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Your 10 best games ever list

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Level 11
Mar 25, 2006
1 Warcraft 3 - nuff said
2 Diablo 2 - nuff said
3 Starcraft - nuff said
4 i dont know
5 i dont know 2
6 i dont know 2 exp
7 i dont know 3
8 i dont know 4
9 i dont know 5 deluxe
10 i dont know 6 the final sign of i dont know

fuck dota

Dude. Seriously. You're, liek, the greatest gamer I've ever seen, period.

Anywayyys, mine, mine..

1. Neverwinter Nights

2. Gothic I and II

3. Baldur's Gate II

4. Silent Hill series (the second game in particular)

5. Morrowind

6. LoK series

7. MGS series too

8. Ballance (lol, I'm not kidding)

9. Clive Barker's Undying

10. The two KOTOR's

They're not in an order, I can't say which is more favourite than which, I just like them all very much.
Level 3
Sep 6, 2008
1 - Dungeon keeper 1 !
2 - Sacrifice
3 - Medal of honor
4 - Baldurs gate 2
5 - Earth worm jim (sega) :thumbs_up:
6 - Wc3
7 - Heroes of might and magic 3
8 - Serious Sam 1
9 - Monkey Island 3
10 - Quake 2
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Level 25
May 11, 2007
1. Starcraft ( I grew up with this game, man the first cinematic with terran.. it was SCARY)
2. Warcraft III
3. Half-Life 2
4. Half-Life 1
5. Heroes III
6. Empire Earth
7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 1
8. Unreal Tournament 2004
9. Robin Hood: Legend of Sherwood
10. Settlers 3.

Those are the games I own/grew up with.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Super Smash Brothers Brawl:
Many and many argue about it being so much slower and worse than Melee and even 64, but i see this one as the supreme becouse of 1 thing : No damn fill-ins like Pichu and Roy, oh, and that it actually requires some thinking(some more thinking that is) than the precedors(dunt knuw huw tu spell dat).
Sure Pichu was a retarded idea, but you can just choose not to use him.
I just don't think brawl is as fun. Mostly due to the speed, especially falling speed, but also with the lack of wave dashing and other glitches. They actually improved the game, so why would they take it out? I still prefer playing melee over brawl.
Level 4
Jul 4, 2007
Here's my compilation:
  1. Doom
  2. The Neverhood
  3. Resident Evil 2
  4. SimCity 2000
  5. Red Baron
  6. Blood
  7. Quake II
  8. Wolfenstein 3D
  9. Myst Series
  10. Ganja Farmer
Level 9
Aug 13, 2007
Erm lets see

1: Warcraft III: for its endless playability
2: Morrowind: epic beyond epicness
3: Medieval Total War: sets the H for Huge battles
4: Star wars Galaxies: before the entire NGE bussiness
5: Red Alert 2 man i spend ages playing that game.. and for good reason
6: Oblivion a mere shadow of morrowind.. but still epic
7: Rome Total war: Romans and Barbarians YARR!!
8: Rollercoaster tycoon 2
9: WoW: Good rpg.. bust costs money and has boring quests
10: Age of empires I and II.. dang i played those for ages aswell.
11: Star wars Empires at war
12: Star Wars the new republic
13: Warhammer dawn of War
14: Titan Quest
15: Star wars Kotor 1 & 2

Special awards:
LOTR BFME 1 2: for the most unbalanced game ive ever played.
Red Alert 3: for boring me the quickest

Oh and being in my top 10 is a honor itself.. ive played tons of games
1:WC3-Love the editor
2:WoW:WotLK-(Levelling up my god damn mage to 55 so i can make a death knight!)
3:LotR games (third age,RotK,TTT,and im waiting to get Conquest for my birthday)
4:Donkey Kong 64-Thats right bitch
5:Mario 64- =)
6:Starcraft-Had fun with it
7:Starship Troopers 2005 PC game-Nothing much to say its an OK game
8:Star Wars games
10:DS Games-I got R4 so i got lots of games but i dont play DS alot i just play like once or twice a month

Overall i say the old games like NES or SNES or Nintendo 64...*Memory*Damn those were the good times when i was a kid playing Nintendo 64 and SNES with donkey kong and mario*wipes tears*THOSE WERE SOME GOOD TIMES!
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
How can you be an adult then? :huh:

He's 20?

1. Warcraft 3 - Come on man, this never gets boring does it?
2. Call of Duty 4 - One of the best shooters ever made, WaW is just a freaking copy of it!
3. Call of Duty 2 - It was fun for the time being, very fun it seems because my total playing time on xfire is 456 hours.
4. Diablo II - Surely to be replaced by diablo 3 soon, i played the game out for like 3-4 times.
5. GTA IV (PC) - Better than SA in all ways, graphics, freedom, things to do, it rocks.
6. Left 4 Dead - Best and only zombie game that was so addictive fun and not creepy at all!
7. World of Warcraft - It's a very addictive game, but things go to slow for my taste.
8. -
9. -
10. -
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Little Big Adventure II is an absolutely beautiful game, and anyone that tries to tell you otherwise is a fool. Witty, challenging (but not too challenging), wonderfully stylised, extremely well-polished.

If you think you're too mature to appreciate something like that, then you're not mature at all.
Level 7
Dec 17, 2008
1. Warcraft 3
2.warcraft 3
3.warcraft 3
4.warcraft 3
5.warcraft 3
6.warcraft 3
7.warcraft 3
8.warcraft 3
9.warcraft 3
10.warcraft 3
i love warcraft 3 duh!!
Level 9
Aug 28, 2005
Here's my list. In no particular order:
Mafia - ten times better than the childish gta. Great story.
Warcraft 3 - WE is the greatest thing ever, bla bla. You know the drill.
Red Alert 2 - just great. Kirov reporting
Dawn of War - pure awesomeness. sucky campaigns
Freelancer - best cinematic intro ever. great gameplay.
Heroes 3 - classic's best
Fahrenheit - original + great story
Starcraft - oldschool legend
Prince of Persia - best action adventure
HalfLife - best shooter

+many more...
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Really? I definetly think it's worth a 10/10
From what I've seen of the game (my friend owns it), it doesn't seem that great. The story is interesting, but the gameplay is lackluster. The hacking mini-game looked stupid, and you use it far too often.
From what I've seen of the game (my friend owns it), it doesn't seem that great. The story is interesting, but the gameplay is lackluster. The hacking mini-game looked stupid, and you use it far too often.

Well its everything a pov (point of view), but I think you don't need hacking at any time. You are free to hack and/or to not hack. It doesn't matter, it just gives some extras.

Well and the gameplay is interesting and great, I don't know which difficulty he played but the game is awesome.
Level 13
May 11, 2008
assuming you're just talking about video games and not also card/board games etc.

i just listed these. they're not ranked. i put a reason for why they're on the list in parentheses

1.warcraft 3 (the best role playing strategy game, and easiest to make minigames out of that i've tried with)
2.starcraft (the best real time strategy game)
3.final fantasy ix (final fantasy game with very good music and fun restrictive system)
4.final fantasy vii (one of the better final fantasy titles. very good, lots of flavor)
5.saga frontier ( the best rpg ever. everything is great about it)
6.civilization (the most influential turn base strategy game and very educational as well)
7.master of orion (the best turn based strategy game ever)
8.street fighter alpha 3 (had a very cool fighter customize system, very nice)
9.tekken 4 (had some really good level design for a fighting game, plus had replays)
10.space wars (a game that is really old and i don't have access to anymore)
11.hostile takeover (my favorite turn based strategy game, anyone have the sequel?)
12. worms (sortof a copy-cat of scorched earth with a twist toward lemmings?? Humorous and fun)
13. scorched earth (a tank style turn based strategy game...or is it a turn based shooting game? or what kinda game is it again? i'm not sure)
14. lufia 2 (best nintendo rpg that i've played, puzzles and drama, and a special 100 floor dungeon
15. final fantasy first for nintendo (4 chaos and garland etc) (great music, lots of drama)
16. ultimate mortal kombat (fantastic style fighting game)
17. rival schools (very very very very intesrsting fighting game. love the high school characters)
18. pokemon game boy game (any version, craziest coolest rpg around, but nowhere near as epic as saga frontier and not as homey as dewprism)
19. ffx-2 (an extremely creative game. great music including songs you HATE. international version is better than the first one and lets you play with other than the 3 main battle members. main thing i don't really like about it is that it flashes around the prettiness of the main characters so much. if you can get past that, this game rises above all other ff games. only thing it's missing is a freaking checklist for your 100 percent to complete the game! lol...)
20. saga frontier 2. (lots of fun story but not much else. good battling system but underdeveloped throughout the game. game overall seems too little effort put into it. fantastic music and the story is great too. not really even an rpg but a spg, story playing game.)
21. command and conquer tiberian sun. (this game has some cool ideas. never got around to trying the newer stuff but i don't know about all that C&C stuff...the different discs not playing on some OS really is aggravating. if C&C were more user friendly it would be a great game.)
22. mortal kombat 3D (still waiting for the ultimate mortal kombat 3D though...)
23 dewprism/threads of fate (one of the funniest and fun rpg games around)
24 star wars masters of teras kasi and jedi power battles (two best SW games)
25. pokemon puzzle league (songs from the soundtrack, and this game is even better than tetris!!!)
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Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
looked like an avarege shooter were you shoot zombies. Is it even scary :D ? Dead Space is the only game with zombies i respect. It scared the hell out of me!

Well, you don't shoot zombies at all. You shoot(or beat, or shoot bees at) men and women from the city who have become crazed from using too much plasmids(a genetic thingie which improves your abilities and also gives you new ones, like shooting fire).

I'm not sure if you could call it scary, but it's really psychotic, which is what gives me the chills(while zombies don't).

and @ Gilles

I don't know how much you've seen of it, and it's also a matter of opinion, but i think that the gameplay is great, with great AI to power it up.
After all, it's one of the few FPS games i've loved(or even liked)
Yep, magical zombies.


Holy shit and that is hosted on blizzcraft?
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
1. Warcraft 3 TFT.
2. Secret of Mana. (SNES)
3. Secret of Evermore. (SNES)
4. Megaman Starforce 2: Zerker X Saurian (DS).
5. Terranigma. (SNES)
6. Lufia. (SNES)
7. All Spellforce parts(Spellforce - Order of Dawn + all addons, Spellforce 2 - War of Shadow(or Shadow of War or something like that + Spellforce 2 - Dragon Storm.
8. Megaman Starforce: Dragon (DS).
9. Hellgate: London
10. Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: LOD.
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