Can make custom tiles? Awesome! I need custom tiles, but sadly don't know what exactly I want whit that, I know it will look awesome and current ones are too mainstream.
Want to make a a custom UI for me? would be double awesome as custom tiles, tho I'm not an artist or something so I can't imagine how would it look!
What mostly I need to get ideas for cards. Spell cards, monster cards, trap cards. I want to gather as much as possible. Icon and model would be nice! have idea? Post like this in this thread:
Type: <Monster(if monster then tell me its type like - Fire/water/earth/dark/light/demon/zombie/dragon/beast/warrior/summon and does it cost any tribute to summon), spell card, trap card, fusion>
Icon: <link to icon> (would be nice to have a image with / tags)
Model: <link to model>
Description: <Description of effect, damage, defense, what ever there is>
Extra info: <have back story? awesome>
Name: Berserk
Type: Spell card
Model: Target model - Berserk one from game already, card model - .. don't know ..
Description: Allows target monster of any type to attack twice a turn. Max 1 card per deck.
Extra info: Blood flows faster, rage in the eyes, wait for a trouble.
And loading screen. O_O I now imagine some masterpiece of yours guys. Some Crazy looking monster with axe, bloody axe. Want to have your drawings to be noticed or something, give me, I'll give credits everyone and everywhere. Even in tool tips/quest tab/in loading screen with big letters for creator of it.