Campaign needs idea.

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Level 10
Jan 27, 2009
Okey, good guys of THW. Your Leeroy is in need of help.

[/dumbness] It's exactly 2 weeks I'm making maps with the idea of making a campaign. The first thing I do it's finding enough models for the campaign. After testing them on the map, if they satisfied me, I go on with the next step: the idea. [/dumbness]

So think of a guy in front of a Pc that for 2 weeks made maps only testing models. Sometime the same models.

Actually I have a theory: I suppose that if I got a good idea for the campaign, I can remove (at least) a part of my lazyness. The point is that I'm able to make a good campaign. The wrong part is the lazyness.

So spready your ideas, unleash your fantasy bla, bla, bla...

Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help. The best idea will deserve rep and a place in the credits.

P.S: I'm kinda meticolous with models. So don't make a campaign about a race that simply hasn't the chances to be represented.
Categories included for the idea: RPG, general WC3 (like the original Blizz ones).
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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
I'd love to see something that takes place in the world of Azeroth. Perhaps something wc1 or wc2-ish? The capabilities there are near limitless, it would seem. As there were 7 orc clans and 7 human nations and other shit too. You could make a combination of an rpg and general wc3 campaign much like Blizzards campaigns.
Level 10
Jan 27, 2009
Your way of genrating a idea is rather stupid.

Could I know why, good sir? For the model-related thing? I don't think I should make a campaign using black-tinted archers as shadow elves, for example.

I'd love to see something that takes place in the world of Azeroth. Perhaps something wc1 or wc2-ish? The capabilities there are near limitless, it would seem. As there were 7 orc clans and 7 human nations and other shit too. You could make a combination of an rpg and general wc3 campaign much like Blizzards campaigns.

This looks a pretty nice idea. And I love to place them in Warcraft's fantasy world, I like histories filled with lore too.

I will wait more ideas, then I'll say the best one.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Well... this idea will suck, but it is something that I have never seen before in a campaign... the War of the Ancients. Perhaps you could do something about Lord Ravencrest or maybe a more key character, like Malfurion or Illidan, though that wouldn't be too much of a good idea, considering they usually are main characters. My second suggestions is the raid of Grim Batol by Vereesa Windrunner, Grenda, Rhonin, Krasus, Priestess Iridi and the blue dragon Kalecgos. You can include the infiltration of Grim Batol, the battle between Zzeraku and Dargonax. You could also base it on Iridi herself, having a prelude cinematic where Zendarin (Vereesa's cousin) slays her comrade and steals the staff of a Naaru (this is generally why Iridi comes to Azeroth). In other words, the 'Night of the Dragon'.
Level 10
Jul 31, 2008
Oh oh! Pick me Pick me! *Raising my arm like a schoolboy*

Heres my idea;

Journey To Atlantis


You see some military guys talking about atlantis. Then they spread out and go to different people and talk to them;

1. One military guy goes to a little house where John lives. John is a retired military guy. The military guy who comes asks him if he can come on one last mission, to find Atlantis. He comes with the military guy.

2. Another military guy goes to Eric. Eric is a scientist arkeologic guy. The military guys asks him if he can come on a mission, to find Atlantis. Also Eric comes with the military guy.

3. John and Eric comes to the military base and talks. A little while later they go to harbour with a little troop of marines. They leave the harbour with a little ship.

~End of Interlude~

Chapter One : Diving

1. You see a little cinematic where they leave the ship and enter a submarine. The submarine dives down under the surface.

2. Now you have to play. You first walk around and do stuff for the captain of the submarine, like fix a broken engine and stuff like that. After you finish those missions a cinematic starts.

3. Cinematic: A marine comes running in. "We spotted a large thing just beside our submarine. It cant be a whale or a submarine. Its much much to large for that! Its huge!" says the marine
The captian answers: "Enter you battle stations we need to fight this "thing" down!.

4. Now you have to use the submarine (the camera view is outside the submarine now, but all other just, not the monster, is still inside.). You have to kill the monster.

~End of Chapter One~

Chapther Two : Cave Entering

1. Starts with a little cinematic where you see that they have entered a underwater cave thats not ful with water. John talks to some people about the place their at.

2. Your mission is to bring your troops and the four trucks with stuff you've got. At least 2 of them must survive. This mission is like the one where you are Maiev and Tyrande and help Kael. Sometimes Kobolds and kobold like units will attack you from both behind and forward.

3. Somewhere in the middle of the way you come to a bridge. Some kobolds have placed explosives under the bridge. Now a cinematic starts;
"Im not sure we should go over that bridge." John says.
"Why not?" A marine answers. "Its the easiest way to come across the river."
"It doesnt feel good." John says.
"Look its totaly safe" Says the marine and runs over the bridge. But when he is at the middle of it the bridge explodes and you see some kobolds run away in the shallow water under the bridge. They are laughing.
"We must go around everything now. Hurry up!" Says John.

4. Cinematic ends and you continue to walk around everything and you meet some kobolds and kill them on the way.

5. You come to a cave exit and you set up a camp there, only for the night.

~End of Chapter Two~

Chapther Three : Atlantis

1. It starts with a cinematic where all the marine guys get out from the cave from the cave exit. When you come out you see an awsome view! You stand on a little cliff and theres a jungle-like enviorment. They see Atlantis now. John and all other guys just watch the great view over Atlantis.

2. You go into Atlantis and everything is quiet. A little bit too quiet. It switches over to a cinematic where you see John and all others walking on the creepy empty roads in atlantis. Suddenly alot of guys come out from everywhere and capture everyone.

3. The Atlantians take John to the Atlantian King. They talk a little, The king is angry and John explains that they are peacfull explorers. The king understands that they are peacfull and realeses them. But all marines, except John, the scientist and 2 other marines, starts killing all atlantians and takes the king as a prisoner.
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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Conquerors of Time

Story: After Mayev escaped the tomb of sargeras as it sank into the ocean, a few Stormreaver Raiders and Corsairs sank with it. they discovered an airtight chamber and hid in it, while their warlocks channeled their power through a shard of the eye of sargeras to give the orcs eternal breath. this saved the orcs, but eventually strengthened their demonic taint.

On the bottom of the ocean, they found the old portal which had been used by the demons in the war of the ancients. it was guarded by massive sea-monsters (hint: Olofmolemans models). The warlocks decided that they should recapture and reactivate the portal, and travel to the unknown worlds beyond. Amongst the warlocks, a leader stood forth, Karg Doomfist, he had survived the long wars of draenor, and rumors said he was older than ner'zhul. Karg Doomfist had trained in the necromatic ways of the necromancers, and had, in disguise worked with the royal apothecary society, giving him great knowledge of anatomy and biological research. his powers as a warlock further enchanced this.

Karg took the shard of sargeras and used it to enchance an old rod which he had been using as a talisman for many years. this scepter became a great and powerful artifact and with this, he called an army of oozes from nearby shipwrecks, which swallowed enemies as his command. He was ready to strike.

After Conquering the Portal, they reactivate it, and Karg and his army travel through. They end up in a world already conquered by the burning legion, a vast and petrified forest with great volcanoes. Karg's forces makes the run for a hidden volcano while trying to be undetected by the legions troops. they establish a base inside the crater and Karg starts with vile experiments on captured fel orcs (I assume the Burning Legion are using them as troops in other worlds to). Karg's experiments creates zombie-like mutants of some orcs, and other just corroded away, leaving only the skeleton left for reanimation. Some experiments even turned fel orcs back to the stage which they are no longer afllicted by the bloodlust, but green skinned as "normal" orcs, these gave new blood to the former stormreavers. now they call themselves Plaguecallers. The scepter allowed Karg to telepatically contact Sargeras (like Ner'Zhul could contact arthas through frostmourne), and he tells that the scourge is much larger than ever thought of. Ner'zhul have opened a large interdimensional portal in the dungeons of icecrown citadel. here he summons dark creatures, even fouler and more evil than the demons. these are Etherals tainted by necromantic forces, making them immensely powerful and able to control thousands of undead singlehandedly. these creatures are subjects to the Lich Kings will, since he is the single most powerful necromantic power in the universe. Sargeras, who in his imprisonment slowly is begining to regain faith in the pathenon, wants to save his beloved world of azeroth, but to do this he needs to be ressurected into the world. this will result in the dreadlords taking control over the burning legion. But it is a risk worth taking to save the world he was set to guard. This however, is not the only goal, the goal is ultimate control over azeroth, to reshape it as he wants to with the plaguecallers as the masters. (yes, a cliige, but only temporary, this is how I thought of the developement. you are free to make your own developement of the story.)

Plaguecallers techtree:

Mutant Laborer - worker
Ocean Slime - Basic melee
Skeletal Fel Orc - Heavy Melee
Plaguehurler - Siege
Spearhurler - Basic Ranged
Plaguecaller - versatile spellcaster, can heal and kill alike
Necro-Warlock - Supporting spellcaster, can summon demonic mutants and has supporting skills and curses
Demonic Mutant - Summoned unit, Effective melee unit limited to 2 permanent per Necro-Warlock, these can canibalize corpses and wing clip enemies, rendering them helpless.
The rest is up to you...

And yes, I know the race is pretty undone and weak, it is just to set a theme line, vary as much as you want.

Karg Doomfist - The "Hero" of the campaign, skilled in combining demonic magic with cloning, mutation and necromantic/plague powers. the skills is up to you

This is actually an idea i've been thinking of using myself, invented this evening. But my triggering skills and laziness makes this hard to finish, so i post this idea here :thumbs_up:
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Level 9
Aug 1, 2008
Im not going to go about and spend alot of time developing a story but i think a cool and different idea would be like a gun camp, because idk if i have ever seen one. And it wouldn't be very hard after you got a good weapon system layout. The hardest part would be the story, you could do like a futurist but present style. Like a battle between the future and the present. But you would need to make it kinda like 300, in a way because the future units would be alot stronger than the present units.

Basic Story: A marine (Future) was left behind from his people. And he needs to get back home to his family, but the only problem is that he doesn't have a space ship or any way of getting home. So your job is to collect a bunch of space junk left behind by his people to create a space gate to get back to his people.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2009
Im not going to go about and spend alot of time developing a story but i think a cool and different idea would be like a gun camp, because idk if i have ever seen one. And it wouldn't be very hard after you got a good weapon system layout. The hardest part would be the story, you could do like a futurist but present style. Like a battle between the future and the present. But you would need to make it kinda like 300, in a way because the future units would be alot stronger than the present units.

Basic Story: A marine (Future) was left behind from his people. And he needs to get back home to his family, but the only problem is that he doesn't have a space ship or any way of getting home. So your job is to collect a bunch of space junk left behind by his people to create a space gate to get back to his people.
That's boring and plain.

the Advent of Tor-Moggoth

Tor-Moggoth is a very powerful Orc warlock of the Shadow Clan. He is one of the last members of the mysterious society - and he is to demonstrate the strength of the clan and return it to it's former glory. He is to use his dark magic to sink the whole of Kul Tiras.

In the beginning of the campaign, he will begin creating runes on the corners of Kul Tiras, until he notices something unusual. He sees a Forsaken Warlock doing the same as him - creating similar runes. The Forsaken sees him - so in an instance Tor-Moggoth takes his soul. Then before he knows it - a Dreadlord appears from the air and knocks him unconscious.

This is where the story really starts. Tor-Moggoth encounters secrets of the Forsaken, whilst trying to escape their grasp and ironically defend Kul Tiras from them - but in his dark advent, Tor-Moggoth discovers something older than the island itself.

Writing anything more would ruin the story in case you use it, so if you do, PM me if you need more.
Maybe u can make a kind of a interactive campaign.
You play the first chapter, and you go to the forums and u everybody give ideas or suggestions, or vote for what should happen in the next chapter.
A file is saved in your HDD as a cache of your items and stuff and to not start from the second chapter.
Then, you finish the second chapter and release it...
until the campaign finishes.
the characters should be very dynamic with interesting backgrounds
is it a good idea?
Level 3
Mar 29, 2009
I love warcraft lore and shit like that. Honestly for a campaign idea i would like to see the adventure of a hero rather then event after event. So like a hero getting stronger and creating his own empire/civilization through alliances from completing quests. My idea would though is to go back and look up some old fashion lore from W1 and W2. You could create a story on how Lord Greymane became the ruler of Gilness. Something unknown but interesting. more info on this guy is at Genn Greymane - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft You could basically create a story line on how he created his empire.

Just an honest idea. I like to keep to WoW lore yet with a twist. Nothing stupid and made up.
Btw i want rep :grin:
Level 12
Jun 22, 2006

When ner'zhul was sent to azeroth, he created secret agents that would help tilt events in his favour, and when the time came for his turn to take control, they would support it and destroy all his enemies.

This 'secret race' can be anything; It should fight the humans, night elves, orcs and even the undead. It's kind of like a starkiller guy from The Force Unleashed, if you heard of it.


The story of the highbourne who were exiled and their founding of quel'thalas.
Level 7
Apr 9, 2008
Campaign idea? Hmm...

A). Follows the travels of a lost Dwarven explorer in the Storm Peaks (see: WotLK zones), who, while trying to survive, uncovers a deadly secret left hidden by the Old Gods.

B). (Non-Warcraft) An Empire is destroyed by a devestating arcane eruption, emanating from an ancient artifact. The land now forever scarred, those who survived have fled underground. There they lived for hundreds of years, as the surface world became nothing but a legend, a children's story of open wastelands covered in ashes and bones, and creatures that have no name. And as living forever underground seems to becoming the clear path, everything is changed by a man, and his travels on the surface.

(for this to make more sense, go to and type in Gilneas, if you don't know about it.)
C). This campaign depicts what happenned in Gilneas which led it to total seclusion from the rest of the world, (as shown in WoW, where all you can see is Greymane's wall). Following a group of soldiers investigating a new and dark magic that has gripped the kingdom (Dark magic = whatever the hell you want) , and how it eventually brought about Gilneas closing itself off from all of Azeroth.
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