• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • It would still be viable for cinematics since they would mainly use it for stuff like:
    "One day later.."

    It wouldn't exactly be a viable option in normal maps since the log would be unreadable which is a big issue in maps with quests where you might need to find info from those messages. Or even re-read them because you missed it or w/e

    but as said, I get where you're coming from.
    I get where you're coming from but I need to clear the screen between each message? else it would look fucked up.

    I might have a solution but it's just in theory :p

    edit: nope, didn't work.
    Currently it works once per player at the same time due using playergroups, but the only way to make it dynamic would be to store every single message and then make the computer copy it each update.
    It's okay, I can wait. Feel free to clean the resources that's already too long waiting.
    Iceman, would you mind review my Danku spell? I kinda need some complete review to save my time fixing the spell. In any case I might miss flaws.
    Do you think a system that makes game messages more realistic is good enough to upload?

    What I mean with that is that you make the system type out one character at the time every x seconds. Like someone is writing it live, my goal was to use it for cinematics.
    you saved hive. Spell section used to have 3 pages of pending resources.
    Must to repeat. I'm so glad seeing an active spell moderator again <3
    you saved hive. Spell section used to have 3 pages of pending resources.
    Gz. Rename yourself cleanup master, because that will likely be your job for a good while!
    Only 5 pages of pending maps though ^^

    Lol, the oldest one's from June XD

    Oh wait, you actually user reviewed it.. Well, now you have the power to change its state to needs fix.
    Edit: Or wait, changing resource's state might bump it, might be better to leave it as pending...

    Anyway, good luck again :csmile: imma hit the bed now...
    Resource Moderator
    OMG!! :D

    Good luck moderating, don't take too much stress from it!
    Awesome that you are now part of our ranks! :wink:

    Just take it slowly don't rush that much it takes time to clean up pendings lol, also yeah PurgeandFire is an awesome Jedi Master. :thumbs_up:
    I saw that C++ First Program thread and I remembered my first program was the typical hello world lol
    Please reconsider that :
    While it's true that many times using one letter is just fine (such as i for a loop), readability is the must.
    And then we have tools such as wc3mapoptimizer. I mean that shouldn't be up to the mapmaker itself but on some tool.

    I wouldn't say that conditions don't open a new thread, anyway jass is not multi threaded.
    Conditions are indeed faster but they also reset the limit op, just as actions do.
    Also you can't use some jass native functions inside conditions (such as TriggerSleepAction, duh ... and PauseGame and other sync functions, such the ones with gamecache, and maybe more)
    Good points there, as expected of gent Troll-Brain.
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