge change. Bosses also needs some epic spell or something, and during boss rounds why only spawn the boss unit? Maybe spawn some of his minions?
Even i may not like this game, other players should give it a try, it has been quite long since someone made a save/load hero defense map. Its much different then those marine/survival maps (NotD,Nightsong Mercenaries). I may have said some harsh remarks, but still i would like you to continue your map as its really interesting, all it needs is just some added fun.
Rating: 3.5/5
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Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
Reply to previous post:

I was the guy who hosted that game :) Sorry about any misunderstanding. I was specifically trying a strategy to get feedback to the author, so thus we were trying a 3 only crafter group with full house to see how far we could go. In reality, I downloaded this game and was so impressed with it I actually sought out the creator to give direct feedback and state how much I enjoyed it. I've only known the creator for 3 days or so :)


The only way I can describe this is a combination of the Hero Defense Genre and the recipe Genre (Island Troll Tribes). You have 6 classes to choose from. The combat based ones take the same trinity roles found commonly in MMORPGs. Tank, Damage, Healing. By taking this tried and true set of roles and implementing it into the game, each person can easily understand what the intended role is from the first moment. On terms of the crafter classes, the botanist grows resources that the builder and blacksmith use to create buildings and items respectively.

Between the two groups of heros, they have their own synergy. The combat heros want to defend the town and crafters so they can provide greater items and abilities to the combat heros, allowing them to defend better.

The game has 6 waves, involving creatures attacking from multiple sides of the town allowing for dynamic gameplay and reaction from the combat heros. The better they react and defend the town, the better circumstances the crafters have to create the items and buildings that will assist the heroes further.

When a boss of a wave is defeated, the team has 4 minutes of calmness to explore nearby lands, complete quests, scavenge for unique crafting items or place sight plants for reconnaissance in the upcoming waves. This shifts up gameplay from "Chaos reaction" mechanics to "stable preparation" mechanics. A relatable feeling is Actraiser on the original Super Nintendo. You had a calm time where you build the city, and an action period where you went down and faced the hordes.

Pros and Cons:

Good qualities:
1. This game is challenging, something lacking in many games in WC3 custom today.
2. Requires teamwork instead of cooperation. By nature of the roles, the team will do better if everyone focuses on their role in a team instead of being the "best".
3. Rewards skill by allowing you save your rank points at the halfway point of the game. (Appaharhently gives a bonus for those who can manage to complete it)
4. Characters have a wide variety of skills (10-11)
5. Crafting teamwork is encouraged by recipes requiring items created by multiple crafters
5. -save system to allow rank points to go across game sessions
6. -repick all game, with penalty of restarting at lvl 1. This also is part of the death mechanic

Current issues:
1. The learning curve is high. This is due to part of the complexity of the game or the challenge of it.
2. EDIT - Tooltips/hotkeys implemented in .32 --- No need to complain now
3. The CORE qualities that make this game great are not for everyone. Some people just don't like high challenge or teamwork games. (No problem persay, just a sincere thought)
4. Due to the difficulty of the game, certain compositions are more efficient than others. A lack of "Group placement" in the wait room could confuse people who want to play a class that's not efficient for the group.

In light of the above points, I feel that this game has incredible "core" qualities but in it's infancy (it's 1 week into open beta, and it's creation time period was 3 weeks) it has a ways to go. Between the .015 patch and the .022 patch there is obvious improvements that show the creator is listening to those who play the game. So it should progress well. I'd consider many of the cons temporary in that case.

Final thoughts:

I'll have to admit this is the one of the best, if not the best game I've enjoyed in WC3 custom maps scene. I'll give it a 5/5 sincerely. Not many games have me actually SEEK the creator afterward to discuss with him how good it truly is. Heck, I made an account here to give it an honest comment.
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Level 1
Jun 17, 2008
Talking about save/load system..... it doesnt work i tryed when i was alive when game ended evrything never been able to save :(
Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
@carolemmm, the save feature is not enabled from moment one. It turns on after you defeat the 3rd wave boss. (The halfway point) The first wave is rather easy, but the difficulty starts ramping up well from the 3rd one on, making the -save function something to strive for in many groups. This way, even if you don't actually beat the game, I've had games where people felt like they succeeded by defeating the 3rd wave.. including /cheers in chat.
Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
Update on my opinion: In the most recent update, my issues have greatly diminished. He allowed me to help him with the tooltips, allowing it to be more friendly to people learning classes. He implemented hotkeys and the abilities rank up now (so while you have all your abilities from day 1, they upgrade as you go on individually) He also implemented a form of recipe book for the blacksmith to avoid going to the quest menu. Very much more efficient.
Level 1
Sep 12, 2009
I enjoy this game quite a lot, but the only thing that is hard, is setting a team that can work well with you, with 2 of my friends we are good at doing botanist / builder / blacksmith combo, but when we try not to play these roles it gg
Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
@light_bolt30: the save feature is not enabled from moment one. It turns on after you defeat the 3rd wave boss. (The halfway point) The first wave is rather easy, but the difficulty starts ramping up well from the 3rd one on, making the -save function something to strive for in many groups. This way, even if you don't actually beat the game, I've had games where people felt like they succeeded by defeating the 3rd wave.. including /cheers in chat.

What I find interesting is the first alert in the game says "Save system will be activated at a later time". Hope this helps, I copied it from my post a wee bit above this one.
Level 1
Sep 29, 2009
Terrania Hero Survival

To start off i'd like to say that this game has huge potential. I have been playing on BNet for around 5 years now and this map/mod just blows me away. Besides DotA that is dominating BNet right now this is my favorite game. But there is still room for improvement. Here are my opinions.

Changes that could be made

1.) My main concern is that the creeps from every wave come from the same dirrection every single game and that just ruins the replay value. So if the creep spawns could be randomized that would be awsome.

2.) If it is at all possible the map could be made larger and that would open up many options for more missions and items and enemies.

3.) As i said before it would be really cool to add more items. To add more depth into it, there could be Unique items or mabey even Legendary.

4.) It would be really cool if the ranks system could be made more customizable and instead of it being atoumatic bonus' you could actually choose your own bonus' or bonus spells or abilities. That is a option i haven't
seen in any mod exept custom hero arena or something like that be that would be a really good add on that would attract alot of people.

5.) I dont know why but the Tool that you get from the missions does not work. I tried it on every monster and none of them become allies or as the tool is called Tool of Individuality.

Good Things

1.) The quest that you have already are very good and go along with the story of Terrania and the surroundings really well.

2.) The item system is really cool and it makes me wanna play again and again to get new items. Thats why there should be more items, because the more items there are, the more people wanna play and get them.

3.) The map is really well composed and the hidden items add really cool details to it. It makes me wanna play over and over just to find all the items and crystals and other goodies on the map. As i said before, more items(hidden and blacksmith makable would greatly increase the replay value)

Hope this helps and i REALLY enjoy playing Terrania which is now in my opinion funner and better then DotA.

If this helps at all please e-mail me at [email protected] and i will gladly give you more opinions.

Also just as Jacklifer i made an account today just to tell you how great this game is and the pottential it has. Hope to see more updates as i will shurly keep playing this game.

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Level 1
Oct 2, 2009
Hmm...may i know how am i suppose to get gold ore? kinda stuck there @@...the cure of individuality also...duno how to use man...help pls >.< thx in advance =D
Level 1
Oct 4, 2009
good game : )

Hey im ghost_of_you
i would just like to say that i love this game and have been playing it alot.
me and illyasviel05 plus some other people managed to do a 5 person game and win quite very easily, i think that you should put a how to play type thing up at the start or in the quest menu, in depth for each class/character because i just joined a game on us east (terrania bot) where me and one other person had actually played before, i was builder and i gave the blacksmith a step by step guide on how to create ore and build a forge.5 minutes later he still hadnt done anything.
its a good map, and i cant wait to see more games and improvements being done to it :aa:
i attached the replay to the 5man game.


  • terrania 4man plus 1women survival.w3g
    508.3 KB · Views: 995
Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
Hmm...may i know how am i suppose to get gold ore? kinda stuck there @@...the cure of individuality also...duno how to use man...help pls >.< thx in advance =D

Well those r things your just gunna have to find out now arnt they? He doesnt tell u right off the bat.

Btw, i was jw, im assuming u havent implanted the special skill for builder yet? I got 300+ exp and i got a big majority of it playing builder & after i got adept, i noticed special skills for everyone else but builder doesnt get jack.


Oh and on to the game:

This map is amazingly fun to play and i love how you made it a must for everyone to cooperate. Though the learning curve is steep for some, i just jumped right into it and it was easy to handle.

1. Very Fun
2. No one person can last trying to be a "loner"
3. Well thought out and straight forward
4. Quite Challenging

1. Enemies are predictable in where they spawn from
2. Satyr boss, after he casts reincarnation, stops moving which lets u kill others w/o worrying about him as long as u dont go near
3. Blacksmith needs a wider choice of smithing options. The first book is hardly used at all with the exception of orbs, helm, bars, & enchant. All others never see the light of day. And it would be nice to see all his books full.
4. Same goes for builder. Small choice of what you can build. Ur main book is dominated by walls yet you get no exp from building them. He is a builder for a reason, he needs to have a wide variety to choose from. Most games turn out this order: School, Mine, Dredge, Wall, UB, Lamp, Dup when needed, Lamp, etc. Give him some different type of attacking towers or helping buildings. Maybe an armory where smith can place finished weapons instead of leaving them lie on the ground and build more advanced stuff(armory so like "sets" of armor). Think of things along those lines to where he not only benefits the workers, but the attackers too.
5. In my OP, the advancment u get from higher exp(gold) needs a slight boost. Not much, just slight.

Im done XD
Sry if it seemed i have more con than pro but thats cuz im supplying suggestions. This is the best game on wc ive played in a while & i hope to see it get better and better. 5/5!
Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
Hey all, Terrania's "Secretary General of the Department of Communications" is here. (Not kidding, Lahey deemed it so) So I'll give some replies to let you know he got the message.

@All: Thanks for the praise, glad to see people finding the game now. The absolutely best way to present feedback that will get to us is via the Terrania forums. You can find them at http://terrania.freeforums.org

I'm good for a bit of discussion here but I check those forums every day.

  • The predictability of the waves has already been brought to our attention and it's being considered. You'll find it in our forums relating to our request thread on how to improve wave and boss mechanics.
  • The larger map hasn't been suggested yet though, if you'd be willing to drop by there and place that suggestion, I'm sure it'd garner a good conversation. I think it'd be something to consider in a later patch, as we've got bigger plans right now.
  • More items will trickle in as we proceed, Lahey's the only coder and I'm assisting him with grunt work (such as tooltips) so it's one of those "get them in as time becomes available"
  • We're definitely looking to expand the rank system but the direction we're looking at is different than what you suggest. We think improving the main skillset will garner more appreciation than adding customizable rank skills, don't you?
  • Trust me, the tool works, you just haven't found out yet.
  • Thanks for offering the email, but the best place to give feedback is in our forums. I'll reply here but it's more discussion than anything ;)

  • Gold ore is something that requires teamwork and may require some dedication to acquire. I'm sorry that's vague but it wouldn't be fun if I told everything ^_^
  • As said above, the cure for individuality has a use, it's just something that you may not have encountered yet.

  • We're looking into ways to handle the steep learning curve, but at the same time we want to allow people to "learn" it on their own. After all, your characters were puny adventurers before they happened upon the magics bestowed by the profession building... learning your craft can be just as mysterious as the storyline intends it. In short, we're exploring ways to do this without a tutorial per say. It's on our todo list.

  • Builder Rank 5 skill is implemented. It's just different than you expect. Next patch we're changing the icon of the ability to make it more noticable. Hint: It's not in the spellbooks, I don't want to answer it obvious for those who are still building up to rank 5.
  • Thanks for the Satyr boss update, I'll be nice enough to put it in our bug forum on the website on your behalf.
  • We're working on items as we go on, but as we added 6 items in the last patch, we're working on other aspects at this time, more will be added even if they aren't right away.
  • All classes are being improved over time, builder is no exception. If you want to give ideas for new buildings for builder... our suggestions forum in the terrania website works best. Remember to read the sticky post as that will help you help us. I personally find the following build rather good. Mine -> Dredge -> Wall -> School -> Mine -> UB -> Dup x5 -> Lamps/Walls/Mines... but that's just me.
  • As said above, we're looking into ways to improve the rank system.

Thanks again for all the 5/5s.
Level 1
Oct 2, 2009
Yeah i got it already.. finished the game with everything unlocked..=D Btw, does Star symbol means max rank? i cant go any further..doesnt change at all. overall, its a good game. Hopefully the new version is out soon. =)
Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
Yeah i got it already.. finished the game with everything unlocked..=D Btw, does Star symbol means max rank? i cant go any further..doesnt change at all. overall, its a good game. Hopefully the new version is out soon. =)
There are 10 ranks, you are at rank 5. To get to rank 10, it's for the truly dedicated.
Level 1
Nov 3, 2009
Great Game!!!

I've found Terrania to be a great game thus far. I've played all of the classes and over 20 matches and the only problem i've had is a couple of server desync's which is no reflection on the map itself. Overall I really enjoy this game, it requires great teamwork and multitasking abilities for the crafting classes and great combat via the tank/dps/healer combo. A decent amount of items and quests also keeps the game interesting.
Level 1
Nov 4, 2009
One question here, how do we work on the Destroyed Fountain? I can't really figure it out how to work that thing....
Btw, it is a good game =D
Rate 5/5

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
This game is buggy, easy to win and has repetitivness problems.

Firstly, codes should not give you major boosts like new vital skills, instead they should only give improvements to those skills or skills with a little edge (like a max rank builder can enchant his own mines while any bot can enchant mines at any rank).

Secondly, you can repick at map start to spawn 2 explorers to use one as an LoS helper. This is not a problem but makes no sense.

You can lure bosses from base permantly buying you infinite time to build up making the game winiable with just 2 people (if not even solo). I advise making the boss attack the base every minute to garuntee that a lurer must atleast activly lure and can not abandom him somewhere.

Prevent duplicate mills spamming text messages all the time for the same opperations (allow only 1). Same goes with the forge which bugs with more than 2.

Make all buildings have a self destuct ability usable only by the owners, or give it to builders. When someone leaves their buildings should be changed to random current building classes. This is to help prevent noobs blocking up space or if red dropped the inability to destroy badly made buildings.

Crystal lamps when upgrade and killed generate a free crystal. This makes no sense and could even be used to replace a lost crystal type. I advise reworking it so that crystal lamps stack (their aura) but with diminishing returns (2 lamps deal like 1.5 times the damage of 1 lamp) and upgrading them needs the crystal type (the one they make appear from nowhere) and probably another brick (twice the cost). This would reduce the penalty for overlapping them while still encouraging spread but also ballence them by upping cost.

Fix the agro on towers to be more reasonable. Curently the bot's attack flowers have insane agro and get thrashed by range but also mess up enemy mobs and can be used to literally tower defense maze melee troops using walls and crystal towers to thrash them without them even attacking. This is also to comment on the crystal towers which have near no agro suspite dealing insane damage. To fix, eithor make the crystal towers also deal damage (via triggers) so they have agro or up the hp of the tower plants so they do not die as esilly and greatly reduce the HP of crystal towers so that they die easilly (to compensate for near minimal agro).

The way code EXP is gained should be different. Currently people can easilly leach like 100 exp a game via constant suicide and power leveling the first few. My idea to combat this is to make it so you only gain exp once for reaching a level bracket and if you die, you do not gain any exp until you reach past that level again. To make this more fair, I advise changing the death cap to a level percentage (rounding down) so that you can revive your current hero for losing 1/3 of you levels or change hero for 2/3. This encourages people to stick to one job and does not make deaths so game breaking late game for low rank people as well as fixing any abuse problems with rank exp. Repicking should give a 1 or 2/3 level loss (depending on how much you like it) to the person to discourage it.

The game needs more waves (atleast 1 or 2 more) and the final boss should be different. Currently you give 25 free exp for nothing just because he spawned and you use item. This makes no sense as it is harder to kill him than to get the item and convert him. Instead you should make it that the item only works at 1/4 or 8 of his hp so you still have to fight him to win. Even better would be it reducing his power and him goining your side to unlock a final wave where he helps against the true final boss.

Building class hero exp gain needs to be redone. All 3 of them should gain no expierence from combat kills. Builders should only gain hero exp from building buildings, they can be any buildings (even wall and stuff with low exp value) but they are rewarded from their jobs. Blacksmiths should only gain hero exp from doing work at the forge, any skill that needs the forge should yield exp (orbs exception). Botinsts should only gain experience from planting important plants (like the tower ones, or the seed MKII), converting ground to grass (that should give largish exp if done right to encourage converting the map but obviously upping mushroom cost) or making power potions (ones made with kinetic flash should also give exp but logically both should be reduced to comensate for the new sources). This would reward people doing their jobs more and make leveling interesting.

Grass / blight needs to be reworked. As the game progresses, it should become more and more important for there to be more grass (encoraging the restoration of more of the map for sucess). Blight could eithor give bonous HP reneration (exponential with wave) so that late waves are impossiable on blight, stat boosts to the undead or stat penalties to you. Dirt should be as it is, a netural terrain. Grass should do the opposite, giving eithor a boost to you or a penalty to the enemies (but that is a fixed rate and does not change with wave). With these changes, it would be important for the team bot to go around and restore the area around where fighting occurs inorder for the game to be easilly winable (not just around building sights). Also this will make some quests harder as they are on blight, like the one arleady is.

The healing moves of the cleric need buffing. When defenders have 3-4K life it is like impossiable to heal them, especially on the final wave which does insane damage. I advise reworking the holy light ability to always full heal the target but level decreases cooldown, or adding such an ability. Regeneration needs to heal more over longer. The auto cast heals should also be doubled in power. Currently end game it needs literally 2 clerics to heal 1-2 fighters or defenders, combined with the easy deaths you do not have a good result for the class.

Flowers should decay, its a bad problem when late game you have an entire screen filled with flowers. I advise giving them a 6 minute life time.

Codes should take less games to reach max, a lot less or atleast there should be difficulties which require high ranking codes and give more exp for them.
Level 2
Jan 25, 2008
This map is great, I even dare to say addictive. I don't play anything else on Battle.net lately XD. However, it's not perfect.

As some has already mentioned that, the Cleric needs a serious boost. His rank 5 skill is nice, but the heal output at the end of the game is way to low none the less.

Also, I think that the whole "cleansing the corrupt land" aspect should play a more important role in the game. The quests and the water cleansing aspect are fine, but it would be nice to see the rest of the map to be changed. For instance, change the whole terrain to plain brown ground and finally to grass after defeating a specific number of saves.I know that such a large-scale area boost may be difficult to program, but how about health regeneration connected to the blight? I know it's basic stuff because it's the default thing for the Undead, but then again it's better then nothing, right?

Other then these two things, I'm totally happy with the game. Keep up the good work :thumbs_up: .
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
Last Test: November 9, 2009
Good Points +
+ Heroes are rather fun, I appreciate the spell book system and the learning system.
+ Crafters are challenging, to be honest I still don't understand how to play them but I do know you need 1-2 of each.
+ From what I've seen as a hero there are a few weapons, but most of them have Orb Effects, which do not stack =(.
+ A few secret quests, I never did them though, but someone who played before did.
Decent Points +/-
- Only 3 combat heroes, a Tank, a DPS, and a Healer.
- Crafter's should not be played by newbies.
- Not a lot of Spells to teach, I basically got the Make Pot ability for the heck of it.
Bad Points -
- If your a newb you have no idea what your doing, I didn't see any Tutorial and I didn't have time to look since the "pros" were forcing us to run amok to find stuff... I never did = /.
- Being a Combat hero is booooooring, there is hardly anything to do then to protect the squishy crafters, maybe add a Trade skill system?
- Without a cleric your SCREWED, I had a level 20 Defender with 4 shields of honor (aprox. 87% damage resistance if memory serves), the cleric left and I died faster then a fat guy eating cake.
- Levels (from what I saw) do absolutely nothing except maybe adding +2 stats, the spells are powerful, but gaining levels seems to do nothing [several RPG's has a +stat increase skill per level].

Rating: 4/5
Yes, the bad points need to be worked on, but from my experiences in Terrania, it was an enjoyable game once you understand what your doing.

Suggestions? :
- Perhaps add more Combat Heroes, there simply is not enough for everyone to enjoy, although I am sure you have heard this before = / . I would suggest not using Cliche heroes like "mage" or "archer" but maybe add a little spin-off to it.

- The Crafters have a 500 attack range, I even saw one guy pick up 6 weapons and kicked more butt then I did [even a defender should be able to kill something on occasion, even though he focuses on.... defending].

- Maybe do something like what Defiance's and other RPG's do, when a hero hits a certain level he gets an ability in his spell book, since levels seem to do nothing.

Anyway, good job on your map =D
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Well looking at all these good reviews I've come to realize that mine would look like an epic failure in comparison, so I'll just say this: it's quite repetitive, I was minimized most of my first game and didn't really need to be around even as healer.

On the description, the plural version of "hero" is "heroes," not "hero's."
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
This map's fine, but I think it's somewhat overhyped. It's mostly a "do this or you suck" game. It has potential, however, and it's pretty cool. Perhaps you should make the terrain better. I rate it 4/5
Level 17
Jul 16, 2007
Very entertaining map! i played it online like crazy for 3 hours with a pro team! :D.
very addictive..!!! good job! bthw, fighter - WIN! :D
anyhow, u should make more items when players explore. :p exploration gets boring after a while.. :D
thanks for making this map! :D
+ rep
Level 2
Aug 4, 2009
There is one idea From me... And its recommended i think...

Need a class named Caster, :spell_breaker: so he will be the DPS with magics...
there is just strenght, (tank) agi (dps) and a cleric (int) it is not enough, We need a Magician who controls the power of Magic... Elements,
Then Everyone will be happy Who is like me (Likes magician classes)
but don't forget to put unique spells like in every class (well don't put a spell named firebolt and it stuns 2 sec) :xxd::xxd: You know what to do, and i gave my idea. Thanks :cute:

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Wow you banned my main WC3 account from playing in this map?

Say hello to DrSuperGoodn+1 hahaha, or maybe not.
Ill just release a 12 player multiplayer max rank code generator map again, I feel depressed that I have to resort to this kind of thing instead of having fun playing and enjoying your map. Honestly I was looking foward to a nice game with my brother as BS and then I find my self kicked by unefficent GUI triggering. Who is the real spoilsport here, cetainly not me.

Honestly concentrate on making the map and not insulting / degrading players who like the map.
Level 6
Aug 26, 2009
Wow you banned my main WC3 account from playing in this map?

Say hello to DrSuperGoodn+1 hahaha, or maybe not.
Ill just release a 12 player multiplayer max rank code generator map again, I feel depressed that I have to resort to this kind of thing instead of having fun playing and enjoying your map. Honestly I was looking foward to a nice game with my brother as BS and then I find my self kicked by unefficent GUI triggering. Who is the real spoilsport here, cetainly not me.

Honestly concentrate on making the map and not insulting / degrading players who like the map.

actually it's useless that you post it here, you can also pm him

2. why noone answers on my question?
Level 5
Jul 27, 2009
@Menag: Read the first few posts. This question has been asked 2 times and answered 2 times.

@Dr Super Good: I don't like cheaters because it's not fair to other players who fight for a higher save code as intended in my map. So you go ahead and show off your hacking skills. People like you destroy the will of map makers but on this website you are worshipped for it.

http://terrania.freeforums.org for Terrania talks cuz I dislike this website.
Level 3
May 19, 2009
Then don't post here :p
dont use my name!!(signature) XD anyway at least u used it on something cool! :p anyway il say what i came here to say i wana say i tried this map fullhouse!! on garena we barely killed satyrs cuz we were forced to kill 3 of our ppl for stealing items and destroying stuff having in mind like 6 ppl left(idk exactly how much) only 2 healers 1 defender and one fighter (counting the other 3) remained :D anyway i wana say this is an gj map i dont c anything negative yet.....at least not anything i can blame this map about....5/5 suggestion:make defender model to be like defence of utagroth captain since he can actually hit whit the shield it would look better than the actual model
Level 1
Oct 2, 2009
Awesome UPDATES ! KEep em' comin~ Btw, u forgot to fix the fighter's freeze bug which will happen when u reach lv20 while doing spin atk in "base". >_>

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
After testing, I have to say you seemed to have ruined the maps ballence totally for the final wave (all other waves are perfectly fine).

The final wave can only be called "rigged" now. I mean whos crazy idea was it to make them totally spell immune? I would not mind a 50% reduction or immunity to curses/the aura but its just stupid that they are 100% spell immune. The result is that now towers of any form are usless (they can not even attack them anymore) meaning its far better to build more walls as atleast you can abuse pathing then. The fighter is near usless in the final wave (all AoE damage spells dont work and they can not really melee when surrounded by strong units without shield). The defender can not even really tank as they are immune to all his tanking spells.

Yes it is probably quite possible the final wave if you have generated a vast army of rigged gear like crystal armor (not sure if it exists still but the game I played did not have any) and crystal swords but it literally has made the builder and botinist totally usless for any support at that round. I strongly advise removing their total spell immunity and instead giving them a 50%-75% reduction or resistant skin. Yes they were too strong in the old versions but that is no reason to make them totally usless.

Alternitvly you could try varying the final wave, so only some of the spawned units are spell immune while others are immune to everything but spells. This would mean that a well ballenced team is needed as a pure physical team can not really fight them while relying only on towers is impossible as some are magic immune.

Also the explination of the final wave's spell immunity made little sense. You only described the ward plants and towers, not the actual abilites of heroes which one would assume to work fine (but do not as they are spell immune). If you must keep them totally spell immune I advise stating that "The spawns of this wave are made of magical rock and thus are completly magic immune, additionally this means the magic guiding ward plants is unable to target them." as the current one is ambigious and I do not think is even propper grammar.
Level 2
Feb 13, 2010
^My friends and I beat version 0.50 4 times, and version 0,53 1 time.
So it is not impossible. It is just hard for beginners, because as you figured out, you need at least some crystal swords to do enough damage to beat the wave with the magic imune foes.

So for all beginners who doesnt have at least 200 xp, and cant find any pro crafters, is best to play terrania 0.32.

If you dont believe me, well here I give you some spoilers:

The magic imune wave isnt the last wave! After them you have to face the last wave, and they arent magic imune. If you protected all your ward plants and lamps, its pretty easy to beat them.
And if you finally cure the boss you gain not just 25 xp like in previous versions, you get 50xp :D!
I got approx 100 xp for each successful game!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Improves your skills and stats. Is saved between games via load code.

I am aware the immune wave is possible with crystal armor and swords, but that still does not mean it is not rigged. Thus I stand ground with magic resistant wave but not magic immune (50-70% magic reduction). It will still mean physicals the easiest way to kill but it will also mean that magic is not totally usless.
Level 7
Apr 3, 2009
Reply to previous post:

I was the guy who hosted that game :) Sorry about any misunderstanding. I was specifically trying a strategy to get feedback to the author, so thus we were trying a 3 only crafter group with full house to see how far we could go. In reality, I downloaded this game and was so impressed with it I actually sought out the creator to give direct feedback and state how much I enjoyed it. I've only known the creator for 3 days or so :)


The only way I can describe this is a combination of the Hero Defense Genre and the recipe Genre (Island Troll Tribes). You have 6 classes to choose from. The combat based ones take the same trinity roles found commonly in MMORPGs. Tank, Damage, Healing. By taking this tried and true set of roles and implementing it into the game, each person can easily understand what the intended role is from the first moment. On terms of the crafter classes, the botanist grows resources that the builder and blacksmith use to create buildings and items respectively.

Between the two groups of heros, they have their own synergy. The combat heros want to defend the town and crafters so they can provide greater items and abilities to the combat heros, allowing them to defend better.

The game has 6 waves, involving creatures attacking from multiple sides of the town allowing for dynamic gameplay and reaction from the combat heros. The better they react and defend the town, the better circumstances the crafters have to create the items and buildings that will assist the heroes further.

When a boss of a wave is defeated, the team has 4 minutes of calmness to explore nearby lands, complete quests, scavenge for unique crafting items or place sight plants for reconnaissance in the upcoming waves. This shifts up gameplay from "Chaos reaction" mechanics to "stable preparation" mechanics. A relatable feeling is Actraiser on the original Super Nintendo. You had a calm time where you build the city, and an action period where you went down and faced the hordes.

Pros and Cons:

Good qualities:
1. This game is challenging, something lacking in many games in WC3 custom today.
2. Requires teamwork instead of cooperation. By nature of the roles, the team will do better if everyone focuses on their role in a team instead of being the "best".
3. Rewards skill by allowing you save your rank points at the halfway point of the game. (Appaharhently gives a bonus for those who can manage to complete it)
4. Characters have a wide variety of skills (10-11)
5. Crafting teamwork is encouraged by recipes requiring items created by multiple crafters
5. -save system to allow rank points to go across game sessions
6. -repick all game, with penalty of restarting at lvl 1. This also is part of the death mechanic

Current issues:
1. The learning curve is high. This is due to part of the complexity of the game or the challenge of it.
2. EDIT - Tooltips/hotkeys implemented in .32 --- No need to complain now
3. The CORE qualities that make this game great are not for everyone. Some people just don't like high challenge or teamwork games. (No problem persay, just a sincere thought)
4. Due to the difficulty of the game, certain compositions are more efficient than others. A lack of "Group placement" in the wait room could confuse people who want to play a class that's not efficient for the group.

In light of the above points, I feel that this game has incredible "core" qualities but in it's infancy (it's 1 week into open beta, and it's creation time period was 3 weeks) it has a ways to go. Between the .015 patch and the .022 patch there is obvious improvements that show the creator is listening to those who play the game. So it should progress well. I'd consider many of the cons temporary in that case.

Final thoughts:

I'll have to admit this is the one of the best, if not the best game I've enjoyed in WC3 custom maps scene. I'll give it a 5/5 sincerely. Not many games have me actually SEEK the creator afterward to discuss with him how good it truly is. Heck, I made an account here to give it an honest comment.

Reply to previous post? Uh. . . I recall something called "Quote".
Level 1
Mar 13, 2010
hey, im playing this map a lot last time, but i cant find sort off many things that i dont know, as how repair the dragon sword or what do whit the 3 tool part :S
also where to find gold ore

i forgot to say what was i about to say: this map kick ass
Level 2
Feb 13, 2010
I never last longer then faceless void wave.... only reach lv 20.. i was wondering..Is there any new skill for botanist other then the lv 5-7 ward plant?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
There is a mass produce potions ability. Which auto combines all life pots, mana points, mana plants and life plants in the area into as many life potions as possible. Excess is left on the ground so you will receive mana pots or life pots if there is decreapency in numbers. Using this ability can get you 100s of power potions very easilly.

This ability is a rank based ability as well as a level based ability. You should have it by level 20 if your rank is high enough.
Level 2
Feb 13, 2010
then how about the ranking of the EXP?? i only reach 145.. only +4 stats and 20 ms

and wat is the lvl required for repairing the shield and dragon sword ( strange part tool also )

the gold ore... is LOOT item or Made by builder/bs ??

Is is possible.. to change the hotkey for stone in the school?
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