Disregarding how ads are being pushed in your face in every medium, which is annoying and I hate, and disregarding scam ads (that I got on the hive no less), if you specifically want to talk about Youtube, maybe I will be less willing to block them when they don't play ads at 1000% volume and blow up my ears.
I get your point, but regardless, it's only a minor inconvenience for you to reduce the volume or click on "skip this ad" after 5 seconds.
Unskippable ads are a pain, I agree, but they only appear in front of 10+ minute videos anyway.
Besides, the volume thing only happens on channels that have an uploader who is unaware of things like audio normalization and compression. Channels with good editing are mostly equally as loud as the ads. Because that's how digital audio works.
I also wouldn't worry too much about those "poor" ad companies, they get plenty of money, and the Android market is there for the reaping, since Google control it and doesn't allow for the installation of add-ons (gee, I wonder if this is related to ads?)
Who in their right mind cares about the ad company? I'm talking about the guys uploading videos on youtube. These guys need the ad money to produce the content you enjoy.
Watching your favorite youtubers with Adblock will yield them no income, since they get a direct share of the ad revenue of Youtube.
If you watch millionaire dicks like PewDiePie, fine, no problem with that. But there's channels on Youtube that desperately need any admoney they can get, like cartoon channels or smaller LP channels. You need a massive amount of views to make a living with Youtube Videos. Every bit helps.
Over all, Google are the worst scum with ads, so no, I don't feel sorry for them at all.
Who the fuck talked about google or youtube? I don't give a shit about google's or youtube's stock market. But I do care about the people trying to make a living with youtube content. And it's those guys you are scamming, not the big company.