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Zephyr Challenge #5 - Delayed Effect

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Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
Zephyr Challenge #5

Contest Theme: Delayed Effect
Each contestant must create a custom ability that's primary effect is delayed for some time.
(Minor effects, such as DoTs, can occur before the primary effect of the ability)

  • Parasite - If a unit dies under the effect of Parasite, a unit is spawned. The spawning of the unit would be considered the primary effect.
  • Doom - Similar to parasite, but the effect does not expire.
Contest Rules And Conditions
  1. No submission may violate any Hive Workshop site rules.
  2. Your submitted spell must follow the theme description. If the judging moderator feels that your spell does not follow the selected theme, then it is his decision to disqualify you.
  3. You may use any amount of imported resources in your spell as long as you give proper credit to the creator of the resource.
  4. Either GUI or Jass may be used to create your spell; you will not be penalized if you use GUI over Jass.
  5. Spells must be able to be cast by at least one unit per player at any one time. (Otherwise known as "MPI")
  6. Third party editors may be used in the creation of your spell, but you must clearly state which editor you used to create the map. If a third party editor is necessary to use your spell, add a link, along with your spell submission, to download the editor.

    Examples of third party editors are:
    • World Editor Unlimited
    • JassNewGenPack (or Grimoire)
    • UMSWE
  7. Each spell submission must be created during the contest and must be submitted before the contest deadline (noted at the end of this post).
  8. You may use utilities that do small jobs for you, but you may not use large systems that do everything.
    Example of utilities
    • CSCache
    • Armor Detection System
    • Local Handle Vars
    • Vector System
    Example of large systems
    • Caster System
    • Particle/Object Engine
    • Knockback Functions
    • Jump System
  9. An infraction of any of the rules stated above may result in a disqualification.
  10. Judges may not participate in the contest as contestants.
  11. Your submission must be created only by you : No team submissions.
  12. Completed submissions must be physically attached to this thread in a post. Your last submission will be the considered the final submission, unless if you are previously disqualified from this contest.

Prizes And Winnings
  • First Place: 45 reputation points and an award icon
  • Second Place: 25 reputation points
  • Third Place: 15 reputation points

Contest Judging And Voting
  • 50% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge.
  • 50% of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.
Judging Criteria
  • Concept (15 out of 50)
    • How well does the spell fit in to Warcraft 3?
    • Is the spell unique, or strikingly similar to an existing spell?
    • How useful is the spell? Is it just a cinematic spell?
    • Is the idea balanced, or is the spell too useless or too powerful?
    • Etc.
  • Coding (15 out of 50)
    • Are there memory leaks? Reference leaks?
    • Is the code well written and readable, or is the judging late because it gave me a headache?
    • How well structured is the code? Are there a dozen triggers, or only one?
    • Does the code support more or less than 3 levels?
    • Can the spell be cast by more than one unit per player at a time? (Is the spell MUI?)
    • Etc.
  • Visuals (10 out of 50)
    • Are there effects and visual cues as to what is going on?
    • Are there far too many effects?
    • Do the visuals actually look good?
    • Etc.
  • Polish (10 out of 50)
    • Does the spell work? Does it work well?
    • How many bugs are there?
    • Is the tooltip well written, and the spell well presented?
    • Does the spell work smoothly within Warcraft 3, or does it act eccentrically compared to the built-in spells?
    • Etc.

Contest Dates And Deadline

All submissions must be complete and submitted 4 weeks after the contest begins.
The contest shall begin on August 10th, 2008 and conclude on

September 6th 2008 0:00 AM, GMT
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Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
Wow, I might join this contest and hopefully win :p.
But I have a question, how do you know whether a certain ability fits the criteria for delayed primary effect cos I can't tell how to tell... :p
EDIT: Never mind my previous question.
Hmmm, can a contestant submit more than 1 spell?
If you have any doubts about your idea fitting the theme, ask me about it. (You can PM me, catch me in the chat, etc.)

One submission per person. The last spell you submit will be the one judged / in the poll.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
nah, I dont really need it... its just that I took notice of what vexorian said, that recycling timers or groups are better than destroying/creating them.

Edit: And what about the duration of the delayed effect... what is the least acceptable duration?
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Level 23
Nov 29, 2006

No but let say 5 seconds... I was just comparing with the examples EF said. As for Doom the duration is unlimited, and for the Parasite its 30 seconds. But now when you say it, I guess is will be ok.
Level 13
Jun 5, 2008
nah, I dont really need it... its just that I took notice of what vexorian said, that recycling timers or groups are better than destroying/creating them.

Edit: And what about the duration of the delayed effect... what is the least acceptable duration?

cmon....just make the spell. Its DELAYED EFFECT so just make something that can be noticed before you are damaged or affected etc..(i know there can be damage before main effect, but cmon....just make it)
Level 24
May 9, 2007
Hmm, this does not match the examples, but I think that it classifies as a delayed effect.

Something that launches into the air, waits x seconds and decends having a effect?

Also would a trap count? Or a trap with a exparation timer?

I will probably join, but it depends on how my spell turns out.
Level 7
Nov 4, 2006
(Contest scoring:)
Polish (10 out of 50)

[*]Does the spell work? Does it work well?

[*]How many bugs are there?

[*]Is the tooltip well written, and the spell well presented?

[*]Does the spell work smoothly within Warcraft 3, or does it act eccentrically compared to the built-in spells?


So is it better to have a spell work smoothly with WC3 spells? Cause my concept so far will be sort of different than the others.
Level 4
Aug 9, 2004
I think you did not understand my question. I already read the first post, but I did it again.

"How useful is the spell? Is it just a cinematic spell?"

As I told before, my spell could be useful for a melee map, but not for an aos. Should I specify that "this spell has been created for a melee map" with my submission?

"Is the idea balanced, or is the spell too useless or too powerful?"

It's useless for an aos, too powerful for a hero arena, balanced for melee. Is it a problem,? I mean does it have to be balanced for lots of map type?
Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
I think you did not understand my question. I already read the first post, but I did it again.

"How useful is the spell? Is it just a cinematic spell?"

As I told before, my spell could be useful for a melee map, but not for an aos. Should I specify that "this spell has been created for a melee map" with my submission?

"Is the idea balanced, or is the spell too useless or too powerful?"

It's useless for an aos, too powerful for a hero arena, balanced for melee. Is it a problem,? I mean does it have to be balanced for lots of map type?
Basically, you will only really lose points for creating a spell that has basically no uses. It's about trying to make a spell that has some actual uses in the game, while also making it unique, and implementing it well.
Level 4
Aug 9, 2004
Global Time Shift v1.1

Here is my first wip. Will be glad if I can get some comments, because I really need it to improve this shit.

Global Time Shift
Made by BATI (Yddohu)


Hundreds of years before our time, a man known as "Shifter" learned how to cast this mysterious spell from the studies of Medivh. This spell [which is created by a mind that believes clocks have souls too] creates magical objects that has the ability to time travel those they hit. 5 seconds to install, then everything goes back.

  • Level 1 - 30 magical objects that will split into 500 range.
  • Level 2 - 37 magical objects that will split into 600 range.
  • Level 3 - 44 magical objects that will split into 700 range.
  • Level 4 - 51 magical objects that will split into 800 range.

Spell has not finished yet. There are still leaks to be cleaned, numbers to be balanced, effects to be changed.

Download Link:
[confirm="Time to time travel!"]View attachment Global_Time_Shift_v1.1.w3x[/confirm]

Credits goes to:
-OgeRfaCes for his TimeUp icon: BTN.TimeUp - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
-Matilda_Knights for his Time Rune model: Time Rune - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
-And Kattana for his Local Handle Vars.

Used Utilities:
-Local Handle Vars

Used 3rd Party Editors Used:
-Jass Newgen Pack
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very nice post, but lets hope your spell is worthy enough for it.

My spell however

(Based on SC Nuclear Missile)

[Nuclear Missile]
Begins Pointing the Position of the Nuke, which will fall in 10 seconds, dealing MAJOR damage to all units that get hit, and a blast of radiation will arise from the explosion making units that are affected by it get damaged over time, and units that die from the radiation will transform into zombies that are under your control.
(Radiation does not affect Heros)

Nuclear Missile - [Level 1]
1000 casting range
Nuclear Missile - [Level 2]
1200 casting range
Nuclear Missile - [Level 3]
1500 casting range

Im still not sure about how i can make the levels different for now,
and not sure about any leaks,
but enjoy the spell!


  • Just_Spec Zephyr 5.w3x
    32.3 KB · Views: 92
Level 4
Aug 9, 2004
There is a download link, so you can try my spell and tell me if it worths.

By the way, I checked your spell, it's an entertaining spell. (I restarted the map after I destroyed everything and did it again. Hahaha!) It's just, too powerful you know. But that's not important for me. It's a nice delayed spell and I do like zombies.

Level 7
Nov 4, 2006
Shadow Thunder:
Allows the hero to charge up 6 lightnings which when ordered to target an enemy (right click, spell, etc.) it will unleash a dark lightning strike which burns nearby units. Each strike will make the burn last longer and once the burn comes off, a summon appears. Not sure if it qualifies as delayed effect, but check for yourself :)


  • (Zephyr - Shadow Thunder 09).w3x
    135.8 KB · Views: 79
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Level 7
Nov 4, 2006
You're right. I did add the summon for the concept, but it's not in the rules that a spell can't be random right?

Btw, nice Time Shift spell, but (if possible) try to remove the shadows from the ... time guys the units go back to.
And the nuke was sort of fun. Might be a little laggy for an actual game (since you said "try playing someone who actually moves"). Also it doesn't affect heroes, so it might be useless in most games, since most are hero based, and in non hero based games like footies...itll be a little too overpowered I think.
Level 4
Aug 9, 2004
Thanks Beast, I checked out your spell too, and I liked it. The thing is, as you may already know, you have to add some special effects, or improve the ex-ones. Because in my first tries, I said that, "What the heck is going on? What does this spell do?" So maybe I am too dumb, or your spell needs some more info + effects. Keep up the good work.

I got no idea to clean those shadows at the moment. Because they are actually dummy units that are created from the type of the actual ones.
Level 4
Aug 9, 2004

Nice spell, I like that. Although I got tones of debug errors when I test it in jass newgen pack, there seems no problem with the spell. But I got a question.

"Each contestant must create a custom ability that's primary effect is delayed for some time."

What's the primary effect for your spell?
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
Well berz, I think the theme was meant, something small or nothing for a duration, and then the primary blast/effect at the end. Like a reversed shadow strike or a reversed frost nova. (or doom or parasite as EF said for instance)

You better check with them just in case
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