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April Fools - Introducing Honeycombs!

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Media Manager
Level 49
May 25, 2007

Greetings everyone!

We are very excited to introduce Honeycombs!
Honeycombs are the latest in the Hive Workshop's ever-expanding list of features, bringing with them a fully revamped download system, a new dimension to our vast resource sections, unlockable site themes & more!

What are Honeycombs?
Honeycombs are the site-wide currency of the Hive Workshop. Members will be able to spend their accumulated Honeycombs on downloading maps and resources and unlocking cosmetic elements such as new site themes and exclusive merchandise. Each member's Honeycomb count or "Honeycount" will be visible under their avatar, right next to the XP bar:


How are Honeycombs acquired?
Honeycombs are automatically generated much like Experience. You can earn Honeycombs by:
  • Starting a thread
  • Replying to a thread
  • Submitting a resource
  • Receiving a positive reaction
  • Receiving a Honeycomb award from a contest
As an additional perk, Hive Heroes will receive a 10% bonus to Honeycomb generation!

In addition, Honeycombs can be purchased in the Merch Shop in three Honeybundles*
  • $4.99 - 100 Honeycombs
  • $14.99 - 325 Honeycombs
  • $32.99 - 750 Honeycombs
*prices are subject to change

What is the revamped download system?
The new resource download system is an exciting way to discover resources and diversify your asset collection! Starting tomorrow, members will be able to download maps, models, skins, icons, and sounds in exchange for a set number of Honeycombs! The pricing is based on the type of asset downloaded:
  • Icon - 3 Honeycombs
  • Skin - 10 Honeycombs
  • Model - 20 Honeycombs
  • Map - 100 Honeycombs
  • Campaign - 250 Honeycombs

Maps and assets awarded the Director's Cut rating will cost a flat 25% Honeycombs extra.

Can I still download assets the way I used to?
If you are running low on Honeycombs and can't afford a particular asset you'll be able to use our new and exciting Free Download feature, which will grant you a resource pack full of random assets of the type you were looking for. These packs can contain anything! With a bit of luck, you could even get the asset you were after in the first place. And if not - then your collection is that much more interesting. Say goodbye to using the same old assets over and over again in your maps!

The resource packs quantities vary according to the type of asset as follows:
  • Icon Resource Pack - 10 random icons
  • Skin Resource Pack - 5 random skins
  • Model Resource Pack - 3 random models
  • Map Pack - 2 random maps or campaigns

We'll be rolling the update out over the next week. To celebrate, we'll be giving each of our members 10 FREE Honeycombs as well as the ability to purchase our first-ever HONEYCOMB EXCLUSIVE SITE THEME (available for the price of 1000 Honeycombs)!

Until next time, and as always: stay sweet!

As someone that only ever lurks, unless it's a reply to my own threads, I feel this is going to make me not even want to use hive now. If the options are "post/reply" or pay for credits to download stuff.

Please excuse me, while I go smack my head against a wall for forgetting the date lol
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Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
As someone who has trouble making decisions like what to eat or what to watch I find this new random asset pack system to be a massive improvement over that old outdated one. No longer do I have to spend seconds searching for a model or icon with results tailored to my exact needs, instead I can put my trust into the wheel of fate and hopefully end up with something somewhat similar to my original search. That most likely won't be the case but that's what makes it so great!
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Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
What a sweet new system. ; )

I'm laughing because this bit:
If you are running low on Honeycombs and can't afford a particular asset you'll be able to use our new and exciting Free Download feature, which will grant you a resource pack full of random assets of the type you were looking for. These packs can contain anything! With a bit of luck, you could even get the asset you were after in the first place. And if not - then your collection is that much more interesting. Say goodbye to using the same old assets over and over again in your maps!
is shockingly reminiscent of the language used to describe the "perks" of buying digital Magic: the Gathering cards on Arena. xD

Also I'm dying to know where this quote is from:
What a sweet new system. ; )

I'm laughing because this bit: is shockingly reminiscent of the language used to describe the "perks" of buying digital Magic: the Gathering cards on Arena. xD

Also I'm dying to know where this quote is from:

Damn, I was getting myself prepared for the feisty comments about greed.

It is from a show called Community.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
As someone that only ever lurks, unless it's a reply to my own threads, I feel this is going to make me not even want to use hive now. If the options are "post/reply" or pay for credits to download stuff.
I know dude this is unacceptable. i'm deleting my account tomorrow in riot.

I'm saddened by the fact that spell resources cost no honeycombs so far for regular users. They should either exchange some honeycombs in order to download a loot-crate themed zip file that may or may not contain the desired file. For resources with higher quality, they should be bundled in a more expensive loot-crate that contains additional DRM and may also play an anti-pesticide ad. We wouldn't want our honeycombs to spoil now, would we?

Camouflaging actually planned changes of the website on Friday, are we?
Creative, @Ralle, really creative, gotta hand it to you. :peasant-cool:
This gives me a reminder of my country's political vibe. Throw them as 'plans' and if there's a lot of opposition, cancel it. If it works, it goes on.
Level 5
Oct 16, 2018
Wtf, i was preparing almost the same thing but mine was called "hivecoin" and was going to contact ralle.

Anyway, this system is not balanced and is UNFAIR.
Ill contact ralle soon about my idea, however "Honeycomb" is a beautiful name and its icon also.

[Staff dont delete my message.]

As a hive member i would say this is unfair, my idea is much better than this.
My idea is fair alot for both hiveworkshop & hive users.

Ralle, if you are reading this please message me, ill tell you my idea, it will changes the hive alot and make it much more popular, there is many benefits in my idea, for both creators and your bank balance, and is more fair for users whos are not going to create anything and do only want to download maps & play.

Message me, youll not regret it.
Atleast let me explain it, youll lose nothing.
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What an exciting time! I know we are all looking forward to this next chapter in the community story of the Hive Workshop and the role it plays in our lives and getting us all rich off of honeycomb trading!

To prepare for this future, the team here at Retera Model Studio has also paired with Hive to create a fantastic new version of the program to help Warcraft III modelers. The new version will be called Demon Retera Model Studio (emphasis on the D) which shortens to DRMS instead of RMS.

DRMS will be an exciting new chapter of our combined Warcraft III modding experience. By bringing DRM to the Retera Model Studio and requiring everyone to log in with either their Hive Workshop account credentials* or their Battle.net account** (whichever comes first), we will pave the road forward for supporting future updates.


Once users have authenticated and logged into the Retera Model Studio, if:
A) the program was launched automatically, such as from double-clicking an MDX file in Windows Explorer
B) this was the user's first time logging in this month
... then in such event, it will crash with the warning "You were Disco Nectared!" such as in the following diagram. This is to celebrate that time once a month when each of us uses the Test Map feature from World Editor, logs into Reforged, sees the map loading screen, then gets to the game end screen. Demon Retera Model Studio loads assets and ideas from Warcraft III Reforged, and this case has this feature intentionally added to celebrate our Warcraft III: Reforged experience:

After logging in to the Demon Retera Model Studio, the user pays for the upgrades to this software using honeycombs and their other personal data, which will be securely updated to our private site constantly while the software is open (or even if it is not!). In return for all the free data you will be giving us, we will be able to add new features such as:

Feature 1: Camera Controller
Instead of using Magos, now the Warcraft III model artists will be able to create a camera from the current view right at home in the Retera Model Studio.

Feature 2: Tracks Editor
Instead of trying to customize animations in notepad, Mdlvis, or Magos, users will now be able to customize their animation tracks in a special Tracks tab. See the following example below of the Necropolis Birth animation, where we can see the animated color track in its GeosetAnim as it fades in from green during its birth sequence. Of course, double clicking on any keyframe in the color track will allow the user to control and configure the color at the designated time. Likewise, other keyframes of other kinds can be double-clicked and modified.

Feature 3: Built-in Text Editor
Anyone who has spent much time in Retera Model Studio will know that half of the necessary features are missing from the program, and instead of adding them I just tell everyone to save the model to MDL and use Notepad to configure the file. Now, after 20 years of Warcraft III modding innovation, I have finally decided to improve on this process by adding a text editor directly into the Retera Model Studio so that users like you can modify the MDL contents directly instead of saving the file and opening it with Notepad.

Feature 4: World of Warcraft Support
We all wish that we could import World of Warcraft models into Warcraft III, but unfortunately doing so has always been a giant nuisance. To resolve this, Demon Retera Model Studio will be able to go to "Edit> Preferences> Warcraft Data Sources" and add your World of Warcraft installation as a data source directly!

After you add your World of Warcraft installation as the source of assets, the Retera Model Studio will let you seamlessly browse World of Warcraft assets and save them as Reforged models, so that you can easily drop your favorite Warcraft characters into your custom maps, like this Murloc shown below!

Feature 5: Cross Conversion
We know based on existing data metrics that a lot of pirates in the Caribbean have been using Retera Model Studio to convert Reforged assets into their legacy Warcraft III counterparts, using the "HD -> SD" conversion option in the scripts menu. To celebrate the world wide achievement of 3000 models converted globally by all users combined, we decided to implement a better converter that just saves the Reforged asset completely intact as an SD file. Here's an example of the HD sorceress loaded on the Patch 1.26 game engine:

This way, users of the DRMS don't have to buy the Reforged to experience the Reforged. Instead, they just pay me with their data, and that pays for everything they could ever need.

Closing Thoughts
In addition, to celebrate Warcraft III the Reforged and what it has been and what it means for us, users of Retera Model Studio will have their RMS installation automatically erased and replaced with the DRMS today, without you even having to press a key on your keyboard or even think about it -- just like how Reforged nuked your 1.31 install and replaced it with 1.32 on the release day without you needing to worry about a thing.

That way, everyone joins in harmony and moves to the latest version, just like Reforged!

* batteries not included
** Signing in with Battle.net requires OAuth2 authentication and may require you to connect your official Battle.net authenticator or your pet dog to your USB port
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I've spent more hours understanding your posts than you writting them.
Yeah. But I spent more hours understanding warcraft III mdx format than the guys in 2002 spent writing it. So it evens out.

Are honeycombs on the blockchain, btw?
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