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Concept Art Contest #9: Theme Discussion

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This has been long overdue. Delays and other stuff that came along.
Anyway, welcome to the 9th theme discussion thread. Come closer, think about themes that would be interesting for the next contest.


  • Robotic scenes - canvas depicting a machine society(kind of like Matrix etc) at its normal daily pace.
  • Aquatic - beings adequate to live underwater, various species made from your own imagination.
  • Golems - constructs made for various tasks to settle for their masters(example).
  • Plants - concept art of trees, bushes, etc. You may think this is boring but I assure you it can be made interesting, I've seen quite a few interesting concepts of such (trap plants, consumer plants, treefolks might count in as well I suppose, etc).
  • Eldritch horror - beings outside space and time, impossible in our reality, yet, somehow they still exist. They are grotesque mockeries of reality beyond comprehension whose disturbing otherness cannot be encompassed in any mortal tongue.
  • Sci-fi vehicle design - some really cool vehicles like in Star Wars (AT-TE, Hailfire Droid, etc.), not just ones resembling real world vehicles (like the ones we see daily in Art Station or in movies like Avatar. Those are rather boring).
  • Alternate history warriors - base your piece on a historically existing type of unit but make it different in a way (ex.: the game "For Honor", Kekai Kotaki's knights, etc. I'd rather if we made this from Ancient to Medieval times (without the gun ages).
  • Artificial Intelligence - an AI controlled entity, could be anything from an awesome machine of mass destruction to a humanoid-like construct.
  • Race - create the concept of an original race of your own, that would fit in a high-fantasy universe like Warcraft, LotR, Warhammer, Warhammer: 40k, etc. Medieval-themed universe isn't mandatory.
  • Monster killer - can be anything, templar, paladin, demon hunter, etc.
  • Hunter - just like monster killer, but you know... different.
  • Captain - also vary wide range, space captain, medieval captain, etc.
  • Emotions - anger and hate, despair and oblivion, etc. All the various intertwined ones that express in a being's emotional state.
  • Intertwined thematic eras - Imagine something like dark-fantasy meets sci-fi. It could be a combination of both aspects or a confrontation between them(for example).
  • Cryptids - creatures that are said to exist in this world, or maybe not, who knows(Loch Ness, Big Foot, etc).
  • Rare Sightings - depict a phenomenon that you almost cannot see, or an animal so rare and different from others, or a rare habit no one commonly sees. Either fantasy or reality, it's up to you. Red sprites(lightning), colorful millipedes, strange cloud formations, tigers caring for his prey's child, etc.
  • Archon/Elemental - whatever you think fits the word (Tyrael's, Starcraft elementals, apparently there isn't much of a definition here, just make it recognizable).
  • Squads - create an art that represents two or more characters in a team, travelling together, experiencing it first-hand, etc.
  • Antithesis/Dualism - "two sides of the same coin", the "two halves" of the same individual(human or non-human), a bad side and a good side sharing a common "ground", some like shape-shifting between good and bad, holy-unholy, living-dead, beautiful-hideous, etc.
  • Undead - no longer alive creatures that are reanimated by magical means.
  • Vampires - a vampire is a being from folklore who subsists by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of the living.
  • Cyberpunk - it is set in a future that tends to focus on the society of the proverbial "high tech low life"(examples include Sprawl trilogy, Dune, Blade Runner, etc).
  • Overwhelming odds - a group of people faced with insurmountable odds or overwhelming numbers of enemies. For example, a knight vs a demon, a squad of marines vs a swarm. Despite their oncoming death, "these heroes" faced it with valor and courage, despising fear as it stares at their eyes.

More will be added depending on the generated responses from the community.
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Level 28
Aug 7, 2011
Eldraz.. I mean, Eldritch horrors does seem interesting.

A few suggestions:

Archon - whatever you think fits the word (ex.: Tyraels, Starcraft elementals, apparently there isn't much of a definition here, just make it epic)

Knight/Samurai/Ninja/Spartan/etc - Base your piece on a historically existing type of unit but make it different in a way (ex.: the game "For Honor", Kekai Kotaki's knights, etc. I'd rather if we made this from Ancient to Medieval times (without the gun ages)

Hydra - do I need to explain this?

Sci-Fi Vehicle design - I'm thinking some really cool vehicles like in Star Wars (AT-TE, Hailfire Droid, etc.), not just ones resembling real world vehicles (like the ones we see daily in Art Station or in movies like Avatar. Those are rather boring)
Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
So far I'm interested in morbent's "For Honor" theme, golems and Eldritch. Also Sci-Fi Vehicle Design, but more like "Sci-Fi Military Vehicle Design" (however I guess the community wouldn't be as interested in a vehicle design contest).

Also, suggestion:

Race - Create the concept of an original race of your own, that would fit in a high-fantasy universe like Warcraft, LotR, Warhammer, Warhammer: 40k, etc. Medieval-themed universe isn't mandatory.
Here are a bunch of themes I could think of:

-Cosmic (Like most of mass effect's loading screens)
-Dreamworld (Unlimited possibilities :3)
-Abandoned (House or castle or town or whatever)
-Dawn (Pretty generic)
-AI (an AI controlled entity, could be anything from an awesome machine of mass destruction to a humanoid-like construct)
-Sea (any scene that involves oceans, ships, krakens, lighthouses, and all the other shit in sailors' stories)

I'll add more here as I think of them.
Maybe Androids or Cyborgs could be fun.

Or an action scene, where a lot of things are happening. It could be a medieval era or spec ops guys on an assault together to some other mercenaries

Sure for Cyborg, but dude scenes takes much longer to make then characters... and multiple character scenes are a PAIIIIiiiiiiiin to make, no body would join the competition, and those who do, most will rage quit midway. so probably not.


-Alien overlord
-Monster killer (can be anything, templar, paladin, demon hunter, etc.)
-Captain (also vary wide range, space captain, medieval captain, etc.)
-Party of two = just like the modeling competition, squad of two people
-Hunter = just like monster killer, but ya know... different XD

you guys should check the daily speedpaint facebook pages, they have neet ideas.
Level 19
Apr 21, 2013
Sure for Cyborg, but dude scenes takes much longer to make then characters... and multiple character scenes are a PAIIIIiiiiiiiin to make, no body would join the competition, and those who do, most will rage quit midway. so probably not.

Ahahaha :D I know man, in order to save time the drawers will have to keep it simple. What I mean by simple is, less detail on characters. But I know it'll still take a lotta time :((

And nice ideas. I like the Monster killer, Captain and Hunter. And the party of two seems interesting :D
Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
I would like to see aquatic creatures, plants and Eldritch horror here.

I have some suggestions like futuristic, high-tech vehicles like for example, in Star Wars, Command & Conquer, Starcraft etc.
Or maybe even alien creatures/civilizations to match this theme I mentioned.
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
Good evening, guys.

yay how cool - another concept art contest :)

I would like to suggest some themes as well, still dont know if they sound stupid:

- ferries/elfes and clearings (actually might be represented in plants)
another one could be
- friendship
- anger & hate

These themes probably sound quite strange, but I thought, I might add something different to the discussion. Probably not even real concept art themes, I guess ...

From Heinvers themes, I would probably vote for Robotics or plants. Some others suggested cyborgs and stuff, and I think these would be really nice concept arts.
If we ever end up making scenes, then I'll make sure to make a bit easier on you guys by compromising much.
Which could be by making smaller scope scenes, part of scenes or just suggestive shapes representing scenes.

Will add most suggested themes very soon. Until then, please, do suggest more if ideas come to your mind people.

I like that = smaller scale idea

like = the meeting (you can draw what ever you want)


The dual
The secret wedding
taking a walk

Level 11
May 16, 2013
Something I'm particularly interested -since there aren't many of these around- could be
"theme A"
meets / VS
"theme B"

Imagine something like dark-fantasy meets sci-fi... It could be a combination of both aspects or a confrontation between them.

I may have some old examples of what I mean by this:


An undead demonic hulking-creature combined with a sort of cybernetic augmentation (it's actually more magic based than science but anyways) The name came as an inspiration from facing the Über soldat from RTCW :3


Same creature in a ruins scenario. I'm not really sure what to call its right handed weapon, but it's kind of like a plasma chaingun.


Level 24
May 15, 2013
Hmm hmm, there's a lot of interesting ideas around here. Here are some ideas I have:

Cryptids - Creatures that are said to exist in this world, or maybe not, who knows.
Ex: Loch Ness, Big Foot, etc.

Dragons - Yeah, so dragons, either flying or not, whatever kinds of elements or species. Alien dragons or native ones. As long as it depicts a dragon.

Rare Sightings - Depict a phenomenon that you almost cannot see, or an animal so rare and different from others, or a rare habit no one commonly sees. Either fantasy or reality, it's up to you.
Ex: Red Sprites(lightning), Colorful millipedes, strange cloud formations, tigers caring for his prey's child, etc.

Discovery - discover new technologies, discover new species, discover new lands, or even discover new things within your mind.

If I were to pick from Heinver's suggestions, I would say Aquatic, & Eldritch Horror (Seems rather unique, plus I have someone who has a lot of crazy ideas about it I could create a concept).
Hybrid creatures - partly human or non-human, the result of mixing two(or more) species, or living organism mixes of all kinds.
A common example: a mermaid - half-human, half-fish creature. But a human-fish hybrid can also be fish-headed, for example.
Antithesis/Dualism - "two sides of the same coin", the "two halves" of the same individual(human or non-human), a bad side and a good side sharing a common "ground", some like shape-shifting between good and bad, holy-unholy, living-dead, beautiful-hideous,...
Undead - no longer alive creatures reanimated by magical means.
Vampires - creatures who survive by feeding on blood.
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Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
How about a person or a group of people faced with insurmountable odds or overwhelming numbers of enemies?
for e.g.
a knight vs a demon
A squad of marines vs a swarm

that, despite their oncoming death, faced it with valor and courage
or shake with fear as it stares at their eyes

i don't know how to label that theme though...
insurmountable odds?
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