Anyone Else Hate Smartphone Addicts?

Do You Hate Smartphone Addicts?

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I am sick of people who can't stop using their smartphone long enough to have a conversation in real life (~90% of smartphone users). I will have guests over, and every single one of them will be in their smartphone texting other people who aren't there, or watching youtube videos, movies, or TV shows, each watching different shit on their phones, rather than talking to each other. They won't even watch anything together on a TV because they're so used to only watching exactly what they feel like watching at exactly that moment, that they can't agree on anything to watch together. They're so busy with themselves that I wonder why they even leave their homes; it's like they're just trying to spend a certain amount of time at other people's houses just so they can say they have friends and don't spend all their time at home, without actually having to have friends. Even if I, another friend, or their own family is trying to talk to them about something important and heartfelt, they're too busy ignoring everything in real life because they're in their phones. They can't put their phones in their pockets for a few fucking minutes to talk to real people in real life.

And then I'm the "antisocial" one because I don't have a smartphone and text like everyone else? Bullshit, they're all too antisocial to even talk to people; I'm the last "social" person left.

I almost want to move to a third-world country just so I can make friends with people who are too poor to afford a smartphone. At least then I could have a real conversation. But then I'd have to deal with third-world problems, which I hear are much worse than first-world problems.
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Level 18
May 11, 2012
I understand you, but I use smartphone ALOT for only 1 reason.
That reason is, the person I love lives around 150km away from me, and we get to see each other INCREDIBLY RARE (like once or twice a year DUH!).
So I need to constantly talk to her, because I want and it's the only way to have the feeling that she's with me.

I have no problem putting my phone away from even few hours to talk and spend time, and that's only when she's busy working or. But if she's in her free time, then yeah. Smartphone is our only connection.
Level 10
Nov 23, 2006
The one place where I can't stand it is in a pub. You go with your friends for a beer and all they do is stare into their phones. That really goes on my nerves. I actually stopped hanging out with one group because of that. What's the point in going for a beer and not even talking to others.

Shar Dundred

Hosted Project: LoA
Level 75
May 6, 2009
The one place where I can't stand it is in a pub. You go with your friends for a beer and all they do is stare into their phones. That really goes on my nerves. I actually stopped hanging out with one group because of that. What's the point in going for a beer and not even talking to others.


I use a smart phone myself (I just use it to write here!) but I also dislike people who use it 24/7. It's not the phone's fault though, I'd say. Nobody forces you to use it all the time. Don't blame a tool for being misused, that's like blaming the hammer someone used to kill others. It's the person's fault.
Smart phones are useful, after all.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
In my country, I hate it when they start using their smartphones, they become zombies on the streets, cafeteria, and even parties were they just stare at them rather than paying attention in their current state, its also a huge reason why most cases in my place they get snatched by robbers.

I only usually use my phone when I play games and watch vids when I'm home and when I don't want to open up my desktop. :wink:
Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
I wanted to use but can't afford it lol.
But anyways yep there is a lot of people who are out of control with this new trend. The best anti-social device ever made but I'm not preferring to the original purpose of the smartphone and more to how people see other use it.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
50% of my smart phone usage is using google to shut an argument down when I am with my friends to prove that I am right. The other 50% is to talk to my friends in a messenger group when I'm not around them or other people.

So it can be anti-social from one perspective, or it can be completely social from another; we're in the age of multi-tasking and instant gratification when doing things. The "addicted" smartphone users generally have many conversations going on at once among other tasks. Now you may not necessarily call that optimal because they aren't focusing 100% on any given task, but to call it anti-social isn't accurate by any means.
I understand you, but I use smartphone ALOT for only 1 reason.
That reason is, the person I love lives around 150km away from me, and we get to see each other INCREDIBLY RARE (like once or twice a year DUH!).
So I need to constantly talk to her, because I want and it's the only way to have the feeling that she's with me.

I have no problem putting my phone away from even few hours to talk and spend time, and that's only when she's busy working or. But if she's in her free time, then yeah. Smartphone is our only connection.

That's completely understandable. You shouldn't have voted for "I am a smartphone addict", since you are clearly not an addict; you have a legitimate reason to use the phone, and you have no problem not using it aside from that reason. An addict is different; an addict will keep their phone out and find things to do with it instead of embracing what's around them.

Personally, I've just never been much of a phone-talker. The only person I can talk to on the phone for long amounts of time on a regular basis with is my mother; anyone else I can only talk to on the phone for a long time if I hadn't spoken to the person in a long time. If it's somebody that lives nearby, I'll usually call them just to arrange a time or place to meet up and talk in person; I just prefer it that way. There are certain things you'll say and understand in person, that you just don't say over the phone, and taking that out of the conversation removes the bonding experience.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
I know absolutely what you mean. It is by and far one of the most frustrating things a person can do, checking their phone constantly - it's like the modern day checking of the watch with all the intent to say "I have somewhere better to be right now". I'm totally reminded of this image from the fantastic XKCD, though:


"But you're using that same tactic to try to feel superior to me, too!"
"Sorry that accusation expires after one use per conversation."
*Reads the thread title, enters, notices that there is no option that includes "hate".*

I mean, come on...

I felt like hate was a strong word, so I chose "dislike" instead. But you still have the option to kindly and politely express your hatred in the comments!

I'm sorry, but you're going to have to repeat that. I just got this really funny PM!

Please share the entire conversation of the PM which was about a conversation, with everyone on facebook, and then share the conversation they have on facebook about the conversation you had about your text conversation about a conversation, with us here on THW where we can converse about it.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Please share the entire conversation of the PM which was about a conversation, with everyone on facebook, and then share the conversation they have on facebook about the conversation you had about your text conversation about a conversation, with us here on THW where we can converse about it.
You can read all about it on my blog where I talk about everything I do, give out intimate details about my personal life to the world and complain about Orwellian breaches of privacy to OK magazine

I also upload a large variety of pictures of myself in my edible underwear
You can read all about it on my blog where I talk about everything I do, give out intimate details about my personal life to the world and complain about Orwellian breaches of privacy to OK magazine

I also upload a large variety of pictures of myself in my edible underwear

Do you weave boxers out of bacon?
I had trouble voting.

I really can't stand people who use their phone all the friggin time. So often the phone is more important than conversating in real life.
We talk, suddenly the phone beeps, and then it's face in phone.

I also do not have a smartphone myself, but I chose option 1.
I dislike smartphone addicts more than I don't have a smartphone, that's quite a lot then I guess.
I had trouble voting.

I really can't stand people who use their phone all the friggin time. So often the phone is more important than conversating in real life.
We talk, suddenly the phone beeps, and then it's face in phone.

I also do not have a smartphone myself, but I chose option 1.
I dislike smartphone addicts more than I don't have a smartphone, that's quite a lot then I guess.

You can vote for more than one option.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I hate cell phones and their convenience and ability to constantly entertain me. That isn't sarcasm. I've been trying to really cut back on my cell phone, even leaving it at home when I go out sometimes. It's just so damn hard not to use.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I think it really just depends on the people in your group. Me and the friends I usually hangs out with, aside from one person, have smartphones and some even have multiple phones yet every time we hangout you really don't see anyone using their smartphones at all unless they receive some text/email that if it is not really important they don't bother replying.

The question is does your group interesting enough or having fun just being with each other too keep them away from their phones? Are you even sure they're your friends when they rather face their phone instead of you?

I usually use my phone when traveling alone or when I'm just at home. Smartphone is still a great source of quick burst of entertainment when there is absolutely nothing to do.
I think it really just depends on the people in your group. Me and the friends I usually hangs out with, aside from one person, have smartphones and some even have multiple phones yet every time we hangout you really don't see anyone using their smartphones at all unless they receive some text/email that if it is not really important they don't bother replying.

The question is does your group interesting enough or having fun just being with each other too keep them away from their phones? Are you even sure they're your friends when they rather face their phone instead of you?

I usually use my phone when traveling alone or when I'm just at home. Smartphone is still a great source of quick burst of entertainment when there is absolutely nothing to do.

The problem is that a lot of people have gotten so addicted to their phones that they would rather sit in their phones than do anything else. I've seen friends of mine take out their phone to respond to a text while running the bases, and their pace slowed down.
Smartphones are the future, get over it. You have to understand that physical contact is not the only "social" type of connection to the world and people. it is is so much easier to talk and chat with people at great distances.

I can understand using a phone to talk to someone that you can't otherwise talk to. I never said that I dislike everyone who uses a phone. Phones have existed for a long time. By now, even cell phones and texting have existed for a long time; and they weren't a problem. It wasn't until smartphones that people TRULY got addicted; they're not even talking on their phones anymore, they're just browsing tumblr and watching youtube.

What I don't like are people who don't know how to STOP using their phone, for even a moment, to acknowledge the existence of real human beings that are around them. When they're with Joe, they are busy texting Bob. When they are with Bob, they are busy texting Joe.

I have nothing against smartphone users who use their phone appropriately. But most of them get addicted; they can't stop using it. In the middle of dinner, they're texting the whole time; they are too busy texting to even take a bite of food, and by the time they've even tasted their meal, it's cold. Watching a movie, and they're in their phone the whole time, to the point where they don't even know what the movie was about when it's over. Having a conversation in real life with them; they are texting the whole time and not listening to a word that's being said, while they nod their head and say "yeah" as if they were listening. I could say "My father fell down the stairs yesterday, and he was unconscious when I found him", and they respond with "cool" or "yeah" or "sounds good". Playing a sport; they are taking their phones out and texting in the middle of the game, when their team is relying on them. They could be in the middle of running the bases, in baseball, and suddenly slow down to pull their phone out of their pocket to read the text they just got; they can't even wait until they get to the next base. I really hate when I'm at work trying to do something, and my job has to wait because the person that's supposed to be doing it with me is too busy watching videos on youtube, texting, or posting on facebook, with their phone; so the job that we're getting paid to do isn't getting done.

I have no problem with smartphones. They are useful tools and they can be very entertaining. The problem is the effect they have on the people who use them.

It is impossible to plan anything with smartphone users. Whenever I try to plan anything, it's always the smartphone addicts who don't show up, because they decided they'd rather sit at home using their phone instead, and so they make up a bullshit excuse. Before smartphones, you could call up your friends, say "Hey, want to do this, at this place, on this day?", and quickly decide on a time to go, and when the time came, everyone would be there, and you could enjoy whatever it was you were doing; now, you can't plan anything, because smartphone users are too unpredictable; they get so addicted to changing their minds and doing exactly what they feel like doing, when they feel like it, that they never do anything REAL because at the last minute they always change their mind and sit in their phone watching youtube and playing browser games instead.

They pretend they are social, and that everyone without a phone is antisocial; but people with phones don't even use their phones to communicate with each other anymore; it's just a miniature computer that they're bringing everywhere to play games and watch videos wherever they go. They will be sitting on their phone, watching videos or browsing tumblr, and won't even answer their phone as people call them.

Smartphones are great, but they turn the people who use them into morons, because everything is so easily accessible to them that they get addicted, and the real world isn't fast enough for them anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I talk on forums, watch youtube, and play videogames, a lot. I spend hours on my computer every day, but I do it on my own time when I'm alone; not all day, every day, in the middle of everything, ignoring everything and everyone around me, the way smartphone addicts often do.
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I can understand using a phone to talk to someone that you can't otherwise talk to. I never said that I dislike everyone who uses a phone. Phones have existed for a long time. By now, even cell phones and texting have existed for a long time; and they weren't a problem. It wasn't until smartphones that people TRULY got addicted; they're not even talking on their phones anymore, they're just browsing tumblr and watching youtube.

What I don't like are people who don't know how to STOP using their phone, for even a moment, to acknowledge the existence of real human beings that are around them. When they're with Joe, they are busy texting Bob. When they are with Bob, they are busy texting Joe.

I have nothing against smartphone users who use their phone appropriately. But most of them get addicted; they can't stop using it. In the middle of dinner, they're texting the whole time; they are too busy texting to even take a bite of food, and by the time they've even tasted their meal, it's cold. Watching a movie, and they're in their phone the whole time, to the point where they don't even know what the movie was about when it's over. Having a conversation in real life with them; they are texting the whole time and not listening to a word that's being said, while they nod their head and say "yeah" as if they were listening. Playing a sport; they are taking their phones out and texting in the middle of the game, when their team is relying on them. They could be in the middle of running the bases, in baseball, and suddenly slow down to pull their phone out of their pocket to read the text they just got; they can't even wait until they get to the next base. I really hate when I'm at work trying to do something, and my job has to wait because the person that's supposed to be doing it with me is too busy watching videos on youtube, texting, or posting on facebook, with their phone; so the job that we're getting paid to do isn't getting done.

I have no problem with smartphones. They are useful tools and they can be very entertaining. The problem is the effect they have on the people who use them.

It is impossible to plan anything with smartphone users. Whenever I try to plan anything, it's always the smartphone addicts who don't show up, because they decided they'd rather sit at home using their phone instead, and so they make up a bullshit excuse. Before smartphones, you could call up your friends, say "Hey, want to do this, at this place, on this day?", and quickly decide on a time to go, and when the time came, everyone would be there, and you could enjoy whatever it was you were doing; now, you can't plan anything, because smartphone users are too unpredictable; they get so addicted to changing their minds and doing exactly what they feel like doing, when they feel like it, that they never do anything REAL because at the last minute they always change their mind and sit in their phone watching youtube and playing browser games instead.

They pretend they are social, and that everyone without a phone is antisocial; but people with phones don't even use their phones to communicate with each other anymore; it's just a miniature computer that they're bringing everywhere to play games and watch videos wherever they go. They will be sitting on their phone, watching videos or browsing tumblr, and won't even answer their phone as people call them.

Smartphones are great, but they turn the people who use them into morons, because everything is so easily accessible to them that they get addicted, and the real world isn't fast enough for them anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I talk on forums, watch youtube, and play videogames, a lot. I spend hours on my computer every day, but I do it on my own time when I'm alone; not all day, every day, in the middle of everything, ignoring everything and everyone around me, the way smartphone addicts often do.

If your friends do not respect you while you are connecting with them in real life then they are not your real friends. You're right, but you can't change that. That is the sad future.
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If you're friends do not respect you while you are connecting with them in real life then they are not your real friends. You're right, but you can't change that. That is the sad future.

I know; because of smartphones, there is no such thing as real friends, because people love their phones more than real people, and they take everything including their own families for granted. Friendships are mutual. Since people with smartphones can't have real friends (because they don't talk to people in real life), the end result is that I can't have real friends either; because everyone has smartphones and isn't interested in talking to real people. Nowadays, I just have acquaintances (people I hang out with and talk to, but can't trust). I don't like that; I'm not the kind of person that hangs out with people that I can't trust, but people who are capable of being true friends are so hard to come by nowadays that I have no choice but to either hang out with people that aren't really friends, or hang out with noone at all. Everyone is constantly backstabbing each other and talking shit about their own "friends" behind their backs, and bullshit like that. It's an indirect effect of smartphones, because people don't spend enough time together to get to know each other well enough to become true friends; people call each other friends, but they are all really just acquaintances, who would stab each other in the back for an upgrade to their phone. I am aware that there have always been people like this, but now it seems like almost everyone is this way.
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Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
I felt like hate was a strong word, so I chose "dislike" instead.

And therefore the title is misleading, and nah, it's not too strong as long as it
doesn't concern anyone explicitly, but a kind of people defined by social definition.

I know; because of smartphones, there is no such thing as real friends, because people love their phones more than real people, and they take everything including their own families for granted.

Too bold.
And therefore the title is misleading, and nah, it's not too strong as long as it
doesn't concern anyone explicitly, but a kind of people defined by social definition.

I named that category in the poll "I dislike smartphone addicts" rather than "I hate smartphone addicts" simply because I figured that if it were "I hate smartphone addicts", a lot of people would avoid voting for that option because they think hate is too strong of a word, and rather than divide people into "Hate" and "dislike" categories, I thought it more appropriate to just have one category for people who dislike smartphone addicts.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
The one place where I can't stand it is in a pub. You go with your friends for a beer and all they do is stare into their phones. That really goes on my nerves. I actually stopped hanging out with one group because of that. What's the point in going for a beer and not even talking to others.


Using smartphone on family meetings even tho bad i can forgive(he/she does not want to hang out with the relatives,everyone has its own reasons)but when you go out EVEN FROM A WALK with your friends and the smartphones keep popping i get super mad.Let's take a selfie here,let's take a selfie there let me post it on facebook/instagram/snapchat...STOP IT ALREADY I DID NOT GO OUT WITH YOU TO TAKE A SELFIE AND POST IT ON THE INTERNET...
All this smartphones thingys are destroying the social life.

I see it at my sister.She is 24/7 with her phone on her hands.If you even take it one second from her she starts screaming and demanding it back.You tell her just put that thing down for a couple of seconds and read a book she is like nope...

To top it off hate is a really strong word...I would say I dislike the smartphone "nerds".There is a time for everything that's a concept that the smartphone users can't quiet get it in their heads.
Smartphone is the perfect way to avoid awkwardness sometimes...
And the best way to avoid conversation and... Having something to stare at because i feel wierd when staring at others face (when not talking or whatever)

It's like the new cigarette. People do it to fit in and look normal. In an awkward situation? Take out your phone, and suddenly you're normal because you're addicted to the same thing everyone else is addicted to.

Not addicted to anything, and just standing there, waiting appropriately at a bus stop? Suddenly you're weird, just because you aren't doing anything.
It's like the new cigarette. People do it to fit in and look normal. In an awkward situation? Take out your phone, and suddenly you're normal because you're addicted to the same thing everyone else is addicted to.

Not addicted to anything, and just standing there, waiting appropriately at a bus stop? Suddenly you're weird, just because you aren't doing anything.

Thats Not I mean.... I mean like... Im the kind of person can't handle social stuff much, and Things... and bad at talking at real life, to avoid conversation, or unwanted eye contact thats my way anyway :V

But well... doesnt make you a wierd person if you're not using smartphone :V
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Thats Not I mean.... I mean like... Im the kind of person can't handle social stuff much, and Things... and bad at talking at real life, to avoid conversation, or unwanted eye contact thats my way anyway :V

But well... doesnt make you a wierd person if you're not using smartphone :V
...Dude...I was like this a long time ago...You just need to give it a try.If you keep hiding behind your phone or whatever you are doing...It Won't do you no good.It prevents you from expresing your ideas,plans,feelings and people will start bulling and making fun of you.

The thing is you don't have to keep eye conctact 24/7.About the talking part.You will better with time.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I'm totally a non-smartphone addict. At school, it happens a lot of times that the teacher is absent so you have like 50 minutes of free time to do nothing. In such situations, I am probably the only one in the class not holding a smartphone and trying to do something more creative (sometimes I give up and solve some exercises). I detest it when I'm talking to someone and suddently his/her phone rings and I'm ignored. I detest it when I see everybody holding his/her own smartphone instead of talking to each other. I dislike my own generation tbh because of this. The major problem is that there is no cure for that. They've become like drugs. You become dependant to it and every time you must increase the dosage to obtain the same effect. What a shame... I'm afraid for future generations.

Shar Dundred

Hosted Project: LoA
Level 75
May 6, 2009
I use a smart phone myself (I just use it to write here!) but I also dislike people who use it 24/7. It's not the phone's fault though, I'd say. Nobody forces you to use it all the time. Don't blame a tool for being misused, that's like blaming the hammer someone used to kill others. It's the person's fault.
Smart phones are useful, after all.

Don't mind me, just quoting myself.
I'm not an addict, and don't have any smartphone. However, sometimes I use Dad's phone to surf the Hive and Youtube.

Every human needs a rest, and so do I. Plus, smartphones are not as sophisticated as PCs and CABAL.

I think schools need to ban smartphones (ONLY smartphones, in case of emergency), because smartphones make people isolated and distant, as well as destroying their real social life.

In Malaysia, smartphones (and also the ancient phones too) are not allowed to be brought by students in elementary and secondary schools (at least government schools or government-type schools), they are considered Forbidden Stuffs in our schools. This is a good choice, as that creates chance for people to communicate face-to-face in real life, making true friends with each other and prevent distraction during lessons.

We usually play things such as chess and board games when it's relief sessions (teacher is absent) or when the teacher allows us to do so. Even so, smartphones are still banned.
I'm not an addict, and don't have any smartphone. However, sometimes I use Dad's phone to surf the Hive and Youtube.

Every human needs a rest, and so do I. Plus, smartphones are not as sophisticated as PCs and CABAL.

I think schools need to ban smartphones (ONLY smartphones, in case of emergency), because smartphones make people isolated and distant, as well as destroying their real social life.

In Malaysia, smartphones (and also the ancient phones too) are not allowed to be brought by students in elementary and secondary schools (at least government schools or government-type schools), they are considered Forbidden Stuffs in our schools. This is a good choice, as that creates chance for people to communicate face-to-face in real life, making true friends with each other and prevent distraction during lessons.

We usually play things such as chess and board games when it's relief sessions (teacher is absent) or when the teacher allows us to do so. Even so, smartphones are still banned.

Back to medieval ages, hell no! Good thing my school is modern enough to allow Smart phones. We even are allowed to use them in various classes. I feel sorry for you.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I'm not an addict, and don't have any smartphone. However, sometimes I use Dad's phone to surf the Hive and Youtube.

Every human needs a rest, and so do I. Plus, smartphones are not as sophisticated as PCs and CABAL.

I think schools need to ban smartphones (ONLY smartphones, in case of emergency), because smartphones make people isolated and distant, as well as destroying their real social life.

In Malaysia, smartphones (and also the ancient phones too) are not allowed to be brought by students in elementary and secondary schools (at least government schools or government-type schools), they are considered Forbidden Stuffs in our schools. This is a good choice, as that creates chance for people to communicate face-to-face in real life, making true friends with each other and prevent distraction during lessons.

We usually play things such as chess and board games when it's relief sessions (teacher is absent) or when the teacher allows us to do so. Even so, smartphones are still banned.

That's an awesome idea! I wish they adapted this in my school as well. The schools should forbid the usage of smart phones but not of common mobile phones which can only be used for calling or sending a little message so that you can always make emergency calls if requires without asking for the school's telephone. That would be a dream becoming true...
That's an awesome idea! I wish they adapted this in my school as well. The schools should forbid the usage of smart phones but not of common mobile phones which can only be used for calling or sending a little message so that you can always make emergency calls if requires without asking for the school's telephone. That would be a dream becoming true...

Not for me.. :p
Level 4
Feb 1, 2015
Question: Do I hate Smartphone Addicts?

Answer: Yes and no. People who suddenly whip out their smartphones when I'm trying to talk to them and ignore me (not counting miffed), in front of me at a stoplight, or tell me to go out and buy one when they find out I don't have a smartphone, YES. :ogre_rage:

I don't have a smartphone, but I'm in no rush to get one. I've seen practically all of my peers get them and wave them in my face with bitterness and, to a point, envy. I can't afford a smartphone, and my parents are in control. Sometimes I want to dope-slap those who tell me to go out and buy one even after I tell them that I don't have a job to sustain one. My parents will never buy me one because they feel that a flip-phone is all that I need (which is actually true).

If you are asking me if I think these people should "realize theirs more to life than what they're doing", then no. So call me a misanthropist I really don't care if someone else smokes/drinks/uses electronics/eats to their deaths. It will decrease a booming human population.
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