[MORPG] Brothers Grimm
Map Specs:
Running Progress List:
Note: Running list means this will be modified at my discretion and may not always be up to date or include all features that will show in the map. Also a lot of it is constantly being re-coded so some items may shift to be done faster or slower than others.
Interested and want to help?
Post here->Recruitment
Note: I'm mostly looking for another vJASSer, but anyone is free to apply.
Brothers Grimm
I fell in the vastness of the desert, nothing looked old, and everything appeared to be new,
As I watched the sand being carried away by the breeze, and it seemed that it took my memories too.
Was it all a dream? Or did i hit my head on something?
With a blistering headache, I awoke near a pub unable to reconcile my last few actions.
I entered the dreary pub with a long face and ordered up a few rounds.
The barkeep kept pouring and explained the recent defilement and poor of the town that seemed to be at no end.
A strange drunken old man who smelled of nothing but drown sows approached and joined a table in the corner of the bar.
He told the strangest stories of fictional tales of fairies, witches, and even dragons.
No one believes in dragons anymore; they have been extinct for years and the other people laughed him off.
And for a while I thought nothing of such a drowned out soul of a man that he was, until he said something that rung like a bell threw my ears.
He explained there was one creature with the ability to erase memories and the ones who lived to tell it often were unable to even tell about what had occurred.
So, I followed him outside the bar to ask him about this creature that erases memories.
But as I approached this man in an dead end alley before I could ask about the creature he disappeared in thin air as if he was a creature himself.
Where he left lay a book though. On the cover was strange emblem with the etched title-- Brothers Grimm.
I fell in the vastness of the desert, nothing looked old, and everything appeared to be new,
As I watched the sand being carried away by the breeze, and it seemed that it took my memories too.
Was it all a dream? Or did i hit my head on something?
With a blistering headache, I awoke near a pub unable to reconcile my last few actions.
I entered the dreary pub with a long face and ordered up a few rounds.
The barkeep kept pouring and explained the recent defilement and poor of the town that seemed to be at no end.
A strange drunken old man who smelled of nothing but drown sows approached and joined a table in the corner of the bar.
He told the strangest stories of fictional tales of fairies, witches, and even dragons.
No one believes in dragons anymore; they have been extinct for years and the other people laughed him off.
And for a while I thought nothing of such a drowned out soul of a man that he was, until he said something that rung like a bell threw my ears.
He explained there was one creature with the ability to erase memories and the ones who lived to tell it often were unable to even tell about what had occurred.
So, I followed him outside the bar to ask him about this creature that erases memories.
But as I approached this man in an dead end alley before I could ask about the creature he disappeared in thin air as if he was a creature himself.
Where he left lay a book though. On the cover was strange emblem with the etched title-- Brothers Grimm.
Map Specs:
Map size: 128 by 128
Number of Players: 10
Max Level: 60+
Gameplay: A MORPG with nearly endless terrain, some dungeon & dragon elements, and scripted boss fights.
It will focus on fights with supernatural and also many urban legends.
Current Map Size: 1,858 kbs (This will be updated sparingly when map size changes drastically usually)
Note: Running list means this will be modified at my discretion and may not always be up to date or include all features that will show in the map. Also a lot of it is constantly being re-coded so some items may shift to be done faster or slower than others.
✔Chances: Chances for critical strikes etc are made to balance using Get Proc
=Events for nearly everything (stuff like critical strikes, evades, and etc are given events)
=Physics (heroes will knockback units with attacks)
Combat Semantics:
Casting Bar:
=Casting bars appear when casting spells (mostly re-coding)
=Casting bars can be canceled mid-way (mostly re-coding)
=Casting bars can be sped/slowed down (mostly re-coding)
✔Manipulative meteors(quantity, time to fall, effects etc)
Unit Images:
=Unit Images will be able to have certain %'s of dmg/defense of regular units and will be able to be fully controlled (mostly re-coding)
✔Invisibility that is revealable on a per player basis
✔An check for aura victims if they are invisible, or hexed so they cannot bestow auras (to replicate wc3's aura system)
~Actual Aura System (mostly waiting on AuraStruct to be finished )
Reviving Units:
✔Works well
Status System:
✔Works well (just needs to re-code some things like stun to account for faster hit recovery on items)
(these are being re-coded but will be finished soon)
✔Hit (causes normal damage)
✔Critical (extra damage with modifiable critical % and chance %)
✔Parry (reflects some damage)
✔Block (blocks a % of damage)
✔Evade (completely evades all damage)
Element Types:
Melee Weapons:
✔Melee weapons attack units in a triangle based off the facing of the unit (was recently optimized)
Projectile Weapons:
=Visual Display of quantity using food or multiboard
✔Projectiles are able to collide with units, destructs, and other projs
✔Projectiles are manipulative (slowing, modifying damage etc)
=Damage Types will display the correct type of the weapon you equiped
=Armor Types will display the correct type of the armor you equipped
=Damage on the hero's regular Interface spot will show the main-hand damage the unit is dealing for only physical damage
=Damage on the hero's regular Interface spot will show the off-hand damage the unit is dealing for only physical damage in the green bonus number
✔Textags of chance effects[crits,parries,dodges etc] (mostly re-coding)
Bosses and Raids:
=Threat System (Making it using this:http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php/168621-MergeSort)
=AI (dependent on what type of boss but might be configured into some sort of system)
=Walls/gateways/towers are constructed with destructable walls that are destroyed in stages
=Pathing works for the walls/gateways/towers
Party System:
=Party System that shows other players health and provides for easy heals/buffs
✔Chat commands
✔Chat commands to provide customization of inventory/talent sizes based on resolution
=Other useful chat commands
Dungeon Master:
✔New Dungeon Master In-game UI structure
=What actual buttons and what form of structure the UI will take
✔Dungeon Master master-select ability(able to select anything in the game)
=Dungeon Master's ability to control an single unit for a limited time
=Dungeon Master's ability to change objects(units, destructables, items) with some category/level limitations
✔ESC closes the inventory
~Inventory opens with a spell inside an item spellbook menu including other things
✔Showing equiped item attachments on both hero and inventory unit
✔4 slot belt for potions/scrolls
~Tooltips display
~Animations of the hero switching depending on items equiped
~Money/Dungeon Master Points display
✔Stack items of same type that are potions/scrolls
~Graphical Display of stacked items numbers with texttags above items
~Fixing item bonuses to match all available bonuses
=Talents can be added to by item bonuses
=Switching the inventory to run on completely images instead of destructables
OMerchant Window
~Merchants getting more items as you sell/buy from them and as they reach towns
~Trade Window
OAuction Window (uses same as merchant window but with non-regular price)
~Setting up prices for auctioned items
~Paying for an item to be held in auction for a while and if it is not sold returning it to the owner
Stats Display:
~Full Stats Display
✔Stats Buttons
~Stats Text Display For Type and Number with green addition numbers
Item Dropping:
✔Drop items
~Dropped item stealing protection
Item Types:
~Magic Items with random Prefix/Suffix
OArrows/Throwing Weapons
~Runewords (I will see about adding runewords depending on how hard socket are)
✔Talent Buttons
✔Talents can be modified outside of the talent system
✔Talent Screen is exitable by pressing ESC
~Talent Screen opens with a spell inside an item spellbook menu including other things
=Talents using only images for displays
=Talent Organization
=How skills are formed by talent and class choices
=Working on an good design to do this
Shared (Inventory and Talents)
10 Button Transport Actionbar:
✔Providing 9 clickable transport buttons for learned spells
✔Showing graphical cooldown of spells inside the transport buttons
✔Has 1 button to collapse to show other hero stats
✔Doesn't interrupt orders
=Refreshing transport icons at an manageable speed for fast casting
=Buttons to assign these transport slots and control hotkey bar
Terrain Generation:
✔Terrain Deformations that are reversable and saveable that are coded to be settable by a single integer
=Implementing multiple levels for generation with angled ramps (Will be pushed back for a later version because terrain deformations work well and will be useful for creating more realistic terrains.)
✔Manipulative Fog (color, density etc)
✔Snapping camera/minimap limits to regions
✔Sun/Moon models
=Applying Sun/Moon models for correct times
✔Cloud/Sky models
✔Lighting models
OA working rain system that will flood some areas
=Good looking rain that will add serious realism to the terrain
✔Has scrolling terrain for a larger triggered terrain generated map (This should still be optimized a lot but it is working)
✔Has "smart" forest terraining (trees only on grass, rock doodads only on rocks) [Just needs some optimization]
City Terraining:
✔Can create buildings of variable sizes with custom floor/wall models
✔Has "smart" city terraining (placing trees outside/npcs inside etc)
✔Has walls created with entrances
✔Has "smart" dungeon terraining (placing concentrations of enemies in right spots dividing them up a bit)
✔Has chalices that provide an to be added bonus
✔Has coins generated that will provide some gold bonus for certain bonus levels
✔Has chests generated that will have chances of dropping items
=Placing ground terrains (like running waterways with grated floors and water)
=Destructable pillars and other objects
=Recoding this (Found two examples of this done and am working on figuring the most optimized way of going about this)
✔Fixed First Person(Just needs a small bit of an optimization)
✔Third Person(Just needs a small bit of an optimization)
✔Regular Game Camera with height fix
Unit Models:
=Many attachments
=Different races
=Modifiable appearance (hair, ears, etc)
=Model that is mainly just attachment points that plays good animations (I have one already; but am thinking of getting or making an version of the villager model with an large amount of animations that would be just attachment points and bones instead)
=Many attachments(including bones version for when enemies get electrocuted and falling body parts)
=Different races/types
=Modifiable appearance (hair, ears, etc)
✔Blood Stain models
=Blood Splatter/spray models
=Some form of blood system for damaged units
=In-Game options to turn gore on/off or modify the amount
=Working on a good way to deal with this
=A dice roll for higher grade items
✔Sound System
✔Error Sounds
=Equip/Talent sounds
=Weapon sounds
=Possibly some custom music
✔ Loading Screen (Just pure black to save space)
✔ New User Interface Skin
✔ New AOE target skin
✔Chances: Chances for critical strikes etc are made to balance using Get Proc
=Events for nearly everything (stuff like critical strikes, evades, and etc are given events)
=Physics (heroes will knockback units with attacks)
Combat Semantics:
Casting Bar:
=Casting bars appear when casting spells (mostly re-coding)
=Casting bars can be canceled mid-way (mostly re-coding)
=Casting bars can be sped/slowed down (mostly re-coding)
✔Manipulative meteors(quantity, time to fall, effects etc)
Unit Images:
=Unit Images will be able to have certain %'s of dmg/defense of regular units and will be able to be fully controlled (mostly re-coding)
✔Invisibility that is revealable on a per player basis
✔An check for aura victims if they are invisible, or hexed so they cannot bestow auras (to replicate wc3's aura system)
~Actual Aura System (mostly waiting on AuraStruct to be finished )
Reviving Units:
✔Works well
Status System:
✔Works well (just needs to re-code some things like stun to account for faster hit recovery on items)
(these are being re-coded but will be finished soon)
✔Hit (causes normal damage)
✔Critical (extra damage with modifiable critical % and chance %)
✔Parry (reflects some damage)
✔Block (blocks a % of damage)
✔Evade (completely evades all damage)
Element Types:
Melee Weapons:
✔Melee weapons attack units in a triangle based off the facing of the unit (was recently optimized)
Projectile Weapons:
=Visual Display of quantity using food or multiboard
✔Projectiles are able to collide with units, destructs, and other projs
✔Projectiles are manipulative (slowing, modifying damage etc)
=Damage Types will display the correct type of the weapon you equiped
=Armor Types will display the correct type of the armor you equipped
=Damage on the hero's regular Interface spot will show the main-hand damage the unit is dealing for only physical damage
=Damage on the hero's regular Interface spot will show the off-hand damage the unit is dealing for only physical damage in the green bonus number
✔Textags of chance effects[crits,parries,dodges etc] (mostly re-coding)
Bosses and Raids:
=Threat System (Making it using this:http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php/168621-MergeSort)
=AI (dependent on what type of boss but might be configured into some sort of system)
=Walls/gateways/towers are constructed with destructable walls that are destroyed in stages
=Pathing works for the walls/gateways/towers
Party System:
=Party System that shows other players health and provides for easy heals/buffs
✔Chat commands
✔Chat commands to provide customization of inventory/talent sizes based on resolution
=Other useful chat commands
Dungeon Master:
✔New Dungeon Master In-game UI structure
=What actual buttons and what form of structure the UI will take
✔Dungeon Master master-select ability(able to select anything in the game)
=Dungeon Master's ability to control an single unit for a limited time
=Dungeon Master's ability to change objects(units, destructables, items) with some category/level limitations
✔ESC closes the inventory
~Inventory opens with a spell inside an item spellbook menu including other things
✔Showing equiped item attachments on both hero and inventory unit
✔4 slot belt for potions/scrolls
~Tooltips display
~Animations of the hero switching depending on items equiped
~Money/Dungeon Master Points display
✔Stack items of same type that are potions/scrolls
~Graphical Display of stacked items numbers with texttags above items
~Fixing item bonuses to match all available bonuses
=Talents can be added to by item bonuses
=Switching the inventory to run on completely images instead of destructables
OMerchant Window
~Merchants getting more items as you sell/buy from them and as they reach towns
~Trade Window
OAuction Window (uses same as merchant window but with non-regular price)
~Setting up prices for auctioned items
~Paying for an item to be held in auction for a while and if it is not sold returning it to the owner
Stats Display:
~Full Stats Display
✔Stats Buttons
~Stats Text Display For Type and Number with green addition numbers
Item Dropping:
✔Drop items
~Dropped item stealing protection
Item Types:
~Magic Items with random Prefix/Suffix
OArrows/Throwing Weapons
~Runewords (I will see about adding runewords depending on how hard socket are)
✔Talent Buttons
✔Talents can be modified outside of the talent system
✔Talent Screen is exitable by pressing ESC
~Talent Screen opens with a spell inside an item spellbook menu including other things
=Talents using only images for displays
=Talent Organization
=How skills are formed by talent and class choices
=Working on an good design to do this
Shared (Inventory and Talents)
10 Button Transport Actionbar:
✔Providing 9 clickable transport buttons for learned spells
✔Showing graphical cooldown of spells inside the transport buttons
✔Has 1 button to collapse to show other hero stats
✔Doesn't interrupt orders
=Refreshing transport icons at an manageable speed for fast casting
=Buttons to assign these transport slots and control hotkey bar
Terrain Generation:
✔Terrain Deformations that are reversable and saveable that are coded to be settable by a single integer
=Implementing multiple levels for generation with angled ramps (Will be pushed back for a later version because terrain deformations work well and will be useful for creating more realistic terrains.)
✔Manipulative Fog (color, density etc)
✔Snapping camera/minimap limits to regions
✔Sun/Moon models
=Applying Sun/Moon models for correct times
✔Cloud/Sky models
✔Lighting models
OA working rain system that will flood some areas
=Good looking rain that will add serious realism to the terrain
✔Has scrolling terrain for a larger triggered terrain generated map (This should still be optimized a lot but it is working)
✔Has "smart" forest terraining (trees only on grass, rock doodads only on rocks) [Just needs some optimization]
City Terraining:
✔Can create buildings of variable sizes with custom floor/wall models
✔Has "smart" city terraining (placing trees outside/npcs inside etc)
✔Has walls created with entrances
✔Has "smart" dungeon terraining (placing concentrations of enemies in right spots dividing them up a bit)
✔Has chalices that provide an to be added bonus
✔Has coins generated that will provide some gold bonus for certain bonus levels
✔Has chests generated that will have chances of dropping items
=Placing ground terrains (like running waterways with grated floors and water)
=Destructable pillars and other objects
=Recoding this (Found two examples of this done and am working on figuring the most optimized way of going about this)
✔Fixed First Person(Just needs a small bit of an optimization)
✔Third Person(Just needs a small bit of an optimization)
✔Regular Game Camera with height fix
Unit Models:
=Many attachments
=Different races
=Modifiable appearance (hair, ears, etc)
=Model that is mainly just attachment points that plays good animations (I have one already; but am thinking of getting or making an version of the villager model with an large amount of animations that would be just attachment points and bones instead)
=Many attachments(including bones version for when enemies get electrocuted and falling body parts)
=Different races/types
=Modifiable appearance (hair, ears, etc)
✔Blood Stain models
=Blood Splatter/spray models
=Some form of blood system for damaged units
=In-Game options to turn gore on/off or modify the amount
=Working on a good way to deal with this
=A dice roll for higher grade items
✔Sound System
✔Error Sounds
=Equip/Talent sounds
=Weapon sounds
=Possibly some custom music
✔ Loading Screen (Just pure black to save space)
✔ New User Interface Skin
✔ New AOE target skin
✔ Finished
O Still need to be tested
E Has errors
= Working on it
~ Working up to it
None yet. Will add some soon though. You can check some in the recruitment thread but many of them are old.
Interested and want to help?
Post here->Recruitment
Note: I'm mostly looking for another vJASSer, but anyone is free to apply.
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