• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • It's time for the first HD Modeling Contest of 2025. Join the theme discussion for Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to post your idea!


  1. SNIper of DARKness

    Resource Tags Overhaul

    At the request of our benefactor @Ralle . Let's scrutinise the Tag system and try and make it better: NOTE: I'll be addressing the following tags mainly. List of the tags: What's the Issue? It's starting to become a lot harder to find specific resources due to people not being aware how...
  2. johnwar

    Johnwar's Models Discussion

    Johnwar's Models Discussion Author's Notes: This is the official discussion thread for my models. You can share your ideas for a model here, but I can't guarantee that I'm going to do them. I'm also going to share what models I'm currently working on here. Sometimes my Re-Classic models is...
  3. Lordliw

    Need help with JASS AI - Workers not harvesting lumber

    Hello, I am basically new to JASS scripting. I have recently made a very standard AI, and everything seems to be going great so far! But the problem with my AI is that when the workers are trained they harvest gold, not lumber as I want them to (not the starting workers, the newly trained ones)...
  4. DD Mikasa

    Characters of Arkain [SPOILER]

    Now,now I know what you are thinking what's a content discussion thread that is not named "New Content Discussion SPOILER" doing here?! Hear me out on this one folks.It's no surprise that work on the SUB(second undead book for those who aren't that good with acronyms) has come to a halt,while...
  5. BranHUN

    Fear of copyright law

    Hello there! I am a writer, and I want to create a story in a custom campaign for Warcraft III. This is a story that I also plan to release in a book - and it's completely separate from any intellectual property made by Blizzard, except for the fact that I wish to create a campaign "edition" of...
  6. Evilhog

    [Poll] Is having a separate client for Classic a bad idea?

    Hello, long-time lurker here. A few days ago I made a thread on official Reforged forums asking the developers to release the Classic version for free and keep it separate from Reforged - at least, until the latter gets all the necessary fixes: Two versions should exist separately The thread...
  7. Mr.Henci

    Next Melee Mapping contest Pre-disscusion

    Hello there! With Melee Mapping contest #3 soon comming to an end, we should start disscusion about the next one. Share with us your opinions, I and many more are looking forward to hearing what you have to say. The poll should represent the general theme, thus what types of map we want to...
  8. Cherrymage

    Kazya : Rise of the Kek

    Overview A small roleplay with a lot of freedom, inspired by the fun and crazy first official roleplay of RACC. But not too insane with people trying to overpower each other constantly. The general setting is medieval-renaissance fantasy. It began with warlords and bandits scattered all over...
  9. Sleepless

    Let Dota 2's Frosthaven teach y'all how 2 Hero Defense

    Pretty much what the title says. I've never enjoyed Hero Defense maps as most if not all of them just have boring auto-attack creeps without any unique spells or any spells at all. The only difference between them are just stats they gain from scaling with each wave. And I play the same way...
  10. Sleepless

    Lets talk about PvP

    PvP in Action games. Competitiveness, skill, challenge, the potential to outplay your opponent in fast-paced combat, action (mostly Hero Arenas). I'm not talking about strategy type like Castle Fight, Legion TD, Azeroth Wars (whatever today's kidz play) that isn't in the action category. Famous...
  11. SNIper of DARKness

    Place to Give Games?

    Hello lizards and other insects. Ever since humble bundle, i've gained a surplus of games which if they were real copies would be gathering dust in a shelf somewhere but as they are now more commonly stored virtually, they can gather virtual dust in a virtual shelf. I was wondering if there...
  12. stonneash

    Object Oriented Triggering?

    Lvl 1: Would it be possible to create classes and instances? Lvl 2: Would it be possible to incorporate encapsulation? Lvl 3: Would it be possible to create super and sub classes?
  13. Cokemonkey11

    New subreddit for modding-related content

    Hello, I've created a new subreddit - wc3modding • r/wc3modding - dedicated to the wc3 modding community. The point here is to be a place for community-curated modding-related news in a more prescriptive fashion than conventional forum posts. * tools, design, discussion encouraged * art, lore...
  14. sluk

    [Discussion] Simple but fun games

    So most games that i see is usually talked about, are big projects. (Like:The witcher,big MMOs,Skyrim,etc) All of these games are really big and as a beginner developer i do find it disencouraging. Because now i get the idea that only these big games get the gamers attention. However thats not...
  15. Mister_Haudrauf

    [Finished] The Creation of a Quilboar Building-Set

    Like the Title says: This is basically a Thread created to discuss and give ideas/feedback about the buildings. The Buildings in question should resemble their Wow appearance with a little Warcraft 3 in it. I have created a Mainbuilding as a 'sort of' Teaser. While i do know of @Edge45's...
  16. Kragez

    Will Blizzard extend the maximum size of map terrain?

    Cause we can't create Azeroth with Pandaria and with other dimensions in present conditions, will Blizzard increase the maximum size of terrain?
  17. deepstrasz

    Story Discussion

    @Rufus suggested we'd keep the Hosted Project organized, hence the new thread. Previous treatments: WARDEN General Discussion WARDEN General Discussion WARDEN General Discussion WARDEN General Discussion WARDEN General Discussion WARDEN General Discussion WARDEN General Discussion WARDEN...
  18. deepstrasz

    Substandard/Too Simple Models [The Culling]

    There's an ongoing discussion (Models "Substandard/too simple" section is stupid) about former rejected/deleted models that made it to Hive 2.0 in the Substandard/Too Simple section. Thing is, leaving it just to poker chats won't do so, I urge the community to go through the models forums and...
  19. Moy

    Emoticon Contest #3 - Theme Discussion

    It's been 6 years since we last have an emoticon contest here on hive. And as Hive 2 came, with a new UI, I think we are ready for another new set of emotes to be added to the site's collection. Gather some ideas and suggestions folks! Previouse Contest Themes: Emoticon Challenge #1 Emoticon...
  20. Heinvers

    Concept Art Contest #9: Theme Discussion

    This has been long overdue. Delays and other stuff that came along. Anyway, welcome to the 9th theme discussion thread. Come closer, think about themes that would be interesting for the next contest. Concept Competition of Doom Concept Art Contest #1: An Epic Battle Scene Concept Art Contest...