WC3 Duel monsters Recruiting...

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Level 5
Nov 10, 2009
WC3 Duel Monsters

By Darkshooter1986

  • Map Terrain: Currently using a basic design for the game floor.
  • Triggering: In progress. Redesigning each trigger and testing as I go along. Will Update ASAP when I have more to report...
  • Card Database: Using Standard WC3 Units, animations and such to Create a variety of Monster, Spell, and Trap Cards/units... Will Update as necessary...
  • Overall Progress: 10% Completed - Nothing as far as Map or Screenshots or Videos To post yet but Will update ASAP. Will be posting in Map Development soon as I got a Basic Map Completed.

Currently Developing New Ideas For WC3 Duel Monsters Cards. If you would like to share ideas, here is the criteria for what I Need...

  • Normal Monster Cards: These are monsters that are basically without special powers or effects. When submitting an Idea for a "Normal Monster" card, I'm looking for Title (as in name of Monster "E.g: Dwarven Sharpshooter", an element(Dark, Light, Divine, Fire, Earth, Water, Wind) or type of monster (Beast, Mechanical, Humanoid), Level, Attack/Defense points, and Card Description Text (a background to the cards history or story)...
  • Effect Monster Cards: In addition to what I am looking for in normal monsters, add What kind of effect a "Effect Monster" should have. What triggers it and what happens when it is triggered?...
  • Fusion Monsters: In addition to the type of cards above, Think about creating 2 similar monsters to form an even more powerful one with upgraded ATK/DEF points, Effects, etc...
  • Spells and Field spells: Spell cards - Sell cards are magic that can either Defend, power up or upgrade a monster or gameplay in some way. Think Quick play (Can be played on either player's Turn To Negate, Defend against, or Destroy attacking monsters or even Disable spells or traps. More commonly in the game of yugioh TCG, some can even revive monsters from the grave or remove an opponent's monster from play). Field Spells - Adds an extra boost to a player's game play weither it be adding atk/def to a type of monster or series of monsters with certain attributes.
  • Traps: Similar to Spell card abilities, but can only be set on a players turn and cannot be activated on same turn unless triggered by a player's Monster's Special ability.

Currently Still working on this project, Will be checking this post daily.. Until next time. Happy map making Hive Friends...
Level 6
Mar 9, 2013

There are not a lot of card games on Battle.net. IMO, They are fun to play, but not very popular since almost nobody plays them (most stick to DotA and stuff). It would be great to have someone make a card game that will become popular. Anyway, here's my ideas. (note that anything i say here is just a suggestion, and can be changed by you.)

Basic Monsters:
Explanation of stats:
Name: The name of the creature.
Model: The visual appearance of the creature in-game. Any attachments are also put here.
Element/Monster type: The element the creature posesses, and the race of the creature.
Level: The monster's general power on a scale from 1-10, in comparison to all monsters
Attack: The attack power of the creature on a scale from 1-10 in comparison to monsters of the same level.
Defense: The defensive power of the creature on a scale from 1-10 in comparison to monsters of the same level.
Attributes: Small passive abilities which the creature has.
Abilities: Special abilities a creature can use when a card is played, or an event happens. Most abilities have a special 'Seal' which is set to the ability. Certain spell cards also have 'seals'. When you use a spell card with the same 'seal' as one of the creature's abilities on that creature, that creature will use that ability. When a card with a seal is played on a unit with multiple uses for that seal, you can only choose one.
Special: Special information about the creature, such as whether or not the creature is a fusion.
Description: A brief introduction/lore of the creature.

1 Name: Kobold Warrior
Model: level 3 Kobold
Element/Monster type: Earth/Humanoid
Level: 1 or 2
Attack: 6
Defense: 5
Attributes: None
Abilities: None
Special: None
Description: Simple Kobolds from the tribes are given weapons and rallied to war.

2 Name: Lesser Earth Elemental
Model: Mud Golem
Element/Monster type: Earth/Elemental
Level: 1 or 2
Attack: 5
Defense: 8
Attributes: Armored (receives less damage from physical attacks)
Abilities: None
Special: None
Description: Stones reanimated by a geomancer, now ready to fight for its summoner.

3 Name: Kobold Geomancer
Model: Kobold Geomancer
Element/Monster type: Earth/Humanoid
Level: 3 or 4
Attack: 6
Defense: 5
Attributes: Ranged (fights with ranged attacks), Absorb Earth (when a seal of Earth is activated on this unit, it gains a bonus to damage resistance)
Abilities: Animate Earth (summons a Lesser Earth elemental, which lasts for several turns. Summoned units can not be used for fusions. This ability has the seal of Earth.)
Special: This unit is a fusion of the Lesser Earth Elemental card and the Kobold Warrior card.
Description: A kobold wizard which has learned basic earth magic.

4 Name: Dwarf
Model: Mountain King (small scaling)
Element/Monster type: Earth/Humanoid
Level: 1 or 2
Attack: 7
Defense: 7
Attributes: Armored
Abilities: Enrage (when health is below 50%, the Dwarf deals 50% more damage with physical attacks)
Special: None
Description: An angry Dwarf from the Bastions in the mountains. They are often drunk.

5 Name: Mountain King
Model: Mountain King (large scaling)
Element/Monster type: Earth/Humanoid
Level: 4
Attack: 6
Defense: 8
Attributes: Armored, Absorb Earth
Abilities: Enrage, Charge (when used, next attack deals extra damage and stuns the enemy. This ability has the seal of War.)
Special: this card is a fusion of the Dwarf card and the Lesser Earth Elemental card.
Description: Each Dwarven clan has a Mountain king as highest leader. This is one of them.

6 Name: Earth Elemental
Model: Rock Golem
Element/Monster type: Earth/Elemental
Level: 5
Attack: 4
Defense: 8
Attributes: Armored, Bash (each attack has a small chance of stunning the attacked unit.
Abilities: Boulder (deals high damage from range. this ability has the seal of Earth.)
Special: None
Description: A larger Earth Elemental animated by more powerful geomancers from a single piece of stone.

7 Name: Avatar
Model: Mountain King (large scaling, stoneform (avatar), grey tint)
Element/ Monster type: Earth/Humanoid
Level: 8
Attack: 6
Defense: 8
Attributes: Armored, Bash, Absorb Earth
Abilities: Enrage, Charge, Boulder
Special: This unit is a Fusion of the Fusion creature Mountain king and the Rock Golem.
Description: Certain mountain kings become one with the earth and learn its ways. These Half-dwarf-half-elementals call themselves the Avatars.

8 Name: Spirit of Wind
Model: Tornado (small scaling)
Element/ Monster type: Wind/Elemental
Level: 3
Attack: 3
Defense: 7
Attributes: Evasion (gives this unit a chance to evade attacks), Awaken Storm (this unit moves and attacks faster if a seal of Wind is activated on it)
Abilities: None
Special: None
Description: An enraged spirit of wind which travels around the world in search of energy.

9 Name: Spirit of Storms
Model: Tornado (medium scaling, Lightning Shield attached)
Element/ Monster type: Wind/Elemental
Level: 5
Attack: 4
Defense: 7
Attributes: Evasion, Awaken Storm
Abilities: Storm Bolt (deals damage and stuns the enemy. This ability has the seal of Wind.)
Special: this unit is a fusion of two Spirits of Wind.
Description: When several Spirits of wind collide, they form together and share their power.

10 Name: Thunder King
Model: Mountain King (very large scaling, stoneform(avatar), grey tint, lightning bolts (shaman attack) attached to hands)
Element/ Monster type: Wind+Earth/God
Level: 10
Attack: 8
Defense: 8
Attributes: Armored, Bash, Magic Resistance, Absorb Earth, Awaken Storm
Abilities: Charge, Enrage, Thunder Wrath (an improved version of Storm Bolt and Boulder. Requires both a seal of Wind and a seal of Earth to be cast), Animate Earth
Special: This unit is a God. You can only have one God in your deck, but they are extremely powerful. They are also immune to instant-death effects. This unit is a fusion of the Spirit of Storms, the Avatar and the Kobold Geomancer cards.
Description: The Thunder King is the God of earth and lightning, and the creator of the mountains. The Thunder King is worshipped by dwarves and kobolds alike. Some even say the Thunder king is a dwarf that grew to become one with the land.

Ability cards:
Call Wind: Activates the Seal of Wind within the target creature.
Call Earth: Activates the Seal of Earth within the target creature.
Call to Arms: Activates the Seal of War within the target creature.
Mana Lock: Disables casting of spells for target unit for a period of time.

More ideas may come soon. Good luck with your project.
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