Too many ideas

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Level 3
Oct 9, 2007
Hi, this is maybe the first time that i make a thread in the Hive:grin:. Like the title says, i have many ideas, and im not very good making campaigns or even maps.
These are three of these ideas:

First: A humorous campaign, starring by a slightly homosexual elf, a dumb warden and a tough pandaren so cute as a teddy bear. The bad guy is a mad goblin scientist who wants to convert everyone in sheeps to rule the world.

Second: An elf ranger who discovers a gate to the human world, opening and putting in danger to his magical kingdom. In the history, he falls in love with an half elf.

Third: A rebeld demon lord who rise an army to confront the Burning Legion, using fire against fire. I have an screenshot of that future proyect:

P.D.: thanks to general frank for his Chaos Knight model.
P.D.2: sorry for my bad english, i used the google translator (very bad:grin:)
Level 5
Jun 27, 2008
Im with VeljkoM, the third sounds most awsome! Still the "slightly homosexual elf" idea sounds cool^^
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Your first idea sounds ridiculous, end of story. As humorous as that may be, the campaign wouldn't turn out good, believe me. For your second idea, judging by how you wrote the story, I believe it takes place in an alternative universe than that of Azeroth? Anyways, this idea does sound somewhat better, with the elf opening the gate, endangering his kingdom, later he finds his true love, and stand at the crossroad of his life, yeah that sounds like it could actually work, to be honest. Finally for your third and last idea which is a demon vs demon campaign. There are some minor story conflicts here, the way I see it. Firstly, why would the renegade demons want to overthrow their demon masters, the way I see it, they would clearly be outnumbered, as no army can never outnumber the Burning Legion since that is basically a collection of demons from several worlds. Now, to summarize this up for you, I'd go for the second or third idea, as they seem the most serious and fitting for a campaign. The third idea would be very warcraft 3-ish, with demons clashing together in open combat, whilst the elven ranger one would probably need some unique missions to be that awesome.
Level 5
Sep 6, 2008
You could make a group of rebel demon lords, like maybe 6, and then have 3 players as higher-up demons, in warcraft it would be Kil'Jaeden, Sargeras and the fellow who leads the Dreadlords (I keep forgetting his name). And then you could have 3 'World races' something like elves, humans and orcs, on some other worlds accessable by portals. These ar eothe rplayers with the power of about 1 rebel demon lord. If the rebel demon lords get there first and capture that player, the race will join the rebel demon lord's side, if a higher-up demon gets there first, the player would join the higher-up demons side.

I just like to find ways to make it 12 players. Unless it's a campaign, then disregard everything I said.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Well I think he means campaigns.But any way nice idea if you ask me.
I think it should be demon factions against each other.Like Dreadlords, Pit Lords, Erader.
And they all should have lesser demon minions like Fel guards, Fel orcs, Voids.
Level 12
Oct 18, 2008
Your first idea sounds ridiculous, end of story. As humorous as that may be, the campaign wouldn't turn out good, believe me.

Now, we don't know if a campaign will turn out good or not. That depends on how well someone does it and how well people like it.

For your second idea, judging by how you wrote the story, I believe it takes place in an alternative universe than that of Azeroth? Anyways, this idea does sound somewhat better, with the elf opening the gate, endangering his kingdom, later he finds his true love, and stand at the crossroad of his life, yeah that sounds like it could actually work, to be honest.

Agreed here.

Finally for your third and last idea which is a demon vs demon campaign. There are some minor story conflicts here, the way I see it.

I don't see too many conflicts...

Firstly, why would the renegade demons want to overthrow their demon masters, the way I see it, they would clearly be outnumbered, as no army can never outnumber the Burning Legion since that is basically a collection of demons from several worlds.

Geez, rebellion is present everywhere. Why do you think we see things such as coup d'etats, riots, protests, civil wars etc? In my opinion, even if outnumbered, the hardest thing for a major power to do is destroy a group of idealistic and determined fighters, and the Vietnam War provides us a good example. Besides opression will always lead to rebellion.

Now, to summarize this up for you, I'd go for the second or third idea, as they seem the most serious and fitting for a campaign. The third idea would be very warcraft 3-ish, with demons clashing together in open combat, whilst the elven ranger one would probably need some unique missions to be that awesome.

Yeah. Nothing to say here really, since I agree mostly.

Now, back to the topic.

First Idea: Not my recommended idea, mainly because I'm not a fan of these types of campaigns.

Second Idea: Pretty cliche idea and I kinda get tired of cliches, but they can sometimes be good, depending on how its done.

Third Idea: Doesn't sound half bad. I like it better than the first and second, though the second isn't that bad.
Level 3
Oct 9, 2007
thanks by the response:thumbs_up:. the third idea is my favorite, but i
had doubts.
Replying to the rebellion cause, the demon lord its a general tired of being in the shadow of Sargeras for the past millennia. So, he uses his powers to corrupt and control orcs and other creatures and attack one of the key worlds of the legion: Xoroth, the bastion of the Nathrezim.
To achieve this, he will forge alliances with known enemies of the Legion: Illidan Stormrage, some humans and several orcs. With these allies, he will use one of the portals in the Outland to travel to different worlds, and eventually, hitting one of the key points of Sargeras and his Legion.

What do u think about this?:grin:
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