• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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    Not THAT lot and amazing as compared to others, though.
    But you have experience (; you mind checking out my first upload?

    How long have you joined the forum (actively) ?
    I originally made the account in 2010, but I did absolutely nothing but lurk. I reactivated it in June of this year.

    I see you're climbing up the reputations quite fast :)
    What is your specialty / like to do ?
    Haha thank you xP I think I just got lucky helping out the right people, most of them gave me more than 1 rep point. I'm more experienced with mapping and coding, but currently reading in a ton of 2D tutorials. My first and most recent work would be my avatar.
    I must admit that his innocence is what kept me to stay and make sure he got what he wanted. I know that feeling :( thank you for the +rep ! I must say, you have a lot of resources in the spell section :D
    hi defs,mind helping? I want to make a trigger that when enter a region or near a unit,it shows dialog box to choose whether player want to go in or not.Sorry if this bothering you.
    Hey there,
    I was wondering if you are still intreasted in working on the Monster Hunter project we started a while back, I'm thinking of a full remake and I already got few things done and I'm still working on it.
    Hi wanna participate in a small Dota 2 Tournament? This tournament is for people from Hive, not needed to be in a Dota 2 Group. Current goal is 16 players. Be sure to PM me if u are interested in playing.(Need time Zone too and Steam Account)
    The tournament is single elimination till the champion is risen.

    Have a nice day, mogulkhan1Axe.
    No it doesn't really support that special movement. In real sliding maps (what's meant thes ystem to be for) it's never used, at least what I expect it to be. ^^

    And no, there are no heavy operations needed. There is a simple test map with some example. ( but in jass irrc)

    And now your quote of my post stretches the thread. :D
    No, idk. I think not. I'm not a fan of spells in general. :D I'm more a system guy I guess.

    But I think of being a judge maybe. :csmile:
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

    . . . ., ., ., .,. . . . .
    . . .__|__|__|__|__ . . .
    . . .|~~::~~~~::~~| . . .
    . . .|~!!~~~~~~!!~| . . .
    . . .|<(><)><(><)>| . . .
    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
    sorry for late reply,yeah i m just chilling out here,to kill time + learning to made a rpg,a simple 1 all by myself,but need to learn a lot of things such as coding,terraining and u know all those stuffs to make a simple but good rpg,nothing serious about it tho.at least im not taking it very seriously XD
    Since you want easter eggs to be added into a map and you seem be to full of ideas, I guess it would be your pleasure to code by yourself, right? :) You can send me a private message with some of your ideas and then we will see from that point if it is possible.
    What if we stick to my current project, this way I wouldn't need to focus on other maps. So will you code something up or just give me ideas for these easter eggs? :)
    I see. I guess we could do this after all. :) One problem though, I progressed in the project very little so not much of room for easter eggs yet. If you want it for my current work, then time should bo not an issue, if not, then I guess previous projects would do, yet it would not get that much of audience to try it out since maps are not fresh anymore. :)
    Sounds cool, I wonder if it is possible to be added, because my projects are very linear and not open world at all. Yet with linear game I need like a year to complete a project.
    Voice acting is a must and currently I am in need of female voice actor. Getting females is a pain in the butt.

    What are those easter eggs? Never heard of it. If it is some kind of minigame, then I don't really think it can be a part of the map, hehe. :)

    Everything is in GUI.
    Hello, defskull. I started some projects in the past, but never finished them. Nowadays I don't even want to. I am casually working on Sunken City, like a hobby.
    And, yeah I have heard of easter eggs and I have plenty of them :p
    Yeah, doing it all myself. Making systems appeared to be the most exiting thing about triggering, hehe. However, leaks was and still is my weak link. And thanks. :)
    Hey there. Of course I remember you. :) Doing pretty much okay, still trying to push my limits on Warcraft engine, doing another project. :) How about you?
    This year, middle of June. I was inactive (not really) since mid 2013, a little active in 2012.
    hi defskull
    Long time, no see
    how is life and everything? Feel free to send me PM if prolonged story, huhuh (maybe like i year i ddint see or something?)
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