100% hit chance, without ministun

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Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
is there any way to make a passive, that makes the unit hit every time (even if the target has 100% evasion), without giving the unit 100% chance to stun?

Critical strike doesn't work on units with 100% evasion chance (at least when it doesn't deal any bonus damage, haven't tested it with bonus damage).

I tried to detect when a unit takes damage, and has "stun" buff, then I remove the stun, but the unit is still gets interrupted (if it's channeling).
Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
I've experimented few things and here's the results (both abilities is set to Never Miss);
1. Critical Strike with 100% chance to proc will never hit an enemy with 100% evasion.
2. Bash with 100% chance to proc will hit an enemy with 100% evasion.
3. Bash with non-100% chance to proc will only hit enemy unit with 100% evasion if the proc occurs, else, it will become 'miss'.

In DotA, I think they separate the ability to counter result #3.
In DotA, there's 25% chance to proc 100 bonus damage and stuns the target for 0.01s, right ?
But that bonus won't proc on 100% at all times, this is something they code to counter it.
I don't know how, more experiments coming (if I'm not lazy).

This is what I saw in a thread from 2012.

I'm not sure if this works, but you could give the unit a small splash damage radius with 100% damage dealt. I think AoE damage ignores evasion.
I kind a need it for a ranged unit xP
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Splash damage is exclusive to Missile (Splash), Missile (Splash Behind) and Artillery Attacks (which is fine for WereElf, as the issue is about a ranged unit).

Normal (melee) attack type cannot deal splash damage without Cleave or Orb of Fire.

The Object Data Field will do nothing if the damage type is not one of those 3.
Level 12
May 20, 2009
You can do nothing about the built-in Evasion ability, but you can set the "Chance to Miss (Moving or High Ground)" in the Gameplay Constants, which iirc is the only actual miss chance WC3 has aside from Evasion, and then use a DDS to script all of your miss chance so that way you can make an ability that has a 100% chance to hit even if they have (your scripted) Evasion.




The best way is triggered evasion, yes. It's not really hard to code, and gives you a lot of control over it. Next best is a splash attack, then 100% critical, then 100% bash. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Why do you need attack type to be instant? I don't think you should.
Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
Why do you need attack type to be instant? I don't think you should.

I have "A unit takes damage" as event for my multishot. I need an instant attack, so the arrows can spawn instantly, so it would look natural.
The only problem that it has is: when I attack a unit with evasion, when the shooter misses - no arrows spawn at all, since the event isn't detected.

Giving my unit 100% bash, even if it's for 0,01 seconds would make it overpowered, as it will be interrupting chaneling spells + some other things.

While, critical's "Never miss" doesn't work correctly as the post I quoted suggests.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
You wont get it to work at all with this.

If you give the never miss ability on the onDamage that also activates MultiShot, you are already too late.

If you give the never miss ability before that, ALL your basic attacks will never miss.

Also... Never Miss critical strike works flawlessly.
Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
If you give the never miss ability before that, ALL your basic attacks will never miss.

Also... Never Miss critical strike works flawlessly.

Well, If it really works correctly, I guess I will just base the multishot on crit with 0 dmg bonus, 100% rate, and never miss checked. I don't care if my unit will never miss.
Later on I can trigger it to miss. Can even make some of the shots miss and others - hit (if the targets got evasion).
Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
Because I will trigger it only for the multishot.

And what I mean by "trigger the miss for multishot" - I meant: I will make some of the "fake" arrows able to miss.
Right now the "fake" arrows are a "spell", so they can't miss by default xP
Level 12
May 22, 2015
You may as well trigger all evasion if you go that route. You check if it is a normal attack (physical damage, perhaps) and if the evasion happens (chance or from some situation), you reduce the damage to 0 and skip on-hit effect stuff if possible.

This requires a lot of triggering for lots of things, though. You gain more control as you move more things into your own triggers.
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