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🕹 Funmap Evening Event 🕹

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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Aww damn, I didn't check hive often enough :(
If you're a regular on social media, you can always get an advanced notice from our HiveWorkshop Twitter or Hive Workshop (thworkshop) Facebook.

But don't worry, there is always the potential and possibility for other multiplayer events in this forum! And of course, there's always next time for the funmap evening.
Level 4
May 12, 2016
When will the next Funmap Evening Event be? I'm going to visit my sister next week, she also enjoys playing Wc3, maybe we could join if there is one?
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
The "unexpected team" challenge. Participants will be given teams a minute before the challenge starts, a team work is expected of course.
The "extra restriction" challenge. Aside from theme restriction and word restriction, one extra restriction, for example: no land, no units, Only land, Only air, Only heroes, etc.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2014
I'm pretty sure this is basically the final map. I don't know what to add to it. Actually, I think I will withdraw it and re-post it when it is totally and utterly finished.

Actually, I wish I hadn't taken down my upload. I accidentally saved over my backup version I had for this upload, and now I only have a buggy version that hopefully works OK enough. If someone downloaded mine in the short time it was up, I think it is better than my current version. I'm not entirely sure though, I added a death animation that is working well, and I don't know if the bugs were present in the original. Not too major, either, just visual bugs that occur when someone is dead.

Actually, I don't really know. It is supposed to indicate it when someone is dead, and it doesn't do that for some reason that I really am not sure of, but otherwise it seems fine.

Actually, I wish I wouldn't keep editing my map and breaking it entirely.

Well, it still seems to work fine-ish. I think I really do believe that any bugs in this version would have been in the other version, and I am sure I fixed a few bugs between now and then, and added a few things. I do think that this version is better.


  • Race to the MacGuffin.w3x
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Level 6
Jul 15, 2016
@Paillan Can't you just ask/dubble check with some of the people who were there? takeing a picture/screen shoot of our hive profile seems like hard work :p
Me, waterknight, canfight, cokemonkey11, tank-commander, killapie2, frotty, wietlol, visuv, minimage, soxu123 and stopcampingn00b where there.
noctosphere and some others might have been there aswell tho they did not play alot.

@Ralle Think most would say it went ok, we were like 8+ people and more seems to come on these events then just random days/nights :)
We had a couple of 12 player full houses, and only once had 13 players so couldn't all play.

@Tank-Commander, @Wietlol, @MiniMage, @Paillan, and @Reaver were kind enough to indulge me in a game of battleships into the wee hours of the morning, so the night lasted over 7.5 hours :D

Also, huge props to @ZerGreenOne, @Reaver, @Paillan, and @Bitchmoon who made "Air only, no basic attacks" maps for the 24-hour challenge.

And an honorable mention to @Kino who made a 1-player map :D

The danger in doing shout-outs like this is forgetting someone, so I apologize if I made that mistake!

The biggest thanks of all to @WaterKnight for managing to make it in spite of his schedule, and providing use of his bot as well. I have only two of the replays but here they are: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/pastebin/f486e8d0f11f4ba354e405c773e811c47005/
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
@Paillan Can't you just ask/dubble check with some of the people who were there? takeing a picture/screen shoot of our hive profile seems like hard work :p
Me, waterknight, canfight, cokemonkey11, tank-commander, killapie2, frotty, wietlol, visuv, minimage, soxu123 and stopcampingn00b where there.
noctosphere and some others might have been there aswell tho they did not play alot.

@Ralle Think most would say it went ok, we were like 8+ people and more seems to come on these events then just random days/nights :)

Thanks for providing me names, I am going to stalk the hive for all this profiles :3

Edit: Could not find in hive members: Canfight, visuv and soxu123 :c
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Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Awesome, wish I was there. I am feeling much better... Timing. Were the 24 hour maps any good? :D

The first map was a bit buggy and also had no instructions what so ever.
Dragons is a good once, I just tested it.
I don't think we played loveless land
My map was tested and buged, but after bug clearing it was much better.
I am currently uploading the video, but it so heavy I am also rendering it again. If the re render is more than 70% less heavy than the original, I am going to upload that one.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I joined in fairly late. So of the 24 hour maps, was not much. The first map I was in was a kind of dota game where my hero was a soul stealing dog that could steal souls. I was terrible at the game, but we won. followed by a game of battleships where I had lots of fun as well as won in a fun manner, then we discussed what to play for a long time and then we played a game of blood tournament. Then while we waited, we tried to play Dragons. One of us got kicked upon starting it, so the others left. That was our experience with dragons. Then we played a game with helicopters, I died 50 times within the span of a couple of minutes, I was not amused. The game was pretty well coded though. With missiles, flying mines and other fancy stuff. WaterKnight won.

Then we played one final game of battleships where a mistake from my end got our asses handed to us. I spent a minor fortune on a submarine while others could see invisible. Basically, the mistake was like I had started over from the beginning. All in all, I joined at about ~21:00 and I called it a day somewhere around 04:50 in hte morning, the day after. How long was this gaming event by the way? You guys had at least been playing a couple hours before I joined and continued with even more games after I had left.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
The first map was a bit buggy and also had no instructions what so ever.
Dragons is a good once, I just tested it.
I don't think we played loveless land
My map was tested and buged, but after bug clearing it was much better.
I am currently uploading the video, but it so heavy I am also rendering it again. If the re render is more than 70% less heavy than the original, I am going to upload that one.

before that there was 2 games, one helicopter race and a dragons.
after that we played my map.
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