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[Card Game] Battle of the Two Kingdoms

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Level 6
Jan 8, 2010
So far, there are so few cards that this is not a playable game. Mechanics are still being finished!

Battle of the Two Kingdoms is a card game in Warcraft 3 that takes inspiration from Hearthstone, Gwent (kind of, maybe. I've never played it or seen it :p), Faeria and MTG.
The game is played by use of a Cursor and Act buttons. Each card has an Act button, available only on your turn. Further, cards are played via their Act button. Movement calls and attacking targets are decided based on where the player's cursor (unit) is.

General Play Rules:
  • Players begin the game with 50 Health.
  • Decks consist of 32 cards, which are drafted at the start of the game.
  • There are 5 Types of cards: Buildings, Shields, Frontline, Backline and Events.
  • Each card has a specific tile it may be played on.
  • Any frontline and backline soldiers may attack, or move to a tile that they could originally be played on each turn.
  • Each card as a Gold cost and Provisions cost. Gold is accumulated and kept across turns, whereas Provisions can not. A card's provision consumption is the cost that this card takes each turn to stay alive. If a card can no longer be supported by its owner's provisions, the card will be killed.

Card Type Rules:
  • Buildings may be played on only the two Building tiles. Buildings provide either Provisions for an army or Gold to hire units.
  • Shields may be played only in the single Shield tile. Shields typically do not have an attack value, and instead block damage for your hero. Most Shields have special effects.
  • Frontline soldiers may only be played in the 3 Frontline tiles. Frontliners can directly attack any tile on the board, so long as there is not an opposing Frontline solider in front of them. Frontliners may also be played in the Shield slot, but may not attack from said position, only block for your Hero.
  • Backline soldiers may be played in any of the four Backline tiles. Backline soldiers are typically understatted in Defense, but can attack any tile regardless of Frontline soldiers.
  • Events are essentially spells, castable on your turn so long as you can pay their play cost in gold. Effects vary.
Current Card List:
Cards follow the format (Gold Cost/Provisions Cost) Card Name (Attack/Defense): Effect

  1. (0) Tax Collection Office (50): Provides 2 Gold per turn. Upgradable to 5/10.
  2. (0) Farm (50): Provides 50 Provisions. Upgradable to 75.
  3. (0) Ranch (50): Provides 25 Provisions. Upgradable to 60, 85.

  1. (10) Siege Tank (6): Deal 40 Damage to target building.

  1. (0/5) Poorly Trained solider (1/3): None


Level 6
Jan 8, 2010
Still a long ways off of being a full game. I've finished Frontline combat, I think. Next is backline then building functions. Finally, shield and then it's just adding more cards! I already have an idea for an expansion :p But that'll be a while yet.
Level 6
Jan 8, 2010
Update: While working on the map in WE, I tried to save and it wouldnt allow it. I closed WE, opened it and it would not let me open the file. So I restarted my computer, and the file is just gone. Luckily, I have uploaded it on ENT. Unfortunately, I can't join the game when the bot hosts it... So the file is lost to wind. My last hope is reverting to 1.27 and joining the bot via LAN.

Here's hoping.
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