Need ideas for a campaign

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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Request for ideas for my pirate campaign

Once again edited first post. I was not satisfied with the previous concept and Formula1 is now creating a prototype of the map to get me started, thanks to him. Feel free to post any ideas about that comes to your mind involving a pirate campaign here.
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Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
You live as a Pirate
You Make it to the top through take over every archetype, by stealing their treasure and eventually killing their king or making them feel afraid to back down by killing each one of them or by capturing them and torturing each one

-Druggies-Believe in loving one another and finding and cultivating drugs
--Small Creative Tools like Molotov Cocktails and guys hopped up on PCP
-THey will keep coming at you while others will run away if you attack. You will have to trap them and give them some sort of new drug to make them freinds. (Attack From Different Fronts and Spread out With Long Ranged Weapons

-Societists-Believe in Social Classes and Supply and Demand
--The Strongest Army
--All you need to do is kill their leader (Use Stealth) and then claim the land as yours

-Artisans-Believe in teaching one another and mastering Ones Craft
--Use Perfected Kung fu and Tons of Weapons that Have Longer Range then yours. Also then are much stealthier and hard to keep.
--They love their Temples though, So long as you sit on it and take a giant dukey in one then they'll come back and fight... Meanwhile... You'll need to set a trap for them... So when they do return with an ambush... You'll be ready...

And in the end... When your Sleeping... Your allies Kill you

The combat will be simple...
-Each Unit has 1 HP
-Rape-Each of your men have the "Parasite" Ability that can only Target Wards And Wards are Women.
-Your Ship will have a Cargo and Spell Book With Numerous Sacrifice Abilities
--Sacrificing the units just gives them a different weapons
-Your units have decreasing mana and need to eat food to regain it...
--Food pretty much just has an Essence of Blight spell with Negative effet that only effects itself and Replenish mana Spell that Hits other people

THere will be numerous cutscenes about a pirates life and how you think your first mate is your freind... but... He kills you....

But your goals for capturing each place...

Those are my ideas
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
And I'd like -- There are items-weapons those only some classes may wear (knight may not pick up a bow but sword or axe or pike), after picking up a proper item into the slot #1 (it must self-acquire right to there) (because other slots are free) the unit changes it's model (Replaces with a fixed unit-type) to fit the picked weapon (armor is no matter, but only 1 can be carried at a time, same is with shield) (armors break over time as unit is attacked successfully - use variable to determine if Created during the game unit takes damage). USE SLASH OR SHOOT (hotkey "S") abilities to fight. SLASH to damage everything in front of you and SHOOT to launch a shockwave at your facing's direction. Mages have to use spellbooks, or you can
It's my post, just I don't know how to custom-quote. These can be Gameplay Design for your map(s), but then it would be hard to control multiple units, so you should have only your leader, but army and fighting crew (don't forget about battle-boarding happening during campaign).
Or I can recommend you to throw away your pirates, visit and read (copied and pasted story):

The 21st Century looked as if it was going to be a golden era. Wars were at an all time low, nuclear arsenals were cut down to a fraction of what they once were and the environmental disasters feared by the 20th Century never materialised, through a combination of nano-technology to clean up the existing problems and then shifting heavy industry to space.

"But then in 2079 it all went wrong."

kkots: I have a story with Shivan (evil madman) as main character (pretty long, might take a whole campaign) that explains why did warheads suddenly strike from the sky.

Warheads rained down from space and within the space of a week a quarter of the worlds population was exterminated as cities became glowing radioactive furnaces.

"They were the lucky ones."

Wave upon wave of mutagenic viruses struck at human and animal alike, and high tech nano weapons ate at the computer circuits, electricity cables and plastics that civilizations depended on. As the infrastructure collapsed, billions starved.

Nowhere on earth was spared these deprevations, and it soon looked as if the only pockets of humanity that survived would be the ones hidden safe within bunkers, deep underground.

"But not quite."

In the years between 2080 and 2140 life was viciously hard for the few survivors that remained on the surface. intropic.jpg Horribly altered by the effects of both the viruses and the radiation they struggled to eke out an existence constantly under threat by the voracious fauna and flora of the new world. But after two generations the weak had died out and only the strong survived.

Groups banded together for strength and protection, building wepons out of whatever they could find, and began to tame many of the animals and plants they came across. A civilization based on strong warrior ethic had begun to emerge. Scavenging what they can from the old times, they rely on their animals more than technology.


Down in the shelters, original estimates of how long their supplies would last are proving hopelessly optimistic. Recycled food supplies were still adequate, if not enjoyable, but their technical resources were being stretched to the limit. survbrf.gif Eventually it became obvious to the shelter dwellers that they would have to return to the surface before they were completely denuded of technology.

Under the control of the Council for survival, the shelter dwellers started up their tunneling machines and begun drilling back up to the surface.

"They broke through in 2141, thirty nine years sooner than their original plan called for....."

kkots: the thing is to write plots for EXPLAINING why each event is happening in the campaign, for example - why did Nukes suddenly strike (believe, I have an awesome plot), or what did humans in underground (what did they find there), how did bunkers with 25th centure vehicles appear on surface and what was happening on surface between 2080 and 2140 :p (don't put a dot at the end of sentence if there's already a smile)

kkots: sorry for that a long post and great thanks for wasting your time reading this. Hope you will get mad as I did and actually make campaign-missions where you have to destroy something or to collect (collect cities conquered by destroying their barracks), but in progress there will be events happening that are what continues the campaign. Heh, you though that Survivors are fighting Mutants in KKnD?! You are right, but you can put the thing with pirates into the after of the ploooooooooot... or at any of its part.
Level 7
Apr 9, 2008
Sticking to the pirate theme here, something simple to get you started....

For years Dale Thelwinde had travelled the seas, doing what he could to make a living: smuggling, raiding, transporting, anything that could be done to earn money.

But nothing lasts forever. The Confedracy had begun an offensive on all forms of piracy. Having just finished a war, their Navy has become immense, and their eye has now turned to the sumgglers and bandits of water.

Four years later, it seems that freedom was nothing but a dream. The Confedracy has taken complete control over the waters and free trade, leaving no room for renegades. But just as Dale has begun to settle in, something has come up; a visit from his father's old friend. It appears that Dale's father had found himself in possession of a map centuries old; a map to the lost port-city of Thelria.

And so, Dale has returned to the water he left behind, in search of a forgotten city. With a new crew and a new ship Dale has left shore. But as his journey goes on he finds himself entangled in ancient organizations, betrayals, and the Confederate Navy.

I think this could probably set off a nice campaign for ya if you so choose. Whatever you do though, good luck on your campaign :wink:
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
@Formula1, what you said about the combat, 1hp each? Sound weird but keke, that each unit has rape could be good. But why base it on parasite? Did not understand what you said on sacrificing units nor did I understand that about food, please write clearer. Some nice ideas anyways, thank you.

@Dakho, I think you just submitted to me a very nice storyline to begin with, combined with Forumula1's abilites and such it could be very very nice, I thank you.

And thanks again too you both, I will now think more.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
@Formula1, what you said about the combat, 1hp each? Sound weird but keke, that each unit has rape could be good. But why base it on parasite? Did not understand what you said on sacrificing units nor did I understand that about food, please write clearer. Some nice ideas anyways, thank you.

@Dakho, I think you just submitted to me a very nice storyline to begin with, combined with Forumula1's abilites and such it could be very very nice, I thank you.

And thanks again too you both, I will now think more.

Parasite you can create two units
-One a "used woman"
-One a "child"

Just so you rape teh women

1 hp
-Each attack would work like this
--Bow and Arrow-Slow but no Homing
--Rifle-Misses 15% a shot
--Shotgun-Shockwave but has 5 seconds cooldown (Reload)
--Sword-Super Fast Attack Speed, never misses

You will have to work things right for land battles

For Water Battles
-I don't know how to do it but I'd rather see an actual platform....
--But if not....

Frigate-Able to attack two units
-Creates Row Boats (100 wood, 10 seconds)
-Raid-Charm that has a casting time of 30 seconds (You need to make sure you can mass enough units for that and distract them)
Row Boat

When you capture land masses
-Trigger-They Produce 100 wood every time they make 100 wood

Don't worry about the food
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
I don't know if I like where you are going with this:

The suggestion of child seems rather extreme.

I know that you did not intend it but well, thats just gross.

Parasotes could only target wards
wards are women

Children grow into peopl...

You couldn't rape children as much as people would want to
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Formula1, are you saying something like this then? You rape a woman, who is a ward. She takes damage over time and if she dies with the Rape buff on her, she spawns a child, and the child lasts for like 45 seconds, then he turns into a full-grown man or? Sound cool though, about what you said about the on-land combat.
--Sword-Super Fast Attack Speed, never misses
Isn't this a little bit overpowered with all units on 1 hp? I mean the sword unit will pretty much just slice and dice trough the enemy forces.

Keep me posted, bye.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Isn't this a little bit overpowered with all units on 1 hp? I mean the sword unit will pretty much just slice and dice trough the enemy forces.

Keep me posted, bye.

No since there ranged weapons are still pretty powerful
1) Shotgun vs sword-Shotgun wins
2) Rifle vs Sword-Rifle Usually Wins
3) Bow and Arrow Vs sword-Sword Wins

But when there are bigger batles...
-People are going to want to hotkey their shotgunners just to make sure they can take out all the swordsmen that run at them
-While Rifleman would just be used for filler
-And Bow and Arrow people would be used as anti-infintry
Level 9
Jul 1, 2005
Isn't this a little bit overpowered with all units on 1 hp? I mean the sword unit will pretty much just slice and dice trough the enemy forces.

That's mostly what a horde of viking raiders would do, they would descend on a port city in the middle of the night kill any men they came across steal as many women, jewelry, horses and supplies and leave within hours.

But they weren't a bunch of crazy skags all the time. They had their own highly militaristic and civilized society - back home. They had one wife, many 'slave-wives' who were little more than captured slave labor and many more children. The children were either slave labor, or became thralls - children born into slavery - or if they were strong and showed spirit they might be allowed freedoms or even the chance to go raiding.

But the trade-off was they were very low technology, very unstructured fighters. Their strength was the number of ships they controlled and their element of surpise.

On land a trained cavalry unit could easily decimate them or even an organized resistance of fighters could repel an attack.

Vikings were also great traders and sea-men their ships were the fastest for centuries. They would trade or sell their ill-gotten goods to other countries to raise money, buy supplies like wood and they were also instrumental in promoting trade.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Yes I see what you mean SilverSong, but a question to you Formula1. How would you train units? Would you have like peasants or would you hire units or what?

Thanks for all idéas so far guys, really grateful.

Your captain has Charm
-When you raid a place it detects how many soldiers are in the area that are yours

--If-Condition-Variable Society Townhall Enemy < Variable Your Society Units
--Then give town hall to player
--Else-Give to nuetral hostile

Their units have an AI that kills and reproduces over time
-You can just go in there and charm people into joining you
--In society you need to take it over before you can
--In Drug land you need to use items to do it (Drugs)
--In Artist Land you can charm anyone and take them away

Its all about charming... No hiring... Just Charming...
-And use different Weapon Racks and give those weapon racks the sacrifice ability to turn them into Swordsman, Rifle, SHotgun, Bow and Arrow... etc
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
But how does that sacrifice thing of your's work? You sacrifice a lets say now: Footman to a Rifleman like a Acolyte to a Shade?

Exactly right!
Only the difference is is that the Weapons would be little buildings and each building would have a seperate sacrifice spell...

SInce I don't like messing around with Spell IDs much...

I could make you a prototype easily of all my ideas...
I'd be happy to do it... add to my collection of prototype maps (I have a LOT)
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
I've instantly got what formula1 said, but I'd offer you some else version of hiring:
There are Peasants (Men) (Basic Stats: Attack Damage 10, Attack Rate 1.67, Hitpoints 100, Armor 0, Movement Speed 300) owned by Neutral Hostile (but check the region so an enemy general can't simply come and recruit your people), whose Race is Critters (so they move chaotically) and have 3 inventory slots (third slot is for weapon, the first one or the second is for armor, the second one or the first is for shield or horse, but When A Unit - Peasant - Acquires An Item Assumed As A Weapon, It Checks All Items Carried By Unit And Converts It Into The Other One), so you can give items to them. The items are: Axe (Attack Damage + 13, Hitpoints + 25), Sword (Attack Damage + 15, Attack Rate 130%), Saber (Attack Damage + 8, Attack Rate 215%, Armor + 2), Leather Armor (Armor + 3, Movement Speed - 30), Chainmail (Armor + 6, Movement Speed - 70), Platemail (Armor + 10, Movement Speed - 150, Attack Rate 70% (decreases Attack Rate by 30%)), Pike (Attack Damage + 18, Armor + 2), Bow (Attack Damage + 10, Attack Rate 90%), Musket (Attack Damage + 50, Attack Rate 50%), Shield (Armor + 3, Movement Speed - 40, Attack Rate 90%) and Horse (Movement Speed + 100, Armor + 1).
The following list is the list of recipes to see in what order you must (no matter in what order, just give the weapon into the last place) put items into a innocent peasant to convert it into a unit. The converted units have no difference between the peasant, but are affected by items that will stay in them (use Unit - Replace action) and have their model fitting to the weapon they acquire. (units' names are just models used by them. Choose a unit's name yourself please)
Axe = Grunt (Light Armor Type (Light armor type takes extremely high damage from all attacks, but Saber attack)) (Evasion 60%) (Slashing Attack)
Sword = ArthasWithSword (Light Armor Type) (Evasion 60%) (Slashing Attack)
Saber = CaptainProudmoore (Light Armor Type) (Evasion 60%) (Slashing Attack)
Pike = ElvenSpearman (Light Armor Type) (Evasion 55%) (Piercing Attack)
Bow = HumanArcher (Light Armor Type) (Evasion 60%) (Piercing Attack)
Musket = Rifleman (Light Armor Type) (Evasion 60%) (Impact Attack)
Horse = FarSeer (Light Armor Type) (Evasion 60%) (No Attack)
Axe + Leather Armor = ChaosGrunt (Pierce-Reflecting Armor Type) (Evasion 45%) (Slashing Attack)
Sword + Leather Armor = ArthasWithSword (Pierce-Reflecting Armor Type) (Evasion 45%) (Slashing Attack)
Saber + Leather Armor = CaptainProudmoore (Pierce-Reflecting Armor Type) (Evasion 45%) (Slashing Attack)
Pike + Leather Armor = ElvenSpearman (Pierce-Reflecting Armor Type) (Evasion 45%) (Piercing Attack)
Bow + Leather Armor = HumanArcher (Pierce-Reflecting Armor Type) (Evasion 45%) (Piercing Attack)
Musket + Leather Armor = Rifleman (Pierce-Reflecting Armor Type) (Evasion 45%) (Impact Attack)
Horse + Leather Armor = FarSeer (Pierce-Reflecting Armor Type) (Evasion 45%) (No Attack)
Axe + Chainmail = Bandit (Slash-Resisting Armor Type) (Evasion 30%) (Slashing Attack)
..........................(everything is in that way, but Sabermen have 5% more evasion and Horse + Leather Armor (I'd call it Scout) is not FarSeer but Thrall
Axe + Platemail = Warrior (Impact-Reflecting and Pierce-Reflecting Armor) (Evasion 15%) (Slashing Attack)
...NOTE: all undescribed units have the same model as previous version and stats fitting with other units wearing same armor...
Axe + Shield = Bandit (Light Armor Type) (
NOTE: If Human Archer has no prtrait, then simply replace it with any elven Archer.
I got to go and I'll finish the post later...
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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
@Formula1, I would LOVE too see your ideas in a prototype map. I would definatly get more creative by looking at this prototype of yours. Please be sure to include those weapon racks, the combat system, the rape ability and all that you feel you wish to show me.

@kkots, I think it would be lame to have to give items to units all the time, 3 items for one unit I mean, think I like Formula1's idea more actually.

Thanks all.
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Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
@kkots, I think it would be lame to have to give items to units all the time, 3 items for one unit I mean, think I like Formula1's idea more actually.

I meant you can't have too much units, so giving items will not happen too often ;) +You may not control your army, but only your captain-pirate. So pirate captain can give commands such as - Hold Position, Stop, Attack (Attack-Move), Load (Load into ship - unit-target ability), Defend, Rage... The orders affect nearby friendly units. Because of controlling only single unit that controls its army, sea battles will go like this - when loading your general into ship, you may use only Flag Ship, that is given at the start. Some additional heroes joining you during campaign may give orders too and serve as lieutenants.

I'll separate the post from the thread and give it a new title.
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