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A preview of upcoming new abilities (and changes to existing abilities)

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As we are patiently waiting for Blizz to update Warcraft, here is something I will be working on for the time being.
Note that all these are WIP and might still be subject to changes if I feel like the design or gameplay of these abilities doesn't fit the level of quality of Gaias Retaliation.

Ability changes:

- Taunt: 4 second threat redirect to caster (= mass "light" GA) in addition to the regular effect
- Revenge: CD reduced by 40%; damage reduced by 40%

New abilities:

- Cleave (Short cd cone-shaped AoE for 1H and 2H; AP-based) -> Paired with Crucify
- Furious Zeal (Increases AP modifier on STR to x 1.25; increases armor by 10%) -> Paired with Celestial Zeal

- Sunder Armor (Short cooldown melee attack that applies a stacking armor debuff and creates extra threat) -> Paired with Heaven's Edge
- Divide and Conquer (Slows attackspeed and movement speed of the selected target and makes all other enemies around the caster run in fear for 3 seconds) -> Paired with Demoralizing Shout

- Divine Lance (instant cast single target interrupt; deals magic damage) -> Paired with Mend
- Quicken (Grants the whole group +50% movement speed for 5 seconds) -> Paired with Plane Shift

- Overcharge (charges melee attacks to add stacking dot damage on hit) -> Paired with Steel Body
- Intercept (Quickly travels towards the target, dealing physical damage and creating a high amount of threat) -> Paired with Divine Fist

- Gravity Pull (Pulls enemy units towards it's center and deals massive physical damage upon expiration) -> Paired with Incinerate
- Energy Blades (Throws Energy Blades at the target, dealing magic damage in a line) -> Paired with Lightning Charge

- Ghost Shield (Surrounds an allied target with vengeful ghosts that will throw shadow needles on nearby enemies every 2 seconds) -> Paired with Summon Skeleton
- Vile Infection (Curses a target with an infection dealing poison damage over time; every physical attack done against the target will add another stack, increasing the amount of damage dealt and refreshing the duration) -> Paired with Skeleton Mage

- Poisonous Arrow (Deals physical and poison damage and applies a stacking poison DOT with every application) -> Paired with Multishot
- Grease Arrow (Reduces enemy attackspeed, movement speed and spell haste; any fire damage dealt to the target will ignite the target, dealing extra stacking DOT damage) -> Paired with Magic Arrow

- Force of Nature (Toggle. Charges your bow with the wrath of nature, dealing attack damage plus random lightning or water damage based on your SP; each attack subtracts some mana) -> Paired with Summon Nymph
- Barkskin (Buffs the target with barkskin, healing it by 25% of all incoming damage over 5 seconds) -> Paired with Summon Efreet

- Fan of Knives (Deals physical damage in a large aoe; does not pierce through enemies; creates no threat) -> Paired with Bladefury
- Shadow Step (Instantly moves behind the selected target and deals physical damage to the selected target and all enemies in the way) -> Paired with Coup de Grace

- Hymn of Heroes (Increases HP of all allies in range and heals the group by the same amount) -> Paired with Song of Vigor
- Hymn of Flames (Grants all allies in range a fire proc attack for 10 seconds) -> Paired with Song of Elements

- Psionic Staff (Summons a psionic staff that gains charges and stats just like the Psionic Blade, but can be charged with any spell targeting a foe. Whenever the caster attacks an enemy with normal attacks, there is a chance to unleash the charged spell based on the cooldown of the spell just like a proc attack - such proc effects do not consume mana) -> Paired with Psionic Blade
- Psionic Charm (Summons a universal item that can be given to other players and is usable by every class. When used, this item can be charged with any 1st level ability (if it qualifies for spell steal). Only one charm can be summoned at the same time. Mana cost and cooldown of the spell apply normally) -> Paired with Levitate

- Iron Maiden (Toggle - Every time the caster takes damage will apply a stacking debuff to the attacker that will increase threat generated by the Hexblade by 1%. Threat modifier is capped at +100%.) -> Paired with Blades and Witchcraft
- Earth Strike (Throws metal and rubble against the target, stunning it for 0.5 seconds aswell as dealing physical damage) -> Paired with Bladestorm
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Level 3
Dec 2, 2015
i love the poisen concept you putting up, i only think that you need to be carefull with the numbers cause it easyly can be overpoverd or trash, i also like that than 2 bards in one team is viable cause of the new auras exept they dont stack. Psionic Charm is kinda hard to be viable cause laviate is SO powerfull. over all i do like the new spells. :D
Level 8
May 6, 2010
If psion go for psionis staff it means no off hand/extra item or there will be optional 5th item slot for non offhand psions?
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
Hawajska, I think Psionic staff will create a offhand like Psionic Blade, probably with different stat distributions (maybe the same), but I could be wrong *shrugs*
Yes the Psionic staff is a misc item just like the blade. The charm, however, is not. It's a universal item like the potion belt. Unlike the staff and the blade, it doesnt need to "steal" a spell first. Instead, you can select the spell via a dialog choice on use. This is basicly meant as a way for classes to get both first level ability choices at the same time. Nice and unique utility spell.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Ahh finally Monk will be more viable. :)
As I already told you, I hope it will be possible in the future to make monk into a semihealer class: Similar to a real Paladin class (no, crusader does not fit that since he only self-heals).

With this in mind, I suggest a buff spell to be added for the monk:
Blessing of Life (maybe Blessing of Flaros instead to add lore coolness):
The target ally is instantly healed for X.x spell power (low amount). The Blessing of Life buff is added to the target for the next 10 seconds increasing the effect of all healing effects on the target by 25% for the duration of the buff. The spell can also be self-cast. 25 seconds cooldown.
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Level 3
Dec 2, 2015
i also like the fact that you saw this long cd spells (revenge) are gameplay wise to boring via reducing the cd it makes it a lot less autoattack run based game :) especial in the early game
Level 1
Dec 6, 2016
Hi there.
I would have a small suggestion.
I saw it mentioned a few month ago, concerning the berzerker, that he has 2 skills only for 2-Hand weapons and even after the new skills, 1 ability will still be completely useless if playing berzerker with 1 hand.
Would it be possible to make whirlwind also for 1 Hand or another skill to choose in exchange?
Greetings from Austria.
PS: like your game very much, keep up the great work.
Level 1
Dec 6, 2016
Maybe, maybe not, Zwiebel will know :).
I just want to point out, even if it stays the exact same Ability, which doesn't consider attackspeed, just the pure AD, with a 2 hand weapon you will always have the dmg advantage, by fare.
So it wouldn't even hurt, for me it's just, I like to play my zerker a little bit tanky, but have to miss out on 2 abilities till now.
Just a sidenote: in the 50 Talant, there is the option to skill 1 hand weapons, but you will miss out on 2 skills exclusively for 2 Hand.
Have a beautiful day
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