• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • 💡 We're thrilled to announce that our upcoming texturing contest is in the works, and we're eager to hear your suggestions! Please take this opportunity to share your ideas in this theme discussion thread for the Texturing Contest #34!
  • 🏆 Hive's 7th HD Modeling Contest: Icecrown Creature is now open! The frozen wastes of Icecrown are home to some of Azeroth’s most terrifying and resilient creatures. For this contest, your challenge is to design and model a HD 3D monster that embodies the cold, undead, and sinister essence of Icecrown! 📅 Submissions close on April 13, 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to let your creativity shine! Enter now and show us your frozen masterpiece! 🔗 Click here to enter!


  1. Wisest37

    World Editor missing units and upgrades

    Hello, i’m experiencing some issues with the World Editor versions 1.30.4 and 1.31 In the Spirit Lodge building, the Spirit Walker unit does not appear as it should under the "Units Trained" section. Additionally, the tooltip description is incorrect. When editing a campaign, I cannot create...
  2. Hacking1

    Do older maps work on 1.31 and can people still play older maps (particularly 1.28) with later TFT versions?

    I've been away from wc3 for 7 years. I'm currently making a map on 1.28 world editor. I'm afraid people with latest or earlier versions of ROC or TFT can't play this. Also concerned if 1.28 maps won't work on 1.31 (although I think they do from some posts I've seen). Is it possible to backup...
  3. darkravenbest

    BlzS2FourCC undeclared

    Hello! I have problem when i use BlzS2FourCC, even if it used via GUI function, editor reference this line with error: "Undeclared function BlzS2FourCC". How to fix this problem? Im currently using pre reforged 1.31 version. Thank you!
  4. Anster

    Warcraft III 1.29+ cracked versions.

    Hello there, have a nice day! I've come here to ask a question that may or maybe not controvertial, or whatever. I created this account just to find out the answer of this question... If there is one. Why isn't there cracked (a.k.a pirated) patches for the 1.29, 1.30, 1.31 versions of the...
  5. Tom_Almighty1

    Question regarding heroes and leaks.

    I am using version 1.31, I understand that creating units make a permanent leak, so I have some questions that hopefully have an answer. I am making a large open world RPG so this might be crucial to the game. 1. Instead of using units for npc mobs, I created heroes and made them look like...
  6. Wrath King

    How to update wc3 to 1.31 without installing reforged?

    So, I got the ptr for wc3 when 1.28 came out and updated it to 1.30. After that, I didn't see the need to update it so I didn't bother to but now I need to update it. Whenever I try to use the public test launcher file in the program, it keeps installing reforged, along with every other setup...
  7. Tom_Almighty1

    JASS Description Frame?

    Guys I am having trouble learning these new updates in war3 1.31 TFT non-reforged. Can you please provide me a simple trigger on how to make a description box frame with words in it? Kinda like how the tooltip works but I need to move it to an area I also need to have a way to hide/unhide it...
  8. BradPittlord

    Couple Questions

    1. For bribes damage engine, it's faster if you combine all your triggers into one with the GDD_Damage_event. Does the same concept apply to other triggers? Say combining all your, "a unit is sold" or "periodic Event .03 sec" along with the many other events to reduce lag? 2...
  9. Mathayis

    [Solved] 1.31 Shuts down when selecting custom map :/

    Hey there, I've ran into some trouble after finally downloading the recent warcraft 3 patch, 1.31 My problem is, when I go into custom games, and select my custom map... it freezes, then shuts down warcraft 3... No error messages, just shuts the game down and i have no idea why :/ Has anyone...
  10. Ricola3D

    Patch 1.31 : how to convert "ability" type to its raw code ?

    Hello, Patch 1.31 gives new natives that return "ability" type. For ex: native BlzGetItemAbilityByIndex takes item whichItem, integer index returns ability However, most of old natives only use integer type (for ability id/raw code) instead. Is there a way to convert get the raw code from a...
  11. Ricola3D

    Editor 1.31 > integer array variable not visible in GUI ?

    Hello, I'm coding in GUI with editor 1.31. I just noticied that when I edit an integer variable, my globals of type integer array are not visible, and thus selectable, so I can't use them. In the example below, I used Easy Item Stack n' Split by Dangerb0y and thus I should see a...
  12. Ricola3D

    [Solved] Patch 1.31: 0-indexed & not-0-indexed functions ??

    Hello, I read that with patch 1.31 normally all "natives" are now 0-indexed. However I have the following trigger that seems to proove it wrong. The trigger is done to reduce all cooldowns by 20% when a unit carries an given item (In short, everytime a spell is cast, I compare the ability CD...
  13. Jaccouille

    [Wurst] Desync Issue

    I am currently working on this map : Island Troll Tribes github Link : island-troll-tribes/island-troll-tribes Since 1st december, we lost our bot and got alot of desync issue, we "fixed" some of them, blizzard update fixed others, from time to time, 1 player still desync, but recently, on the...
  14. Crusad3r91

    Warcraft 1.31 - Can't start custom maps

    Hello everyone, I've been attempting to get back to Wc3 custom maps as of recent, especially in light of the map strings fix, but when I try to open them in the game it just brings me back to the lobby with a blank error message (still has the red "!" symbol). I've checked around the forums and...
  15. Reddourufu

    1.31 - Mod folder

    Hello everyone ! Since patch 1.31, it’s messy. The custom folder for Mods “war3mod.mpq” no longer works, so no mods anymore and obligation to import custom resources one by one with the import manager which is a terribly laborious process. Please if you know anything about that, tell me. I’m so...
  16. Jaccouille

    Can't join/host custom game anymore

    There are a few custom game I used to play without problem before last patch, but now when I try to join the lobby I get insta kicked back to battlenet, same behavior when I try to host them. I kinda want to know why, that's basically the only custom I used to play. Here's a small list : -Hero...
  17. Ricola3D

    [Solved] A way to know what Warcraft III version executes the map ?

    Edit: solution in the following post Detect Game Version (GetPatchLevel) Hello, I just discovered that my map works fine with Warcraft III 1.30.4, but not with Warcraft III 1.31. The problem is on function "Unit - set base damage", aka BlzSetUnitBaseDamage in JASS. I use it to increase the...
  18. Arkane

    [Trigger] Spells with attribute based damage

    So, as the new Editor (1.31) allows to change any object field value with triggers, I was wondering which event should I use to make a base spell whose damage increases with its level and an attribute value? For example, a Carrion Swarm spell: Damage: 100 x Spell Lvl + 1 x Intelligence With...
  19. Setokaiva

    (1.31) Custom script: "Any unit takes damage" event

    The recent patch to 1.31 had, in the notes, a reference to new capability for custom scripts to detect when any unit is damaged for a trigger event. Does anyone know how exactly I would write such an event in custom script?
  20. Ricola3D

    [Crash] Editor v1.31 : after save&reload, most custom abilities names changed to "unknown"

    Hello, I've a map I made prior to the latest Blizzard update. Since after this update, I couldn't start the map editor ("war3.mpq not found" error showed up), I reinstalled my game from scratch. Since the update, when I save my map, most custom abilities loose their name, it becomes "unknown"...
  21. Lake

    [Wurst] Running map in 1.31

    So I've just updated my game to the new 1.31 patch, but it I'm having trouble running my wurst maps. Using the update-to-date version of stdlib2, it doesn't recognize a bunch of the new natives, such as all the frame functions. This obviously means that I can't build the map at all. Using an...
  22. Rhevo

    WCIII 1.31 installation folder?

    Can't change the installation folder. Can't find the path of custom map.