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Best campaign idea

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Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
ok yes i shouted the idea. Some of you will can kicks outta this and if someone really does make this i'll laugh. OK now for the best idea ever

a campaign based around a talking chicken named Frank.
Thats right i said a talking chicken.

The Story behide Frank is some wizard (Havent gave him a name yet) that can't control his powers. Tripped over a chicken one day, when the wizard woke up Frank was standing on him and started freaking out cause he could talk.

The campaign would start on a sheep farm.
Don't ask why a chicken was on a sheep farm maybe the farmer bought it to eat eggs instead of lamb. XD Or the farmer is just dumb.

Ok so what do people think?
And no I'm not makeing this if someone else wants to they can though
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