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War-craft-3! - Card game

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Level 5
Aug 5, 2010

Map By ZeusLT





for support
for support, awesome suggestions and card ideas
for card ideas
for card ideas
for card ideas
for ideas
for support, ideas on early map dev stage
-Drunken_Jackal aka Blindman
for great ideas, support, card ideas
for support and ideas
-AL0NE a.k.a. PrO_SoZaI
for support
for support
for support
for awesome card ideas


for all the default models.

for card models.



Map Info:
Players -10 [2 players and 8 watchers]
Maps size - 64x64
Playable Map Size: 52x52
Tileset: Custom
Type: Strategy
Loading Screen - one from defaults (for now)

Map Description:

Ever heard of "Yu-Gi-Oh!"? So this is it's analog version in warcraft.
It have same rules. 5 monsters, spells fields for each player and 7 card slots in hand for both players. You can summon a monster in "face up attack position" or "flip summon defense position". You can use or flip summon a spell/trap cards too. Monster can attack other monsters. Monsters cannot attack while hes in defense position. When there are none monsters guarding player, you can attack him directly.

Monsters HP represents ATT points and MP - DEF points.

If monster attack another monster which is in attack position:
-If your monsters ATT is HIGHER than another monsters ATT - another monster will be destroyed and its player will get damaged.
-If your monsters ATT is LOWER than another monsters ATT - your monster will be destroyed and you will get damaged.
-If your monsters ATT is EQUAL to another monsters ATT - both monster will get destroyed and no damaged will be taken.

If monster attack another monster which is in defense position:
-If your monsters ATT is HIGHER than another monsters DEF - another monster will be destroyed and its player will NOT get damaged.
-If your monsters ATT is LOWER than another monsters DEF - your monster will be destroyed and you will get damaged.
-If your monsters ATT is EQUAL to another monsters DEF - nothing will happen.

If monster attack another monster which is in flip, defense position:
-If your monsters ATT is HIGHER than another monsters DEF - another monster will be destroyed and its player will NOT get damaged.
-If your monsters ATT is LOWER than another monsters DEF - you will get damaged.
-If your monsters ATT is EQUAL to another monsters DEF - nothing will happen.


"-music <name>" - plays selected music.
names - shrooms, like a bauss.

"-music stop" - stops music.

"-help" - shows available commands

"-cam top" - sets cam to top field
"-cam reset" - resets camera

hit ESC for menu.

In menu you can swap with other player positions, end turn, surrender, play with cameras.







Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Other Info:

Current version uploaded - v1.3.1
Version working on - v1.3.5
Versions 1.3.2-4 are bug fixes/new systems.
Little info on how version digits should be encoded.
vX.Y.Z - x, mega huge update, y, big update, z, bug/hot fixes/small systems/added cards. v - shortened of version :D
Currently working on - more cards and custom decks system
Requires at least 2 players! No bot AI yet.
Other players cant see your cards including watchers.
Pictures doesn't represent everything at 100%. Later I'll try to make a video.
Game is not finished yet.
May have some bugs. If you find one, post here.
Multiplayer only! for now

9 type of monsters - more to come
1 spell - tornado. instantly screws picked unit.
0 traps...

I'll add more units/spells/traps. Open for suggestions.

Added spell block card.
Changed avatar from shade to villager. (place holder.. ill make it choose able)

Made possible to flip summon spells cards to field.
Made possible to flip summon monster cards to field.

finished attack/summon/defend systems and started Computer AI

Attacking/summoning/drawing card systems are done

OKay.. A really basic AI is implanted.... and honestly I played against it and lost 2 times in a row..

Started making of customizable decks. There will be open field with all the available monster and cards. You will be able to select it and add to your deck. There will be more open fields for both player decks, they will be able to manage their decks.

Thinking of deck load codes.

Improved triggers and added those 4 Amphibianiod cards. Enabled tornado card.
Almost finished custom decks.

Kind off finished my custom decks system. All is left to limit number of cards picked. But now only 10 card types .. so .. it will have to wait.

Triggers reworked so now easy to add card.

Download: http://war-craft-3.weebly.com/uploads/6/5/0/9/6509584/war-craft-3_v1.3.1.w3x
Latest version : 1.3.1

1. Select your card in you deck ( you get pointed at start to your deck)
2. Select - "replace with" and target unit type at last deck ( 10 card only now)
3. build your deck how you want you got 120 sec.
4. select your player and hit "Ready"
5. if you wont hit ready then current deck will save and you will play with it.

------------------------------ Who plays on eurobattle.net contact me, acc - ZeusLT

DOWNLOAD - http://war-craft-3.weebly.com/uploads/6/5/0/9/6509584/war-craft-3_v1.3.1.w3x


Last Update:

This map is Yu-GI-Oh!-ish warcraft 3 card game. All rules are the same or similar.


Guys, what can card effect?

Both players
single monster
multiple monsters
spell/trap card
flipped spell/trap card
flip summons
graveyard monsters
field slot (??? not sure if ill add this)

What effect can do to target?

change monsters attack points
change monster defense points
flip flipped card + remove effect
switch monster to defense position
Change player hp
revive monster
remove from play monster
destroy monster
destroy spell/trap card
block/unblock field slot(????)
tribute summon
fusion summon

Guys help me out, If I missed something write it here.

___________CARD IDEAS <====_________________

What mostly I need to get ideas for cards. Spell cards, monster cards, trap cards. I want to gather as much as possible. Icon and model would be nice! have idea? Post like this in this thread:

Type: <Monster(if monster then tell me its type like - Fire/water/earth/dark/light/demon/zombie/dragon/beast/warrior/summon and does it cost any tribute to summon), spell card, trap card, fusion>
Icon: <link to icon> (would be nice to have a image with / tags)
Model: <link to model>
Description: <Description of effect, damage, defense, what ever there is>
Extra info: <have back story? awesome>


Name: Berserk
Type: Spell card

Model: Target model - Berserk one from game already, card model - .. don't know ..
Description: Allows target monster of any type to attack twice a turn. Max 1 card per deck.
Extra info: Blood flows faster, rage in the eyes, wait for a trouble. :D


Also, if you know any sounds that would fit this map, for example, "oh noooo", "haha you fell into my traps" "I summon face down" or anything like sound effect when spawning a monster or other cards.

___________LOADING SCREEN_________________

And loading screen. O_O I now imagine some masterpiece of yours guys. Some Crazy looking monster with axe, bloody axe. Want to have your drawings to be noticed or something, give me, I'll give credits everyone and everywhere. Even in tool tips/quest tab/in loading screen with big letters for creator of it.

_______________Custom UI____________________

Want to make a a custom UI for me? would be double awesome as custom tiles, tho I'm not an artist or something so I can't imagine how would it look!

______________Custom tiles___________________

Can make custom tiles? Awesome! I need custom tiles, but sadly don't know what exactly I want whit that, I know it will look awesome and current ones are too mainstream.

___________MORE INFO_______________________

There are there normal cards:

Monster cards:
  • can be Normal summoned
  • can be Flip summoned and can have effect on flip summon
    • can be switched to Attack position
    • can be switched to Defense position
  • can have effect which:
    • is always working (doesn't work when it is flip summoned)
    • works on your turn
    • works on enemy turn
    • works once on player desired time (press on ability to use effect)
    • works n times on player desired time (press on ability to use effect)

Spell cards:
  • can be Normal summoned + effect
  • can be Flip summoned

    effect can:
    • always working (doesn't work when it is flip summoned)
    • work on your turn
    • work on enemy turn
    • work once on player desired time (press on ability to use effect)
    • work n times on player desired time (press on ability to use effect)
    • work on special event: specific card is drawn from your deck; specific card is used; when player gain health points; when any monster is destroyed; when specific monster is destroyed;

Trap Cards:
  • can be Normal Summoned
  • can be Flip summoned
effect works when flipped (from flip position). For example, when effect can be used it can unflip, and effect be used.
If card is normal summoned: effect works on specific event: monster is summoned; card is placed on field; monster card is unflipped...

And there are special cards:

Fusion summon:
  • Tribute cards needed for fusion monster, from field or from hands.
  • Can do everything what normal monster card do. Just fusions used to be strong in some ways.
Tribute summon:
  • Tribute any monster cards from field to summon a stronger monster.
  • It is as normal monster card just stronger in one or another way.

Monsters have stars. Stars shows monster level.
There are monsters 1 - 12 stars.
Stars effect game style. for example, some spell cards district use of some level of cards.
Level 1-4 monsters can be summoned without any tribute summon.
Cards with more than 4 stars require tribute summon. 5-6stars - 1 monster from field; 7-9 stars - 2 monsters from field;
Level 12 cards are super imbah, so lets just don't make any of those yet ^^

PS: I have written everything from my head so there might be few flaws. you can suggest new game play ideas as well.

A common rule is that Level 3 and lower monsters generally have less than 1700 ATK, Level 4 monsters have less than 2000 ATK, Level 5 monsters have less than 2500 ATK, Level 7 and Level 8 monsters have less than 3000 ATK, Level 9, Level 10s have less than 4000 ATK and Level 11 to 12 have less than 5000 ATK. Usually monsters that break this rule have penalties or special conditions, although this trend is broken by a few cards.

Level 7 and 8 monsters are generally considered the most powerful monsters that may be reliably summoned and are usually the trump cards for whatever deck uses them. Anything higher often has extraordinary, overpowering effects or sheer ATK value, but they are also usually restricted in some other way, such as not being able to be re-summoned from the Graveyard, or stringent summoning conditions, like the Sacred Beast. A few even have paralyzing weaknesses to balance out their power, such as the "Earthbound Immortal", who all have a common effect of destroying themselves if there is no Field Spell Card on the field.

Anything you help with is very valuable to me. You will be noted in credits.

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Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Oh yes it's this game again, thanks for bringing it back into Development:)
I love it so much lol, it gets addicting easily.

PS: I was referring to the name of the game, I heard of it somewhere before...
But anyways, this version looks rather unique, hope to see the progress!
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
For monster cards:

I made dummy units, they can't move and they floats in air. One for hand models and other the same for field. Hand units have permanent invisibility and summon skill. Field units have attack skill, HP and MP represents ATT and DEF points they also have "switch to defense position" skill.

Triggers sets spawn location for hands/field. I made draw card trigger which spawns dummy unit.

When summon skill is used it removes casting unit and crates field unit.

Similar with spell cards. just check triggers
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
How about some Racial Card system? Like, when all the creatures of the same race are on the field, give some bonus to them, etc.
Level 4
Aug 3, 2009
For spell and trap card, did you creat counter spell?
For example, your monster attack an opponent monster but he is weaker. So you use a trap to increase the attack power of your monster. But the opponent use a counterspell (or countertrap) to cancel the effect of your trap.

It may increase the strategic side of the game and prevent the misuse of certain powerful cards.

Some ideas for card :
Equipment to increase charateristic of monster.
Enchantment (like magic the gathering) or magic continuous spell (like Yu-gi-ho) like : Your monsters gain +100 in attack power, when a card go to the graveyar (if the graveyar exist), his owner takes damage...
Trap : classic trap, destroy the attacking monster...
Defensive trap : Increase the defense of your creature, prevent damage for this turn...
Curse trap : if a monster attack your life point, your opponent take the same amount of damage or the attack of cursed monster decrease each turn.

I play card game since quite a few years, I have many ideas of cards^^.
I follow the progress and good luck with your project!
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
omg! Thanks for support! I will try to make as much as possible cards and if you would write down exact card ideas I will surely implant them.

@ Vincent-64

Awesome ideas. I'll use some of them.

@ Miss_Foxy :
"How about some Racial Card system? Like, when all the creatures of the same race are on the field, give some bonus to them, etc. "

Sure will.

I just don't want the game to become imbalanced...
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Well what card kinds are there?
Maybe play some TCG Warcraft 3 games and learn from them especially Magic the Gathering.
Also, customizable decks would be nice, selectable character models, city with different bots to fight, bosses, card sets (Like the Elemental Heroes in Yu-Gi-Oh!).
Also, maybe make the life points different. Try thinking up something original. Maybe something like Hearts or something else similar which when a direct attack is laid, its subtracted by one. When there are none, then you/enemy lose.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
Well there are no types so far (if you talk about elemental/warrior/magician or something).
Maybe I'll use warcraftish races as types.

Added spell block card.
Changed avatar from shade to villager. (place holder.. ill make it choose able)

Made possible to flip summon spells cards to field.
Made possible to flip summon monster cards to field.
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Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
I have played this game, and it's quite good. Actually it's excellent :p
But since that was long time ago, I don't remember some stuff. Like, since it's based on Yu-Gi-Oh, does it have Ritual or Fusion Monsters? If not change it pl0x :D
Will think of some ideas and post here if I get one.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
A lot of conditions and actions added, but everything works now... Map will require shitload more crap in triggers if you will want to add more cards.

AI is almost finished. After AI I'll start fixing/removing/improving triggers.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
Attacking/summoning/drawing card systems are done. Now I need to make/fix - effects/messages/filters/floating texts.

Computer AI is under construction.

No I will not change style of the duel, for now. That would take a lot of time to make if you are talking about monsters move to other monster and attack each other. Would be nice tho... But I like current style.
Level 4
Aug 3, 2009
Can you increase the movement speed of the shuriken when a monster attack?
It is a bit long when you attack the life point.

Change the model of projectile when a creature attack.
An archer use arrows, a knight or a footman throw a sword. It is more realistic^^.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
still working on AI. when AI finished I'll need to fix spells because they aren't working properly.

Ill upload current version. AI and spells are disabled for now because causes bugs.
(spell card are just not drawn and AI trigger is disabled)
You can check triggers if you want to (AI isn't finished and almost isn't working at all same with spell block card trigger).


Also Play Again triggers doesn't work properly (totally bugged or not even finished :D)
haven't tried to fix them yet.

DOWNLOAD : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=y64kyd
Latest file - war-craft-3! v1.2.0.w3x
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
About the Play Again thing, there's a game called Age Of Myths that uses that system too, maybe you could check how to make a leakless one there.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
Oh yes it's this game again, thanks for bringing it back into Development:)
I love it so much lol, it gets addicting easily.

PS: I was referring to the name of the game, I heard of it somewhere before...
But anyways, this version looks rather unique, hope to see the progress!

About the Play Again thing, there's a game called Age Of Myths that uses that system too, maybe you could check how to make a leakless one there.

I haven't copied or used any other system or trigger or spell or idea. I just thought of it and made it. So I don't know what are you talking about :goblin_jawdrop: . and I have only hosted few times really early beta version of it on eurobattle.net..

Anyway, AI is now my primary target. Thanks for support.

And I'm not pro pro on catching leaks. I'll try to look through them.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
Now It's pure luck :D

Who gets more knights - wins! :D


!!!!!!!!!!!! GUYS & LADIES !!!!!!!!!!!!
!! Need ideas for monster cards..!!
!! Somewhere around 30 cards...!!

Would be nice if submit suggestion in this form:

Name: Ancient Wagingoo
Model: Wandingoo
ATT pts : 830
DEF pts : 600
Effect : none (mostly without effect(ability))

And for further spell cards... there will be something like "United team work" or smth, that will increase ATT/DEF points of Footmans and Bowmans. You can make groups of same race/element and suggest similar spell or even groups of flying/ground units. I'm out of imagination so I relay on you guys.
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Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Model: Mur'gul Cliffruner
Name: Amphibianiod Fisherman
ATT pts : 400
DEF pts : 150
Effect : Fishing - Deals extra damage to fish monsters if this card has an Amphibian Token. (Tokens are kinda like counters in Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Model: Mur'gul Bloodgill
Name: Amphibianiod Hunter
ATT pts : 650
DEF pts : 230
Effect : Amphibious - Water damage is lowered by 100 for every Amphibian Token on this card.

Model: Mur'gul Tidewarrior
Name: Amphibianiod Tide Rider
ATT pts : 650
DEF pts : 500
Effect : Power of the Tides - Lowers attack damage of all monsters in the field by removing any amount of Amphibian Tokens on this card, and the ATT is lowered by Number of Tokens X 100.

Model: Mur'gul Snarecaster
Name: Amphibianiod Mage
ATT pts : 800
DEF pts : 600
Effect : Tribute Blast - By tributing a monster, destroy one of your opponents monsters with lower ATT points than the DEF points of the monster

More to come.
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Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
Started making of customizable decks. There will be open field with all the available monster and cards. You will be able to select it and add to your deck. There will be more open fields for both player decks, they will be able to manage their decks.

Thinking of deck load codes.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2010
Kind off finished my custom decks system. All is left to limit number of cards picked. But now only 10 card types .. so .. it will have to wait.

Triggers reworked so now easy to add card.

Download: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=y64kyd
Latest version : 1.3.1

1. Select your card in you deck ( you get pointed at start to your deck)
2. Select - "replace with" and target unit type at last deck ( 10 card only now)
3. build your deck how you want you got 120 sec.
4. select your player and hit "Ready"
5. if you wont hit ready then current deck will save and you will play with it.

------------------------------ Who plays on eurobattle.net contact me, acc - ZeusLT
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